Those Annoying Little Comments



  • lightmouse
    lightmouse Posts: 175 Member
    "why aren't you coming to *insert fast food chain* with us, you could do with a burger" - I like burgers, just not the excuses for burgers that those places serve. Come round mine for a BBQ and I'll show you a burger :laugh:

    "why are you going for a run when you are skinny enough already" - I'm not doing it to get skinny, I'm doing it because I enjoy it.

    "I hope you're eating properly" - said to me this morning as I was pouring a protein shake over my granola. Yes, I eat perfectly sensibly thank you and that is why I am not fat.
  • lightmouse
    lightmouse Posts: 175 Member
    6. You are so pale, you are pasty, you are the colour of a milk bottle. Why don't you tan? You should use some bronzer. I'm pale- I love it. I don't tan- never have and I look younger for my age than my freinds who do tan. Don't comment on my skin colour or I'll start calling you racist.

    I get this. "You're so pale! Are you eating?" YES, I'M JUST GINGER YOU IDIOT

    :laugh: oh my, how did I forget this one!!! "you'd look so much better with a bit of colour". I am a colour. Very pale is a colour...
  • mrsslls
    mrsslls Posts: 41 Member
    I got asked if I was "happy". What is that supposed to mean? Because I'm overweight I must be miserable? Fat people laugh too you know......
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I'm reading all of these things and all I can think is that I wish I had lost enough weight for people to start saying rude things about my smallness.


    Me too! I would be like "Thanks, I worked my *kitten* off to get this small!"
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    Reading most of these really shocked me - I must be so lucky to have people around me who never say mean or thoughtless things! Somebody said they though I looked 'very glamorous' the other day - I took that as a compliment that I had lost weight (at my age 'glamorous' is open to debate!) - someone else said I looked 'slimmer' - I took it as a compliment cos I know it was kindly intended and I was pleased that my new lifestyle was having an effect on my appearance. That is the sum total of the comments about my appearance in - ooh- about 6 months. Hubby says I look stronger and can walk quicker and further!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    1) "Hey, there, Skinny Minnie!" a) My name is not Minnie b) skinny is not a complement. Fit, thinner, healthy/healthier - those are complements. Skinny says you are jealous

    OMG, I HATE THIS!!! My neighbor can't just just say Hi, she calls me skinny minnie, even though I've asked her not to a hundred times. She also threatens to come workout with me (I workout at home) and of course never does (thank goodness)
  • oxsarahhxo
    "OMG, you're gluten free? What can you even eat?!" - everyone, ever. SCREW YOU. its coeliac not a fad. :sad: :explode:

    "WOW, you've lost weight. Well done. Keep it up" OMG are you saying I still need to lose?! no need, no need at all.

    *I have my hair styled into a longer fringe/bangs so that I can sweep it to the side*. "Oh, you have had a hair cut since I last saw you! but dont you just hate how fast your fringe grows?!" no, because I had it styled to be this length. ok so not a diet-related comment but still annoying!
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    At work, so can't read all the thread before commenting sooooo BUMP FOR LATER :-)
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    "You can't eat that cookie, you're on a diet!"

    Nope, I'm on a healthy lifestyle change. And I can eat the cookie, I factored it in.
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    just now my boss saw me entering calories and looking at delicious recipes, wondering what to cook tonight (this btw ), and he threw his arms up in the air, shaking his head and said "thats no life!!!"

    umm.. everything i eat is delicious and lots, how is that no life? no life would be eating a pizza for lunch and then being out of calories to spend. im just being smart.
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    "You can't eat that cookie, you're on a diet!"

    Nope, I'm on a healthy lifestyle change. And I can eat the cookie, I factored it in.

    ive heard a lot of that too, so annoying!
  • CassandraBurgos83
    CassandraBurgos83 Posts: 544 Member
    Why are you working out so hard I don't see why you put yourself through that....

    Are you doing this for you or is your husband making you?

    Why do you lift so heavy, do you want to be built like a man?

    You mus have a lot going on in your personal life to be so focused on your can tell you are taking your frustrations out on the weights?

    I bet she leaves her husband when she is finished changing her body...

    Howe do you eat all of that crap and stay so small?

    You really use to have boobs?

    She's to little to lift that...gasp Holy Shi* she just lifted that 12 times, I bet she takes creatine or something else (WTF)

    Why do you workout?

    Why are you eating a quart of ice cream..if you didn't eat that you wouldn't have to workout?

    etc etc
  • jd5351
    jd5351 Posts: 116 Member

    -“You’re skinny enough already!” Uhm, thanks… I wasn’t trying to get skinny. I was trying to get fit.

    I get this often. I'm not obese, but I am overweight. I weigh more than I look, and I've mastered the art of dressing myself to conceal my Trust me, they are there. And it's not really the number on the scale that I'm concerned about as much as being healthy and liking the way I look.
  • Kinseykick
    I just hate the eye rolls I get from my bf for my healthy lifestyle choices.

    Him: "What do you want for dinner?" Me: "Something healthy, I found this recipe for...." Him: -eye roll-
    Me: "Hey its beautiful out, wanna come for a jog with me and the dog?" Him: -eye roll-
    Me: -reading all the labels on food- Him: "What are you doing?" Me: "Trying make sure I reach my calorie goal" Him: -eye roll-

    You get he point
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    "Don't you miss your boobs?" Well, yeah, but it's definitely worth the trade off. I'm back to my original size and that's fine by me.

    "You look great, but were fine before!" Thanks ever so much for -that- opinion, but I'm going to have to strongly disagree. I like how I look naked, now, when before I had serious issues looking in the mirror. While I realize that it's meant with good intentions, this is still the one that gets to me the most.

    "Stop losing weight!" I had already stopped. I'd been maintaining for 2 months the last time I got this one.
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    Why are you working out so hard I don't see why you put yourself through that....

    Are you doing this for you or is your husband making you?

    Why do you lift so heavy, do you want to be built like a man?

    You mus have a lot going on in your personal life to be so focused on your can tell you are taking your frustrations out on the weights?

    I bet she leaves her husband when she is finished changing her body...

    Howe do you eat all of that crap and stay so small?

    You really use to have boobs?

    She's to little to lift that...gasp Holy Shi* she just lifted that 12 times, I bet she takes creatine or something else (WTF)

    Why do you workout?

    Why are you eating a quart of ice cream..if you didn't eat that you wouldn't have to workout?

    etc etc

    My grandma says this one to me a lot. I sent her this and she doesn't complain so much any more (although the weights I use are admittedly larger).

  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    This is a takeoff on a thread from a different board I frequent. It’s really interesting to see what people have to say. Whether you are male, female, skinny, athletic, overweight, vegan, vegetarian, on the paleo diet, no diet, whatever we all have those frustrating comments we hear over and over again while we are on our path to a healthier life.... So I ask you… what annoying comments do you always seem to hear?

    Note: This thread is NOT meant to be an attack thread. PURELY a venting/relating thread, since we’ve all been there. We can’t change the world, we can only change ourselves ;)

    Here are a couple of mine:

    -“You’re skinny enough already!” Uhm, thanks… I wasn’t trying to get skinny. I was trying to get fit.

    -“I didn’t invite you out to ____ restaurant because I know you’ve been trying to eat better.” Gee, thanks for excluding me. I am totally able to control myself when at a restaurant.

    "It's so unfair. I eat really healthily, do lots of exercise and weigh all my food religiously and still put on weight (WHY ARENT I LOSING WEIGHT?!?!?!!!!), yet you eat 10 pizzas a day and dont put on a single pound".

    Oh, how much easier things could be if people told the truth....
  • vlmay1955
    vlmay1955 Posts: 100 Member
    "You're cold all the time because you're skinny," is the one I hear constantly from my boyfriend, roommates, coworkers...dude. I was cold all the time when I was 25 lbs heavier. I'm just cold. Sorry seeing me all bundled up makes you feel like you need to comment constantly.

    It's such a stupid thing but it's like every day from someone. I'm just a cold person! I have bad circulation!

    Ya I'm cold all the time too and I get the same comments. I am 58 and I've been this way pretty much my whole life, even when I too weighed more than I do now. I also have Reynaud's Syndrome (poor circulation in my hands and feet when they get cold) which doesn't make it any better. Wish I could feel warm like these other people do but I just can't.
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    "OMG, you're gluten free? What can you even eat?!" - everyone, ever. SCREW YOU. its coeliac not a fad. :sad: :explode:

    "WOW, you've lost weight. Well done. Keep it up" OMG are you saying I still need to lose?! no need, no need at all.

    *I have my hair styled into a longer fringe/bangs so that I can sweep it to the side*. "Oh, you have had a hair cut since I last saw you! but dont you just hate how fast your fringe grows?!" no, because I had it styled to be this length. ok so not a diet-related comment but still annoying!

    hehehe that last one made me lol....literally :laugh:
  • acpgranberg
    acpgranberg Posts: 137 Member
    People say weird things to me all the time. I need to lose 70lbs to get in a healthy 150lbs. The first 5lbs I lost, a "friend" I haven't seen forever looked at me and said "You are going to get an eating disorder."

    Thanks but I can do without your "support."