Those Annoying Little Comments



  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    from more than one person: "You'll just gain it back. Everyone does."
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    1) "Hey, there, Skinny Minnie!" a) My name is not Minnie b) skinny is not a complement. Fit, thinner, healthy/healthier - those are complements. Skinny says you are jealous

    2) Don't ask me what I'm doing and then get huffy when I tell you all I've done is eat less than I want most of the time. I can't make you want to to weigh less/be fitter more than you want to eat ALL the food. I can and have made myself eat up to a certain number of calories and stop because I don't want knee replacements. That number of calories is more satisfying eating nutrient dense foods than birthday cake, but that doesn't mean I gave up birthday cake.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    2) Don't ask me what I'm doing and then get huffy when I tell you all I've done is eat less than I want most of the time.
    Ha. I find that people just look disappointed when I tell them I just eat less and move more. They want to hear about some cool new diet breakthrough.
  • Samby_v1
    Samby_v1 Posts: 202 Member
    Those people need to KgoIF.gif

    I've made friends here because I can't talk about it on FB without some dufus saying 'I don't think you need to lose weight, you looked fine the other day...' Yes, because the other day I'd already been doing my workout routine for a month, silly! You also haven't seen me without my clothes on - you don't know what I'm hiding and what's wrong with wanting to be fit? Another translated my goals (decrease body fat percentage, lift heavy things) as the beginnings of anorexia and I had a hard time trying to convince him that I wasn't aiming for a 'skinny fat' look...

    There's one person out of all my friends who remotely understands, and that's because he's recomped his body. Totally inspiring work. Slightly dreading a night out with two friends who've never broken a sweat in their lives because I just know they'll try and pressure me to drink loads. My own mother seems to be developing a strange affliction where she expresses concern that I'll start looking like Arnie, I explain why I can't become Mrs Hulk without chowing down on the 'roids, and then I have to explain it all again next time I see her. While eating at a deficit.

    So yeah, all I'd say is don't expect anyone who's not on a similar journey to understand why you're doing what you're doing or even celebrate when you hit a target. Hooray for MFP!

  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    From people significantly heavier than me......"You don't even need to lose weight." Yes, I do. Just because I am not as overweight as some people doesn't automatically make me not overweight.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I am vegan the amount of ignorant & rude comments I get is astronomical
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I get: are you really going to eat that? (yes I am)
  • Natmarie73
    Natmarie73 Posts: 287 Member
    When a work colleague sees me eating fruit or plain salad - "Why are you on a diet when you're already so slim?" or variations of the theme.

    I'm not on a diet to lose weight, I eat healthy because I like to eat healthy and I want to nourish my body and live a long healthy life and I want to lose fat and build muscle.

    And my hubby calling me "Anna" short for anorexic everytime I don't want to eat anything fattening, or saying I will look like a man if I keep going to the gym.

    I'm lucky that I have great supportive friends who don't try to sabotage me or bug me to drink too much when we go out for dinner.
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    "Are you resting? You don't need to work out. Take some rest."

    I get this for studying too. Family don't seem to understand that achieving my goals is what satisfies me and that I take enough rest for me.

    In a similar vein: "Are you eating enough? Are you eating? Have a treat. Have a snack."

    Used to have an ED so I understand the concern that comes behind it, but I feel like I'm going to be treated like a 5-year-old for the rest of my life at this rate!
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    You're too skinny.

    Hell the word skinny and I don't belong in the same sentence. I think people think it is a compliment so I never let them know it's annoying I smile and make a joke with them about it. I've had lots of good comments too and I know people generally mean well.
  • Chipidies
    Chipidies Posts: 628 Member
    "Oh, you're one of THOSE." - never could understand that one since I keep my food habits/lifestyle to myself.

    I also recently quit drinking, and the backlash and abuse from friends over that has been incredibly hurtful. Time for new friends.
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 506 Member
    When I told my husband that my doctor would like to see me lose 75 lbs to help control my diabetes and high blood pressure, his response was "You'll look like a stick!" Since then I don't mention my weight lose plans, loses, etc. to him.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    People don't understand why I should go to the gym, as I'm not planning to lose weight. Women doing strength training must be freaks huh.
    And as someone who hasn't eaten meat since the age of 10, I've heard it all. Including people telling me you can only be vegetarian for a little while, and in a year or two I'll see that I'll start developing issues. Then I tell them how long I've been veg...
  • Samby_v1
    Samby_v1 Posts: 202 Member
    "Oh, you're one of THOSE." - never could understand that one since I keep my food habits/lifestyle to myself.

    I also recently quit drinking, and the backlash and abuse from friends over that has been incredibly hurtful. Time for new friends.

    Is that really the only way? All my friends are alcoholics and since getting fit I have no tolerance for it, or the desire to exercise on a hangover the next day! Also, am in the UK so finding non heavy drinkers may prove impossible.
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 904 Member
    This is a takeoff on a thread from a different board I frequent. It’s really interesting to see what people have to say. Whether you are male, female, skinny, athletic, overweight, vegan, vegetarian, on the paleo diet, no diet, whatever we all have those frustrating comments we hear over and over again while we are on our path to a healthier life.... So I ask you… what annoying comments do you always seem to hear?

    Note: This thread is NOT meant to be an attack thread. PURELY a venting/relating thread, since we’ve all been there. We can’t change the world, we can only change ourselves ;)

    Here are a couple of mine:

    -“You’re skinny enough already!” Uhm, thanks… I wasn’t trying to get skinny. I was trying to get fit.

    -“I didn’t invite you out to ____ restaurant because I know you’ve been trying to eat better.” Gee, thanks for excluding me. I am totally able to control myself when at a restaurant.

    I get annoyed when someone tells me that I am GOING to eat something (even if I don't want it).
  • andreaaaaah
    andreaaaaah Posts: 19 Member
    "Oh, you're one of those" When eating a protein bar at work
    "Meh" Telling my dad about running my fastest 10k time ever this year (1:10:00)
    "But you look so skinny, you look better than I do! I look disgusting" Telling my best friend (who weighs 50lbs less than me) that I'm frustrated with my scale not moving
    "Don't lose any more weight, you'll look sick" When I was losing weight to cure my sickness (IIH currently in remission)
    "That looks healthy!" Loudly exclaimed in the lunchroom full of people at work while everyone was eating crap around me
    "What happened? You looked so good before" Seeing someone who hasn't seen me since I put some of the weight I lost 3 years ago back on

    That's all for now I think, ahaha
  • zivasak
    zivasak Posts: 88
    The worst part for me and that was before I actually changed my diet even further to drop the excess fat and balance my hormones was when I was invited by 2 GOOD friends, unrelated, at different a different time and place, for dinner. I don't eat pork for religious reasons, primarily. In both instances, they cooked pork without my knowledge, telling me it was 100% ground beef. I only found out because they just could not keep their story straight. I am an epicurean and love eating with friends and family. Needless to say, respecting someone's diet has become a big deal criterion for friendship. No longer eating their food. I felt violated but I have a big heart: NOT forgotten but forgiven.*

    Now I am on LCHF, people keep asking me if I am doing it for medical reasons.

    Don't ask what you can do for your country but what's for lunch, right? Other's diet seems to be a big issue for some. Not sure why. Would be interesting to find a research paper out there on the subject.

    All in all, I love how 99,9% have been truly supportive. Loving the attention :blushing:

    EDIT *
  • Chipidies
    Chipidies Posts: 628 Member
    "Oh, you're one of THOSE." - never could understand that one since I keep my food habits/lifestyle to myself.

    I also recently quit drinking, and the backlash and abuse from friends over that has been incredibly hurtful. Time for new friends.

    Is that really the only way? All my friends are alcoholics and since getting fit I have no tolerance for it, or the desire to exercise on a hangover the next day! Also, am in the UK so finding non heavy drinkers may prove impossible.

    It's too bad that so-called friends think that shaming someone for their self-improvement decisions is all right to do. I've gotten to the age where I don't recover quickly anymore!
  • MrsPaulSmith
    MrsPaulSmith Posts: 401 Member
    After I became a strict vegetarian my mom keeps telling me how many vitamins I am deficient. Tired? Bored? Sick? Hungry? Want to change your life? I read on line that such and such vitamin deficiency will cause that.
  • childhoodshour00
    childhoodshour00 Posts: 23 Member
    "Lose weight or you're fired. No one will tell you this but no one trusts fat people"

    WHAT THE ACTUAL F#*K? Did someone actually tell you this!!?!