Those Annoying Little Comments



  • Arranna1212
    Arranna1212 Posts: 143 Member
    I really don't know why it bothers me.. but I HATE IT when people told me "i can see you're losing weight! you can really tell in your face!" and that was when I hadn't even lost 5 lbs yet. They just knew I was working out because I posted it on FB. I know they're trying to be nice, but it erks me so hardcore.
  • jennycina93
    jennycina93 Posts: 127 Member
    I think this is something already said but I one friend in particular who tells me that I am too obsessed with MFP. It's annoying because 1) I am not obsessed, I track my calories daily for every meal and I would not have been able to lose weight without it (I've tried and failed) and 2) its not like I don't eat or anything, anybody who reads my diary can see that I clearly eat everyday. I like to think that maybe others are jealous of my weight loss haha
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I don't get negative comments but from the neighbors I get almost every single day.. wow how much you lost now? or man you look good or high fiving me as I walk by them... don't get me wrong, its nice that people notice but like I said its on a daily basis. Sort of gets annoying but I dotn let that show. my neighbors have been my biggest cheerleaders since day one and I started walking and swimming in the pool at 234lbs. it is what it is, I guese

    I got this like weekly from my neighbor last summer when I first started MFP, and now she never says anything - since maybe like November - and I know it's SO silly but in the back of my head I'm thinking, "Does she think I regained?" which is ridiculous I know!! hehe Maybe eventually they will chill out.

    I am honestly NOT complaining about this - but when I was at my heaviest I worked for a large nonprofit and they would always take dozens of photos of me (and all staff) every week, and those cringe-inducing photos were probably my biggest reason for starting to lose weight way back in '08. I worked SO HARD to lose about 40 lb while I was still working there but no one noticed or commented. Not a big deal...but now that I have lost an additional 70+ lb I keep running into these people I worked with there, and their reactions are SO extreme and sometimes a little embarrassing...I'm happy when they say "Hey you look great!" or something, but I have had some of these former coworkers SCREAM "Oh my god!" about it in the middle of a store. I do look slimmer. But seriously folks I don't look THAT It kind of makes me feel like I previously resembled a 50 ton sea monster.
  • rachrach7595
    rachrach7595 Posts: 151 Member
    My dad and uncles used to say whenever I ate anything that wasn't a carrot that, "watch out, you'll get fat!" I understood that they meant it as a joke but I did end up in tears a few times before I was able to stop letting it hurt my feelings

    OMG my dear old Dad (sadly departed) did that too, while stuffing his face with ice cream. Then again, he was from the generation that thought fat definitely was a feminist issue. While it didn't upset me, me and my Mum did wonder at his intentions. It wasn't funny the first or 17th time so why he said it pretty much all of my life from adolescence onwards is a secret I'll never know. Glad it hasn't warped your attitude to food!

    My dad used to say "your getting too fat", "you need to lose weight", "I will pay for your ticket to thailand if you lose 20kgs". God rest his soul he never meant to be hurtful, he was a wonderful man and I loved him to bits he just wasn't very good with being tactful :D My mother on the other hand...well.... Im not going into that.
  • ezloshead
    ezloshead Posts: 167 Member
    I'm sorry you all are having these problems. People really need to keep their thoughts to themselves. My dad used to make comments about me gaining weight or my butt getting big. He even said it to a friend of mine (who is skinny fat and scary weak) right in front of me. She didn't stick up for me or anything. She just told him me and her would go out and walk together even though she never even leaves her room. I was probably healthier than her even with an extra forty pounds.

    Last time my dad made the fat comment I just looked him in the eyes and said "You're an @$$hole!" and walked away. He never did it again.
  • DayByDayGetStronger
    DayByDayGetStronger Posts: 108 Member
    After my body lift and brachioplasty last November, I'm quickly learning who is on my side and who isn't. Funny thing is, my sisters are non-supportive in my new physique and my goal to have all the excess skin removed from my body this year. I'm down 80lbs and it sucks that a positive comment cannot come from my sister's mouth. I know it's jealousy since I'm no longer the fattest sister. I embrace the support of my friends and husband and love their encouragement. I know relationships change after weight loss, but this drastic? It feels so odd.
  • Veronica1048
    Veronica1048 Posts: 5 Member
    You look the same! Grrrrrr
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Nothing, because I keep myself to myself in real life, only have one friend, who like myself, is on the autistic spectrum and not interested in small talk.
    Only person who comments is my mother, who tells me I look thin.
  • hennaj22
    hennaj22 Posts: 30 Member
    I've had 3 people try to convince me to start taking diet pills or some magical potion drink when they found out I was working on losing weight. I've lost 17lbs in the last month and a half by simply eating better and working out 5-6 days a week. Why would I want to put some magical pills in my body if I can do it by myself? Plus, I'm losing weight at a pretty fast pace already so I feel like if I add diet pills I will lose it way too fast and end up with lots of extra skin.
  • dreams4sale
    I've had people say, "you're too skinny" or "if you lose any more weight you'll be too skinny" or "you're sooooooo skinny."
    They're all irritating. Just don't comment on my weight and I won't comment on yours, how 'bout that.
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    I'm not trying to highjack this thread, but.... could you also add what you would LIKE to hear?
    saying nothing is bad because you would like your weight loss to be at least noticed
    saying 'you look great!' implies, I guess... that you didn't before?
    knowing my luck, if I say "wow, your hard work is really showing", the person will be fighting some disease :noway:

    I haven't lost enough for anyone but my hubby to notice (and I'm not quite sure he isn't just being nice ), but, seriously, what would you like your friends to say when their entire intent is to compliment you?:huh:

  • Leira03
    Leira03 Posts: 5
    "Have you thought about asking your doctor about getting your stomach stapled like me?'
    -my mom

    Just stop! I don't want the surgery. It completely messed up her stomach causing chronic pain and an ulcer that had started internally bleeding and that she has been dealing with for over the four years since she got the stupid surgery.

    She didn't want to do the work associated with losing weight, so everytime she asks me if I want to grab something to eat and I tell her I'm watching what I eat, she tells me that maybe I should look into it.
  • TattooedNici
    TattooedNici Posts: 2,141 Member
    You don't need to lose that *kitten*!" and cue (sp?) in the sexual comments that follow right behind (no pun) it. I've always, always, always had this "curse" and what people don't understand is, it's not beneficial, especially when you're looking for jeans that fit and that are flattering, or you're visiting a tailor for your work uniforms because of a certain problem area isn't cooperating. Not only am I "cursed" with an *kitten*, I come with doublewide hips. It's a constant struggle when you're being taped for weigh ins in the service and you're marked as overweight because of an inch here and there. I do a lot of cardio, eat right and look for ways to lose this *kitten*. According to the Navy PRT standards, the PRT coordinator is directed to tape around the largest portion of your *kitten* and that's how your hips are measured. Yeah, you read that right. I challenged the coordinator many times until one of them finally showed me the instruction. So, yeah, I have an *kitten* that'll feed people for centuries or make another celebutante famous. Hey, I'll take this as motivation to keep on doing cardio, because I need all that I can get. Cardio that is. :laugh:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    "Muscle weighs more than fat."


    neither does fat. An overnight 10lb gain is water.
    "Calories in Vs Calories out"


    maybe the calculator wasn't appropriate for you (i.e. it overestimated your BMR), or you did the maths wrong (e.g. wrong activity factor, being inaccurate logging/weighing food)

    because if you didn't lose weight for weeks you were eating at maintenance, not below TDEE. The number of calories you ate while your weight was stable for weeks is your TDEE. If it's less than the calculator predicted, then that's because the calculator is based on averages and not everyone is average. If you were not accurate about weighing/logging food then you could have been eating 25% more calories than you thought. If you were totally accurate about logging/weighing and you're maintaining your weight at a much lower number than the calculators predict, it could be an indication of a medical issue (e.g. hypothyroid) so you should get that checked out.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    When people offer me meat, or processed food, and look shocked when i don't want it, when they KNEW i don't eat that anymore. "Oh, are you STILL on a DIET!?!?!?" - I'm not on a diet, that's the way i eat!

    Or when some bro guy says something like, "Oh, you don't have huge muscles, even though you don't lift? Your diet must be lacking nutrients..." As if eating alone will build huge muscles.

    your diet IS lacking in nutrients though. You just think it's not because you delude yourself that humans are herbivores. Even if you did lift you would not get enough protein from your diet to grow any muscles.

    Note: this is based on this user's past history on this forum and him repeatedly giving incorrect, potentially dangerous advice, and promoting his unhealthy diet which is seriously lacking in protein. Not because he's vegan (a vegan diet can be healthy) but because he thinks humans only need tiny amounts of protein. very high carb, very low fat, low protein diet = unhealthy and lacking in nutrients.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Things like this are why I don't generally talk about my weight loss...I just do it and let people notice the results!

    ETA: Man, people say some sh***y things!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    After I became a strict vegetarian my mom keeps telling me how many vitamins I am deficient. Tired? Bored? Sick? Hungry? Want to change your life? I read on line that such and such vitamin deficiency will cause that.
    I hate that! It's such a common misconception that animal products are loaded with nutrients, while plants are somehow devoid of micros. It's the other way around!!!! Veg*ns get more nutrition than most!

    strawman argument.... animal products are full of nutrients: protein, fat, fat soluble vitamins, iron. I've never come across anyone claiming that plant foods are devoid of micronutrients, ever. Everyone knows they're full of vitamins, minerals and fibre.

    Both plant foods and animal foods are full of nutrients. People who eat omnivorous diets are aware of this, and don't try to deny the nutritional values of any foods. Most vegans don't deny the nutritional value of animal products, they use that information to enable themselves to get those nutrients from plants instead.

    It annoys me when people spend their life on these forums systematically demonising foods, like you do with animal products.
  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member
    I just tell them to go f*** themselves. They keep their mouths shut after that.
  • culo97
    culo97 Posts: 256 Member
    I hate being treated like a food guru just because I'm fat. In a grocery store, I'll pick up an item I've never seen before to check out the label. (Or sometimes they look into my shopping cart.) Some, non-fat person, will pounce, asking in a borderline rude way, how I like the item. Sometimes going as far as to ask how I like it compared to something else I may or may not know about. Implying that I must eat tons of it so I should have a strong opinion. The worst is when the cashier is the one making comments. No way to avoid them.

    If this just happened once or twice in my life, I wouldn't notice or care. But it happens about 2 out of 5 times when I go shopping. Seems to happen more as I get older.

    What happened to "mind your own business" and "don't bother people" in public places?

    Another thing I hate is when people try to pressure you into eating against your will. I'm an adult. I know when I'm not hungry or thirsty. I see what's available. I don't need other people to tell me to get a slice of pizza, a soft drink or whatever it is they want me to eat in front of them so they can feel superior to the fat lady.

    By now, I have a string of smart-*kitten* responses to these situations. It's not always nice but it does get people to shut-up and move on.
  • belanna5
    belanna5 Posts: 85 Member
    Mom:"I don't like that dress on you, it shows the fat on your hips"
    *five minutes later*
    "you should eat more, you are too skinny"

    Mom, you confuses me. Please don't.