Boyfriend hindering my progress



  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Focus on you for sure, but on a side note I think it's pretty shallow of you to be upset that his weight gain is "noticeable" and not very attractive."

    Why do people associate wanting to be attracted to your partner as 'shallow'?

    This. Nice and sweet and funny only go so far. Physical attraction is important.

    Depends. Size of package and a paper bag with Ryan Reynolds'face on it might help

    Even if everything else feels like a Hefty bag full of meat?

    "You'll be my hefty Ryan Reynolds. "

    Okay, fair point. :laugh:
  • joan23_us
    joan23_us Posts: 263 Member
    I've been with my boyfriend for about half of a year, and this has the potential to be a very successful relationship. He's great and I couldn't be happier, however weight is becoming an issue with both of us.

    Since the start of the relationship, I gained 10 lbs and felt my clothes getting tight, so I joined Weight Watchers (for the umpteenth time :/). He's also gained weight. about 20-30 lbs, but he's not working toward getting rid of it. He quit smoking (which I was really pushing for), and I'm proud of him for that, but he says that now he can taste food so much more and keeps putting on weight.

    When I'm alone, I cook all natural foods, primarily fruits, vegetables and grains (I track using WW, but I don't like their forums). But when he's in the picture, there is always junk food around.

    I've tried explaining to him that I'm trying to lose weight, but he told me not to because he likes the way I am right now. That's very nice, but not helpful since I'm 180 lbs and 5'6" (female).

    I want him to lose weight with me because his weight gain is starting to become noticeable. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to *gently* push him toward losing the weight he gained? It's all in his belly and it's not very attractive or healthy. I insist on cooking, but sometimes he just shows up with food and he only has junk at his place.

    im married for almost ten years now.... me and mrs. are on the same boat, i dont force her to weigh her foods by the grams, i dont enforce anything, but I do tell her sometimes to not bring in the house rubbish foods as it will make it easier for me not to cave in with the cravings... nothing happens... JUST STAND FIRM ON YOUR GOALS AND DESIRE, afterall IT IS ABOUT YOUR HEALTH and not his.... when he gets concious about you getting hotter and sexier then maybe he would be encourage to change his ways until then... enjoy the love handles! more cushion for the pushin! ;P
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'd say

    yeah buuuuuuuttttttt

    if you aren't having some fabulous physical attraction going on now when you are young- you are missing out- you are young and you SHOULD have that can't keep your hands off each other feeling. At SOME point.

    but yes- there needs to be much more than physical attraction- I just get really annoyed when people say it's shallow all the time to "admit" or "confess" like it's a sin to have sexual attraction or none attraction for certain features.

    That's just silly. I don't admit or confess to being attracted to tight *kitten* and six packs- I readily admit I oogle over such things.

    Why should the opposite of what I don't like be a "confession"- back hair- turn off- so what- so is belly fat. it's not a sin.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Focus on you for sure, but on a side note I think it's pretty shallow of you to be upset that his weight gain is "noticeable" and not very attractive."

    it's not shallow- it's a reality.

    I'm not attracted to fat people_ it's a huge turn off. I'm friends with several people who are over weight- not an issue- we hang out- do stuff- whatever.

    I'm not going to have sex with my boyfriend if he's fat.

    It's not shallow. It's reality that we are human and we are sexual beings who shouldn't be shamed for being attracted to certain things.

    That being said- BF dearest isn't hindering progress- OP needs to be responsible- you are the only one who puts food in your mouth- so you need to step up provide for yourself come up with creative solutions and have some self discipline.

    My BF isn't what I want him to be- we don't live together- we only see each other 2 a week so it's easy for me to bank a few calories for going out to dinner- but I make sure he has stuff he wants to eat and I have stuff I want to eat- and when I go visit him he makes sure there are always eggs and bacon for me and then we do whatever we want for dinner and I make sure I have calories- it's not a food compromise since neither are eating crap we don't like- we just make sure we are on the same page- its' not that hard.

    he doesn't drag me to friendly's unless he knows I have calories to spare- or I'm bulking and I don't care. If I'm cutting- he always ask if option A is okay and will have enough choices for me. Same with me- I always make sure my first choice is a choice that has a blackened chicken for him because I know it's what he likes. Communicating and working with each other is part of a successful relationship- neither of us really compromise we just find a solution that works for both of us.

    The moral of the story, kids?

    If your significant other gains weight, kick em to the curb, or at the very least, withhold sex.
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    While it's good that he quit smoking, as far as the weight loss goes, I don't think you can change him. The best you can do is focus on yourself and hope that seeing you making progress inspires him to want to do the same. As far as food goes, jsut because he buys it doesn't mean you have to eat it.
  • smanning1982
    smanning1982 Posts: 210 Member
    You've only been with this guy for 6 months and you're already noticing his weight as unattractive? I bet you anything he had just lost weight to find a girl, and when she was found gave up the diet and became his "normal" self again. If after only 6 months you are starting to find him unattractive, you should probably ditch the relationship now. Sorry to say but it's true. What happens in 10 years when he's even fatter, smoking again, sitting on the couch farting and eating potato chips?
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    Focus on you for sure, but on a side note I think it's pretty shallow of you to be upset that his weight gain is "noticeable" and not very attractive."

    it's not shallow- it's a reality.

    I'm not attracted to fat people_ it's a huge turn off. I'm friends with several people who are over weight- not an issue- we hang out- do stuff- whatever.

    I'm not going to have sex with my boyfriend if he's fat.

    It's not shallow. It's reality that we are human and we are sexual beings who shouldn't be shamed for being attracted to certain things.

    That being said- BF dearest isn't hindering progress- OP needs to be responsible- you are the only one who puts food in your mouth- so you need to step up provide for yourself come up with creative solutions and have some self discipline.

    My BF isn't what I want him to be- we don't live together- we only see each other 2 a week so it's easy for me to bank a few calories for going out to dinner- but I make sure he has stuff he wants to eat and I have stuff I want to eat- and when I go visit him he makes sure there are always eggs and bacon for me and then we do whatever we want for dinner and I make sure I have calories- it's not a food compromise since neither are eating crap we don't like- we just make sure we are on the same page- its' not that hard.

    he doesn't drag me to friendly's unless he knows I have calories to spare- or I'm bulking and I don't care. If I'm cutting- he always ask if option A is okay and will have enough choices for me. Same with me- I always make sure my first choice is a choice that has a blackened chicken for him because I know it's what he likes. Communicating and working with each other is part of a successful relationship- neither of us really compromise we just find a solution that works for both of us.

    The moral of the story, kids?

    If your significant other gains weight, kick em to the curb, or at the very least, withhold sex.

    sounds legit
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Bank of America is hindering my progress. I win.
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    Bank of America is hindering my progress. I win.

    just break up

  • _cdaley
    _cdaley Posts: 79 Member
    You might try being blunt with him about your situation. I'm sure your boyfriend does love you the way you are, but at 5'6 and 180lbs you are considered to be overweight and are actually just on the border of being considered obese. That doesn't mean that your boyfriend shouldn't love how you look, like he says he does. But if you tell him that you have reached a weight where you are medically classified on the very high end of overweight, and that you want and need to lose weight to meet your health goals, he might be more receptive and realize that you are serious about making a change.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Focus on you for sure, but on a side note I think it's pretty shallow of you to be upset that his weight gain is "noticeable" and not very attractive."

    it's not shallow- it's a reality.

    I'm not attracted to fat people_ it's a huge turn off. I'm friends with several people who are over weight- not an issue- we hang out- do stuff- whatever.

    I'm not going to have sex with my boyfriend if he's fat.

    It's not shallow. It's reality that we are human and we are sexual beings who shouldn't be shamed for being attracted to certain things.

    That being said- BF dearest isn't hindering progress- OP needs to be responsible- you are the only one who puts food in your mouth- so you need to step up provide for yourself come up with creative solutions and have some self discipline.

    My BF isn't what I want him to be- we don't live together- we only see each other 2 a week so it's easy for me to bank a few calories for going out to dinner- but I make sure he has stuff he wants to eat and I have stuff I want to eat- and when I go visit him he makes sure there are always eggs and bacon for me and then we do whatever we want for dinner and I make sure I have calories- it's not a food compromise since neither are eating crap we don't like- we just make sure we are on the same page- its' not that hard.

    he doesn't drag me to friendly's unless he knows I have calories to spare- or I'm bulking and I don't care. If I'm cutting- he always ask if option A is okay and will have enough choices for me. Same with me- I always make sure my first choice is a choice that has a blackened chicken for him because I know it's what he likes. Communicating and working with each other is part of a successful relationship- neither of us really compromise we just find a solution that works for both of us.

    The moral of the story, kids?

    If your significant other gains weight, kick em to the curb, or at the very least, withhold sex.

    man I don't even wait that long to withhold- I'm the sex dungenmaster keeper person- trash- laundry- whatever- sex is the ultimate bartering tool.......

    I ked I ked....

    but only a little.

    I mostly use it to bribe- not blackmail ;)
  • RiverRun61
    dump him.

    I knew this was coming...
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,324 Member
    Focus on you for sure, but on a side note I think it's pretty shallow of you to be upset that his weight gain is "noticeable" and not very attractive."

    it's not shallow- it's a reality.

    I'm not attracted to fat people_ it's a huge turn off. I'm friends with several people who are over weight- not an issue- we hang out- do stuff- whatever.

    I'm not going to have sex with my boyfriend if he's fat.

    It's not shallow. It's reality that we are human and we are sexual beings who shouldn't be shamed for being attracted to certain things.

    That being said- BF dearest isn't hindering progress- OP needs to be responsible- you are the only one who puts food in your mouth- so you need to step up provide for yourself come up with creative solutions and have some self discipline.

    My BF isn't what I want him to be- we don't live together- we only see each other 2 a week so it's easy for me to bank a few calories for going out to dinner- but I make sure he has stuff he wants to eat and I have stuff I want to eat- and when I go visit him he makes sure there are always eggs and bacon for me and then we do whatever we want for dinner and I make sure I have calories- it's not a food compromise since neither are eating crap we don't like- we just make sure we are on the same page- its' not that hard.

    he doesn't drag me to friendly's unless he knows I have calories to spare- or I'm bulking and I don't care. If I'm cutting- he always ask if option A is okay and will have enough choices for me. Same with me- I always make sure my first choice is a choice that has a blackened chicken for him because I know it's what he likes. Communicating and working with each other is part of a successful relationship- neither of us really compromise we just find a solution that works for both of us.

    you ever plan on entering into a domestic situation with this dude?
  • stormyxpony
    stormyxpony Posts: 157 Member
    I think ya'll are beating a dead horse here.
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    I think you may have thrown folks off with the misleading title. "Boyfriend hindering my progress" =/= "Boyfriend is fat, how do I talk him into eating better."
  • sanzza
    sanzza Posts: 60
    OP you have been with him such a short time, if your unattracted to him already move on. Its wrong to try to change someone you should love them for everything that they are, even the bits that bug the hell out of you.
  • b3st
    b3st Posts: 1,350 Member
    Focus on you for sure, but on a side note I think it's pretty shallow of you to be upset that his weight gain is "noticeable" and not very attractive."

    it's not shallow- it's a reality.

    I'm not attracted to fat people_ it's a huge turn off. I'm friends with several people who are over weight- not an issue- we hang out- do stuff- whatever.

    I'm not going to have sex with my boyfriend if he's fat.

    It's not shallow. It's reality that we are human and we are sexual beings who shouldn't be shamed for being attracted to certain things.

    That being said- BF dearest isn't hindering progress- OP needs to be responsible- you are the only one who puts food in your mouth- so you need to step up provide for yourself come up with creative solutions and have some self discipline.

    My BF isn't what I want him to be- we don't live together- we only see each other 2 a week so it's easy for me to bank a few calories for going out to dinner- but I make sure he has stuff he wants to eat and I have stuff I want to eat- and when I go visit him he makes sure there are always eggs and bacon for me and then we do whatever we want for dinner and I make sure I have calories- it's not a food compromise since neither are eating crap we don't like- we just make sure we are on the same page- its' not that hard.

    he doesn't drag me to friendly's unless he knows I have calories to spare- or I'm bulking and I don't care. If I'm cutting- he always ask if option A is okay and will have enough choices for me. Same with me- I always make sure my first choice is a choice that has a blackened chicken for him because I know it's what he likes. Communicating and working with each other is part of a successful relationship- neither of us really compromise we just find a solution that works for both of us.

    What do you consider fat.

    I need to know for science ya know.
  • MelisaBegins
    MelisaBegins Posts: 161 Member
    Focus on you for sure, but on a side note I think it's pretty shallow of you to be upset that his weight gain is "noticeable" and not very attractive."

    Why do people associate wanting to be attracted to your partner as 'shallow'?

    This. Nice and sweet and funny only go so far. Physical attraction is important.

    Depends. Size of package and a paper bag with Ryan Reynolds'face on it might help

    Even if everything else feels like a Hefty bag full of meat?

    Oh come on, Doug, that's just a little cushion for the pushin'.

    I'm sorry, I can't pass up opportunities for rhymes or puns. But on a serious note, I think that trying to change someone else is a recipe for disaster. When my husband and I first got together, he was overweight and I wasn't. Now he isn't and I am. Meh, it happens. I'm working my *kitten* off to turn it around, but I'm the only one that can. In my opinion, the best you can hope for is that your healthy habits will be an influence on him. He will change if he wants to change, just like you are changing because you wanted to change.
  • JayyBake
    JayyBake Posts: 8 Member
    A couple of options. Either tell him he needs to lose weight, or you will leave him. Theres nothing wrong with that, and you shouldn't feel bad. I mean, if he changes and is not the person you fell in love with (physically or emotionally) then that gives you a pretty valid reason to break up.

    Otherwise, let him be who he wants to be, and you do the same. No reason to worry about weight. I mean, honestly, we as humans have few things that make us happy in life. And if eating is one of them, and he doesn't care about your weight (which most good men really don't care about weight) then eat and be happy. But if being fit and working out makes you happy, then by god do it and get fit.