looks like this yesterday...so what I'm doing wrong



  • frenchmaid69
    frenchmaid69 Posts: 84 Member
    Just flipping through this thread OP (original poster) it seems to me like you have picked up a lot of wrong-headed ideas about what it is to diet and lose weight.

    First I'd like to ask you a question and I want you to give this serious thought before answering:

    What is your ultimate goal? Is your goal to look aesthetically pleasing, meaning fit, trim, toned while improving your health? Or is your goal solely and only to make the number on your scale decrease?

    HI Aaron! To be honest with you my goal is to be lose weight to improve my health. My doctor told me I was way to big for my age, and how tall I am and that I need to lose weight...

    I notice myself that having this extra weight makes me more tired and lazy...of course I want to look good too but the most important to me is I'm healthy... having lost my dad when he was only 35 year old make me realised that now been almost 46 and overweight I need to improve my health and also feel better about myself ....and also I don't want to have flab all over so yes I want to have muscle... and since that your heart is muscle and when you gain weight I guess the fat goes around it too I need to take care of that problem..

    I don't know If I answer your question well enough because sometime I get confused with the English if I understood properly.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    I would try and get as close to your goal as possible without going over, to included eating back your exercise calories. This was my day yesterday;

    Totals 2,250
    Your Daily Goal 3,374
    Remaining 1,124
    *You've earned 1,924 extra calories from exercise today

    I recently upped my caloric intake from a beginning goal of 1250 to 1450; at first I was dropping nearly 3 pounds a week and then I slowed down to about 1 pound weekly. I was starting to feel tired all the time so I upped my calories and I may even up it a little more yet. For the first week that I upped my calories I actually gained a little but now I’m starting to go back down. I try and get back to my goal but yesterday was a big burn day for me and by time I got home after running a 2.5 hour practice for a U-12 team that I am very active with, I was just too tired. I ate and then fell asleep.

    I try not to leave more than 200-500 calories on the table (so to speak) but sometimes I just can't eat it all back.

    This is what has worked for me (23 pounds since 6 Jan), there’s no guarantee that it will work for you but I bet it would. ;-)

    Best wishes and good luck. And just remember "Never give up, never surrender!"

  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    I would try and get as close to your goal as possible without going over, to included eating back your exercise calories. This was my day yesterday;

    Totals 2,250
    Your Daily Goal 3,374
    Remaining 1,124
    *You've earned 1,924 extra calories from exercise today

    I recently upped my caloric intake from a beginning goal of 1250 to 1450; at first I was dropping nearly 3 pounds a week and then I slowed down to about 1 pound weekly. I was starting to feel tired all the time so I upped my calories and I may even up it a little more yet. For the first week that I upped my calories I actually gained a little but now I’m starting to go back down. I try and get back to my goal but yesterday was a big burn day for me and by time I got home after running a 2.5 hour practice for a U-12 team that I am very active with, I was just too tired. I ate and then fell asleep.

    I try not to leave more than 200-500 calories on the table (so to speak) but sometimes I just can't eat it all back.

    This is what has worked for me (23 pounds since 6 Jan), there’s no guarantee that it will work for you but I bet it would. ;-)

    Best wishes and good luck. And just remember "Never give up, never surrender!"


    I would seriously up those calories - especially if you're not eating back all your calories most of the time.

    Yes, you would lose weight eating that much, but it's likely doing a number on your metabolism and you're likely losing a lot of muscle mass losing weight that fast.
    Once you start eating normally again, it won't take long for that weight to pile back on - and more, since you'll have less muscle mass and lower metabolism.

    My wife is 5'2, 150lbs and is losing steadily while netting between 1500-1800 calories (that's while eating back her calories). As a comparison, according to your post, yesterday, you netted 400 calories.
    I'm 208lbs, netting 2300 calories (that means, I regularly eat 3000+ calories regularly since I exercise), and I'm losing weight fairly quickly as well - down about 12 lbs since January.

    To the OP:

    I would also recommend ensuring you eat back all your calories. 1200 is very low to be netting.
    I know people are in a rush to lose the weight, but the slower you lose it, the more muscle you'll generally retain, and the easier it will be to keep it off.

    And as another tip, try to get as much strength training in as possible. Muscle mass is very important for your health, your appearance, and your metabolism which is important for sustainable weight loss.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    I would try and get as close to your goal as possible without going over, to included eating back your exercise calories. This was my day yesterday;

    Totals 2,250
    Your Daily Goal 3,374
    Remaining 1,124
    *You've earned 1,924 extra calories from exercise today

    I recently upped my caloric intake from a beginning goal of 1250 to 1450; at first I was dropping nearly 3 pounds a week and then I slowed down to about 1 pound weekly. I was starting to feel tired all the time so I upped my calories and I may even up it a little more yet. For the first week that I upped my calories I actually gained a little but now I’m starting to go back down. I try and get back to my goal but yesterday was a big burn day for me and by time I got home after running a 2.5 hour practice for a U-12 team that I am very active with, I was just too tired. I ate and then fell asleep.

    I try not to leave more than 200-500 calories on the table (so to speak) but sometimes I just can't eat it all back.

    This is what has worked for me (23 pounds since 6 Jan), there’s no guarantee that it will work for you but I bet it would. ;-)

    Best wishes and good luck. And just remember "Never give up, never surrender!"


    I would seriously up those calories - especially if you're not eating back all your calories most of the time.

    Yes, you would lose weight eating that much, but it's likely doing a number on your metabolism and you're likely losing a lot of muscle mass losing weight that fast.
    Once you start eating normally again, it won't take long for that weight to pile back on - and more, since you'll have less muscle mass and lower metabolism.

    My wife is 5'2, 150lbs and is losing steadily while netting between 1500-1800 calories (that's while eating back her calories). As a comparison, according to your post, yesterday, you netted 400 calories.
    I'm 208lbs, netting 2300 calories (that means, I regularly eat 3000+ calories regularly since I exercise), and I'm losing weight fairly quickly as well - down about 12 lbs since January.

    To the OP:

    I would also recommend ensuring you eat back all your calories. 1200 is very low to be netting.
    I know people are in a rush to lose the weight, but the slower you lose it, the more muscle you'll generally retain, and the easier it will be to keep it off.

    And as another tip, try to get as much strength training in as possible. Muscle mass is very important for your health, your appearance, and your metabolism which is important for sustainable weight loss.

    Thank you for your input, as I stated I may eventually go up even more, but if I’m eating to the point of feeling stuffed now, upping my intake would do nothing for me as I wouldn’t be able to eat those calories either. A pint cup can only hold a pint, no more. Trust me I like to eat it’s kinda what got me here in the first place.
    For the most part I’m sure that I’m not losing any muscle mass as I am measuring everything from my calves to my neck and in fact my measurements are keeping in line with fat loss rather than muscle loss. Not to mention all of my lifting numbers are up, bench, squat and deadlift.
    Again thank you for your input it’s much appreciated.
  • frenchmaid69
    frenchmaid69 Posts: 84 Member
    Here is an allergy tip - it takes a while - but does help. (and it'll get you some extra calories too)

    Find a source of LOCAL honey - use a tbsp a day - the pollen in the honey helps your body become immune to it and it helps your allergies, because the pollen in no longer 'foreign' Kind of like allergy shots help you build immunity too. and a TBSP will give you about 64 calories. You can add it too tea, or oatmeal or something if you like - I add it to PB toast. (which is also calorie dense and good for you) during the worst seasons of the year. Since doing this, I've had to buy way less Claritan in our house!

    I could try that ... but I do take honey the one at the natural store sometime not all the time .

    My allergies are years around... if its too humid, or too hot, or too dry, or if I'm stress out, I also have some intolerance to different food like they congest me like diary product or bread sometime but not all the time. Its very weird.

    3 years ago I had bad eczema my general doctor did not know what to do so I decide to go see a naturopath she ask me to cut everything from break to diary product not to eat anything in box or in cans, to removed all sugar as much as I can..

    It was very hard after that I reintroduce the food but between all of this I lost a tons of weight I felt great not tired anymore I had lots of energy and also all my eczema were gone and I could breath better too because since I congested all the time well my lungs are not working at 100% so I felt great...

    But slowly and surely I got to my bad habit again... well let my relationship and got lazy and went right back to where I was before... gain weight, tired ... ect its just the eczema that did not really come back just a little bit I can see on one of my wrist..
  • frenchmaid69
    frenchmaid69 Posts: 84 Member
    Ok this is what I'm gone do.

    I'm gone open my diary to public and eat the net 1 200 calories that I'm suppose to since I never do I will really try hard....

    I will also try to reduce the sugar amount I eat not easy but I will try and also try to eat every 3 hours maybe will make a difference.

    I will log my food that I eat the best I can.

    I will jump on the scale once a week and see If I lost weight and if I don't or I got a problem with something is it ok that I bug you guys for more questions...

    I just wanted to say thanks a lots to everyone for your help It nice to know that people care like this...:wink:

    That will help me achieved my goal .... I really would like to weight 130 or 135 I don't know if its possible because I'm 45 and 46 in 17 days and I have been told that when you get older its harder to lose weight but that would be nice because then you feel healthier and you not as tired when you don't have all those extra pounds.

    Thanks guy's so much :wink: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    You have a great attitude. Stick with it and you will be successful!

    thx :wink:
  • frenchmaid69
    frenchmaid69 Posts: 84 Member
    To anyone who may have an issue with what I said...I was not telling her to eat under 1200 calories. I was simply stating what works for one person may not work for another. I know people who have found great success meeting their goals eating back calories from exercise, while I on the other hand have not found success doing that. This is why I said this is a subjective question. It's all a learning process for everyone. Cycling whether it be calories or carbs or whatever your heart desires was a SUGGESTION. Of course, it depends on your level of activity and intensity. But I was looking at this purely for what the question was, should she meet her calorie intake goal of 1200. The answer is YES and do not go under it. You can't fuel your body to work for you if you do not put gas in the tank.

    Again, sorry if anyone was confused with what I was trying to say. With that said I am exiting this conversation, because unlike some of you I can look at it with an open-mind as there is no right or wrong answer to this question. Have a great day all!

    Hello Michelle.

    Thanks for the time you took to try to help me out... I appreciate every person effort to try to help me thanks..
    Have a good day too!

  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Just flipping through this thread OP (original poster) it seems to me like you have picked up a lot of wrong-headed ideas about what it is to diet and lose weight.

    First I'd like to ask you a question and I want you to give this serious thought before answering:

    What is your ultimate goal? Is your goal to look aesthetically pleasing, meaning fit, trim, toned while improving your health? Or is your goal solely and only to make the number on your scale decrease?

    HI Aaron! To be honest with you my goal is to be lose weight to improve my health. My doctor told me I was way to big for my age, and how tall I am and that I need to lose weight...

    I notice myself that having this extra weight makes me more tired and lazy...of course I want to look good too but the most important to me is I'm healthy... having lost my dad when he was only 35 year old make me realised that now been almost 46 and overweight I need to improve my health and also feel better about myself ....and also I don't want to have flab all over so yes I want to have muscle... and since that your heart is muscle and when you gain weight I guess the fat goes around it too I need to take care of that problem..

    I don't know If I answer your question well enough because sometime I get confused with the English if I understood properly.

    Hi Frenchmaid totally understood your post your English is good honestly, certainly better than my French :-).

    If your goal is health then first congratulations that is the right attitude to have. For a goal of health though you really do need to eat more and make sure you NET 1200 calories each day. You will lose weight slower because of this but if your goal is health it isn't a race you need to make changes to your diet and lifestyle that you can maintain long term so that eventually, years from now, when you are at your goal weight and appearance you can just keep on doing what you are doing and keep the weight off.

    Eating as little as you are eating is not maintainable. You will lose both fat AND your muscle which will make you even more tired and lazy and will make it harder and harder to maintain your diet. That is not health, that is being to focused on what your scale tells you.

    If you net 1200 calories a day while exercising you will lose fat and you will probably keep your muscle too.
  • frenchmaid69
    frenchmaid69 Posts: 84 Member
    I would try and get as close to your goal as possible without going over, to included eating back your exercise calories. This was my day yesterday;

    Totals 2,250
    Your Daily Goal 3,374
    Remaining 1,124
    *You've earned 1,924 extra calories from exercise today

    I recently upped my caloric intake from a beginning goal of 1250 to 1450; at first I was dropping nearly 3 pounds a week and then I slowed down to about 1 pound weekly. I was starting to feel tired all the time so I upped my calories and I may even up it a little more yet. For the first week that I upped my calories I actually gained a little but now I’m starting to go back down. I try and get back to my goal but yesterday was a big burn day for me and by time I got home after running a 2.5 hour practice for a U-12 team that I am very active with, I was just too tired. I ate and then fell asleep.

    I try not to leave more than 200-500 calories on the table (so to speak) but sometimes I just can't eat it all back.

    This is what has worked for me (23 pounds since 6 Jan), there’s no guarantee that it will work for you but I bet it would. ;-)

    Best wishes and good luck. And just remember "Never give up, never surrender!"


    Congratulation for your 23 lbs lost its great I'm very happy for you!
    Oh wow 3 lbs a week ya I guess its too much for a week I think it for sure encouraging but then like you say you were tired.

    Oh ok so when you change to 1 450 you gain weight a bit.... but now everything is on track.... good that great..

    I will try the 1 200 + what ever exercises I do I will make sure well I will try very hard to meet the Net calorie and see in a few weeks what happen.... I hope to lose some weight but I guess I will see.

    Thanks for your help!
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member

    To me reading your posts it sounds like you have a good attitude and good intentions. Your goal calories is what you want to hit in net (eating back exercise calories). Being under you goal is not better than being at your goal if your true goal is your health. Understand this is a long road and you should take your time and make the journey comfortable and enjoyable instead of difficult and stressful.
  • easjer
    easjer Posts: 219 Member
    and goal to lose 2 lbs a week... I got a fitbit bracelet that sink all my exercises to MFP for me.

    If you're using a FitBit, and it syncs to this website, then I suggest (1) changing your settings to "lose 1 lb per week" and (2) eat exactly what MFP is telling you to. So, net whatever it is it's telling you to. It may give you more calories when you change the setting. And that's ok. You're not obese enough to lose weight as fast as 2 lbs per week in a healthy manner.

    ok... but I do feel obese trust me... I not happy that I need to get different clothing for the summer because those one are too tight... :blushing: I'm ashamed that I let myself go that way I sometime make excuse its because of I broke up a 26 years relationship and I was stress out but its not an excuse.

    If I set 1 lbs a week It will be like next summer before I lose 40 lbs and fit in my clothing...

    An other questions.... I notice that my arm ouff... the way bigger and :blushing: flabby will they get more flabby once I lose weight or will the skin go back to where it was... or I really need to do some exercises to firm that up...

    I know you want to lose weight as quickly as possible, but please understand that one of the keys to effective and long-term weight loss is reasonable expectations. It is not reasonable for someone who needs to lose around 40 lbs to lose 2 lbs per week. Your calories will be so low that it is not sustainable - too big a caloric deficit will mean that you don't just lose fat, you lose some fat and some muscle and some bone tissue; that's unhealthy! And when you get closer to the point at which you have hit your weight, you won't be in good shape to maintain your weight loss because you have been eating too few calories and the adjustment will be much harder. Additionally, you won't look fit and healthy because you will have lost muscle, not just fat.

    1 to 1.5 lbs is a much more realistic goal for weight loss. Age won't have much impact, and it doesn't matter so much what you eat (some sugar is ok! fats are healthy! breads/pasta is yummy!) so long as you stay in your calorie range for the day.

    GL - you've got such a great attitude, I really want you to succeed.
  • frenchmaid69
    frenchmaid69 Posts: 84 Member
    I would try and get as close to your goal as possible without going over, to included eating back your exercise calories. This was my day yesterday;

    Totals 2,250
    Your Daily Goal 3,374
    Remaining 1,124
    *You've earned 1,924 extra calories from exercise today

    I recently upped my caloric intake from a beginning goal of 1250 to 1450; at first I was dropping nearly 3 pounds a week and then I slowed down to about 1 pound weekly. I was starting to feel tired all the time so I upped my calories and I may even up it a little more yet. For the first week that I upped my calories I actually gained a little but now I’m starting to go back down. I try and get back to my goal but yesterday was a big burn day for me and by time I got home after running a 2.5 hour practice for a U-12 team that I am very active with, I was just too tired. I ate and then fell asleep.

    I try not to leave more than 200-500 calories on the table (so to speak) but sometimes I just can't eat it all back.

    This is what has worked for me (23 pounds since 6 Jan), there’s no guarantee that it will work for you but I bet it would. ;-)

    Best wishes and good luck. And just remember "Never give up, never surrender!"


    I would seriously up those calories - especially if you're not eating back all your calories most of the time.

    Yes, you would lose weight eating that much, but it's likely doing a number on your metabolism and you're likely losing a lot of muscle mass losing weight that fast.
    Once you start eating normally again, it won't take long for that weight to pile back on - and more, since you'll have less muscle mass and lower metabolism.

    My wife is 5'2, 150lbs and is losing steadily while netting between 1500-1800 calories (that's while eating back her calories). As a comparison, according to your post, yesterday, you netted 400 calories.
    I'm 208lbs, netting 2300 calories (that means, I regularly eat 3000+ calories regularly since I exercise), and I'm losing weight fairly quickly as well - down about 12 lbs since January.

    To the OP:

    I would also recommend ensuring you eat back all your calories. 1200 is very low to be netting.
    I know people are in a rush to lose the weight, but the slower you lose it, the more muscle you'll generally retain, and the easier it will be to keep it off.

    And as another tip, try to get as much strength training in as possible. Muscle mass is very important for your health, your appearance, and your metabolism which is important for sustainable weight loss.

    ok so If I try really hard to eat back those Net calorie to 1 200 do I still need to up those calories?
    Oh well I don't want to lose muscle because I don't have much to start with.

    Your wife she eat 1 500 - 1 800 and still lose weight the reason why she set at those number is it because she set it up manually or it was done automatically when she enter her age, weight, and stuff... I wonder because if after a few week I don't lose weight or too fast ... I guess I need to eat more and I'm not sure how to upper those calories on the site. For me I just put my weight, age and activity lever and how much weight I wanted to lose 2 lbs a week and it gave me 1 200..

    Ok maybe I should go back to the gym! I was going last year for a bit... Its crazy i'm paying for a member ship like 45$ monthly I have done this for like 1 year now because every month I say to myself I'm gone go this time but I never go... the last time I went there I kind of felt stupid not like in my place I did not know what to do really either so I stop I keep wanted to go but have not yet.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    and goal to lose 2 lbs a week... I got a fitbit bracelet that sink all my exercises to MFP for me.

    If you're using a FitBit, and it syncs to this website, then I suggest (1) changing your settings to "lose 1 lb per week" and (2) eat exactly what MFP is telling you to. So, net whatever it is it's telling you to. It may give you more calories when you change the setting. And that's ok. You're not obese enough to lose weight as fast as 2 lbs per week in a healthy manner.

    ok... but I do feel obese trust me... I not happy that I need to get different clothing for the summer because those one are too tight... :blushing: I'm ashamed that I let myself go that way I sometime make excuse its because of I broke up a 26 years relationship and I was stress out but its not an excuse.

    If I set 1 lbs a week It will be like next summer before I lose 40 lbs and fit in my clothing...

    An other questions.... I notice that my arm ouff... the way bigger and :blushing: flabby will they get more flabby once I lose weight or will the skin go back to where it was... or I really need to do some exercises to firm that up...

    I know you want to lose weight as quickly as possible, but please understand that one of the keys to effective and long-term weight loss is reasonable expectations. It is not reasonable for someone who needs to lose around 40 lbs to lose 2 lbs per week. Your calories will be so low that it is not sustainable - too big a caloric deficit will mean that you don't just lose fat, you lose some fat and some muscle and some bone tissue; that's unhealthy! And when you get closer to the point at which you have hit your weight, you won't be in good shape to maintain your weight loss because you have been eating too few calories and the adjustment will be much harder. Additionally, you won't look fit and healthy because you will have lost muscle, not just fat.

    1 to 1.5 lbs is a much more realistic goal for weight loss. Age won't have much impact, and it doesn't matter so much what you eat (some sugar is ok! fats are healthy! breads/pasta is yummy!) so long as you stay in your calorie range for the day.

    GL - you've got such a great attitude, I really want you to succeed.

    I fully agree with this post. Frenchmaid don't rush this, take it slower and eat more so you can be healthy in addition to losing fat.
  • frenchmaid69
    frenchmaid69 Posts: 84 Member
    Just flipping through this thread OP (original poster) it seems to me like you have picked up a lot of wrong-headed ideas about what it is to diet and lose weight.

    First I'd like to ask you a question and I want you to give this serious thought before answering:

    What is your ultimate goal? Is your goal to look aesthetically pleasing, meaning fit, trim, toned while improving your health? Or is your goal solely and only to make the number on your scale decrease?

    HI Aaron! To be honest with you my goal is to be lose weight to improve my health. My doctor told me I was way to big for my age, and how tall I am and that I need to lose weight...

    I notice myself that having this extra weight makes me more tired and lazy...of course I want to look good too but the most important to me is I'm healthy... having lost my dad when he was only 35 year old make me realised that now been almost 46 and overweight I need to improve my health and also feel better about myself ....and also I don't want to have flab all over so yes I want to have muscle... and since that your heart is muscle and when you gain weight I guess the fat goes around it too I need to take care of that problem..

    I don't know If I answer your question well enough because sometime I get confused with the English if I understood properly.

    Hi Frenchmaid totally understood your post your English is good honestly, certainly better than my French :-).

    If your goal is health then first congratulations that is the right attitude to have. For a goal of health though you really do need to eat more and make sure you NET 1200 calories each day. You will lose weight slower because of this but if your goal is health it isn't a race you need to make changes to your diet and lifestyle that you can maintain long term so that eventually, years from now, when you are at your goal weight and appearance you can just keep on doing what you are doing and keep the weight off.

    Eating as little as you are eating is not maintainable. You will lose both fat AND your muscle which will make you even more tired and lazy and will make it harder and harder to maintain your diet. That is not health, that is being to focused on what your scale tells you.

    If you net 1200 calories a day while exercising you will lose fat and you will probably keep your muscle too.

    Ok I will do that....
    :smile: I will post my food too and see where it bring me hopefully to the road I want to take and success!

    Oh and thx for the comment about my English I try I learn it on my own lol well slowly for the last 24 years because I was in a relationship with an English men and I was only French so I learn fast...lol... thx
  • frenchmaid69
    frenchmaid69 Posts: 84 Member
    and goal to lose 2 lbs a week... I got a fitbit bracelet that sink all my exercises to MFP for me.

    If you're using a FitBit, and it syncs to this website, then I suggest (1) changing your settings to "lose 1 lb per week" and (2) eat exactly what MFP is telling you to. So, net whatever it is it's telling you to. It may give you more calories when you change the setting. And that's ok. You're not obese enough to lose weight as fast as 2 lbs per week in a healthy manner.

    ok... but I do feel obese trust me... I not happy that I need to get different clothing for the summer because those one are too tight... :blushing: I'm ashamed that I let myself go that way I sometime make excuse its because of I broke up a 26 years relationship and I was stress out but its not an excuse.

    If I set 1 lbs a week It will be like next summer before I lose 40 lbs and fit in my clothing...

    An other questions.... I notice that my arm ouff... the way bigger and :blushing: flabby will they get more flabby once I lose weight or will the skin go back to where it was... or I really need to do some exercises to firm that up...

    I know you want to lose weight as quickly as possible, but please understand that one of the keys to effective and long-term weight loss is reasonable expectations. It is not reasonable for someone who needs to lose around 40 lbs to lose 2 lbs per week. Your calories will be so low that it is not sustainable - too big a caloric deficit will mean that you don't just lose fat, you lose some fat and some muscle and some bone tissue; that's unhealthy! And when you get closer to the point at which you have hit your weight, you won't be in good shape to maintain your weight loss because you have been eating too few calories and the adjustment will be much harder. Additionally, you won't look fit and healthy because you will have lost muscle, not just fat.

    1 to 1.5 lbs is a much more realistic goal for weight loss. Age won't have much impact, and it doesn't matter so much what you eat (some sugar is ok! fats are healthy! breads/pasta is yummy!) so long as you stay in your calorie range for the day.

    GL - you've got such a great attitude, I really want you to succeed.

    You are right... I will slow thing down thanks so much I really appreciate that you took the time for help me...
  • frenchmaid69
    frenchmaid69 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks everyone! I appreciate that you guy's too the time to help me and I will do what you guy's told me ( did I said this properly) I mean .... that I will follow all the help you guy's gave me... OK ...I think that you all will know what I meant by that... not sure how to say it....

    But thanks and I hope its ok to bug you guys If I need more help! There is great people here on this site and I'm glad to have found it! :smile:
  • frenchmaid69
    frenchmaid69 Posts: 84 Member
    and goal to lose 2 lbs a week... I got a fitbit bracelet that sink all my exercises to MFP for me.

    If you're using a FitBit, and it syncs to this website, then I suggest (1) changing your settings to "lose 1 lb per week" and (2) eat exactly what MFP is telling you to. So, net whatever it is it's telling you to. It may give you more calories when you change the setting. And that's ok. You're not obese enough to lose weight as fast as 2 lbs per week in a healthy manner.

    ok... but I do feel obese trust me... I not happy that I need to get different clothing for the summer because those one are too tight... :blushing: I'm ashamed that I let myself go that way I sometime make excuse its because of I broke up a 26 years relationship and I was stress out but its not an excuse.

    If I set 1 lbs a week It will be like next summer before I lose 40 lbs and fit in my clothing...

    An other questions.... I notice that my arm ouff... the way bigger and :blushing: flabby will they get more flabby once I lose weight or will the skin go back to where it was... or I really need to do some exercises to firm that up...

    I know you want to lose weight as quickly as possible, but please understand that one of the keys to effective and long-term weight loss is reasonable expectations. It is not reasonable for someone who needs to lose around 40 lbs to lose 2 lbs per week. Your calories will be so low that it is not sustainable - too big a caloric deficit will mean that you don't just lose fat, you lose some fat and some muscle and some bone tissue; that's unhealthy! And when you get closer to the point at which you have hit your weight, you won't be in good shape to maintain your weight loss because you have been eating too few calories and the adjustment will be much harder. Additionally, you won't look fit and healthy because you will have lost muscle, not just fat.

    1 to 1.5 lbs is a much more realistic goal for weight loss. Age won't have much impact, and it doesn't matter so much what you eat (some sugar is ok! fats are healthy! breads/pasta is yummy!) so long as you stay in your calorie range for the day.

    GL - you've got such a great attitude, I really want you to succeed.

    I fully agree with this post. Frenchmaid don't rush this, take it slower and eat more so you can be healthy in addition to losing fat.

    ok I will try to meet my net of 1 200
  • sjdowhower
    sjdowhower Posts: 15 Member
    I'm on the same page as you. I eat between 1300-1500 calories a day but with my exercising I'm usually netting around 950-1100. I factor in that I don't use a scale to measure so my calories are probably off ( I've been meaning to get a scale just haven't gotten there yet) and the fact that the calories burned seems very high so it doesn't completely bother me that I'm not netting the 1200 calories it says to because I'm probably closer then what it says. I had 94lbs to lose when I started and in 2 months I lost 23lbs. At first when I started I ate around 1200 and netted a lot less with my exercise. I lost quick at first but then it slowed. I upped the amount I'm eating and I'm still averaging around 2lbs a week which is still good with the 70+lbs I need to lose. I eat all the same stuff I was before just I watch what I eat and I don't drink soda. I swear I could drink a 2 liter of Pepsi a day when I was drinking it which is a lot of calories. I know I would never continue with this if I had to make myself something different everyday then what my kids eat because it would never work with my crazy lifestyle with 3 boys 5 and under. Every other week, I try to eat one day at what my maintenance calories just to try to "jump start" things again. GOOD LUCK!
  • LVCeltGirl
    LVCeltGirl Posts: 473
    wow really... but I'm not hungry at all....

    If I don't eat enough is this possible that it make me gain weight...

    Because I really don't eat that much but I gain weight... I do eat junk tho...I am very bad for that.... I love to bake its funny but it relax me I do bring most of my baking to work I love to try to do different stuff like decoration on muffins, try new cookies and stuff.... I eat some of it but most of them I bring to work....

    I sometime bring a lunch to work but end up not being hungry so I don't eat....

    Sometime I eat just a 2 pm no breakfast its like I don't feel hungry and when I do feel hungry well I'm too tired to cook something good or its too late ...

    This sounds like you need to retrain yourself to eat. Yes, not eating enough will slow down your weight loss. In simple terms, if your body is not getting the fuel it needs (enough food in the right balance of macros), then it starts hanging on to the fuel available (fat stores) and uses it sparingly. When you give yourself enough fuel (fruits, veggies, grains, proteins, even fat), then your body is more willing to let the available fuel go (ie it's getting fuel regularly and doesn't have to make what it has last).

    If you've dieted enough in the past, then like the anorexic person, you've learned to ignore the hunger signals. So yes, depending on how often you've lost and possibly gained the same 10, 15, 20 or more pounds, your hunger signals may not be working.

    And yes, you can lose weight on "junk food" but honestly, you're not going to like the results. So if you can afford one (or somehow get insurance to pay for one), you probably would benefit from a dietician or nutritionist suggested menu and eating plan.

    You need to get 1200 calories in daily at a minimum (this is the average acceptable amount, you can be a little less or a little more usually 100 to 200 calories). That means net calories (so calories eaten less exercise calories should = 1200).

    To increase calories without necessarily eating "more", eat things like nuts, avocado, full fat yogurt, cheese, etc.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Yes, not eating enough will slow down your weight loss. In simple terms, if your body is not getting the fuel it needs (enough food in the right balance of macros), then it starts hanging on to the fuel available (fat stores) and uses it sparingly.

    That's a myth. If you eat less you lose weight faster but that doesn't necessarily mean you are being healthy. There is no way to net less calorically and as a result keep more weight on.