looks like this yesterday...so what I'm doing wrong



  • frenchmaid69
    frenchmaid69 Posts: 84 Member
    wow really... but I'm not hungry at all....

    If I don't eat enough is this possible that it make me gain weight...

    Because I really don't eat that much but I gain weight... I do eat junk tho...I am very bad for that.... I love to bake its funny but it relax me I do bring most of my baking to work I love to try to do different stuff like decoration on muffins, try new cookies and stuff.... I eat some of it but most of them I bring to work....

    I sometime bring a lunch to work but end up not being hungry so I don't eat....

    Sometime I eat just a 2 pm no breakfast its like I don't feel hungry and when I do feel hungry well I'm too tired to cook something good or its too late ...

    This sounds like you need to retrain yourself to eat. Yes, not eating enough will slow down your weight loss. In simple terms, if your body is not getting the fuel it needs (enough food in the right balance of macros), then it starts hanging on to the fuel available (fat stores) and uses it sparingly. When you give yourself enough fuel (fruits, veggies, grains, proteins, even fat), then your body is more willing to let the available fuel go (ie it's getting fuel regularly and doesn't have to make what it has last).

    If you've dieted enough in the past, then like the anorexic person, you've learned to ignore the hunger signals. So yes, depending on how often you've lost and possibly gained the same 10, 15, 20 or more pounds, your hunger signals may not be working.

    And yes, you can lose weight on "junk food" but honestly, you're not going to like the results. So if you can afford one (or somehow get insurance to pay for one), you probably would benefit from a dietician or nutritionist suggested menu and eating plan.

    You need to get 1200 calories in daily at a minimum (this is the average acceptable amount, you can be a little less or a little more usually 100 to 200 calories). That means net calories (so calories eaten less exercise calories should = 1200).

    To increase calories without necessarily eating "more", eat things like nuts, avocado, full fat yogurt, cheese, etc.

    oh ok... and yes before I have to to diet a lots ... like the soup diet and the 3 days diet... I always been chubby from time to time.. well let put it this way .... I gain weight very quickly not to one place but everywhere...

    Ok I will follow add my food and try to match the 1 200 they gave me and eat my exercise calorie too so I will make an effort to match the Net calorie
  • frenchmaid69
    frenchmaid69 Posts: 84 Member
    ok I open my diary to public now.... I have to remember to add my food because I do forget sometime...

    Also I guess the scale its once a week right, to see your progress!