Please tell me what I'm doing wrong here!!

Ok so I am a 30yo female, 5'8 and 218lbs. I started this whole process 3 weeks ago this Thursday and was 224lbs. As soon as I started I was losing lbs and oz daily, now all the sudden I have stopped losing and just gaining ounces. For the past 3 days or so it has been a few ounces up a few ounces down but it won't go down from 217-218. My nutritionist put me at 1800cals for the day and MFP put me at 1720 and I have been staying well under that. 1500-1650 or so. I do drink 700cals a day in coffee but still stay under the calories for the day. I measure and count and overestimate on everything. I am very OCD about it because I want to lose weight so badly. I haven't been able to work out due to a back injury but thought it would be fine as long as I'm under my range. Can you please give me any advice or insight to what I am doing wrong here? I never expected a stand still after only 3 weeks. It's depressing!!


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Weight loss is not linear, so take photos & measurements, too.

    Your diary is closed, but if I had to guess I'd say you're underestimating your food &/or overestimating your burns. Log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly. Weigh your food.

    Read this:

    Edited to add after looking at your diary:
    #1. Weigh everything.
    #2. MFP's protein goal is a minimum, and you're way under.
    #3. Some days you're drinking 1,000 calories of sugary iced coffee?! Follow the 80/20 rule: eat "healthy" (whatever that means to you) 80% of the time. Real food (especially protein & fiber) will keep you feeling full longer. Don't deprive yourself. Have one iced coffee a day (not three!), and enjoy the hell out of it.
  • breakyoface
    breakyoface Posts: 160 Member
    I just opened my diary.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    The only thing you're doing wrong is being impatient and setting your expectations way too high. Pretty much anyone who starts watching what they eat will lose quickly in the beginning but it tapers off after a few weeks. Your weight will fluctuation up to 5 pounds daily so a few ounces here and there isn't really that big of a deal. Water weight can wreak havoc on weigh ins due to high sodium intake, monthly hormone cycle, etc.

    Take a deep breath, pat yourself on the bck and be happy that you're having such great success so far! Two pounds per week is right on track!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    You also had a fair amount of salt the last couple of days; is it possible you're retaining water?
    Go for the long term, and do weigh everything.
    Good luck!
  • MichelleB69
    MichelleB69 Posts: 213 Member
    I just took a quick peek at your diary after reading your post, and the one thing that stands out is that you are taking in (according to your post) 700 cal A DAY in coffee drinks? Fat, sugar, sodium…these are nothing more than dessert. Even if you are staying within your caloric guidelines, that stuff is not nutrition. First impression: that's too much coffee or a lot of sugar/creamer in your coffee drinks. I'm thinking it's the latter…either way, you've got to get that under control if you want to lose weight. Just changing that one habit would make a big difference in reaching your goals.
  • lastspen
    lastspen Posts: 106 Member
    From what I see it appears as if you are taking in too much sugar. Probably more that what is even reported on your log. I would suggest to try to cut the coffee to maybe 1 a day or try making them yourself using stevia or splenda. Also you haven't recorded water but if you are taking in a lot of sodium you're going to want to drink lots of water to help flush it out of your system. It takes time but I can only suggest more clean eating and making food at home. I have a food prep day once or twice a week where I prepare my meals so that I can take them with me. It's really helpful during busy days. Good luck
  • breakyoface
    breakyoface Posts: 160 Member
    Yes, Starbucks addict. I thought though that if you stay under your calories that you will still lose weight. I am going to cut back on that though..but I want to drink my coffee everyday. Will drinking sugary coffees but still being under my caloric goals really keep me from losing weight!?
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    It you want it so bad eliminate those fancy coffees. There is your solution. Make your own coffee and add some store bought creamer. Saves you $$ too.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    First of all...weight loss is crazy fast in the first few weeks. Then it's down to the nitty gritty. So what you were doing when you started was good enough then. It's not now.'re not drinking 700 calories in coffee a day. You're drinking 700 calories in the sweets & cream that is added to your coffee each day. In just 2 coffees. It's killing you! It's not good enough to just allow for that many calories in your daily intake by cutting elsewhere. When it's that many calories, you are missing on nutrition. You need to start thinking in terms of getting "the most bang for your buck" with each calorie. Start weaning yourself off the crazy caramels & mochas. Oh, gawd, I know they're good! But they're not good for you. (Or your wallet, am I right here?)

    I love coffee as much as the next. I have a Tassimo machine at home, and I couldn't live without my lattes. But I went from about 400 calories in lattes way back to just 70 calories a day now. I didn't do it overnight, and every time & stepped down to a less-tasteful latte, I wasn't happy. But I got used to it. And I enjoy my 35 calorie lattes now.

    As far as the rest of your diary...your food items are good. How are you preparing them?

    Edited to add: throw some exercising in too. Even walking. Every little bit counts.
  • wapan
    wapan Posts: 219 Member
    :love: Starbucks lover here too!
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Yes, Starbucks addict. I thought though that if you stay under your calories that you will still lose weight. I am going to cut back on that though..but I want to drink my coffee everyday. Will drinking sugary coffees but still being under my caloric goals really keep me from losing weight!?

    How much do you spend a day in coffee? Yikes!! Those should be a treat, like weekly, and not the big sugary fatty ones. Not worth the calories.
  • ZOOpergal
    ZOOpergal Posts: 176 Member
    If its near "that time of the month", that may be a factor too.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Yes, Starbucks addict. I thought though that if you stay under your calories that you will still lose weight. I am going to cut back on that though..but I want to drink my coffee everyday. Will drinking sugary coffees but still being under my caloric goals really keep me from losing weight!?
    If you stay within your calorie goal, you will lose weight. But you're not eating at a deficit—you're guesstimating your food, and severely underestimating your calories.

    Everybody's pounced on your Iced coffee intake, but as I said above, you need to buy a food scale. Trust me, you're in for a shock when you see how much you're really eating! So you need to cut calories, and since you're not meeting your protein goal the easiest way for you to cut calories is fewer sugary coffees.

    Please, get a food scale & read the Sexypants link:
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Don't measure and count and overestimate - weigh everything.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,680 Member
    Ok so I am a 3yo female, 5'8 and 218lbs. I started this whole process 3 weeks ago this Thursday and was 224lbs. As soon as I started I was losing lbs and oz daily, now all the sudden I have stopped losing and just gaining ounces. For the past 3 days or so it has been a few ounces up a few ounces down but it won't go down from 217-218. My nutritionist put me at 1800cals for the day and MFP put me at 1720 and I have been staying well under that. 1500-1650 or so. I do drink 700cals a day in coffee but still stay under the calories for the day. I measure and count and overestimate on everything. I am very OCD about it because I want to lose weight so badly. I haven't been able to work out due to a back injury but thought it would be fine as long as I'm under my range. Can you please give me any advice or insight to what I am doing wrong here? I never expected a stand still after only 3 weeks. It's depressing!!
    Only thing wrong is you're expecting weight loss to be linear and it's not. Continue on and see what happens in a full month's time.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    i would get a scale and weigh and measure everything!! and be honest and accurate. I think if you do that for a while, you'll start to see results. I recently read an article about calories from restaurants for food and also drinks, and it said that it's usually not accurate at all and it depends on how the person prepared the drink/foods. So the website could say that drink is 700 Cal but it could really be 870 Cal depending on how it was prepared, like one person could add in more sugar or cream then the next person, so it's hard to be accurate when relying on restaurants. I'm not saying you can't go have a treat sometimes, but a few times per day can really add up!!!
  • ISWThunder
    Try not to be so obsessive about weighing yourself constantly. Because of mitigating factors (like water retention) it is near impossible to observe actual weight loss on a day-to-day basis. Weigh yourself the same time and day, once a week and allow your body to adjust to the diet before freaking out. If you are eating below your maintenance, you will lose weight regardless of what you are eating.

    But, as has been mentioned, cutting out 700 cal/day worth of coffee would be huge. Those calculations are also just averages, so it's possible that you are consuming even more than that many days, especially if you are adding things to the standard recipe and calculating on your own.

    It's not for everyone, but I've switched to black coffee and have zero regrets. Even a little creamer of sugar is fine but 700 calories a day is obscene. You are getting an entire meal's worth of calories from your beverages alone.
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    You most certainly can lose weight while enjoying your coffee! But you will need to make cutbacks on HOW MUCH coffee you drink if it is the sweetness of the coffee you like!

    I love my coffee in the morning. And I like my Heath flavor coffee creamer, A LOT! Butter pecan is pretty darn good too! But I use to take my container of liquid sugar and pour mindlessly. My hubby always said that stuff would be the death of me someday (joking of course), but it was adding calories to my day. So I started measuring out my tablespoons of creamer. One tablespoon is 35 calories and a lot of carbs/sugars. I know I needed more than one, so I tried two. Two was still not sweet enough, but three was doable. So I am still using 100+ calories just in my drink, but it is worth it to me because I am getting to enjoy something I love while not having to give up too much! And because I am not adding what I probably used to add (guessing 6 or 7 tablespoons), I have those extra calories to enjoy a cookie or my strawberry shortcake at night.

    Just another thought: If you can give up one drink a day, put the money you save in a jar for a new top or a pedi or something fun to reward yourself with when you hit 10 lb milestones :) You can do this!!!
  • breakyoface
    breakyoface Posts: 160 Member
    I actually measure my food with a scale daily and use measuring cups/spoons ALWAYS. I never just guess what I'm eating. I read the labels and eat exactly what is said for the amount and what I log. I log EVERYTHING I eat. I don't even take bites of other peoples food because then I would have to add it. Seriously..I measure everything lol
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I actually measure my food with a scale daily and use measuring cups/spoons ALWAYS. I never just guess what I'm eating. I read the labels and eat exactly what is said for the amount and what I log. I log EVERYTHING I eat. I don't even take bites of other peoples food because then I would have to add it. Seriously..I measure everything lol
    i think people are saying your drink calories could be off depending on how it's made. You have to know deep down that 700-1000 cal per day on sugary fatty coffees is not healthy.