Please tell me what I'm doing wrong here!!



  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Even though you're at a deficit you have to also consider the nutritional value of what you're eating. If you're drinking 700 calories in coffee and only eating 900 calories in real food then you're body is probably still in some form of starvation and that could be a reason why your weight loss has stalled. I think that you would lose for a while but eventually plateau due to an insufficient diet. I believe that you should strive to eat 1300-1500 calories of good solid food and then consider the coffee in the excess calories that you're allotted and after working out.

    No, just no cant be consuming 1600 calories a day and be in "some form of starvation mode" this is just down right wrong. You would have to eat nothing for a pro longed period of time to be in starvation mode..and when I mean nothing, I mean zero, zilch, nada...

    Not starvation no... but easily malnutrition since not many cals left for vitamins, minerals, fat and protein, after the coffee cals. This can lead to hair loss, bad skin, weak nails, digestive tract issues, loss of lean muscle (lack of protein), etc.
  • breakyoface
    breakyoface Posts: 160 Member
    So cut the coffees down, add some protein, get back to working out when I'm allowed to, and not obsess. Got it!
  • lorigem
    lorigem Posts: 446 Member
    Easy sources for protein: greek yogurt, cottage cheese, protein powder (I sprinkle in protein powder in my coffee, yogurt and cottage cheese - great way to increase protein), eggs, meats and fish (all you need is 6 oz of any lean meat and you're good). Check out my diary - I eat 160+ grams of protein easily.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I understand the coffee part, when I started my first week of logging I realized I was drinking on average 1500 calories in my daily coffee at home and my 3 trips to Dunkin Donuts before work, at lunch and on the way home. Now I wasn't willing to give up my coffee someone would get hurt, but I did switch to a better coffee at home that didn't require me to add so much other crap to make it taste good. For the DD coffee I first switched to skim milk and now just drink it black.

    Those basic changes now I can still drink the insane amount I always did and it leaves room for ice cream!

    Remember to have patience, it does work :)

    Good luck
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    So cut the coffees down, add some protein, get back to working out when I'm allowed to, and not obsess. Got it!


    And please, please, if you love your sweet coffee, do not give it up! I hear so many people saying to give it up or cut back to just drinking black coffee (not everyone on this post, but in my own life too), and you do not have to do that! Yes, cut back from two or three to one, maybe every once in awhile forgo the whip cream. But you can be successful at this while enjoying that sweet treat from time to time!

    I posted earlier, too, but I still drink my coffee with 3 TBS of heath creamer EVERY DAY! It adds 109 calories and some extra carbs to my day, but I am meeting my macros for the most part and I have been losing weight steadily since I began.

    Good luck to you, hun! You can do this :)
  • santel87
    santel87 Posts: 3
    So cut the coffees down, add some protein, get back to working out when I'm allowed to, and not obsess. Got it!

    I'd skip the fat free thousand island dressing. Yeah, you're skipping the cals from fat but they've just added in sugar to replace it. That's not really a win. Maybe try some olive oil and vinegar on your sandwich? Or a sweet mustard if you need something to hold it together?

    I know the coffee horse has been beaten to death but at some point, your target calories are going to drop leaving you even fewer calories for real food when coffee is taking up so many. Increasing the likelihood of negative side effects even more. Just a thought to consider starting to get away from them or cutting back? Maybe even going from a 20 oz or 24 oz to 16 or 12?
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    Hello! I'm also a coffee addict - just coffee with a bit of 2% milk in it. When the weather is cold I can drink cup after cup. I add 1/2-1 cups of milk to my diary to cover the milk I put in my coffee. I don't count my "coffee or tea" as my water intake. My water intake is just that - plain water. Even if I add crystal light to a bottle of water then I don't count it as my "water".

    I'm probably going to get the evil eye here but I'm not a fan of Starbucks - although I did have something one time that is like a coffee milkshake with a ton of whip cream on it - I don't even drive near Starbucks anymore because that would be trouble for me!

    Getting back to your diet - I agree with all of the other posts here. Cut back on your "coffees" because you "aren't having 700 calories of coffee - you are having 700 calories of sugar and cream and a splash of coffee, but you know that don't you? If you have several a day cut back to one or two, then one a day, then one every other day or one a week until you are really having them "occasionally". Try this - 1 cup of vanilla almond/coconut milk (45 calories) and a scoop of vanilla protein powder (120 calories) and 1/2 cup of regular black coffee. It might satisfy your craving and will get you more protein. I buy both vanilla and chocolate protein powder so I can have whichever flavor I am craving for the day.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    First, I think many have given you great advice in this thread and it sounds like you are open to making changes which is very commendable!

    One thing I really liked about the way you are tracking your intake is that you are putting those coffee drinks under "snacks". I do that too, with things like wine, even if I am drinking wine with my dinner. By putting all the "extra" stuff in Snacks, I figured it is easier to see just how many calories of those extras I am consuming and easier to figure out how to make small changes that will have big impact. I think you've gotten good advice about cutting down just one of those coffees/day, or choosing alternatives. I don't mind the sugar free syrups, so if I am going to go to Starbucks, I get a skinny vanilla latte which is only about 120 cal for a Grande. I also use a lot of creamer when I make my coffee at home, but even if I use 2tbsp instead of the recommended 1 Tbsp - it is still less than 100 cal and then I use Splenda to sweeten it. If you could find a flavored creamer you liked - you could try bringing that to work and keeping it in a fridge to make your own coffee rather than going to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts for one of theirs...

    Good luck!
  • breakyoface
    breakyoface Posts: 160 Member
    I made my diary for tomorrow. I tend to do it ahead of time so I don't have to worry about things since I get anxiety about food. Is it any better? Maybe not the cup of soup or the boxed noodles BUT..I have 4 kids 8, 6, 5, and 3 who do enjoy those things and I make food for 6 people including myself and I have a lot of food in my pantry that I would rather use up instead of throwing out since it's not cheap to feed 6 people. I am still under my calories for the day though!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I made my diary for tomorrow. I tend to do it ahead of time so I don't have to worry about things since I get anxiety about food. Is it any better? Maybe not the cup of soup or the boxed noodles BUT..I have 4 kids 8, 6, 5, and 3 who do enjoy those things and I make food for 6 people including myself and I have a lot of food in my pantry that I would rather use up instead of throwing out since it's not cheap to feed 6 people. I am still under my calories for the day though!

    def better on lower carbs, though I would try and get more protein, the MFP goal is already low, aim for 100+ grams
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I was also going to suggest that you try adding a whey protein powder to your day - instead of the Starbucks - take black coffee - pour a little into cup (hot coffee) and add a scoop of protein powder - I use chocolate - stir and whip it until it is smooth and creamy and then add the rest of your coffee and stir and enjoy. It is delicious and the only calories and sugar you get are from your protein powder (I use a protein powder that uses stevia) and it has a 23 grams of protein in it!

    If you like cold ones, blen some ice and water (or you could use milk if you have the calories available) in a blender,add 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder and 1 teaspoon of instant coffee (instant not the grounds). Taste better than a starbuck iced coffee to me and again - 23 grams of protein!
  • breakyoface
    breakyoface Posts: 160 Member
    I don't make coffee at home.

    What kind of protein drink should I get for just one without coffee?
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    As others have said, weight loss isn't linear so if you don't lose anything in one week that's ok. Keep doing what you are doing and the next week you may lose some. As long as over time the trend line is going down then you are doing it right:) Give it 6-8 weeks before getting overly concerned. As far as the coffee goes, I don't necessarily have a problem with it other than for me it would be a waste of calories but if you like it and can budget it in your calories and you are still seeing progress over time then drink away:) I never cut anything out while I was losing but I did manage my portion sizes. So instead of a large I got a small.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I use Jay Robb which I order right off the Jay Robb website - it can be pricey though. I used to use the Walmart and the GNC brand and they were fine - just make sure you get one that is whey protein - with no additives (such as some of the GNC brands have in them for building bulk).

    I love my shakes, they help me with my sweet tooth and give me more protein for the day. I use one just about every morning for breakfast because I'm not a morning eater. I use frozen strawberries, and vanilla protein and ice - I add a spoonful of psyluum seed husk for fiber and sometimes flax see oil.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Yes, because I eat breakfast at 630am and get my coffee later in the mornings. I do have to walk in there though since there are no Starbucks drive-thrus here :)
    I eat breakfast at the same time you do and I have time to make a bagel, two slices of bacon, a cup of coffee, and four scrambled eggs with two egg whites and a half serving of cheese...
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I don't make coffee at home.

    What kind of protein drink should I get for just one without coffee?

    Have you ever considered getting a keurig? Makes a cup in minutes and many flavor types etc. Would save SO much $$ long term. With 4 kids I'm surprised you can afford coffee out daily! You can save that for the kids!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Even though you're at a deficit you have to also consider the nutritional value of what you're eating. If you're drinking 700 calories in coffee and only eating 900 calories in real food then you're body is probably still in some form of starvation and that could be a reason why your weight loss has stalled. I think that you would lose for a while but eventually plateau due to an insufficient diet. I believe that you should strive to eat 1300-1500 calories of good solid food and then consider the coffee in the excess calories that you're allotted and after working out.

    No, just no cant be consuming 1600 calories a day and be in "some form of starvation mode" this is just down right wrong. You would have to eat nothing for a pro longed period of time to be in starvation mode..and when I mean nothing, I mean zero, zilch, nada...

    Not starvation no... but easily malnutrition since not many cals left for vitamins, minerals, fat and protein, after the coffee cals. This can lead to hair loss, bad skin, weak nails, digestive tract issues, loss of lean muscle (lack of protein), etc.

    I agree it is not the healthiest option ...I just disagree with the premise that you can be consuming 1600 calories of anything and be in starvation mode...
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Yes, because I eat breakfast at 630am and get my coffee later in the mornings. I do have to walk in there though since there are no Starbucks drive-thrus here :)
    I eat breakfast at the same time you do and I have time to make a bagel, two slices of bacon, a cup of coffee, and four scrambled eggs with two egg whites and a half serving of cheese...

    Yeah not sure why eating at 6:30 prevents you from cooking any breakfast. It's very quick and easy to scramble eggs. You can even microwave them (although I don't prefer them in the micro).
  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    Yes, because I eat breakfast at 630am and get my coffee later in the mornings. I do have to walk in there though since there are no Starbucks drive-thrus here :)
    I eat breakfast at the same time you do and I have time to make a bagel, two slices of bacon, a cup of coffee, and four scrambled eggs with two egg whites and a half serving of cheese...

    OMG please come over and make me breakfast!
  • breakyoface
    breakyoface Posts: 160 Member
    Maybe it's a little bit of also not wanting to make something like that for breakfast? I don't think eating eggs in the AM is going to make all the difference. I like my yogurt and banana.