Please tell me what I'm doing wrong here!!



  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Before I hurt my back I would run 5 miles 5 days a week or do Jillian Michaels/Bigges Loser dvds. I hurt my back to where I was not even able to walk at the grocery store without the pain going down my legs and barely be able to stand up. I am on pain meds now and starting physical therapy on Tuesday. I can't wait to get back to working out and going on walks as much as possible. Definitely exercise is going to be part of my plan like it was before the back issue.

    If I cut down my coffees and have about 300 calories left for food..where should that go..breakfast? And what should I chose to get more protein and less carbs?

    If cut out that 500 cal coffee you have daily and add some protein to breakfast like eggs.
  • breakyoface
    breakyoface Posts: 160 Member
    I have a scale and I used it with every meal. I weigh everything and use measuring cups and what not. I don't have time to make eggs for breakfast..that's why my nutritionist had me eat yogurt and a banana for breakfast.
    I don't drink coffee at home, it seems if I do it at home, it's not as good and not worth it to me, or it's good and I over drink it. It's easy for me to cut things out if I have to. I will bid farewell to SB except maybe a treat once a week and obviously keep it within range, and get a Jack in the box coffee at 270 cals in the mornings?
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    Coffee addict here, too. I'm also a creamer and sugar addict, just like you! :laugh:

    I use a Keurig machine and make my coffee at home - I add 3 packets of Splenda and 2 tablespoons of CoffeeMate sugar-free creamers (they have a few kinds). Total calories for my coffee - 30. And it's as sweet as I could want it. :heart:
  • Trashtruck
    Starbucks sells SF syrups and there are other companies that have SF coffee syrups as well, much cheaper and just as delicious.

    Unsweetened almond milk, ice, coffee (I buy the starbucks beans and grind/brew at home now), and SF flavored syrup of your choice - whiz it in a blender/bullet and tada... a low cal/fat, yummy beverage!

    Also, if you're out and about... a trenta iced coffee with SF syrup and Nonfat milk has FAR less calories and fat than the foo foo drinks.

    Good luck!
  • breakyoface
    breakyoface Posts: 160 Member
    I've tried different drinks and come to the conclusion..I would rather drink nothing but coffee than anything sugar free. I just can't handle the taste! I'm sure I could get used to it..but think I'd rather just cut it out completely. I'm ok with cutting back on the coffee by the way. So besides the coffee..anything else I'm doing wrong??
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    You have time to stop for coffee but not make some eggs? It takes me less than 10 min and I eat eggs almost daily. You can hard boil eggs on Sunday to use throughout the week.
  • beth292926
    Obviously you need to stick with the plan from your nutritionist, but I'd recommend just reading the first few chapters of the Alternate-Day Diet... even if you don't choose to follow that diet, it makes you seriously reconsider your relationship with food... one top tip I read there was, DON'T choose a huge variety of food – and it's working for me. Basically, you need to think about which nutrients your body needs. Only eat foods that are high in nutrients and low in calories. Cut out all foods that contain 'empty' calories (including fizzy drinks and excessive amounts of coffee!). So lots of green and red vegetables (NOT potatoes, white rice or pasta!!). You need less protein than you think you do, so limit the amount of lean meat and fish you consume. If everything you put in your mouth is high in good nutrients and low in carbs and fat, I think you will find it hard not to lose weight. Easier said than done, I know, but get your head in the right place by reading the right things, and you will succeed. :-)

    Oh, and another thought... this particular diet doesn't require you to take huge amounts of exercise. Housework, pottering in the garden, walking the dog, walking around the shops, maybe gentle yoga, is really all you need to do. It's better to gently exercise for a long time than to raise your heart rate too much when you still have a lot of weight to lose. Maybe, when you're much lighter, try the running again, but until then, leave it or you'll do yourself an injury and give up. Distracting yourself from always having something in your mouth is your number-one goal!

  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    I used to drink an insane amount of pop - and then when I cut it out and drank 3L of water a day I dropped about 5lbs in a week just from switching.

    I still drink my coffee in the morning, I have one a day - maybe, maybe 2 if it's just one of those days, but almost always only one. I love my coffee and I wouldn't ever say to anyone to give it up but as someone else posted trying have a coffee-less day if you want to cut it out. I personally don't want to cut out my coffee, but it's not a starbucks coffee or sugary drink, it's a medium from Tim Hortons.

    I would also suggest to seriously look at the quality you're eating rather than just staying under your goals. For example, I prepare my meals a week at a time and when I grocery shop there are very few processed foods I buy - most of the stuff I eat is fresh and whole foods. You would be amazed at the food you can eat when you switch to clean eating, rather than processed. I am not an advocate for giving up your whole routine because I know from experience that trying to switch to something you can't eat or really don't like just because it's heathly will make you miserable!!

    My biggest success has been clean eating, and eating the things I like in moderation. I am not 100% clean, I still drink coffee with cream and sugar but if I cut out absolutely everything I will be so miserable and it's not even worth it in the end.

    Eat whole, non-processed foods where possible. Not sure what those are? My biggest decision maker: if the food has a commercial for it, it's probably not whole or all that fresh

    Also, I know you said you're out with an injury BUT when you're back into things, WEIGHT LIFT WEIGHT LIFT WEIGHT LIFT!! I cannot say this enough. You may not lift heavy, but by increasing your muscle mass you will burn more calories at rest and therefore have a high deficit daily. Your sodium intake seems kind of high and that can also make you retain water.
  • beth292926
    Oh, and maybe have a dash of skimmed/fat-free milk in your coffee instead of creamer. Much better for you!! :-)
  • breakyoface
    breakyoface Posts: 160 Member
    No, quick breakfasts for me only, but I do like the boiled eggs idea. I can do that!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Yes, Starbucks addict. I thought though that if you stay under your calories that you will still lose weight. I am going to cut back on that though..but I want to drink my coffee everyday. Will drinking sugary coffees but still being under my caloric goals really keep me from losing weight!?

    yes, you will, and you are said you have lost "pounds" and have no stalled out...this is natural. Your weight loss is not going to be linear it will go down, up, stay the same, and then go back down ...

    In the log run, it may not be best to consume 700 to 1000 cals a day in starbucks, but at the end of the day it comes down to calories in vs calories out.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Even though you're at a deficit you have to also consider the nutritional value of what you're eating. If you're drinking 700 calories in coffee and only eating 900 calories in real food then you're body is probably still in some form of starvation and that could be a reason why your weight loss has stalled. I think that you would lose for a while but eventually plateau due to an insufficient diet. I believe that you should strive to eat 1300-1500 calories of good solid food and then consider the coffee in the excess calories that you're allotted and after working out.

    No, just no cant be consuming 1600 calories a day and be in "some form of starvation mode" this is just down right wrong. You would have to eat nothing for a pro longed period of time to be in starvation mode..and when I mean nothing, I mean zero, zilch, nada...
  • SuziQGettinFit
    Yes eggs are a great way to start off your day with some healthy protein. I also will hard boil 8 or so at a time and they are ready for me in the busy mornings. I also sometimes whisk a couple, put them into a pan with a lid on minimum - then run and do my makeup, hair, etc and come back to cooked eggs (took some experimenting). Also, as I said before, a protein shake is a good way too. Oh and pain relievers (I know you have to take them) can inhibit a weight loss so you might have to compensate for that. Don't forget too that building up your core abdominal muscles really can help your back. Also, a Fitbit device can tell you more correctly what you are burning and how many calories to eat.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    No, quick breakfasts for me only, but I do like the boiled eggs idea. I can do that!

    scrambled eggs take about five minutes to cook..

    you have time to sit in line at Starbucks but not scramble some eggs?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    So besides the coffee..anything else I'm doing wrong??

    As far as weightloss (vs. nutrition) goes, it's really not established that you are doing anything wrong. It's perfectly normal for your weight to fluctuate around the same weight for a 3-day period, or even longer. I like weighing every day myself, so I don't catch myself on a high day for weigh-in and overreact, but part of the benefit of this is realizing that it fluctuates and you can't get too invested in the specific number, vs. the overall trend. I'd say be as accurate as possible with tracking, weigh instead of measuring with cups and read the link on how to measure and log (it's a great post that helped me a lot), and see how it's working in a couple of weeks.

    As for nutrition, I agree with the idea of getting more protein, at least to meet the MFP goal (which is pretty low). IME, cutting calories is a lot easier to maintain if you get sufficient protein, which is really the problem with the coffee drinks. You might not notice it now, but for a lot of people drinking calories, especially calories that are largely carbs, doesn't really fill you up, so that leaves fewer calories to do so. People are individual in what works for them, but I do better with some protein at breakfast. If even hardboiled eggs take too long (or you don't like them), you could make a little extra of your dinner meat and have it with breakfast. If you don't want any bigger a breakfast than you have now (which is also normal), then maybe try to eat more than 2 oz of meat on your lunch salad? Or instead of one of the coffees add in a snack that has protein in it, depending on what you like.

    Edit: cross-posted and didn't see the hard-boiled egg exchange earlier.
  • breakyoface
    breakyoface Posts: 160 Member
    Yes, because I eat breakfast at 630am and get my coffee later in the mornings. I do have to walk in there though since there are no Starbucks drive-thrus here :)
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    I hate to break it to you but you'd have to walk to a starbucks more than an hour away to burn off your coffee calories. Have you tried the skinny versions of lattes to slowly start weaning yourself off? I also like to add just 2tbsp of flavored creamer to regular coffee at home for a little sweet treat and then mix in a little unsweetened almond milk. As long as you have the deficit, you will lose weight but coffee and sugar have other affects on the body that could stymie your efforts. It can cause crashes and such. Besides, why put all the effort into counting, measuring and tracking if you just want to blow half your calories and items that probably landed you here in the first place. Learn lifestyle adjustments and make subs and swaps for sustainability.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. Meaning even when you do everything perfect the scale #s will not move in a perfect line. Some things have a temporary effect on your weight (such as sodium, stress, lack of sleep, hormones, TOM). Not to mention: what you do today may not automatically take effect over night.

    Hang in there! Keep moving forward and trust that the scale will eventually catch on.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    I have posted this a couple times in other threads, but will say again: weight is a useless metric. Still don't understand why the mass majority uses this to base a fitness plan on.

    Your weight is going to fluctuate sometimes as much as 5lbs in ONE DAY. Eat a big meal with a lot of salt, retain water for the next 3 hours and boom....instant 5lbs. Is it fat? No. Do you really need to get super upset about it? No.

    If you really want to measure actual progress, you need to look at Body Mass Index (BMI). It is the measure of fat stored on your body. There are several ways that this can be measured, with varying degrees of accuracy and cost:

    Also, here are what the BMI (body mass index) ranges are for men and women, and what they look like in general. Aim for what you want your body to look like, and shoot for that body fat %:

    Other big thing I noticed is your carb intake is *SKY HIGH* compared to your protein intake. You are getting over 60% of your calories from carbohydrates almost every day and only about 15% of your calories from protein!!! You need to drastically shift your calorie sources. I would recommend keeping your carb intake to an absolute maximum of 40% of your daily calories, and bumping up your protein intake to at least 35%. Easiest way to do it is to cut the processed foods out and replace with lean meats.

    Um...that's not coffee that your smiley is drinking. Right?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    So after your coffee you only leave 800ish calories to nourish your body? I suggest cutting back on the cals from the coffee, there is no way you will be able to get enough fat, protein, vitamins and minerals on the remaining 800ish cals