Sugar addiction argh!



  • rr10473
    rr10473 Posts: 23
    Again as you so eloquently put, do some research. Sucrose? also a naturally occurring sugar. GI Index relevance to those without diabetes? Next to none

    In sugar glucose and fructose bound together to form sucrose. In honey, glucose and fructose are independant of each other.

    Thus my point.

    Such ignorance , glucose and fructose are sugars and sucrose is also naturally occurring, in which case;

    "Sugar is most definately addicting! You detox by only using natural sugars (i.e. honey, natural stevia) and only eating foods where sugar is the 5th ingredient - they are out there!!) I say stay away from diet soda and processed foods altogether. Drink plenty of water!!!! Any detox (caffiene, sugar) will give you headaches. Hang in their. They will go away. "

    is still asinine

    You sir make sense!

    Seems like you and your friend can't handle differing information than what you are used to. And I am the ignorant one? Carry on with your bullying.
  • rr10473
    rr10473 Posts: 23
    Again as you so eloquently put, do some research. Sucrose? also a naturally occurring sugar. GI Index relevance to those without diabetes? Next to none

    In sugar glucose and fructose bound together to form sucrose. In honey, glucose and fructose are independant of each other.

    Thus my point.

    Such ignorance , glucose and fructose are sugars and sucrose is also naturally occurring, in which case;

    "Sugar is most definately addicting! You detox by only using natural sugars (i.e. honey, natural stevia) and only eating foods where sugar is the 5th ingredient - they are out there!!) I say stay away from diet soda and processed foods altogether. Drink plenty of water!!!! Any detox (caffiene, sugar) will give you headaches. Hang in their. They will go away. "

    is still asinine

    So what you are trying to say is someone who is truly addicted to beer cannot detox from alcohol if they drink vodka nor

    can you truly "Detox" from sugar if you are subbing it with another type of sugar.


    Thank you! I think I am pretty smart myself.

    Actually yes you can. If you haven't done so you wouldn't know what I was referring to. Seems like you know what to do with an addiction to sugar. Please advise.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Again as you so eloquently put, do some research. Sucrose? also a naturally occurring sugar. GI Index relevance to those without diabetes? Next to none

    In sugar glucose and fructose bound together to form sucrose. In honey, glucose and fructose are independant of each other.

    Thus my point.

    Such ignorance , glucose and fructose are sugars and sucrose is also naturally occurring, in which case;

    "Sugar is most definately addicting! You detox by only using natural sugars (i.e. honey, natural stevia) and only eating foods where sugar is the 5th ingredient - they are out there!!) I say stay away from diet soda and processed foods altogether. Drink plenty of water!!!! Any detox (caffiene, sugar) will give you headaches. Hang in their. They will go away. "

    is still asinine

    You sir make sense!

    Seems like you and your friend can't handle differing information than what you are used to. And I am the ignorant one? Carry on with your bullying.


    I want you to scroll down to sugars, then tell me what the first one listed is. How in the world did that get in an apple?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Sigh... Do you actually understand what you are saying?

    Basically this article says that sucrose is cleaved into glucose and fructose by the enzyme sucrase in the body. Then it says that honey has enzymes that act like sucrase and cleave sucrose in honey into glucose and fructose.

    So, once they are both cleaved into glucose and fructose, the body digests them identically. They both get absorbed into the blood by the small intestine.

    By the way, the glycemic index has been debunked, and even so, honey at 55 is still considered high on the glycemic scale. Virtually identical from a health standpoint.

    I was only providing a few items of research. Honey is natural, sugar is processed. By that point, your body metabolizes processed food differenly. Natural/Whole foods are what are best for your body, period.
    I have been studying this for some time and have done my own research. If you feel differently, fine.

    OK first of all, a google search isn't "research." I'll start with the very basics. Sucrose is NOT a processed sugar, it's a naturally occurring sugar. In fact, sucrose occurs naturally in honey (honey contains about 1% sucrose, 7% maltose [another disaccharide,] 31% glucose, and 38% fructose) as well as EVERY fruit known to man. Honestly, as far as sugar ratios go, honey is very similar to high fructose corn syrup.
  • rr10473
    rr10473 Posts: 23
    Seems like you and your friend can't handle differing information than what you are used to. And I am the ignorant one? Carry on with your bullying.


    I want you to scroll down to sugars, then tell me what the first one listed is. How in the world did that get in an apple?

    My original point did not say anything about comparing apples to sugar. Obviously there is natural sugar in apple's and other fruit. But again, this is natural - not processed . White table sugar - not natural.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member

    Seems like you and your friend can't handle differing information than what you are used to. And I am the ignorant one? Carry on with your bullying.


    I want you to scroll down to sugars, then tell me what the first one listed is. How in the world did that get in an apple?

    I really think you are the pot calling the kettle black, you are the bully, Interersting how you will not even post a picture of your face. You ruin these forums for me
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    *assessing whether or not I have the patience for this today*

  • rr10473
    rr10473 Posts: 23
    Sigh... Do you actually understand what you are saying?

    Basically this article says that sucrose is cleaved into glucose and fructose by the enzyme sucrase in the body. Then it says that honey has enzymes that act like sucrase and cleave sucrose in honey into glucose and fructose.

    So, once they are both cleaved into glucose and fructose, the body digests them identically. They both get absorbed into the blood by the small intestine.

    By the way, the glycemic index has been debunked, and even so, honey at 55 is still considered high on the glycemic scale. Virtually identical from a health standpoint.

    I was only providing a few items of research. Honey is natural, sugar is processed. By that point, your body metabolizes processed food differenly. Natural/Whole foods are what are best for your body, period.
    I have been studying this for some time and have done my own research. If you feel differently, fine.

    OK first of all, a google search isn't "research." I'll start with the very basics. Sucrose is NOT a processed sugar, it's a naturally occurring sugar. In fact, sucrose occurs naturally in honey (honey contains about 1% sucrose, 7% maltose [another disaccharide,] 31% glucose, and 38% fructose) as well as EVERY fruit known to man. Honestly, as far as sugar ratios go, honey is very similar to high fructose corn syrup.

    It's interesting how you only pick up what you want from my info. No my research is not based on a "google search". The references I made are related to sugar as a processed substance versus honey as a natural pure form of sugar.
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    Again as you so eloquently put, do some research. Sucrose? also a naturally occurring sugar. GI Index relevance to those without diabetes? Next to none

    In sugar glucose and fructose bound together to form sucrose. In honey, glucose and fructose are independant of each other.

    Thus my point.

    Such ignorance , glucose and fructose are sugars and sucrose is also naturally occurring, in which case;

    "Sugar is most definately addicting! You detox by only using natural sugars (i.e. honey, natural stevia) and only eating foods where sugar is the 5th ingredient - they are out there!!) I say stay away from diet soda and processed foods altogether. Drink plenty of water!!!! Any detox (caffiene, sugar) will give you headaches. Hang in their. They will go away. "

    is still asinine

    So what you are trying to say is someone who is truly addicted to beer cannot detox from alcohol if they drink vodka nor

    can you truly "Detox" from sugar if you are subbing it with another type of sugar.


    Thank you! I think I am pretty smart myself.

    Actually yes you can. If you haven't done so you wouldn't know what I was referring to. Seems like you know what to do with an addiction to sugar. Please advise.

    To whine about having a sugar addiction belittles those who have battled true addiction. Man up and put down the cookie. Quit making your excuses as to why you cannot lose weight or be healthy or coddling others as to why they are not succeeding by saying "its ok, its' your sugar addiction." This does not apply for those with health conditions. Also, a difference in opinion does not make one a bully.

    Please note: I do not think this was the case of the OP!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Seems like you and your friend can't handle differing information than what you are used to. And I am the ignorant one? Carry on with your bullying.


    I want you to scroll down to sugars, then tell me what the first one listed is. How in the world did that get in an apple?

    My original point did not say anything about comparing apples to sugar. Obviously there is natural sugar in apple's and other fruit. But again, this is natural - not processed . White table sugar - not natural.

    Got it, so is the below white table sugar or natural sucrose from an apple? How did you determine which one it was?

  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Sigh... Do you actually understand what you are saying?

    Basically this article says that sucrose is cleaved into glucose and fructose by the enzyme sucrase in the body. Then it says that honey has enzymes that act like sucrase and cleave sucrose in honey into glucose and fructose.

    So, once they are both cleaved into glucose and fructose, the body digests them identically. They both get absorbed into the blood by the small intestine.

    By the way, the glycemic index has been debunked, and even so, honey at 55 is still considered high on the glycemic scale. Virtually identical from a health standpoint.

    I was only providing a few items of research. Honey is natural, sugar is processed. By that point, your body metabolizes processed food differenly. Natural/Whole foods are what are best for your body, period.
    I have been studying this for some time and have done my own research. If you feel differently, fine.

    OK first of all, a google search isn't "research." I'll start with the very basics. Sucrose is NOT a processed sugar, it's a naturally occurring sugar. In fact, sucrose occurs naturally in honey (honey contains about 1% sucrose, 7% maltose [another disaccharide,] 31% glucose, and 38% fructose) as well as EVERY fruit known to man. Honestly, as far as sugar ratios go, honey is very similar to high fructose corn syrup.

    It's interesting how you only pick up what you want from my info. No my research is not based on a "google search". The references I made are related to sugar as a processed substance versus honey as a natural pure form of sugar.

    I'm pretty sure honey is a processed sugar, bees mainly being the working force here.
  • rr10473
    rr10473 Posts: 23
    To whine about having a sugar addiction belittles those who have battled true addiction. Man up and put down the cookie. Quit making your excuses as to why you cannot lose weight or be healthy or coddling others as to why they are not succeeding by saying "its ok, its' your sugar addiction." This does not apply for those with health conditions. Also, a difference in opinion does not make one a bully.

    Please note: I do not think this was the case of the OP!

    I am not whining. I have overcome the battle with weight loss sucessfully. Thank you very much! I did have a true addiction and was trying to offer what I knew worked for me. Having a difference of opinion is not a bully. you are right. Calling people names after not understanding their point of view is!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    I was only providing a few items of research. Honey is natural, sugar is processed. By that point, your body metabolizes processed food differenly. Natural/Whole foods are what are best for your body, period.
    I have been studying this for some time and have done my own research. If you feel differently, fine.

    Sucrose is processed by humans. Honey is processed by bees. They are both processed.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    To whine about having a sugar addiction belittles those who have battled true addiction. Man up and put down the cookie. Quit making your excuses as to why you cannot lose weight or be healthy or coddling others as to why they are not succeeding by saying "its ok, its' your sugar addiction." This does not apply for those with health conditions. Also, a difference in opinion does not make one a bully.

    Please note: I do not think this was the case of the OP!

    I am not whining. I have overcome the battle with weight loss sucessfully. Thank you very much! I did have a true addiction and was trying to offer what I knew worked for me. Having a difference of opinion is not a bully. you are right. Calling people names after not understanding their point of view is!

    So did you avoid all saccharides to overcome your addiction to them?
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member

    I really think you are the pot calling the kettle black, you are the bully, Interersting how you will not even post a picture of your face. You ruin these forums for me

    Acg67 does not need to post a pic of his face. It detracts from those abs!! :blushing:
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    I really think you are the pot calling the kettle black, you are the bully, Interersting how you will not even post a picture of your face. You ruin these forums for me

    I thank my lucky stars every time I see him post in these sugar nonsense threads.

    EDIT: Dear God, you newbies need to figure out how to use the quotes properly!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    When did sugar become a toxin??


    I'm thinking it happened about the same time that polite conversation became "bullying" and when sensationalist lies became "news." I think this was about the same time when they decided that instead of giving a trophy to the winner, that all kids would get one. This correlates with the timing of the war on drugs going from rhetoric to actually bombing other countries.

    Because it's so much easier to blame an inanimate object that has not harmed you than to find the root cause of your own destructive behavior and learn to be a better person.

  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I got lost right around the point where someone's logic chain "proved conclusively" that an alcoholic could 'detox' by switching from beer to vodka or vice versa, and they confirmed that this was the case.

    How does that work, again?
  • rr10473
    rr10473 Posts: 23
    To whine about having a sugar addiction belittles those who have battled true addiction. Man up and put down the cookie. Quit making your excuses as to why you cannot lose weight or be healthy or coddling others as to why they are not succeeding by saying "its ok, its' your sugar addiction." This does not apply for those with health conditions. Also, a difference in opinion does not make one a bully.

    Please note: I do not think this was the case of the OP!

    I am not whining. I have overcome the battle with weight loss sucessfully. Thank you very much! I did have a true addiction and was trying to offer what I knew worked for me. Having a difference of opinion is not a bully. you are right. Calling people names after not understanding their point of view is!

    So did you avoid all saccharides to overcome your addiction to them?

  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member

    EDIT: Dear God, you newbies need to figure out how to use the quotes properly!
