Terrible Dates



  • nmncare
    nmncare Posts: 168 Member
    This is long but I promise it's a good one.

    Don't judge me because this was a long time ago and it SCREAMS high school. Bad dates and douche bags are pretty much the story of my life.. But I have had some great dates too! But one of the worst is still my Junior Prom.

    I went with my friends ex (mistake number 1.. even though she said it was okay and insisted I go with him).

    So I get all pretty. Junior Prom was the biggest dance in high school where I lived. Limos, ball gowns, insane over the top steak dinners.. the whole nine. The last thing my mom says to me as I am walking out the door is.. "Are you sure you don't want to wear a bra?". Great.
    We get in his car (one of the only non limos at the dance.. but I'm not fussy so I didn't mind). He says "You look gorgeous." and I say "Awe thank you!". And he then says.. "But your dress would look better on the floor." Umm.. Excuse me?
    We get to dinner. We end up going to this run down hole in the wall vegan pizza parlor. Neither of us are vegan. But I trust the hole's in the wall because you find some real gems. Well.. this was not one of them. One of the WORST meals I have ever had in my life. Not to mention we were extremely overdressed. Once the bill comes.. he says.. "By the way.. you're paying." Back then I was too nice to disagree. So I did. (I'm an idiot. I know). We get to the dance and I have to pay for myself to get in. Okay.. that's fine. So jokingly.. and seriously.. I said "Fine. Since I paid for dinner and my ticket.. you are paying for pictures." He said.. "No I'm not. If you want pictures.. you're paying." Well.. I did want pictures! I wanted a group picture with my closest friends all dressed up. Plus.. Junior Prom was a BIG DEAL. So I paid for group photos. The rest of the night was him rubbing himself all over me.. would not leave me alone.. and basically doing everything he could to get in my pants. It was terrible. Then he locked his keys in his car so we couldn't get home. I tried asking my friends via text if we could hitch a ride in a limo and we would pay, but none of them checked their phone's in time before they left. He ended up calling one of his buddies downtown where we were and had him drive us home. He kept saying "We are in a backseat. This is perfect. You know what happens back here?" Literally would not stop trying to get lucky. Seriously?? He asked me to sing him a song since I am a singer. I sang him you and your hand by pink hoping he would take a hint. Nope. We round the corner to my house and he stops at this hill at the end of my street with a gorgeous view. He gets out of the car and asks his friend to wait there. He pushes me down on the hill. Literally shoves his tongue down my throat and tells me he really likes me. Just then.. as I am trying to get away from this creep.. his tongue hits my uvula.. and I threw up. He was such a bad kisser.. I literally threw up. I then said some strong words and ran home.

    Edited for typos.

    OMG hahahahahahaha literally crying at multiple parts of this story. You and your hand LMAO & then hitting your uvula LMAO. Oh god. Best story ever, hahahahahahahaha.

    Are you married/dating now? Or are you still stuck on the loser train? I fear I will never get off this train.

    That guy was just a joke. Haha.

    I am dating. :) But I am a bit on the loser train. I just moved back to America but I haven't been on very many dates. The area that I live in doesn't have a ton of people my age not married. But I am with you where I feel like I will never get off this crazy ride! Not losing hope just yet though :)
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member

    That guy was just a joke. Haha.

    I am dating. :) But I am a bit on the loser train. I just moved back to America but I haven't been on very many dates. The area that I live in doesn't have a ton of people my age not married. But I am with you where I feel like I will never get off this crazy ride! Not losing hope just yet though :)

    I can't even find anyone DATE worthy in my town! :(
    It's depressing. I find that guys my age live at home with their parents (mooching) and don't have jobs. How appealing?
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member

    That guy was just a joke. Haha.

    I am dating. :) But I am a bit on the loser train. I just moved back to America but I haven't been on very many dates. The area that I live in doesn't have a ton of people my age not married. But I am with you where I feel like I will never get off this crazy ride! Not losing hope just yet though :)

    I can't even find anyone DATE worthy in my town! :(
    It's depressing. I find that guys my age live at home with their parents (mooching) and don't have jobs. How appealing?

    I found a lot of the same where I am, smallish city, but mostly seniors, not a lot of young adults. I went through a lot of awful ones before I met my wonderful fiance. I was ready to give up and there he was. You never know when they will pop up :smile: Good luck!
  • nmncare
    nmncare Posts: 168 Member
    Had a guy pull the "oh I forgot my card in my other wallet" bs on me.

    Every boyfriend I have ever had has pulled that on me.. with "babe" in front of it. Oy!