Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!



  • bnredo
    bnredo Posts: 3
    Maybe skinny is the wrong word.

    I polled my office and we agree: "Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels."

    I think health and fitness should definitely be the goal. While the point of the original post, the low self-esteem and shame that results from not being a healthy weight really resonates, don't forget the physical pain that results from being overweight.

    It becomes almost impossible to exercise or even walk when your joints and back can't support you.

    I don't know if a pizza binge is worth that.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I have weighed nearly 500lbs.

    I have felt "skinny" despite my weight starting with a 4. Feeling skinny, in my eyes, has nothing to do with what you eat, but rather how you feel about your body on that particular day. The "feeling skinny" only lasts a short while, then you get back to body issues and wanting to lose or tone or whatever.

    Taste and feel cannot be compared, they are not similar sensations at all.. and from a biochemistry perspective, "being skinny" doesn't trigger the same dopamine release as a particularly delicious food, and therefore it is virtually impossible for skinny to feel as good as something that tastes good.

    But hey, whatever works for you I suppose. I have short days, I have tall days, I have skinny days, I have fat days, but what my goal ultimately is, is to have days where I don't have any specific kind of day at all... When I've stopped comparing myself to where I was yesterday, and where I want to be, and just allow myself to be who I am in the body that I have in the here and now. Unconditionally loving my body regardless of how fat it is, because it's the only one I've got.

    And heck, I love the taste of spinach. and I mean LOVE. I eat it plain and raw. Not all great tasting foods are fattening or loaded with sugar :P
  • MagJam2004
    MagJam2004 Posts: 651 Member
    Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!

    Do you even pizza?
    Clearly, you've never microwaved a donut.

    so much win in the forums today, feels like I've been laughing all day.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    I agree completely, Everyone is here or should be here for one goal, to get healthy so you go girl. YOU CAN DO THIS...There are many "friends" you can find here to encourage and not discourage you along the way. I also happen to agree with Nothing tastes better than skinny feels! Add me if you like, I'm faithful logging in so I am constantly online if you need me. Congrats by the way on making a fabulous choice to change your life for the better. I can't wait to see the results. :flowerforyou:

    Here's a shocker - not everyone who uses this site does so for the same reasons or has the same goals - nor should they all have the same goals and reasons.

    I know, it might take a while to wrap your head around that, but it will make sense some day. Really.
  • MagJam2004
    MagJam2004 Posts: 651 Member
    I have weighed nearly 500lbs.

    I have felt "skinny" despite my weight starting with a 4. Feeling skinny, in my eyes, has nothing to do with what you eat, but rather how you feel about your body on that particular day. The "feeling skinny" only lasts a short while, then you get back to body issues and wanting to lose or tone or whatever.

    Taste and feel cannot be compared, they are not similar sensations at all.. and from a biochemistry perspective, "being skinny" doesn't trigger the same dopamine release as a particularly delicious food, and therefore it is virtually impossible for skinny to feel as good as something that tastes good.

    But hey, whatever works for you I suppose. I have short days, I have tall days, I have skinny days, I have fat days, but what my goal ultimately is, is to have days where I don't have any specific kind of day at all... When I've stopped comparing myself to where I was yesterday, and where I want to be, and just allow myself to be who I am in the body that I have in the here and now. Unconditionally loving my body regardless of how fat it is, because it's the only one I've got.

    And heck, I love the taste of spinach. and I mean LOVE. I eat it plain and raw. Not all great tasting foods are fattening or loaded with sugar :P

    like I said, so much win.

  • LoveInnocent
    LoveInnocent Posts: 44 Member
    Exactly! I think it's also true that feeling of getting on the scale and seeing a loss tops every calorie eaten above your goal!!!

    I completely agree! I feel proud of myself for avoiding that pint of ice cream or that huge plate of chinese food when I look at the scale and see its gone down.

    Yes! Not eating the bread at dinner last night. I felt very proud! Saying no to Easter candy, an accomplishment!

    Yeah... I didn't say no to the easter candy last night... BUT I WILL TONIGHT! XD
  • LoveInnocent
    LoveInnocent Posts: 44 Member
    I agree completely, Everyone is here or should be here for one goal, to get healthy so you go girl. YOU CAN DO THIS...There are many "friends" you can find here to encourage and not discourage you along the way. I also happen to agree with Nothing tastes better than skinny feels! Add me if you like, I'm faithful logging in so I am constantly online if you need me. Congrats by the way on making a fabulous choice to change your life for the better. I can't wait to see the results. :flowerforyou:

    Here's a shocker - not everyone who uses this site does so for the same reasons or has the same goals - nor should they all have the same goals and reasons.

    I know, it might take a while to wrap your head around that, but it will make sense some day. Really.

    No they are right. Everyone is here to get healthy/stay healthy. >.> if you aren't then you shouldn't be on a site called myfitnesspal...
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Exactly! I think it's also true that feeling of getting on the scale and seeing a loss tops every calorie eaten above your goal!!!

    I completely agree! I feel proud of myself for avoiding that pint of ice cream or that huge plate of chinese food when I look at the scale and see its gone down.

    Yes! Not eating the bread at dinner last night. I felt very proud! Saying no to Easter candy, an accomplishment!

    Yeah... I didn't say no to the easter candy last night... BUT I WILL TONIGHT! XD

    I never say no to candy. I occasionally say no to 'more candy', if I've already have some at that partiqular moment in time, but even that's pretty iffy.

    *Considers third square of chocolate* ...yeah, sure, why not? :drinker:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I agree completely, Everyone is here or should be here for one goal, to get healthy so you go girl. YOU CAN DO THIS...There are many "friends" you can find here to encourage and not discourage you along the way. I also happen to agree with Nothing tastes better than skinny feels! Add me if you like, I'm faithful logging in so I am constantly online if you need me. Congrats by the way on making a fabulous choice to change your life for the better. I can't wait to see the results. :flowerforyou:

    Here's a shocker - not everyone who uses this site does so for the same reasons or has the same goals - nor should they all have the same goals and reasons.

    I know, it might take a while to wrap your head around that, but it will make sense some day. Really.

    No they are right. Everyone is here to get healthy/stay healthy. >.>

    I'm actually here for purely aesthetic reasons.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I have been reading posts here and think I found my best fit here. 28 days ago I was at 332 lbs and have lost 11 so far. I am 46, 5'9" and healthy except the major arthritis and tendon issues in my feet that keep me from so many exercises it isn't funny. I just want to get to 167 lbs and that is not unreasonable. The doctor would like me to be at 140. We will see how I feel about it when I reach my current goal.

    I lost 125 lbs once and gained it back. My fault entirely. Suffice it to say depression eating sucks you in, but I have a feeling you all know about how that works and the downward spiral you head into. I made some major changes in my life and am making more. Right now it is time for this one.

    I refuse to stay this size. Especially not after I experienced being able to buy clothes in a regular store. I loved being able to visit friends or go to barbecues without having to consider either bringing my own chair or standing the whole time because you know there will not be a chair big enough or sturdy enough for you. If you have not experienced being kicked off an amusement park ride because the safety locks wouldn't engage over your chest, be happy. I have and it is not a good feeling. I screwed up, but I will get back there, and stay there.

    We can all do this. Just don't lose sight of the goal. I lost sight in a big way and that will not happen again.

    Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!

    Love your enthusiasm! Wishing you the best. "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" is an outdated term. How about nothing tastes as good as FIT feels!
  • LoveInnocent
    LoveInnocent Posts: 44 Member

    I never say no to candy. I occasionally say no to 'more candy', if I've already have some at that partiqular moment in time, but even that's pretty iffy.

    *Considers third square of chocolate* ...yeah, sure, why not? :drinker:

    I got problems with self control so I am trying to avoid it XD but of course occasionally letting myself having it isn't a problem since I had it yesterday I'm gonna avoid it today XD.
  • LoveInnocent
    LoveInnocent Posts: 44 Member
    I agree completely, Everyone is here or should be here for one goal, to get healthy so you go girl. YOU CAN DO THIS...There are many "friends" you can find here to encourage and not discourage you along the way. I also happen to agree with Nothing tastes better than skinny feels! Add me if you like, I'm faithful logging in so I am constantly online if you need me. Congrats by the way on making a fabulous choice to change your life for the better. I can't wait to see the results. :flowerforyou:

    Here's a shocker - not everyone who uses this site does so for the same reasons or has the same goals - nor should they all have the same goals and reasons.

    I know, it might take a while to wrap your head around that, but it will make sense some day. Really.

    No they are right. Everyone is here to get healthy/stay healthy. >.>

    I'm actually here for purely aesthetic reasons.

    Pretty sure thats still being healthy and having a healthy looking body. o.o
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I agree completely, Everyone is here or should be here for one goal, to get healthy so you go girl. YOU CAN DO THIS...There are many "friends" you can find here to encourage and not discourage you along the way. I also happen to agree with Nothing tastes better than skinny feels! Add me if you like, I'm faithful logging in so I am constantly online if you need me. Congrats by the way on making a fabulous choice to change your life for the better. I can't wait to see the results. :flowerforyou:

    Here's a shocker - not everyone who uses this site does so for the same reasons or has the same goals - nor should they all have the same goals and reasons.

    I know, it might take a while to wrap your head around that, but it will make sense some day. Really.

    No they are right. Everyone is here to get healthy/stay healthy. >.>

    I'm actually here for purely aesthetic reasons.

    Pretty sure thats still being healthy and having a healthy looking body. o.o

    I'm gonna have to disagree; what is considered attractive isn't always healthy and what's considered healthy isn't always attractive, though there can certainly be overlap.

    I'm here because I wasn't as cute when I was heavier. My health hasn't changed but I certainly look better. Which was my goal. It's really not okay for you to A. Try to make my goals fit your ideals or B. Imply that if my goal isn't inline with what you think people should be doing that I don't believe here.
  • rfischer50
    rfischer50 Posts: 4 Member
    I get it and keep on. Don't stop, and be healthy. I picked up this from one of the responses ---- When I am in a healthy weight it feels great and when I am not in a health weight even though I am enjoying the taste of all the food I am eating, I don’t feel great --- I get that too.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member

    Welcome and good luck in your journey. I don’t know why your doctor would advise someone who is 5’9 to aim for 140…unless you want to be a model. I’m 5’6 and 140 would be skinny to me. I like your goal of 167. More realists.

    140lbs is a fine goal for someone who is 5'9", but then again so is 167. They are both within the range of healthy BMI, and the "correct" one depends on frame size and desired body fat percentage (there is also a large rang of healhty body fat percentages). I am 5'9" and currently 155lbs, with a goal of 150. I was healthy at 165 as well.
  • sdonovan96
    sdonovan96 Posts: 46 Member
    Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!

    Isn't that the motto of every anorexic?

    Chocolate tastes WAY better than skinny feels. Luckily, I have no desire to be "skinny." I want to be fit and strong and have a killer bikini body. I can get that AND eat chocolate. Yay!

    And have you tried the cinnabon delights at Taco Bell?? OMG. I've been skinny before...they taste better than skinny felt! ha!
  • chrystyna01
    Welcome and thank you for putting yourself out there like that, My story is similar to yours in the having lost well over 100 pounds and gaining it all back due to depression and my never ending ability to inhale my feelings.. I even lost over 80 fallowing that time and again here I am Just started MFP ....AGAIN. New profile and all. Feel free to friend me if you like. I haven't quite got that far into things so haven't started adding people but now is good a time as any right? Wishing you the best of luck on your journey! :drinker:
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    I agree completely, Everyone is here or should be here for one goal, to get healthy so you go girl. YOU CAN DO THIS...There are many "friends" you can find here to encourage and not discourage you along the way. I also happen to agree with Nothing tastes better than skinny feels! Add me if you like, I'm faithful logging in so I am constantly online if you need me. Congrats by the way on making a fabulous choice to change your life for the better. I can't wait to see the results. :flowerforyou:

    Here's a shocker - not everyone who uses this site does so for the same reasons or has the same goals - nor should they all have the same goals and reasons.

    I know, it might take a while to wrap your head around that, but it will make sense some day. Really.

    No they are right. Everyone is here to get healthy/stay healthy. >.>

    I'm actually here for purely aesthetic reasons.

    Pretty sure thats still being healthy and having a healthy looking body. o.o

    I'm gonna have to disagree; what is considered attractive isn't always healthy and what's considered healthy isn't always attractive, though there can certainly be overlap.

    I'm here because I wasn't as cute when I was heavier. My health hasn't changed but I certainly look better. Which was my goal. It's really not okay for you to A. Try to make my goals fit your ideals or B. Imply that if my goal isn't inline with what you think people should be doing that I don't believe here.

    I'm confused.

    Your ticker says you've lost 28lbs, and it says you still have some to go. So, you're saying you're not any healthier now than you were nearly 30lbs ago?

    (not trying to be argumentative, just sincerely confused.)
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!

    Isn't that the motto of every anorexic?

    Yeah, that's not a very healthy motto. I think it's great that you want to lose weight and be healthier but you don't have to hate food, or adopt crazy mottos to get there. Developing a healthy relationship with food is key to losing and maintaining. Food does taste good. It's good. It provides energy, nutrients, and it's okay to enjoy it. Just eating the right amount and you'll be good.

  • happysquidmuffin
    happysquidmuffin Posts: 651 Member
    So much bashing on the quote... But I totally agree with it. Being only roughly 26 lb or so overweight (in my opinion) On me it FEELS TERRIBLE. It LOOKS TERRIBLE. I would rather feel and look skinny again, because I know what that felt like, to feel what my personal version of "skinny" is. At 5'3 and 135 lb, I was normal size, not too thin but I felt SO MUCH BETTER about myself than I do now. Problem is, some foods taste almost as good as skinny feels, and that's why over the past 2 years I've "ballooned" up to the low 160's. Because I lack self control. People with alot more to lose might hate on me, but at least I'm catching my bad habits early on in the process and I'm NOT going to gain any more or stay at this weight when my body tells me every day how unhealthy it feels.
    Skinny for me means healthy and feels GREAT and I'm gonna get there again.