P90X (November 1st)



  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Based on the infomercial you dont need a lot of space...I am spacially challenged as well... but Karen, I think that if you can do the JM stuff you can do the p90x .... the infomercail shows a lot of apartment work outs..... the big thing is hanging the pull up bar... you need a doorway with molding (at least that is how it looks in the photo for the pull up bar) -- I found one similar to what they sell on BB webpage at Target for less.

    In terms of how in shape you need to be go to the beachbody website and click on P90X there is a fitness test to download to take prior to starting the program and then again once you finish so you can make comparisons. There are recommendations on that test that say you should be able to do a minimum of x for each exercise. I havent done the test yet but I suspect I will not be able to do a pull up .... but I am not going to let that stop me!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
  • bmhatcher
    bmhatcher Posts: 105
    I just started Week 10 of P90X today. I have lost almost 20 pounds to date. I really love the program cause the videos are all different and you do not get bored as you do with other programs. You don't need much room to work out in at all. Maybe 5' x 5' at most. AS you will see on the videos, he stays in the same spot for most of the exercises. While I have not lost as much weight as would have like by now, I have lost 2.5" from my waist alone, so when I put on smaller jeans, I don't mind the scale numbers as much!!
    Like he says, just keep pushing play and you will see results! I've enjoyed this so much that I am already looking at trying the Insanity program when I finish P90X.

    Good Luck!!!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Well, I ordered the P90x, should get it in 5 to 7 business days. Hopefully it will get here in time to join ya.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member

    Thanks :) just cruised on over there.

    I think I am going to order this today. I am finishing up the 30DS on Saturday and then going to alternate between No More Trouble Zones and Burn Fat Boost Metabolism until November 1.

    I KNOW this is going to take me longer then 90 days to do, that's a given. More likely 120 days. I also realize that I may become addicted to this work out LOL. The ONLY one I am scared of is the plyometrics. I am going to have to modify most of these moves due to bad knees.

    EDIT: I think I will call my neighbor first and see if he's still willing to lend it to me LOL
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    I just ordered mine... the guy from Craigslist flaked out so rather than try to chase him around I just decided to order it so that I can be sure it will be here by 11/1. I am going to do all my before shots and fitness test on the 28th or 29th. I signed up on Beachbody's webpage as SaraTN. I am going to record here as my first priority but also keep track of it there. I can't wait t start this program! I know that the major thing my current workout is lacking is strength training and I think something structured like this will "force" me to incorporate the much needed strength training for faster fat burn and lean definition.
  • bmhatcher
    bmhatcher Posts: 105
    I KNOW this is going to take me longer then 90 days to do, that's a given. More likely 120 days. I also realize that I may become addicted to this work out LOL. The ONLY one I am scared of is the plyometrics. I am going to have to modify most of these moves due to bad knees.

    Don't worry about modifying Plyometrics moves. I tried it the first week and I too thought it was too difficult on my knees. Substitute Cardio X instead. It combines some Ply, yoga and core work outs in one. I thought this was better for me in Week 1-3. When I started Week 5 I went back to Ply and felt alot better about doing the moves.

    I start Week 11 tomorrow. Trying to decide if I should restart the program for another 90 days or switch over to insanity.....
    Any thoughts from people who have done both programs?
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I am a P90X grad and will be starting Week #8 of Insanity on Monday. I have to say I absolutely love Insanity. In my opinion it is tougher then P90X. I didn't get great results during the first phase, however I really didn't work hard at my eating. The second phase has been a different story. During the first two weeks I have lost 12 pounds.

    Hope this helps,
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    OK Kids... its on... I have the P90x and all the gear in possession. I am going to do my fit test on the 28th and then start on Nov 1st. I am opting for the lean program because my goal is burn fat and have muscle definition. In my opinion I am a little on the chunk-o-licious side so getting rid of the chunk is more important to me for round one. I have been looking at the website daily and reading their boards for inspiration and I am very excited to start the program...

    If anyone needs me to post the lean or other programs please let me know... do what you think is best for you to achieve your goals....
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    I might give it a try :)
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Hey, I totally want to be in this November 1st group! My dvds are theoretically en route... i ebayed them about a week ago, so hopefully that will work out... (the seller had excellent ratings...!)

    I can't wait to start! I've been doing 30 Day Shred for the past two weeks, and I love me some Jillian Michaels, but I think I want more. My boyfriend also committed to doing p90x with me, so hopefully we can figure out how to coordinate that. Hopefully not at 5am every day, yikes. I may need to modify a little bit because I sprained my back in a hit and run in June, but my friends who have done the program think I'll be fine.

    I have this vain fitness goal of being able to confidently run a 5k in just a sports bra, and the 5k I'm thinking about is mid-december (I'm in LA, so weather isn't an issue). I'm hoping p90x is the way to go :)
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Hey, I totally want to be in this November 1st group! My dvds are theoretically en route... i ebayed them about a week ago, so hopefully that will work out... (the seller had excellent ratings...!)

    I can't wait to start! I've been doing 30 Day Shred for the past two weeks, and I love me some Jillian Michaels, but I think I want more. My boyfriend also committed to doing p90x with me, so hopefully we can figure out how to coordinate that. Hopefully not at 5am every day, yikes. I may need to modify a little bit because I sprained my back in a hit and run in June, but my friends who have done the program think I'll be fine.

    I have this vain fitness goal of being able to confidently run a 5k in just a sports bra, and the 5k I'm thinking about is mid-december (I'm in LA, so weather isn't an issue). I'm hoping p90x is the way to go :)

    Hahaha the weather very well may be an issue ;) It's currently raining (I'm in Studio City) and with the almost non existent summer we had I think it's going to be a wet winter. My friend and I are doing the 5k in March the day before the Marathon! That's going to give us time to train for it.

    In other news: I reconfirmed with my neighbor that I can borrow the DVD's. I am worried about some of the stuff but from what I understand they have modified moves for almost all the stuff. I am going to get my pull up bar and a couple of more sets of dumb bells next Saturday so I will be ready for Monday the 1st. In the mean time, I am going to be doing No More Trouble Zones and Burn Fat Boost Metabolism. I don't know that I am going to complete this in 90 days however. I don't have that kind of time sadly ... and I take 1 day completely off a week from working out (although that may change slightly). Should be fun!
  • bn1cgitw
    OMG! So glad that there are people out there that are just starting P90X
    I'm a college student and I already have the DVD's and the fitness guides/ nutrition guide
    I'm just waiting to get my tools.
    But I'm so afraid because IDK how I'm going to manage the nutrition part of it. I don't have the time to cook nor do i have the funds to buy $300 worth of groceries.
    I did some research and I read that having the supplements help but I can't buy them :/
    But I really wanna meat my weight goal

    My weight right now is 175
    And my goal in 90 days is 135

    I will be starting on November 1st with the rest of you!
    So pumped!! <3

    Ps: If anyone has any tips about the nutrition part of it please let me know!! Add me as a friend!!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    My P90x came in Saturday. I just need to get resistance bands and I'm all set for the Nov. 1st start date.

    Still reading the material that came with it, good stuff so far.
  • Kay2Phat
    Kay2Phat Posts: 15 Member
    I have my DVDs and my start date is November 1! My cousin made me think...." you starting around the time the food is even better than before!" lol Which makes me even more determined let's get it!!!
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member

    Hahaha the weather very well may be an issue ;) It's currently raining (I'm in Studio City) and with the almost non existent summer we had I think it's going to be a wet winter. My friend and I are doing the 5k in March the day before the Marathon! That's going to give us time to train for it.

    Rain I can handle :) Below 0 temps I would NOT be able to handle in a sports bra! I'm in Sherman Oaks! I've done the LA marathon the past 3 years with AIDSmarathon and have had enough for the time being, but maybe that 5k would be a good idea! I might just sign up for it as well :) I'm totally addicted to small races now, but they can add up, cost wise. I try to stick to charity ones, so at least i feel like my entrance fee is going towards a good cause.

    and HORROR of HORRORS! my p90x was delivered today but I wasn't home and the post office left me a 'sorry we missed you' note! NOOOO!!! i'll go pick it up in a few days, i guess :tongue:
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Slight change in plans... I am doing the Classic vs the Lean after asking some people that have done it on the BB site. I have been sick the last two days so I am going to do my fit test Saturday instead of tomorrow. I will post a new thread on Saturday so that we can all join and post there. I am taking photos but won't post those until day 30 so that I can share the improvements.

    I am so excited to start this...
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I decided to not borrow from my neighbor and actually ordered it today. It will deliver on Saturday (Amazon free 2 day shipping yay!). Sara, do the thread title in ALL CAPS LOL ... I am going to look up "classic" v. "lean" online and see what the difference is.