Your Love Story



  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I met my husband, Josh, when we were 17. We met on MySpace back when that was cool (ah, 2007). I was actually his first friend on MySpace back when we were both 15 and we talked briefly via PM before losing touch. Two years later, he sends me a "long time, no talk" message - and, to be honest, I had no recollection of ever speaking to him. I suspect it's because he didn't have a profile picture, which is a big 10 on the creep-o-meter. We started talking on MySpace and on Yahoo Messenger and then one day he was telling me that something really funny happened to him at work that day but it was "too long to type," so he asked if he could have my phone number. Yeah, smooth, psht! I remember not being able to understand a word he said on the phone and I told my best friend that he sounded like Forrest Gump.

    At the time, I had a stupid crush on this guy I worked with who was so very wrong for me. I was making a fool of myself with my advances toward him. I had recently broke up with my first (yes, first, I was a late bloomer) boyfriend and was feeding on all the male attention I was getting for the first time. I still had my V-card, but I spent a Summer doing stupid things like meeting guys in empty parks and going to their house in the middle of nowhere for a "party" that consisted of a handful of guys sitting around smoking weed. Oy...

    Well, I was on vacation in California and got mad at the guy I liked because he said he'd call me back and didn't. Being a stupid teenager, I thought I'd "get back at" him by calling Josh. I was also talking to a guy he went to school with, but had never actually met either of them. I ended up meeting the other guy first (he was the weed party guy) and that didn't go so great. I finally set up a meeting with Josh, along with my best friend and a male friend of ours. I recall him pulling up to the bar (yeah, bar, we were stupid kids) in his brother's old, loud, POS pick-up truck and my friend said, "Let's just go. Seriously, he doesn't know it's us." Ha! Well, we stayed and I finally met him.

    At this point, I thought I was sowing some wild oats, so while I thought he was nice and cute, I didn't really want to date anyone. Honestly, I just wanted to make out with the guy. After hanging out with him for a couple of weeks as friends, he kissed me and asked if I wanted to date him. His exact words, "So, do you wanna date...or do you wanna...wait?" And my brilliant response, "Okay." I said yes because I felt bad rejecting him. He was a really great guy, but I wanted to be a hoochie for awhile I guess. No such luck.

    It took about a month of dating before I realized something - I was actually starting to like this guy! I would go to his house after school and get butterflies before seeing him. You know, all that kid stuff. At three months, he told me he loved me. At six months, he got the infamous V-card. At 3 years, we got engaged and moved in together. At 5 years, we got married and bought our first home. We're now approaching 7 years together (2 married) and we're planning on starting a family toward the end of this year if all goes well.

    It's no Cinderella story, but there you go. Proof that the best things come when you least expect it and taking a chance can really pay off in the end. He's the hardest working guy I know, he supported me through college, and he's just a great person in general. He has plenty of faults, but he's mine. :) I just have to come up with a better story for our future kids than, "we met on MySpace." How embarrassing...
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I died laughint at the "lets just go, seriously, he doesn't know it's us"

  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    My very first "real" relationship lasted 3 years. We met online and it was online for 1 official year, then the next 2 years were in person. We didn't live together ever, nor did we have sex. He ended up cheating on me 1 month after the 3 year anniversary.

    My second "real" relationship lasted 1 summer. We met online, I lived in western Canada he lived in New Jersey. We dated online but we did end up meeting up. A month after we hadn't seen each other IRL, he flat out told me the I wasn't "worth waiting for" until the day I could potentially move there which would have been 1.5 years after. He now has a girlfriend who lives in California that apparently IS worth waiting for.

    In between, before, and after these two I have had casual hook-ups and short-term dating but no luck

    December 16th 2012 I met my soul mate. We met online (as you can see it's become a pattern for me...maybe an unhealthy habit), but he lived on Vancouver Island which is a 1.5 hr ferry away from me, and he had never been to the mainland until 1 week after we started talking. He came for the first time just to see me, and then he continued to ferry here ($15.50 each way!) every single weekend for 10 months, when he decided he was going to pack up and move here with me. 1.5 years later, which I don't consider to be a long time for dating giving my experience, but none the less we are more in love than ever before and we make an amazing team. We make each other strong, and happy, and we continue to push each other each and every day. My boyfriend is 19 and I am 18, so yes, it is young love which typically doesn't tend to last, but we are literally inseparable and I know he loves me the same amount I love him, and there are no current signs of us parting any time soon. I am leaving for uni in september of this year, and he applied for a visa to come with me. He is the most supportive person in the world, and he is doing everything he can to support me through my WLJ, including throwing out all the junk food in the fridge, freezer, and pantry, as well as doing workouts with me. I couldn't get through this without him <3

    Keep strong, hon, love is out there.
  • beckyboooo87x
    beckyboooo87x Posts: 173 Member
    I've not found my knight in shining armour yet.. just a bunch of tossers in tin foil :/ pretty much given up on the whole love thing for now.
  • mjbowman821
    mjbowman821 Posts: 66 Member
    What you are about to read is all 100% true. My wife and I met in a internet chat room in 1997. We are both from Sacramento CA and actually went to high school right down the road from one another, granted 5 years apart. Anyway, I was living in Albuquerque New Mexico at the time. I got on Talk City and found the Christian chat room and I met a woman named "Dalmi" (Julie) from Sacramento. She didn't want to have anything to do with me being that she thought I was IN Sacramento at the time. Once I told her where I was living she started to talk to me. Well that led to e-mails then to phone calls. I prayed "God I met this wonderful woman online can you give me confirmation of this relationship." The time comes where we agree to meet one another and she was kind enough to pay for a plane ticket for me to fly back to Sacramento. The CONFIRMATION on the ticket was "4WIFVE" I have a picture of it in my Facebook albums which is public (Michael Bowman) We were married in July of 1999 and she passed away in January of this year. She was diagnosed with CREST syndrome in 2005 ( it does many things but it hardens your skin including your internal organs and that was the cause of death) I married up. She always said that she didn't settle but that is how they are when you marry up. She made me a better man. If you want to read what I said about her see my post on FB on Jan 11th and 18th(the eulogy that I gave)
    On our first date I forgot my wallet, she thought that that wasn't a good sign but after 14 years of marriage she learned it was par for the course
  • nomad1966
    nomad1966 Posts: 74
    I moved around a lot. My last year in high school was the only year I went to that specific school. I had a female friend (a military brat like me) want to relocate her locker down close to mine after Christmas. The only caveat being she wanted to bring a friend with her.
    As the doors opened by my locker, it was lunch, in walks my friend with arms full of books with her friend in tow. Wow! I really thought she was pretty. As it turns out she was two grades under me and after my grad I went out of my way to spend time with her. It took months, just shy of a year, for me to ask her out. I was nervous as hell.
    That first day i saw her was 5 Jan 1985 (12:17pm). I still get giddy waking up next to her. I married her in 1990 just two months before moving to Germany for a three year honeymoon.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,732 Member
    mjbowman821, that's beautiful and sad. I'm glad you found your soulmate, even if it was for a short time.

    My beloved and I met online on a free dating site. I'd just broken up with someone, he had just decided he was ready to get serious about someone after his ex-wife. The timing could not have been more perfect, and it was love at first conversation. Instant connection the likes of which I've never experienced. When we finally met in person, we decided to kiss before we spoke. We knew already, but that kiss was confirmation.

    I didn't believe it until I experienced it for myself, but there ARE soulmates, people ARE made for each other, and love at first sight ACTUALLY HAPPENS (or first conversation, in our case)

    He and I are both 40. We had to sort through a lot of frogs, live through a lot of life experiences, to get where we are. It was definitely all worth it.
  • rosehips60
    rosehips60 Posts: 1,030 Member
    I met my husband in college, way back in the day when there were separate dorms for men and women. I was supposed to go to the mens dorm to play cards with some friends and sat down in the lounge to wait for them. The lounge had a grand piano and there was this guy playing and singing to a crowd of interested females. It turned out he also played guitar. Nice looking guy and when he stood up, very tall (a plus for me I'm 5'10"). I waited out all the other girls talking into the wee hours. Then he used the worst pick up line ever,"do you want to come to my apartment and do my dishes?" Yep, he really said that! I thought it was just a line until I did go to his place and saw the piles of dirty dishes! Well I did them and we soon became inseparable. It hasn't always been easy, we've had a couple of rough patches. We have three children and 3 grandchildren.We will celebrate our 33rd anniversary at the end of May.
  • azlifah95
    azlifah95 Posts: 177 Member
    All your stories makes me feel so hopeful. I'm nowhere near a relationship status.
  • abrockhausen
    abrockhausen Posts: 35 Member
    I was a 27 year old divorced mother of 2. I had tried dating a bit but had reached a point in my life where I was ok being single. Met a nice guy on MySpace after he asked about a photo I posted from my deployment to Iraq. had no intention of actually meetnig this guy in person even though we lived in the same town. You know, ax murderer, human trafficker, steal your kidneys...He seemed nice, though. Single father, soldier, funny, sweet. We soon realized we had a good friend in common. That friend found out we were chatting online and decided we were perfect for each other. He arranged for us to meet on a night a large group of us were going out. We sparked instantly although we weren't really looking for anything serious. Very quickly we both realized we were serious. First date on 2/3/2006 got married 2/10/2007. Our blended family is our happily ever after.
  • Howdoyoufeeltoday
    Howdoyoufeeltoday Posts: 481 Member
    I got nothin'

    But if you want to hear how someone can destroy you, I have one for that.

    Oh how I feel you on that one sista! Guess we're in the wrong thread...
  • msnucerity
    msnucerity Posts: 333 Member
    My fiance and I met when we were both suckered into being a "wingman" for our friends. My friend was asked out by his friend but she was nervous about going out one on one so she told him she was bringing a friend (me)

    So she told me what she told him and that I HAD to come and my fiance's friend did them same (so he had to come along)

    Those two never went out again, but my fiance and I have been together for 8 years this June and are getting married in August :love:
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    I'm actually the typical girl who used to be invisible while growing up, I used to be quite ugly and aware of that during middle school. When I went to high school I started to feel the pressure since everyone around me was already engaged or already had some kind of experience. The only kind of experience I've had during high school was falling in love with my best friend, I thought we were doing fine at the time, and I thought he liked me back. I've literally spent years around him but had no courage to make the first step. We ended up parting our ways when he confessed me he wasn't straight anymore, and at that time I really felt hopeless - I wasn't that "young" anymore, no one had ever liked or appreciated me before, and on top of that I felt fat and ugly. It might sound a bit of a cliche but it still hurt a lot. Then I decided I needed to do something for myself - I joined MFP, started taking care of my weight, and working on myself on a personal level. Then I met this boy online. We met on a social network the first day I joined it since I was bored and started talking to random people - and I liked him from the very first moment. We started talking everyday and I felt hopeful again - even though we lived so far and I didn't know if he would have ever liked me back. Just to make it short, we were both shy, so we actually needed months and months before confessing our feelings to each other. But it worked! He told me he liked me right away too. I've never met someone who makes me feel so understood in my life. We're still living far from each other but we try to meet as often as possible. I'm still working on my studies, and he's working on his, but we're also working on our relationship and I feel like I'm enjoying it as much as I can while actually putting one brick at a time to build our future. I know I'm so young and this might make someone older than me laugh, but I think my life wouldn't be the same without him. I'm growing a lot and I'm feeling much better, I'm finally ready to deal with life and I'm looking forward to spend my future with him :flowerforyou: there is ALWAYS hope! :smile:
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Easier to explain with this:

  • kthulhu69
    kthulhu69 Posts: 27 Member
    I feel like I have known my true love, Snugglesmacks, my whole existence. It is a feeling beyond ecstatic to finally meet the one person you were truly meant for. It is also a feeling of deep comfort and contentment to have a love you can bare your soul to. I wouldn't trade the life I have with her for the world.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,732 Member
    I feel like I have known my true love, Snugglesmacks, my whole existence. It is a feeling beyond ecstatic to finally meet the one person you were truly meant for. It is also a feeling of deep comfort and contentment to have a love you can bare your soul to. I wouldn't trade the life I have with her for the world.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    Not to be bitter, but the best part of my love story is when it ended.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    keep 'em coming!

    I just had another bad date with yet another *kitten*.

    Does it ever end? LOL
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,742 Member
    I met my husband in college, way back in the day when there were separate dorms for men and women. I was supposed to go to the mens dorm to play cards with some friends and sat down in the lounge to wait for them. The lounge had a grand piano and there was this guy playing and singing to a crowd of interested females. It turned out he also played guitar. Nice looking guy and when he stood up, very tall (a plus for me I'm 5'10"). I waited out all the other girls talking into the wee hours. Then he used the worst pick up line ever,"do you want to come to my apartment and do my dishes?" Yep, he really said that! I thought it was just a line until I did go to his place and saw the piles of dirty dishes! Well I did them and we soon became inseparable. It hasn't always been easy, we've had a couple of rough patches. We have three children and 3 grandchildren.We will celebrate our 33rd anniversary at the end of May.

    Are there colleges with coed dorms?!

    I had no idea...seriously...the universities in my area all have male/female dorms (and I'm not just talking about the parochial colleges but state U)
  • Alishia_655
    Alishia_655 Posts: 136
    I used to be a legal secretary.. my boss couldn't make it to court one day and asked if I would go sit with her client. While I was there, a man was very nervously pacing the hallway. We made small talk and he told me he was filing for divorce against his crazy ex wife, (really, she was, she left him for someone she met at a family reunion, then took his kids away!) and trying to get custody of his kids back. I tried to calm him and sat with him until my boss' client was called in, then I left. Later, I had a friend over and she called her ex brother in law to pick her up. I got on the phone with him to tell him where my house was. He told me to watch for him in his car (which happened to be my dream car!). When his car came into my driveway, the man from the courthouse stepped out. He asked if we could talk some more sometime (and now he had my number anyway). We grew to be friends over a period of a year or so. When his divorce was finalized for a while, we started dating. Now, 6 years later, we are married and have 2 beautiful children together (and I got three awesome step children too!). He is a pain, and grumpy, and very rough around the edges, but I love him more than I could ever explain.

    Keep your head up OP! You'll find the right one when you least expect it!

    For the record, I did date quite a few "douches" before. It will happen!