Your Love Story



  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I met my her while dating one of our friends. She and i butted heads constantly and she told me i was so ugly i shouldn't be let out of the house without a bag on my head lol. Eventually we became friends and it turned out, apparently i was the only one who had no clue, that she had a crush on me so when things with our friend went bad (we're still good friends) i went with her and we've been together for the better part of 4 years or so now.

    LOL how did you ever forgive her for the ugly comment? Weren't you insecure after that LOL
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    Not mine, since I am not that cold :P But this is cute
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    I love you is 8 letters, but so is B.U.L.L.S.H.I.T.
  • ajmaupin
    ajmaupin Posts: 44
    I met my husband at work my freshman year of college, he was a long-time customer and I was a cashier. I had been dating a co-worker who was not the greatest relationship wise and would blow me off for his friends in an instant (he left dates early due to calls to go to the pub). So, this customer and I would talk often and he was an acquaintance of my boyfriend so knew what was going on.

    One night, I asked him if he wanted to catch a movie and grab dinner and he said no due to me dating someone, i convinced him as i had been stood up again and wanted to do something as i was all dressed up with nowhere to go. We were friends afterall, nothing serious. We had dinner at Wendy's nearby and then saw "Saving Silverman". I had a very good time and so did he, we just clicked. He was funny, smart, employed, and in college as well. I called my boyfriend that night and broke up with him and my husband and i have been together ever since, 13 years.

    The funniest thing was that whenever he would walk into my work, the same song would play and I never noticed until after we started dating, "Can't fight this feeling" by REO Speedwagon. Thats our song and I never get tired of it.
  • darias_mommy
    darias_mommy Posts: 127 Member
    Met my husband when we were 17 years old in a college freshman English class. I had just broken up with my HS sweetheart of 4 years and saw this amazing boy with wet hair and a bright pink and green bathing suit and tee. He was late to class because he was surfing. He sat behind me for 3 weeks and I braided my hiar over and over again trying to get his attention. One day he left class in a hurry and forgot his art portfolio. My frind Dawn dared me to "steal it" in an effort to meet him which I did When i got home, I looked in the phone book (this was 1990) and realized that there were 6 people with the same name! I started calling from the top # until I got to his mother. We were going to meet the next day, so I coud return the book but I woke up with a huge zit and was so embarrassed that I came off like a snob. He didn't like me!

    On Halloween, Dawn dared me to talk to him again (thank goodness for Dawn!). I did. We went on a date that lasted all day into the night. It was love at first date. He was shy and I wasn't, so I got him to kiss me at the top of a hill at sunset on our first date and we've been together ever since.

    I later found out that all the people in the phone book were his relatives and they all have the same name AND they all attended the same college. WEIRD!!! We got married after graduation at age 22, have been married 19 years and have 2 teenagers.

    Have hope! One (or many) bad apples really don't spoil the bunch. Love finds you when you least expect it!!!!
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    True love didn't happen until I stopped looking for it--and then all of a sudden, there it was!

    My husband and I met when the choir director of the college we had both attended (but at different times) decided to hold a choir alumni get-together to have fun, sing and make music together. I was sitting in the soprano section (right out int front), and heard this gorgeous bass voice in the back row. I surreptitiously turned my head and discovered that the packaging that went with that voice was pretty darn good-looking too. (6 ft 5 in, blond, blue-eyed, well-built and with a great smile) We met after choir (I knew his younger brother, who was my age, and he knew my older sister, who was also a choir alumnus) We hit it off right away and enjoyed talking to each other but I didn't think too much of it because I was NOT looking for someone at that time. I was 23 and he was 26 at that time.
    Later that year he took a job in the city where I was living and started attending the church where I was a member (this was not planned, it just happened to work out that way) I told my parents that he was new and didn't know anybody, and wouldn't it be nice if we invited him over for coffee or lunch after church. My mom, bless her, said "Of course!" The invitation continued to be extended on future Sundays and he always accepted.
    A couple of months later, I was seriously liking him and hoped that he felt the same way. Nervously, I invited him out for a date (I had tickets to see one of the Star Trek movies playing at the Sky Dome in Toronto.) He agreed enthusiastically and suggested we go out for dinner first, always the gentleman. ( He told me later that after my call , a male friend of his invited him to go with a group of buddies as well, to which he said "Well, Greg, I'm already going with somebody, and she's much better looking than you are!"
    We had a great time and we've been together ever since. We'll be celebrating our 19th wedding anniversary this year and we have four beautiful children together. We're still absolutely crazy in love with each other and I do love him more every day. No, it hasn't always been easy but it's always been worth it.
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    Met my wife 25 years ago. I was working as a Massage Therapist during the day and teaching TKD at night. She was referred to me for therapy after a car accident. She was a divorced single Mom with two little girls. I used to sit out in the lobby and chat with the two little girls while Mommy was changing in the Massage room. They were 7 and 5. Very cute. After about 8 months of weekly massages, we decided to get together after massage one night and grab a drink when the girls were at their Dad's house.

    That led to a date. The second date, I asked her to marry me. She said yes and I have been happily married ever since. Those cute little girls are now 32 and 30 and we have had another little girl, who is now 20.

    As far as past history -- That was a lifetime ago, I don't even think about it.

    Omg your story is so adorable!! I love it :)
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    keep 'em coming!

    I just had another bad date with yet another *kitten*.

    Does it ever end? LOL

    I dated a male stripper who didn't speak english... He was a rebound, he worked like a charm and my man (whom I am with now) came back to me. Happy ever since (5 years) Many toads before the prince :)
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    met my husband 25 years ago at a dance club when line dancing was really in. My friend had a date and I wanted to go out and went out by myself which was not like me at all but I knew some people there so I thought I would be ok. Met a man there that had gown up beside my girlfriend and she knew him and said he was a nice guy. Well he was and we had so much in common. He followed me home and called me the next day and we have been together since. My first husband was just like my neglectful wild self centered parents who never had time for me and it was a nightmare marriage. I guess I married what I grew up with. They were so mean to me about my weight and I was never that big but probably caused a lot of my overeating. This husband is nothing like them, dependable, there for me, supportive. Yep, there is hope so just stay out there and keep looking for a good guy! I am definitely blessed.
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    Prelude is I was out at a club for my 21st bday (5 years ago). I saw a tall, dark and (sexy) foreign man across the room, I motioned for him to come over with my finger. He came over and the rest is history (minus the split 6 months into the relationship but we were young).
    Unfortunately I had to kiss a lot of frogs and I am sure I was a frog for just as many but I am so happy with the man in my life today. I am very forward so I suggest if you see something you like, don't be afraid to go get it, it worked out well for me <3
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    I briefly met my husband at a mutual friend's Xmas party. I hag gotten there early and there were handful of people around including him. As I proceeded to look at each of them (purely on a physical basis), I had crossed them off my list of potential guys ("No." "No." " No!!!").

    Move forward 2 weeks later. Went alone to a small club that us so called "aging" hipsters used to hang out at. My only intention was to dance the night away when He showed up. He tried to talk to me a bit, asked if I need a drink, then asked me to danced to Madness's "One Step Beyond." I said why not? We ended up dancing all night long and he finally asked me for my number where I told him to ask my friends and totally blew him off even though I did invite him to my New Year's Eve party. The night ended and and he walked me home (I live in the city) 15 minutes away in the freezing cold. I told him he couldn't come up and as gentlemanly as possible, he said he just wanted my number so he could come to my NYE party. I had to smile to that.

    Move forward a week later: December 31, 2000. He shows up late to my party and was surprised. I asked my BFF about him and she told me if he didn't like me, he wouldn't have come at all. He stayed until the end of the party where I walked him to his car, when I notice a baby seat in the back of the car. (ACKKKK!!! Kids? Why me? No thanks.) I had to back off a bit but then he explained that the baby seat where his sister's and that they had left behind. Whew!! Kissed him goodnight and said he'd like to call me again. I agreed.

    Move forward 2 weeks later: I had changed phone companies in early January (land lines, remember those?) and forgotten the appointment so my phone was dead for over 2 weeks and I wondered why he never called me. I did have a cell phone but apparently I never gave him that number. I finally got the phone working when he eventually called and told me he had tried calling 12 times (I'm thinking "stalker") and had I not picked up that specific time, he knew I wasn't interested or had given him a bogus number. After that, I was knew I was smitten. We've been together for 13 years, married for 10. And he's the nicest, coolest, guy I ever known.
  • amcsouth
    amcsouth Posts: 283 Member

    This post made me really happy... congratulations :smile: :drinker:
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    I'm such a geek. I met my hubby at an anime convention :D

    My best friend and I started going to a local but huge anime convention after college, just so we were guaranteed to see each other at least once a year. A few years in, I wanted to also meet other people, since I was well into my work grind and rarely got out otherwise. So we chatted with people in the online forum for the con and made a 21+ meet up for drinks after getting our badges. Only 3 other people showed, and one of them was my future hubby. We hit it off right away, even skipping down the halls together because we were excited about being at the con in general (he was afraid he wouldn't get the time off work). It took us another month before we were able to go on a date, so it was warmer, he had shaved off his winter beard (hubba hubba) and we went and "speed racer". I was hooked. He was too, both of us full of shy nerdy awkwardness. Moved in together by december, and he proposed at the next convention.
    We have been married now for almost 4 years and have 2 precious little ladies. Even those 4 years have had ups and downs, mostly due to circumstances beyond our control (he lost his job for a while when the economy crashed, My father became disabled and then died, I had trouble pregnancies) But we were together through it all and I still completely love him and couldn't imagine life without him.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    I met my husband at a bar. I heard his voice before ever actually seeing him and thought to myself, "I can beat that". Needless to say, it turned into a karaoke contest in which we both won. He still claims he's better than me. The next day I texted him to invite myself along to whatever he was doing that night. It was our non-date as we like to call it cause we both denied it being a date. We went to the karaoke bar in a bowling alley and watched porn on his phone all night while singing and we've been inseperable ever since. We married 5 weeks into the relationship and couldn't be happier.

    As for previous relationships, we don't think about them other than to remind ourselve of why they didn't work out in the first place and how we never want to be "that" again.
  • PrincessWarior
    PrincessWarior Posts: 71 Member
    I have met my husband in a ditch. I was 16, now 39. Did CPR on him and it was love at first site (for me). Still today, we can't pass a few hours without talking.
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    I met the most amazing, sexy and sweet guy right here on MFP :heart:.
  • rosehips60
    rosehips60 Posts: 1,030 Member
    I met my husband in college, way back in the day when there were separate dorms for men and women. I was supposed to go to the mens dorm to play cards with some friends and sat down in the lounge to wait for them. The lounge had a grand piano and there was this guy playing and singing to a crowd of interested females. It turned out he also played guitar. Nice looking guy and when he stood up, very tall (a plus for me I'm 5'10"). I waited out all the other girls talking into the wee hours. Then he used the worst pick up line ever,"do you want to come to my apartment and do my dishes?" Yep, he really said that! I thought it was just a line until I did go to his place and saw the piles of dirty dishes! Well I did them and we soon became inseparable. It hasn't always been easy, we've had a couple of rough patches. We have three children and 3 grandchildren.We will celebrate our 33rd anniversary at the end of May.

    Are there colleges with coed dorms?!

    I had no idea...seriously...the universities in my area all have male/female dorms (and I'm not just talking about the parochial colleges but state U)

    Well yeah, they usually separate them by floor the sexes by floor or wings, but even at the very Lutheran school my son attended for year the dorms were co-ed
  • rayofsunshine2368
    rayofsunshine2368 Posts: 108 Member
    I met my husband online I was about to just give up because I didnt think I would find a man that had common interest and ready to settle down. we have been inseperable for a few years now and was married Aug 2nd of last year. He is my best friend and I am proud of his accomplishments. He is a retired 20 year Marine. Never married and No children. He focused on his job rather than playing around. He also is a real cowboy from Montana. He is a real man that would never raise his voice. I am always first. we love the beach and pretty much all activities. love movies and we do everything together even the gym 5 times a week. I couldnt ask for a better man. Old Fashion and def. has morals. I love my honey ...
  • rayofsunshine2368
    rayofsunshine2368 Posts: 108 Member
    And you are right kissed many frogs before I met my prince. I was giving up... thats when he showed up
  • LouLoulost
    LouLoulost Posts: 181 Member
    I'm going through a rough split. Sometimes in the aftermath, you lose faith on love, but I don't want to go back there.

    Please, tell me your love story :)

    How'd you meet, what was your date like? How many loser douches did you date prior?

    Anything you got, spill.

    I need to feel some love today! <3
    I love this thread , because so many are so cheezy, I have been with my husband for 30yrs, and It has been a ride , mostly good ,sometimes bumpy but he is still my very best friend and still the one I can't wait to tell my good news to.
    stay positive , and my best advise is be yourself always and your beautiful self will attract the right one