Are you a Clean Eater?



  • amandastephens9003
    amandastephens9003 Posts: 33 Member
    Um whoa this BLEW up LOL

    What I mean by "clean eating" (FOR ME!) Is eliminating any DIET foods, ie Weight Watchers, South Beach, Lean Cuisine... that full of sodium processed junk. <<That i wish my friend who is 5'3 and weighs almost 300 pounds would STOP eating! I beileve it is doing her bp/fat loss more harm than good>>

    I do enjoy a baked good, chocolate, ice cream, and cheesecake, once a month. I find that if I cut it off completely, i will binge. And of course when I go to a concert... i have to drink!!!! It's a rule :P lol

    ETA: I should also add: Medifast, Herbalife, and Plexus Slim

    This whole thing post confuses me as the criteria seems a bit arbitrary.

    I am 5'3" and used to weigh almost exactly 300lbs. I wonder how many people hypothesized about why I was that weight? I suspect quite a few. For me, it was a medical condition, being way too sedentary, and eating above my (pathetic at the time) maintenance levels. But, I would guess that people who knew me had other theories. Whatever.

    Plenty of thin people eat plenty of processed food. I sincerely doubt that you can place all of the blame for her weight on Lean Cuisines and other processed "diet" foods.

    I'm sorry please do not take offense to my comment, I meant simply that eating Smart Meals and Lean Cuisine, all 3 meals 7 days a week (PLUS fast food) is really not helping her.... she is always crying to me that she can't lose weight, I did not mean to offend anyone who eats these, I was simply saying that there should be a limit especially if you have a medical condition where you shouldn't be eating high amounts of sodium...
    Sorry. :/
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    There's a strong correlation between ready meals and me losing weight.
    There's a strong correlation between home cooked foods and me losing weight.

    Of course, in that case it's "portion control" - and possibly that I do tend to prefer food I cook myself, so I end up wanting to eat more.