Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 7



  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Rach - I hope you are not getting a heel spir.

    I looked it up and that sounds like EXACTLY what's going on. I'm really frustrated that I can't go running, and it's causing me to make unhealthy choices.

    I have to walk on the ball of my left foot because it hurts so much to put weight on my heel. Gonna freeze a water bottle and roll it under my foot to see if that helps. :ohwell:
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    I just posted this on another discussion board... but figured i'd put it up here too :)

    I'm absolutely someone who never compliments herself, but can compliment others. And if people compliment me, I laugh and don't believe it anyway. I've started going to Zumba and Kickboxing in my gym. I've been going for about 2 months now... and while the scale isn't moving as much as I'd like it to... my kickboxing teacher notices differences in my strength. I kick and punch with more power than i did before... I make myself go do laps on the track instead of only dreading when she makes us go. I'm one of those people who needs praise from others to keep myself motivated, which when I think about it... sounds pathetic. While the scale isn't truly cooperating... I am finally starting to believe in my head and actually feel the compliments I'm getting, especially from a tough kickboxing instructor. Keep your head up. Find out what motivates you! It's different for every person. Find exercise you truly enjoy and look forward to. And maybe together we should throw the scales out the window :) I'm proud of you for trying to make a difference. Some people talk about it... and never do anything. You're doing great!!!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Rach - Can you get in to see a Dr. Here is a link to a site that has some helpful tips and stretches etc. Hope it helps.

  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I just posted this on another discussion board... but figured i'd put it up here too :)

    I'm absolutely someone who never compliments herself, but can compliment others. And if people compliment me, I laugh and don't believe it anyway. I've started going to Zumba and Kickboxing in my gym. I've been going for about 2 months now... and while the scale isn't moving as much as I'd like it to... my kickboxing teacher notices differences in my strength. I kick and punch with more power than i did before... I make myself go do laps on the track instead of only dreading when she makes us go. I'm one of those people who needs praise from others to keep myself motivated, which when I think about it... sounds pathetic. While the scale isn't truly cooperating... I am finally starting to believe in my head and actually feel the compliments I'm getting, especially from a tough kickboxing instructor. Keep your head up. Find out what motivates you! It's different for every person. Find exercise you truly enjoy and look forward to. And maybe together we should throw the scales out the window :) I'm proud of you for trying to make a difference. Some people talk about it... and never do anything. You're doing great!!!

    Girl, I totally know where you are coming from. I never compliment myself unless it's like in a joking way. Half the time I don't believe the compliments I get and then the other times I thrive off of it. After everything I have been through during this journey sometimes seeing someone write "way to go!" on my profile is what gets me through the day. You definitely deserve the compliments you receive! You are doing great! Know that I may not tell you or others all the time how awesome you are ....but... YOU. ARE. INDEED. AWESOME! It's so great looking forward to exercise and not dreading it. It makes things more enjoyable....and dare I say fun?! LOL
    You are an inspiration! Thanks for the pep talk this morning!:flowerforyou:

    Have a great day lovely pin-ups!!:heart:

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Okay ladies!

    I'm done feeling sorry for myself! Things might not be going my way, but getting off track is only going to make matters worse!

    Still trying to figure out what's wrong with my car, but thankful my bf has been more than willing to share his AND to work on mine whenever he gets a free minute at work.

    Time to flip back to a positive attitude!!!
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    I just posted this on another discussion board... but figured i'd put it up here too :)

    I'm absolutely someone who never compliments herself, but can compliment others. And if people compliment me, I laugh and don't believe it anyway. I've started going to Zumba and Kickboxing in my gym. I've been going for about 2 months now... and while the scale isn't moving as much as I'd like it to... my kickboxing teacher notices differences in my strength. I kick and punch with more power than i did before... I make myself go do laps on the track instead of only dreading when she makes us go. I'm one of those people who needs praise from others to keep myself motivated, which when I think about it... sounds pathetic. While the scale isn't truly cooperating... I am finally starting to believe in my head and actually feel the compliments I'm getting, especially from a tough kickboxing instructor. Keep your head up. Find out what motivates you! It's different for every person. Find exercise you truly enjoy and look forward to. And maybe together we should throw the scales out the window :) I'm proud of you for trying to make a difference. Some people talk about it... and never do anything. You're doing great!!!

    Girl, I totally know where you are coming from. I never compliment myself unless it's like in a joking way. Half the time I don't believe the compliments I get and then the other times I thrive off of it. After everything I have been through during this journey sometimes seeing someone write "way to go!" on my profile is what gets me through the day. You definitely deserve the compliments you receive! You are doing great! Know that I may not tell you or others all the time how awesome you are ....but... YOU. ARE. INDEED. AWESOME! It's so great looking forward to exercise and not dreading it. It makes things more enjoyable....and dare I say fun?! LOL
    You are an inspiration! Thanks for the pep talk this morning!:flowerforyou:

    Have a great day lovely pin-ups!!:heart:


    Anytime... I (along with my kickboxing teacher) need to pep talk to myself on a regular basis. I can't wait for the day I can look in the mirror and be like.. you know what? I'm beautiful too!

    But... first step... trying to learn to jog! haha. I've never realistically been able to run... and I think it'd be a great stress reliever and would help clear my mind. My bf already runs, but he agreed to run (jog possibly) beside me during a 5k whenever I'm ready. I never thought that would even cross my mind... and now I'd love to do it. Wow how things change!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member

    Anytime... I (along with my kickboxing teacher) need to pep talk to myself on a regular basis. I can't wait for the day I can look in the mirror and be like.. you know what? I'm beautiful too!

    But... first step... trying to learn to jog! haha. I've never realistically been able to run... and I think it'd be a great stress reliever and would help clear my mind. My bf already runs, but he agreed to run (jog possibly) beside me during a 5k whenever I'm ready. I never thought that would even cross my mind... and now I'd love to do it. Wow how things change!

    You can do it! The first 5k I did was in a little under an hour. I was just proud of myself for crossing the finish line alive! LOL
    That was just back in February. Now I am in the 36 min range for a 5k and have even placed in one. I am trying to get my time down to a 30 min 5k. I know I can and WILL do it. Next year I hope to do a few 10k's as well! That is so sweet that your BF is willing to do that with you. I know it helps me to have family running races with me. My mom, cousins and brother have done 5k's with me. The one I placed in I had ran with my brother and we crossed the finish line together. He kept me motivated the entire time. That meant more to me than any award!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I want to do a 5k, but I gotta fix my heel first! Hehehe.

    My bf is taking me out to Jason's Deli tonight to eat. We've both had a rough week, and we just want to relax and be together. I'm so glad we were forced to be stuck in his car together waiting on the tow truck guy to come get mine the other day. Made us sit there and hash out all our problems. Something good did come of my car situation. :flowerforyou:

    I ended up realizing that I sabotage a lot of good things that come to me. I've spent years feeling like I wasn't good enough, or didn't deserve things. It's about time that changes. I deserve the best, as long as I strive to be the best. :smile:
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member

    Anytime... I (along with my kickboxing teacher) need to pep talk to myself on a regular basis. I can't wait for the day I can look in the mirror and be like.. you know what? I'm beautiful too!

    But... first step... trying to learn to jog! haha. I've never realistically been able to run... and I think it'd be a great stress reliever and would help clear my mind. My bf already runs, but he agreed to run (jog possibly) beside me during a 5k whenever I'm ready. I never thought that would even cross my mind... and now I'd love to do it. Wow how things change!

    You can do it! The first 5k I did was in a little under an hour. I was just proud of myself for crossing the finish line alive! LOL
    That was just back in February. Now I am in the 36 min range for a 5k and have even placed in one. I am trying to get my time down to a 30 min 5k. I know I can and WILL do it. Next year I hope to do a few 10k's as well! That is so sweet that your BF is willing to do that with you. I know it helps me to have family running races with me. My mom, cousins and brother have done 5k's with me. The one I placed in I had ran with my brother and we crossed the finish line together. He kept me motivated the entire time. That meant more to me than any award!

    I can't wait! But its gonna take time as I've always been heavy and I've never been into running... ever. I'll get there eventually. For now I'll power walk, zumba, and kickbox :)
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I was the same way, Rach. I always though I never deserved half of what I received. (Plus someone telling me that along the way made it harder) But I'm starting to realize that I'm a really good person and a good wife and a great mommy. So we do deserve good things and to be around and with good people. :)
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I was the same way, Rach. I always though I never deserved half of what I received. (Plus someone telling me that along the way made it harder) But I'm starting to realize that I'm a really good person and a good wife and a great mommy. So we do deserve good things and to be around and with good people. :)

    Yea, I've been told that a time or two myself. And it never matters how much we know we deserve, we still convince ourselves that we are practically worthless. How stupid! lol
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I just updated the chart, so by tomorrow you should see the most recent one, with all the new pin-ups that've sent me start weights. When you see:

    Totals 9546.9 9365.7 9331.2 -34.5 0.36% -215.7 2.26% -35.95

    across the bottom, you're seeing the most recently. It seems like it updates every night or something. It used to do it instantly, but it almost seems as though MFP saves the image so that it'll load faster and just updates it at midnight or something...not sure. Maybe it's only my computer. :laugh:
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Rach I think it's time for one of our group hugs but I don't have the little icon! {{{{{hugs}}}}}

    My ex husband was an abusive man and I allowed him to take away my self esteem and my self worth. He would and could tell me if I gained 6 ounces.

    Fast forward I have been with my wonderful boyfriend for four years and he has made me understand and believe that I do deserve love, happiness and nice things. He loves me unconditionally. This summer with my running injury and gaining weight was the first time in along time that I felt ok with myself. I realized I still was entitled to be loved, to happiness and intimacy even if there was a little more to me.

    It's not easy to overcome but we can do it. It starts with believing in ourselves!

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member


  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    oh and...

  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    wow, I've been super busy lately!!

    I haven't been tracking cals on here daily but still seem to be doing good - I know one day there will come a time where I need to not log in everything and trust within myself! =)

    I seen 149 earlier this week! I was so excited. It was in the middle of the day, after I did Insanity and drank 3 cups of water! LOL

    Hope everyone else is doing good!!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Happy Friday Pin-Ups!

    Cina - good to see you! Woot! on the under 150!

    Does anyone have anything planned for the weekend?

    My family is going out to brunch on Sunday to celebrate three Birthdays. My plan is to get up early and do my workout and have a protein drink. Since it is brunch I am planning on sticking (note: I said planning, planning and doing are two different things :embarassed: ) to the protein items on buffet and having some kind of desert.

    Have a great day and wonderful weekend.

    Make healthy choices and try and stay active.

  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Tomorrow I have a b-day party to go to. On of my friend's daughter is turning one and I have a Pure Romance open house Sunday. Usually I would buy sodas and chips but this time I'm not.

    Oh and at the friend's b-day party, I'm assuming on e of her good friends who HATES me for some reason will be there, so I'm going to make sure I'm looking smoking hot! LOL I'll give her something to talk about!!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    My heel is feeling a tiny bit better today. Still not well enough to go running though, so maybe by Monday I can start up again. Trying to focus on calories instead so I can stay on track with my goals. :flowerforyou:
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    My mom's coming to visit this weekend!!! :bigsmile: I'm going to take her up to the mountains, the original Beau Jo's in Idaho Springs, the Butterfly Pavilion, and fun stuff like that. Then on Tuesday, she'll be taking me to and from minor surgery. :frown: I have abnormal cells on my cervix, from HPV, that need to be removed before they develop into cancer. But it's not really a huge thing, my mom says pretty much every woman in our family has had this done at least once. I have two rest days planned in my training schedule, then a couple light workouts later in the week before picking back up with my long run Saturday.

    The only downside is that my mom is recovering from a knee injury (we're hoping she doesn't need surgery) so I probably won't be too active this weekend. And I already know we're going to Beau Jo's (DELICIOUS pizza place!!) tomorrow night, and who knows what other indulgent things I'll be eating. :ohwell: I'm definitely going to work in a run tomorrow morning before I pick her up from the airport, so that the pizza doesn't kill my very first day with her. And even if I gain this week, it'll all be worth it BECAUSE I GET TO BE WITH MY MOMMY!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    (And I don't have internet at home, so I'll probably be MIA until next Thursday when I come back to work. If that's the case, just leave my weight the same.) Have a great week pin-ups!! :flowerforyou: