Members w/out Profile Pics..



  • thatismesammyg
    thatismesammyg Posts: 71 Member
    FYI, if you use the same pic in your avatar anywhere else on the internet (say your FB perhaps), someone could google image search you and find you. Putting your own face in your avatar is internet stupidity at its finest. Same goes for those people that use the same screen name here for any other tag on the internet. Makes it easy for the stalkers to find your FB, instagram, blog etc. Think smart, people. This is a public forum, not nursery school.
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    Just stated how above! Thank you :-)

    I don't see where you answered it.

    What if:

    Someone sent your child "teenager" a friend request on a social network and that person had no picture? There wouldn't be no level of concern to you AT ALL???

    Hmmm... sorry that I'd be a parent that would care enough to know who's talking to my child..

    And please don't tell me your child "teenager" wouldn't be allowed to have a Facebook!!

    Anyway, just because we are adults and assuming that most of us are smart adults, doesn't mean that you cant be a little cautious with who you socialize on the internet.


    I'm not seeing how a pic makes a difference. Someone could pull a random pic and put it on their profile. How are you going to know it's not them. Seems a pic might make the equation worse.

    It sounds like that would be a personal problem for themselves. That they need to go out of their way to find someone else's picture to post as their own.. What FREAKS!
  • Losing75byDecember
    Losing75byDecember Posts: 104 Member
    Seriously, who cares? To the people who accept without a pic, cheers to you. To the people that don't, well, can't say on here. Really, does it even matter or are you all that superficial or that important?
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    FYI, if you use the same pic in your avatar anywhere else on the internet (say your FB perhaps), someone could google image search you and find you. Putting your own face in your avatar is internet stupidity at its finest. Same goes for those people that use the same screen name here for any other tag on the internet. Makes it easy for the stalkers to find your FB, instagram, blog etc. Think smart, people. This is a public forum, not nursery school.

    OH My.. I did not know!! :yawn: :huh:
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Seriously, who cares? To the people who accept without a pic, cheers to you. To the people that don't, well, can't say on here. Really, does it even matter or are you all that superficial or that important?
    You hangry today? :huh:
  • VoodooSyxx
    VoodooSyxx Posts: 297
    FYI, if you use the same pic in your avatar anywhere else on the internet (say your FB perhaps), someone could google image search you and find you. Putting your own face in your avatar is internet stupidity at its finest. Same goes for those people that use the same screen name here for any other tag on the internet. Makes it easy for the stalkers to find your FB, instagram, blog etc. Think smart, people. This is a public forum, not nursery school.

    I call BS! I have the same screenname all over the intertubes and the same profile pic in most places. Where are my creepy stalkers?!?!
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    Seriously, who cares? To the people who accept without a pic, cheers to you. To the people that don't, well, can't say on here. Really, does it even matter or are you all that superficial or that important?

    I'm superficial.. nah.. I'm that important.. Seriously come back when you have picture.. Lol just kidding!! SERIOUSLY I'm just kidding.. and all this was, was a question. A topic.. JUST A TOPIC..
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    FYI, if you use the same pic in your avatar anywhere else on the internet (say your FB perhaps), someone could google image search you and find you. Putting your own face in your avatar is internet stupidity at its finest. Same goes for those people that use the same screen name here for any other tag on the internet. Makes it easy for the stalkers to find your FB, instagram, blog etc. Think smart, people. This is a public forum, not nursery school.

    Don't care at all if people find my other fitness message board accounts. Rather than maintain internet anonymity, just make comments and posts which you can proudly stand behind, in both real life and the internet.
  • Losing75byDecember
    Losing75byDecember Posts: 104 Member
    Seriously, who cares? To the people who accept without a pic, cheers to you. To the people that don't, well, can't say on here. Really, does it even matter or are you all that superficial or that important?
    You hangry today? :huh:

  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    Why in the world would your profile photo / avatar matter on this site? This isn't myspace, or friendster, or facebook is it?

    I could care less if this was MySpace, "Friendster", or Facebook same concept would apply. If can't even know(see) who is commenting me or PMing me then its creepy to even have them as a 'friend'. I don't see why people would get on a social network and not add a picture of themselves.
    Because not everyone is here to socialize. It is THEIR choice and THEIR choice only what they choose to do on this site.
    For a lot of people this is simply a tool to better themselves and that is their personal choice and no one has the right to judge them, plain and simple.

    If they are ADDING people then they're socializing!
    And the world isn't going to collapse if you hit decline. 1 second flat.
    Just adding isn't socializing. I've had plenty add me and then they don't say diddly to me.

    If the world isn't going to collapse then why are you getting so upset over a topic?

    Adding is not an attempt to socialize? I didn't know that sending a friend request was a "tool" that MFP has for fitness!??
    Ah, guess you haven't spent much time online.

    :) I have a life outside of MFP too.. Some people spend too much time online!
    Some people work with computers, dear ;)
    Your trolling skills need work.

    I am not "trolling". It was just a topic to bring up. No hard feelings. You add whoever you like to your page and I'll add whoever I like to mine. :) There its settled!
    Settled? Didn't know it was even an argument lol.
    I guess I should have been reading your defensiveness towards my reply. MY BAD!
    Yeah, I guess it must be settled, but I missed it lol. Whoops haha.

    Silly rabbit trix's are for kids!
    You know, I haven't had that cereal in years. You're making me miss it. AWAY WITH THEE!!!
    -looks up prices anyway-

    We should be friends ;)
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    FYI, if you use the same pic in your avatar anywhere else on the internet (say your FB perhaps), someone could google image search you and find you. Putting your own face in your avatar is internet stupidity at its finest. Same goes for those people that use the same screen name here for any other tag on the internet. Makes it easy for the stalkers to find your FB, instagram, blog etc. Think smart, people. This is a public forum, not nursery school.

    Don't care at all if people find my other fitness message board accounts. Rather than maintain internet anonymity, just make comments and posts which you can proudly stand behind, in both real life and the internet.

    Says the guy in sexy!!
  • _101010_
    _101010_ Posts: 121
    FYI, if you use the same pic in your avatar anywhere else on the internet (say your FB perhaps), someone could google image search you and find you. Putting your own face in your avatar is internet stupidity at its finest. Same goes for those people that use the same screen name here for any other tag on the internet. Makes it easy for the stalkers to find your FB, instagram, blog etc. Think smart, people. This is a public forum, not nursery school.

    I call BS! I have the same screenname all over the intertubes and the same profile pic in most places. Where are my creepy stalkers?!?!

    Be careful what you wish for.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Nice try but you need to take lessons in trolling. :laugh:
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Seriously, who cares? To the people who accept without a pic, cheers to you. To the people that don't, well, can't say on here. Really, does it even matter or are you all that superficial or that important?
    You hangry today? :huh:

    I KNEW IT!!!!
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    Nice try but you need to take lessons in trolling. :laugh:

    Oh.. are you talking to me?? Don't worry I'll learn from you guys! :)
  • Sovi_
    Sovi_ Posts: 575 Member
    I throw shade at them....side-eye. "What you hiding from"?
  • VoodooSyxx
    VoodooSyxx Posts: 297
    FYI, if you use the same pic in your avatar anywhere else on the internet (say your FB perhaps), someone could google image search you and find you. Putting your own face in your avatar is internet stupidity at its finest. Same goes for those people that use the same screen name here for any other tag on the internet. Makes it easy for the stalkers to find your FB, instagram, blog etc. Think smart, people. This is a public forum, not nursery school.

    I call BS! I have the same screenname all over the intertubes and the same profile pic in most places. Where are my creepy stalkers?!?!

    Be careful what you wish for.

    No really. I'm taking applications. Must have profile pic and must not be a dude.

    Disclaimer: I assume everyone on the internets is a dude.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Nice try but you need to take lessons in trolling. :laugh:

    Oh.. are you talking to me?? Don't worry I'll learn from you guys! :)
    You've come to the perfect place, then :3
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    FYI, if you use the same pic in your avatar anywhere else on the internet (say your FB perhaps), someone could google image search you and find you. Putting your own face in your avatar is internet stupidity at its finest. Same goes for those people that use the same screen name here for any other tag on the internet. Makes it easy for the stalkers to find your FB, instagram, blog etc. Think smart, people. This is a public forum, not nursery school.

    I call BS! I have the same screenname all over the intertubes and the same profile pic in most places. Where are my creepy stalkers?!?!

    Be careful what you wish for.

    No really. I'm taking applications. Must have profile pic and must not be a dude.

    Disclaimer: I assume everyone on the internets is a dude.
    How do I know you're not a chick sitting naked in front of her computer, rubbing the little hairs on her chinny chin chin? :angry:
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    FYI, if you use the same pic in your avatar anywhere else on the internet (say your FB perhaps), someone could google image search you and find you. Putting your own face in your avatar is internet stupidity at its finest. Same goes for those people that use the same screen name here for any other tag on the internet. Makes it easy for the stalkers to find your FB, instagram, blog etc. Think smart, people. This is a public forum, not nursery school.

    I call BS! I have the same screenname all over the intertubes and the same profile pic in most places. Where are my creepy stalkers?!?!

    Be careful what you wish for.

    No really. I'm taking applications. Must have profile pic and must not be a dude.

    Disclaimer: I assume everyone on the internets is a dude.
    How do I know you're not a chick sitting naked in front of her computer, rubbing the little hairs on her chinny chin chin? :angry:

    Oh lord... lol..