Week 8, "H20" Lose 20 Pounds by Halloween Challenge.



  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I've lost 10 lbs so far (gotta log my other pounds that I lost, but waiting for a few more days to do so). I don't think I can loose another 10 in a couple of weeks :/

    10 pounds is a great milestone! Congrats! Don't worry about attempting to loose 10 more in the next 17 days. Just keep doing what you're doing and go as far as you can! And then, hop on the bandwagon for our winter session. Yay!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Not to be a board hog, BUT, I wanted to post this.

    It's a song from Disney's 1997 animated feature "Hercules" called "Go the Distance". It is a very inspirational song that reminds you to keep going, no matter how hard you're struggling, because in the end it will all be worth it.


    It was used as the theme song for a summer camp I went to in 1997, so when I hear it I think of waking up in the open-air bunks on the Catalina Island shore and seeing the sunrise...being away from home for more than one night for the first time (I was 12 at the time)...learning that life throws things at you that at first you don't understand but learn from later on. Just keep going, guys. Through good times and bad times, you've got to complete your journey.

    If you want to hear a more tear-jerking version, here is the song sung by Michael Bolton:


    And I won't look back
    I can go the distance
    And I'll stay on track
    No I won't accept defeat
    It's an uphill slope
    But I won't lose hope
    Till I go the distance
    And my journey is complete
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Last week I was up to 244.9. I called my fertility clinic on Tuesday to ask for medication to start TOM (yup, she still hasn't shown) and was told they want to wait....so I'm thinking they may have found another reason for that. My appointment is Nov 11 so fingers crossed. Still holding on to most weight at this point so I was pleasantly surprised when I hopped on the scale today and I'm down to 243.6 so 1.3lbs lost. I've really been focused on my water this past week and since it was Thanksgiving and all....I'll take it.

    On another note (and yes, I know they are not the most reliable), by my calculations, I'm down about 15% body weight. When I hopped on my parent's digital scale on the weekend it showed that my body fat% has come down by 13.7% since my highest. I was looking at pictures from Thanskgiving and there is definitely a change in my shoulders now. Considering I came home after every meal (and there were 3 turkey dinners) and had to unbutton my new pants to get comfortable - picture Al Bundy on the couch....LOL - still seeing these little successes is awesome.

    I'm so not meeting the 20 pounds challenge for Halloween. I've already bumped it. I'd like to be able to go to the doctor appt on Nov 11 though and be able to tell her I'm down 30lbs since she saw me in June. Now bear in mind I might not have been the most truthful when I saw her last....LOL, I'm sure I cut off 5lbs off what I actually weighed at the time (so it would really be like 35lbs lost)....but that would be a good first step. I then have another 2 months before we start treatments to keep losing.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I am having a stress and just ate chocolate :( I have to learn that it doesnt make it better infact it makes it worse, because I stress about my weight too. Hope no one minds me having a moan lol.

    I have 5 family members still alive, two kids one dad, a grandma and baby's dad. Out of that lot my grandma has been in hospital for the last three weeks, my dad has been told he only has one heart valve still working and he is too sick to have treatment, my baby's dad was in hospital for the first four month of our baby's life with an infection in his leg eating away the bone and he has to go back in soon to have bone took from his hip and put into his leg and could be in for any amount of time and I have had strange cervical smear results and have convinced myself I have cancer lol.

    And today just to push me over the edge the health visitor has concerns about my childs rapid head growth, which often is a sign of autism. There is no one left to be ill and for some reason chocolate seemed like the answer, what do other people do when they are stressed, is there some kind of substitute :(
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I am having a stress and just ate chocolate :( I have to learn that it doesnt make it better infact it makes it worse, because I stress about my weight too. Hope no one minds me having a moan lol.

    I have 5 family members still alive, two kids one dad, a grandma and baby's dad. Out of that lot my grandma has been in hospital for the last three weeks, my dad has been told he only has one heart valve still working and he is too sick to have treatment, my baby's dad was in hospital for the first four month of our baby's life with an infection in his leg eating away the bone and he has to go back in soon to have bone took from his hip and put into his leg and could be in for any amount of time and I have had strange cervical smear results and have convinced myself I have cancer lol.

    And today just to push me over the edge the health visitor has concerns about my childs rapid head growth, which often is a sign of autism. There is no one left to be ill and for some reason chocolate seemed like the answer, what do other people do when they are stressed, is there some kind of substitute :(
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Well, Grandpa has a staff infection, UTI, and Pneumonia on top of everything else. He is not to leave the hospital for quite awhile and they are thinking that he may not make it to Christmas. Please keep us in your thoughts. I'm really praying that everything turns around. My husband is taking this really hard so I don't plan to be around posting much. He said we'll still attempt our St Louis weekend, but we were told to keep our phones close in case anything changes. *hugs*

    Sorry to hear about this :( Hope it all goes well for you and your family.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Thank you all for the kind words, no new info yet, I sat here and watched Nick cry in the garage for awhile last night, it hurts me so much to see him in pain. I really hope my next update is that he is home.

    bjshooter, I'm so sorry to hear about your family. I know all too well about having a bonegraph from the hip, except mine went into my left arm when I was 7.. (long story, won't go there here). I hope everything works out for everyone, and I hope your cancer scare turns out to be a camera issue and nothing more.

    On a positive side,TOM has left the building! Also, I went out and bought Just Dance 2...much harder than the first, the moves are harder to figure out on such a short notice. I love *most* of the songs, tonight I danced to 'Proud Mary', 'Hott Stuff', 'Don't Stop The Beat', and 'Toxic' for starters...I can't remember all of the songs right now. The variety is great and it gives you a chance to have a duet. Good times! This game is really helping my mind be elsewhere for a little while.

    Well, time to get dinner dished up, made some chili today, hoping it turns out. Weigh in tomorrow...hopefully TOM's 'side effects' won't be too rough on the scale.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I've officially lost 7lbs exact since starting this group. I'm now at 200.8. I originally told my hubby that I wanted to hit 200 by our anniversary, so I think that's pretty darn close, even though I still have a few days :) Have a great weekend all!
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    Quick check-in here before I go on my date tonight :D

    SW - 220

    CW - 208.8
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    ok, I know it is not my weigh in day but I am so excited. For most of October, I have been up down up down, well I started going back down and I just keep going. Too fast, I fear that it will come back. And I don't understand why?? I was wayyy over cals on Saturday )1st Thanksgiving dinner and pretty much over or right at my cals for most of this week. I have been sooo hungry lately so I was worried I would gain. So Wed was my weigh in day and I was down. Imagine my surprise. I had met my wii fit goal of 1 kg in one week instead of 2!! Great!

    Then just for kicks and giggles I weighed myself on Thursday because I had a 12 hour fast. I was down again by over 1kg. In ONE DAY!! I know I have been drinking more water and peeing more but do you really think this is why I went down so much weight so fast?? I don't get it? I mean I'm not knocking it but just wondering what the heck I'm doing right when I thought I was doing so wrong. :huh: I'm confused.

    Here is a scenario of my weight

    Weight 10/15/10 197.6
    Weight 10/14/10 200.2
    Weight 10/13/10 201.3
    Weight 10/11/10 201.1
    Weight 10/10/10 202.6
    Weight 10/07/10 202.4
    Weight 10/06/10 202.4
    Weight 10/05/10 203.5
    Weight 09/29/10 201.5
    Weight 09/26/10 202

    Can anyone make any sense out of this??
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    Aug 28 weighed 198
    Sept 3 was 194
    Sept 10 was 188.4
    Sept 17 was 184.0
    Sept 24 was 180.2
    Oct 1 was 176.2
    Oct 8 was 173.4
    Today Oct 16 is 170.2
  • Weigh in 8 completed and was down 2.6 pounds!! Yay!! :happy:

    Starting Halloween Challenge: 216.8

    1st Weigh In [31/08/10]: 215.0 = 1.8 Loss
    2nd Weigh In [05/09/10]: 213.4 = 1.6 Loss
    3rd Weigh In [12/09/10]: 211.8 = 1.6 Loss
    4th Weigh In [19/09/10]: 209.4 = 2.4 Loss
    5th Weigh In [26/09/10]: 207.6 = 1.8 Loss
    6th Weigh In [03/10/10]: 205.4 = 2.2 Loss
    7th Weigh In [10/10/10]: 205.4 = 0 Loss - Same

    8th Weigh In [17/10/10]: 202.8 = 2.6 Loss

    Total Lost Since H20 Started: 14 lbs

    Goal: 196.8 = 6 lbs To Go!!!
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