What do people have against vegetables?



  • darkangel45422
    darkangel45422 Posts: 234 Member
    the only problem with vegetables is when people want to turn them into things that they are not…AKA every cauliflower substitute that is out there. ...

    Do you mean when they try to replace certain things with them? Like cauliflower pizza crust? :laugh:

    I agree for the most part if that is what you are referring too.

    What's wrong with cauliflower pizza crust if you enjoy it? No sillier to me than zoodles (zucchini noodles) or spaghetti squash noodles or eggplant parmigiana or using eggplant instead of noodles in lasagna, etc. If people like it, why is that a problem?
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I like most veggies that look and taste like they do in their original form. :smile:
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    i dont have a lot of "volume" space , so my vegetables tend to be either , steamed broccoli, or raw green lettuce and carrots...
    fruit causes sugar spikes so i limit that , but i get some most days, ...

    i like broccoli, spinach , carrots... looking through my diary, those are the big ones consistently
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Many people are maligning cauliflower which one of my favorites. (Hint try it roasted, you'll never go back to steamed).

    Totally agree, one of my favorites too, especially roasted. The poor cauliflower shouldn't be blamed for the misuse.

    To the OP, I just posted on another thread today that it took me until I started learning to cook myself, in my 20s, to realize I really liked vegetables, since we tended to eat them canned or overcooked. Now when I cook (which this weight loss thing has caused me to prioritize again) I love vegetables not only because they are good, but also because they are quick and easy. But if you aren't used to cooking them, you might not buy that.

    Also, although my mother disliked cooking and wasn't much good at it, we ate balanced meals as a family that aren't that different--more carbs, never meatless, mainly--than I eat today. It's possible more people today just grew up never eating vegetables?
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    OP - I do not know.

    I love vegetables and eat at least 6-10 serves a day. Even Brussels Sprouts, which I love but a lot of people seem to hate. I'm sure it's all in the way that you cook them.

    For breakfast - Baby Spinach, Mushrooms and an egg on top - delicious! A mountain of spinach cooks down to just about nothing. Same for mushrooms, I always think I'll end up with more than I do at the end.

    Lunch - usually left overs from the night before, I cook double the veggies (for dinner) and add whatever protein I'm having. Easy lunch is a can of flavoured tuna stirred through veggies.

    Dinner - Protein and veggies! I don't eat pasta any more, but have my pasta sauce on either broccoli or cauliflower. I steam most of my veggies, or I can eat a HUGE salad of greens, tomato, beetroot, capsicum, sprouts, add for flavour: sun dried tomato, feta, pine nuts. Salads are awesome.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I eat cucumbers like apples. Put one in your bag and voila! There is your snack.
  • ab_1203
    ab_1203 Posts: 88 Member
    They dont taste great to me. On the other hand, I love fruits.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Who doesn't love vegetables? I live on a farm with a large organic garden and wonderful, flavorful, heirloom varieties of produce. I cannot understand not loving vegetables, UNLESS all you've had is frozen or canned, or overcooked; those things are horrid.
  • buttondown
    I love vegetables but am guilty of not eating them as often as i should. I fall into the category though where i live alone and sometimes fruits and veggies end up getting thrown out in my house.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    A vegetable once shot my father.

    True story.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I'm not against vegetables, in general. What I am against is people telling me "Do this. It's good for you." I'm not a child; I'm an individual with my own likes and dislikes. As long as I'm paying for my own food, I'll eat whatever the hell I want, and I'll not care what the sanctimonious masses have decided is good or bad for me.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I grew up in a house where we didn't have fresh veggies outside of salads - everything came from a can, and variety meant mixed vegetables (carrots, corn, peas, green beans, and lima beans). There was the occasional wild night of frozen veggies in a sauce. So I don't have a lot of experience with preparing veggies or different kinds, and I'm married to a man who doesn't eat fruit or vegetables. Add in a 6-year-old going through a picky phase and an almost two-year-old who we're lucky to get to eat anything, and I'm basically the only one eating the veggies. If I'm having a busy week, that means a lot of veggies in the trash.

    I am working on trying new produce. I bought jicama the other day to see what that tasted like (no one liked it but me) and I tried a sweet potato for the first time last week (again, no one liked it but me). One of these days I'm going to get some Brussels Sprouts from the prepared foods section to see what they are supposed to taste like.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't know. I know I need to eat them more. It just seems sometimes that they don't fill me up as much as something else would, and I have a sweet tooth, so it's not always my first choice... I know I need to eat more of them though... but I can eat a ton of them and still be hungry. Go figure.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Guilty and i am a vegetarian lol i like them they just aren't what i want usually. I am working on it but reaching for that oh so tempting junk food is a problem. I hope having some frozen veggies will help me get in the mood for them.

    how on earth are you a vegetarian who doesn't really eat veggies?

    that baffles my brain.

    My BF is like that- a complete four year old- his plate makes me sick when I see him eat- everything is brown- meat- potatoes- rice- bread- nothing green- nothing read. Occasionally he eats a ceasar salad (also mottled from the avalanche of dressing).

    I don't get it- I can TELL when my body needs veggies- which is often- I need the green things- I crave them- I can eat 2 bags of steamables in one sitting- no lie- 1/2 tablespoon of butter for each bag- salt and pepper- and I'm golden. LOVE veggies. LOVE LOVE LOVE.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    For anyone looking for ways to get more veggies in their diet- If you haven't already seen it, there is a great tool out to make noodles out of Zucchini or other veggies. I found it at Walmart in the 'As seen on TV' section. It is called Veggetti. I must say, if you don't like the mushiness that Zucchini can get when you boil or stir fry it, then definitely try this tool. I can take one zucchini, spiral cut it, put it in a glass covered dish with some garlic, and microwave it for 2 minutes. Comes out amazing! You can add whatever meat you want to it, or use it in the place of spaghetti, with meat and sauce. Or just eat it as is. So easy and tasty. And not mushy at all. It is interesting how the taste changes, just by cutting them into a different form.

    It has 2 sides, for spaghetti on one side and fettuccine noodles from the other side. I prefer the wider noodles myself.

    I am going to try it with a cucumber next.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I don't understand this either. esp when people then complain they are hungry and out of calories. I love vegetables. I eat them with almost every meal. Including breakfast. If I don't, I know it. I'm also hungry. Someone made a comment along the lines of "so many carbs" i assume they mean in fruit? Most vegetables don't have a ton of carb either. So I don't really get that reasoning either, unless of course you are eating a low carb diet on purpose.

    Speaking vegetables it's 730am and i'm munching on a carrot. :p
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    Ok let me start by saying I am not one of these people that thinks everyone needs to eat "clean" and cut out all the "junk" in there diets. I love pizza and burgers and ice cream still.

    If I don't exercise my calorie goal is 1300 a day and I would starve during the day if I didn't eat a bunch of veggies with each meal, but I see many people's diary's on here where they are lucky to have one vegetable all day. I mean there are lots I don't like either but there are many ways to hide the taste like cauliflower popcorn, or in your pasta or rice dishes. Also there is lots of talk about macro nutrients which I get but what about all your vitamins and minerals that lead to a well balanced diet?

    One of the reasons I am asking is I just had my physical today and though my doc is encouraged by my progress she did make a point of asking if I was eating the recommended servings of fruits and veggies and getting enough calcium. So just wondering.

    Plain and simple? I don't like them. I couldn't stand them as a kid. Made for some tough times for me because my mother was the you'll eat what I fix type and she and my brother actually *enjoy* the taste and texture of most veggies and fruits even if she's boiled them to death. We rarely had fresh anything veggie wise (except tomatoes from my grandpa's garden), and this includes canned spinach and asparagus and all of that wonderous nastiness.

    I still truly cannot stomach a lot of preparations of veggies. It's a combination of taste and texture that gets me. Not everyone perceives vegetable tastes the same way, just like some people think cilantro tastes like soap - I think most veggies are extremely bitter. I gag on fresh broccoli and cauliflower. I can barely choke down raw carrots. To top it off, I never cared for ranch or most salad dressings, so you couldn't get me to touch those things even drowned in dressing. I don't do raw blueberries, blackberries or raspberries, either. If I eat fruit, my apples must be extremely crisp, bananas yellow with no brown or green and the list goes on and on.

    That being said, I aim for 10+ servings of fruits and veggies per day and probably average 8+. I recognize the benefits of eating these things, so I've found ways to make them enjoyable for the most part. This week for lunches I'm eating chicken and vegetable tikka masala and each portion has 5 servings of veggies - zucchini, mushrooms, and carrots marinated in tikka seasoning and tossed with masala sauce (tomato). I've found salad dressings I like and I've learned that I can eat a good amount of salad if it has plenty of protein and dressing on it. I make smoothies with 5+ servings of frozen fruit and maybe even some spinach thrown in. Several years ago when I first started trying to incorporate more veggies and fruits, I had a lot more corn and potatoes and smoothies than other things, but I've grown and the more I try things, the more I find them enjoyable.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I don't understand this either. esp when people then complain they are hungry and out of calories. I love vegetables. I eat them with almost every meal. Including breakfast. If I don't, I know it. I'm also hungry. Someone made a comment along the lines of "so many carbs" i assume they mean in fruit? Most vegetables don't have a ton of carb either. So I don't really get that reasoning either, unless of course you are eating a low carb diet on purpose.

    Speaking vegetables it's 730am and i'm munching on a carrot. :p

    when I"m cutting- I'm low carb-ish- and I still eat veggies- LOL I'm less concerned about veggie carbs- I realize they still count- but I can't help but not eat them- so nommy. low carb be damned- if I blow my carb macro from veggies I'm pretty sure I'm not going to die. LMAO
    and this includes canned spinach and asparagus and all of that wonderous nastiness.

    dear god- I'm so sorry for you!!!
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I know what you mean. I don't eat clean, not in the slightest. I think it's a lot of what you were brought up with. Being half French, veggies at each meal were a standard thing for us. I generally feel as though a meal is missing something if there aren't any vegetables in some form. But I've known plenty of oeople who never ate veg apart from with their Sunday roast or some mushy peas with their fish and chips (that's the English side of the family).

    As for counting macro nutrients like carbs, well I kind of ignore that in vegetables and fruits. I just try to eat a balanced diet. I'm old fashioned. My gran never counted carbs and lived to be 100. No-one ever got fat eating too much broccoli and apples.