What do people have against vegetables?
I do large trays of roasted vegetables...carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, brussel sprouts...
I also include vegetables in my pasta casseroles such as spinach, I also do turkey burgers with zucchini and grated carrots.
Then there is V8 juice that I drink every morning...2 servings of vegetables and a bunch of potassium.
I too roast a few large trays of veggies and keep in Tupperware to eat on through out the week. I experiment a lot with different veggies. My new found favorite is: chopped purple cabbage, sliced zucchini, chopped sweet onion, sunburst tomatoes. I add olive oil, sea salt, cracked black pepper, garlic powder and cumin. Yummy...but it's easy for me. I love a lot of veggies.
Can you tell me how the cabbage tastes when it's roasted? I have learned to like it raw, but don't go for cooked cabbage at all, but your blend sounds like it could be good.
When I cook it like this it has a bit of a sweet flavor actually. The cumin can possibly pull that out, but it is actually very mild compared to regular cabbage (and we love both in our house). I've roasted it until it's super tender and I've roasted it for a shorter time to leave it a bit crunchy and I love it either way. We love the small tomatoes with the cabbage especially.
I will also slice a head of regular cabbage into thin slices, and roast. I'll add sea salt, crack black pepper, olive oil, and garlic as well. Sometimes I'll add minced garlic, and sometimes I'll add a bit of red pepper flakes for a little bite. We love this too!
ETA: I've found roasting cabbage is a much more milder taste than if it's boiled.0 -
What's cauliflower popcorn?
Here are links to two different versions that are both pretty good.
But popcorn is popped corn. You can't even pop a cauliflower...0 -
Okay, red cabbage.
But I've never seen any of the others.
They grow purple cauliflower now. It is very very purple too. Crazy.
I once tried making a cauliflower in cheddar sauce recipe with purple cauliflower, figuring it would blanch as it cooked. Instead, it stayed purple and the sauce turned lavender. Tasted fine once I convinced myself to actually eat it...but that took some doing. It looked like something out of Dr. Seuss.0 -
The only purple vegetable I can think of would be eggplant (which is technically not a vegetable).
Purple carrots
Purple peppers
Purple potatoes
Purple kolrabi
Purple cabbage
Anyway, I wouldn't eat anything (fruits, veggies, or anything else) that was purple or green.
On eye, one horned flying purple people eater...0 -
I do large trays of roasted vegetables...carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, brussel sprouts...
I also include vegetables in my pasta casseroles such as spinach, I also do turkey burgers with zucchini and grated carrots.
Then there is V8 juice that I drink every morning...2 servings of vegetables and a bunch of potassium.
I too roast a few large trays of veggies and keep in Tupperware to eat on through out the week. I experiment a lot with different veggies. My new found favorite is: chopped purple cabbage, sliced zucchini, chopped sweet onion, sunburst tomatoes. I add olive oil, sea salt, cracked black pepper, garlic powder and cumin. Yummy...but it's easy for me. I love a lot of veggies.
Can you tell me how the cabbage tastes when it's roasted? I have learned to like it raw, but don't go for cooked cabbage at all, but your blend sounds like it could be good.
When I cook it like this it has a bit of a sweet flavor actually. The cumin can possibly pull that out, but it is actually very mild compared to regular cabbage (and we love both in our house). I've roasted it until it's super tender and I've roasted it for a shorter time to leave it a bit crunchy and I love it either way. We love the small tomatoes with the cabbage especially.
I will also slice a head of regular cabbage into thin slices, and roast. I'll add sea salt, crack black pepper, olive oil, and garlic as well. Sometimes I'll add minced garlic, and sometimes I'll add a bit of red pepper flakes for a little bite. We love this too!
ETA: I've found roasting cabbage is a much more milder taste than if it's boiled.
Okay, now I WANT roasted cabbage for dinner. I have most of a head of cabbage at home that needs used up anyway, so I think I'll have to try roasting it and tossing it with some caramelized sweet onion. I think I'll use some bacon, too, just for bacon's sake!0 -
I don't have anything against them. They didn't run over my dog or anything.
It just so happens that for the majority of them I don't care for the taste.0 -
I do large trays of roasted vegetables...carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, brussel sprouts...
I also include vegetables in my pasta casseroles such as spinach, I also do turkey burgers with zucchini and grated carrots.
Then there is V8 juice that I drink every morning...2 servings of vegetables and a bunch of potassium.
I too roast a few large trays of veggies and keep in Tupperware to eat on through out the week. I experiment a lot with different veggies. My new found favorite is: chopped purple cabbage, sliced zucchini, chopped sweet onion, sunburst tomatoes. I add olive oil, sea salt, cracked black pepper, garlic powder and cumin. Yummy...but it's easy for me. I love a lot of veggies.
Can you tell me how the cabbage tastes when it's roasted? I have learned to like it raw, but don't go for cooked cabbage at all, but your blend sounds like it could be good.
When I cook it like this it has a bit of a sweet flavor actually. The cumin can possibly pull that out, but it is actually very mild compared to regular cabbage (and we love both in our house). I've roasted it until it's super tender and I've roasted it for a shorter time to leave it a bit crunchy and I love it either way. We love the small tomatoes with the cabbage especially.
I will also slice a head of regular cabbage into thin slices, and roast. I'll add sea salt, crack black pepper, olive oil, and garlic as well. Sometimes I'll add minced garlic, and sometimes I'll add a bit of red pepper flakes for a little bite. We love this too!
ETA: I've found roasting cabbage is a much more milder taste than if it's boiled.
Okay, now I WANT roasted cabbage for dinner. I have most of a head of cabbage at home that needs used up anyway, so I think I'll have to try roasting it and tossing it with some caramelized sweet onion. I think I'll use some bacon, too, just for bacon's sake!
ENJOY! That's what I do. I just play around until I find what I like the best!0 -
I like most vegetables. The problem is if I don't shop for them I don't usually get the ones I want or my wife just gets frozen veggie bags. Lately I've been trying harder to get them into my diet though. I'm going to be having lettuce on my lunch sandwiches at work and a green bellpepper in healthy dip for a snack. I used to juice a lot of fruit last year too but kinda fell out of that fad I guess.0
They grow purple cauliflower now. It is very very purple too. Crazy.
There's purple asparagus too.0 -
The only veggies I don't like are:
[img][/img]0 -
I agree with those saying that some people never developed a 'taste' for veggies since their experiences growing up were less than stellar. Obviously now we're all adults and should at least TRY to expand those childhood palates (IMHO)...but I can relate, too.
My mom is yet another who boils broccoli into brownness, eats mostly canned corn or green beans, and few other vegetables. She can make the most delicious chili, tacos, roast, meatloaf, and baked goods. But that's about it.
Growing up I thought salad meant a big bowl of iceberg lettuce with huge slices of raw tomato (which I detest) on top, and maybe a few garlic croutons and Italian dressing (which I still dislike to this day). I didn't understand there were many different types of delicious healthy salad until I was about 25 yrs old!0 -
Brussels sprouts are one of my absolute favorites. I have them a couple times a week, at least. But never, ever boiled. I learned to like them pan fried with bacon--someone's Thanksgiving dish that I adopted--but now just roast them, because I'm lazy and they taste great that way.
But it's okay if others hate them, of course. I'm sure we could make a trade for something I still hate.0 -
The only veggies I don't like are:
Raw in a salad with Kale they are great otherwise i agree not a fan of the typical overcooked grey Brussel Sprouts0 -
Ok let me start by saying I am not one of these people that thinks everyone needs to eat "clean" and cut out all the "junk" in there diets. I love pizza and burgers and ice cream still.
If I don't exercise my calorie goal is 1300 a day and I would starve during the day if I didn't eat a bunch of veggies with each meal, but I see many people's diary's on here where they are lucky to have one vegetable all day. I mean there are lots I don't like either but there are many ways to hide the taste like cauliflower popcorn, or in your pasta or rice dishes. Also there is lots of talk about macro nutrients which I get but what about all your vitamins and minerals that lead to a well balanced diet?
One of the reasons I am asking is I just had my physical today and though my doc is encouraged by my progress she did make a point of asking if I was eating the recommended servings of fruits and veggies and getting enough calcium. So just wondering.
This isn't going to go well :noway:
I have no idea why anyone does what they do. If someone doesn't want to eat vegetables it isn't any of my business which is why I don't go poking around in other folks' diaries. Eating vegetables is not a requirement for 'eating clean' either. Anyone concerned over the health aspects of their diet will do their research then eat accordingly. The general consensus is vegetables are part of a healthy diet but there are other ways of getting your micro nutrients.0 -
The only veggies I don't like are:
Raw in a salad with Kale they are great otherwise i agree not a fan of the typical overcooked grey Brussel Sprouts
those with kale? that's like the most "I will never eat that ever" meal ever.0 -
Who doesn't love vegetables? I live on a farm with a large organic garden and wonderful, flavorful, heirloom varieties of produce. I cannot understand not loving vegetables, UNLESS all you've had is frozen or canned, or overcooked; those things are horrid.
OR cooked in some hideous fashion like putting marshmallows and brown sugar on squash! I kid you not, a side of green beans came with a dinner I had ordered. They looked gorgeous but one bite and I almost gagged. It was as if they had been cooked in a heavy syrup! Then there are the southern style green beans that are cooked to the consistency of thick snot. I'm a serious veggie lover who cannot tolerate these types of abominations.0 -
The only purple vegetable I can think of would be eggplant (which is technically not a vegetable).
Purple carrots
Purple peppers
Purple potatoes
Purple kolrabi
Purple cabbage
Anyway, I wouldn't eat anything (fruits, veggies, or anything else) that was purple or green.
There's purple broccoli and tomatoes too.0 -
The only purple vegetable I can think of would be eggplant (which is technically not a vegetable).
Purple carrots
Purple peppers
Purple potatoes
Purple kolrabi
Purple cabbage
Anyway, I wouldn't eat anything (fruits, veggies, or anything else) that was purple or green.
There's purple broccoli and tomatoes too.
What sort of witchcraft is this? I freakin love broccoli. I have over a half pound of broccoli most days, but there is just no way I'm going to eat purple broccoli. That's just all sorts of wrong.0 -
I once tried making a cauliflower in cheddar sauce recipe with purple cauliflower, figuring it would blanch as it cooked. Instead, it stayed purple and the sauce turned lavender. Tasted fine once I convinced myself to actually eat it...but that took some doing. It looked like something out of Dr. Seuss.
i am definitely trying this the next time i see purple cauliflower. it sounds tasty (woocheese!) plus, changing it's color makes it more fun and therefore tastier. yes, i have to trick myself to eat certain things. last time i had it, i turned it almost neon pink when i sprinkled lemon juice on it. i enjoyed that quite a bit.
still won't eat brussles or asparagus no matter the color or method of preparation.0 -
I go two days without eating vegetables at every meal and my body craves them like crazy. I'll eat a tomato or bell pepper like an apple without even cutting it up first at that point.
We aim for at least half our plates to be full of vegetables at every meal. Even my boyfriend, who eats like 4000 calories a day unless he's cutting, knows it's worth the caloric tradeoff (as in, he gets full too fast on low-cal vegetables to get enough calories in his day sometimes) and I just don't get it either. We're not "clean" eaters by a long shot but vegetables are versatile and provide us with a ton of vitamins and minerals, essential stuff. What's not to like?
I just can't understand the taste aversion, honestly, especially to such a vast array of different things. Like, really...EVERY vegetable? Really?
I have very little patience with picky eaters in any event, though.0 -
I want to try this.
For the Brussels....cut a small X in the bottom of the stem and remove the first set of leaves. Drop them in boiling salted water for 2-3 mins then remove them. Slice them each in half, then roast in the oven with a bit of coconut or olive oil, some kosher salt, and some herbs sprinkled over. Cook them till they are slightly caramelized. I usually have them in the oven for about 20-35 mins at like 375ish. They are incredible this way...not bitter at all, but sweet...so yummy!!! Even my picky husband loves them and he is not a huge veggie eater at all.
Okra tho....no...I can't do it. I keep trying but it is not going to happen.
[/quote]0 -
I just can't understand the taste aversion, honestly, especially to such a vast array of different things. Like, really...EVERY vegetable? Really?
I have very little patience with picky eaters in any event, though.
It is probably going to be hard to understand if your tastes don't run that way. People taste things different ways. What tastes good to some may taste extremely bitter or sour to someone else. I used the example of cilantro before - people usually either enjoy it or think it tastes like soap. There is something in their make-up that makes them taste it differently and no amount of telling them that it's delicious will make them find the taste any better.
I still find the taste of most vegetables in raw form repulsive, but some veggies I find repulsive in cooked form. I am mature about my tastes, though and accepted eating veggies and fruit as part of my daily life. I've worked to make them fit in, but I will never say, oh, yum, broccoli. Shoot, I will never say oh yum, blackberries or blue berries or raspberries or oranges or apples or green beans or ...I find them to taste bad even when people say they taste so good and fresh, blah, blah, blah. I eat them and cover them up with better tasting flavors, but I'm never going to agree that most veggies and fruits actually taste good. Also, a lot of people who say they don't like veggies often don't include corn and "starchy"veggies on their list of veggies because so many people say they "don't count".
If you asked me what I really liked whole food wise, the list would be limited, but I'm fond of saying that I'm probably one of the most well rounded picky eaters out there. If given the choice, I would eat very few fruits, veggies, seafood and whole grains, but they are a major part of my diet and I've learned to even like eating them for the most part. Honestly, no one outside of my husband, my mother, and MFP (not even my kids) knows that I'm a "picky" eater.0 -
I am absolutely addicted to zucchini!0
Saurkraut is extremely easy to make with a head of cabbage. Just cabbage and salt. I personally don't like it, but my family thinks it is fabulous.0
I think the only sane thing to do with Brussels sprouts is cover them in bacon. I saw a picture of asparagus wrapped in bacon which I'm guessing had a similar result, lol. Bacon is the duct tape of the food world.
All these purple foods - so weird. Why do we monkey with our food like this? It makes me want to grow a cauliflower in a pot though and water it with water/food coloring to see if it works like a carnation in a glass of water.0 -
Love vegetables. Never had issues eating them as a child even.
I have at least 1.5 Ibs of them most days. I cannot go a day without them... Feels wrong.
Shocking how many restaurants either do not serve vegetables at all, or serve them only fried or coated in rich sauces, to a point they are barely recognisable as vegetables.0
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