40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    I stayed up late watching the election coverage after work last night, so I'm a bit tired this morning. Fall is in the air and hopefully some positive changes in DC. It must have been Stiring's arrival that did it!! Hey, I'm far from political, but I am weary of what's happening to the common folk like us, especially as we grow older.

    I'm finally working an 8 hour day today. It feels like I'm on vacation...not really!

    Tron, you can do it! Focus on a goal and don't stray from it. You will be pleased with your results very quickly!

    Cardi, my left knee bothers me at times when I do plyo. Listen to your body and be careful.

    CEF957, welcome to our little group! Stay with us and join in the fun!

    Stiring, are you still working out at home, or have you found a good local gym? Remember...chocolate...GOOD!!

    MK, hang in there. Chasing weight on the scale will make you crazy. You'll be fine, you know how to do it. So, have some patience and the weight will reverse itself.

    I had some Chinese food at work on Monday. It was so loaded with sodium I was getting bloated. Well, last night after work the retained fluid started it's retreat, and with that I was visiting the bathroom every hour, even during the night! I need to learn my lesson about too much sodium and processed foods. Back to the gym today for an upper body workout. After work I plan to take a hike before our Church choir rehearsal.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Welcome cef957!! You lived in China for five years? I really admire that. My husband and I just moved back from a year of living in Korea. I found it fascinating but am also happy to be home.

    cardigirl, I think that's a great goal for the next two months!!! I'm going to try to do the same. I seem to have made it through the move without gaining any substantial weight, so I'm hoping I can do the same with the holidays.

    tron, I think sushi is pretty healthy. Of course, avocado is high in calories, but it is very good for you. But the soy sauce.....yeah, that's alot of sodium there. But if you don't do it very often, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

    singfree, I'm pretty non-political myself, but I must admit to being a tad curious about what happens now politically in this country. I just hope something besides political in-fighting and finger pointing happens over the next couple of years. But that's enough about that from me. Yes, I'm back to working out at home. I have access to gyms (free) in my neighborhood as a part of our rent, but I'm an at-home exerciser at heart. While I enjoyed my workouts in the gym before I left Korea, I don't struggle nearly as much with motivation when I'm doing stuff at home. And I'm with you on the too much sodium/processed food thing. Our second night here in the DC area, we ate at Macaroni Grill. I didn't think I'd ever get my wedding ring off again because I was so swollen. That was actually a good experience simply because it made us find healthier eating out options since we were in a position of needing to eat dinner out for two weeks straight. But that experience at the Macaroni Grill is not one I'm in a hurry to repeat.

    Speaking of working out at home, though.....I better get off my computer and go do my workout. Today is a leg workout followed by a lighter cardio. I felt more in control of my chocolate consumption yesterday, but it will be a good thing when the Halloween candy is gone. We bought way too much this year but had no way of knowing how many trick-or-treaters to anticipate. And, of course, I didn't buy the stuff that I don't want to eat, so.........:ohwell:

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: Nothing much to report...still eating healthy (avoiding the candy that seems to be everywhere these days like the plague :laugh: ), drinking lots of water and exercising. Today I did my second workout this week from Cathe's guts and buns (thanks to Stiring!!! let me know when you need it back). I was sore yesterday from doing it, mainly my abs...I am not doing the whole tape due to my hip flexor issues though...:cry: but it is still a great workout.

    Welcome cef, keep up the good work!!! :drinker:

    At work, dont have much time to write...great to hear from everyone!!! :flowerforyou:
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Hi everyone! I turned 40 on 9/9/09 and am glad to see there's a group I fit into now! I seem to have been sort of "in between" all the groups here at MFP.

    I'm single (also pretty much as of 9/9/09..oh well!) and live in San Diego, which is great.

    I quit smoking two years ago (although I have relapsed, including lately) and gained 35 pounds. I'm shorty-short so that's a lot of weight for me. Last New Year's I vowed to lose it..I did really well until about the end of April. I went on a long vacation with some girl friends and for whatever reason that killed all my motivation. I almost think I started smoking again as an excuse not to exercise :frown: .

    Also I lost my workout buddies..one went away to law school and the other is a super athlete who was my buddy just while she recovered from an injury. It's harder when I'm not accountable to anyone.

    But now I really want to get back on the good road. I've been starting back with my workouts, so far just crunches and cardio but I'm planning to add some weight training back in soon. I have joint issues (no not THAT kind of joint lol) and the machines can hurt me (shoulder especially) so I like doing videos with hand weights, like 30 Day Shred and that kind. I tried C25K earlier in the year but it ate my hip flexors so I'm trying a slower running program..like 2 min run, 3 min walk until it doesn't hurt at all type of deal.

    Anyway, obviously I'm a babbler..good to meet you all, you seem like a really supportive and close group and hopefully I'll be around contributing :)
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Oh PS you can call me "6" :)
  • cef957
    cef957 Posts: 86 Member
    thanks for all the wonderful welcomes!

    Today was my 5th consecutive day at the gym.....tomorrow is a rest day!

    stiringwendel - Yups! 5 years. It is nice to be back "home". We miss our wonderful friends we made over there the most We made our son sit with us during the election coverage last night and we are planning a trip to DC for the kids spring break! (I notice the white house? in your background). We were fortunate to see most of the asian countries the last 5 years....our kids are laking in the US department.

    I don't remember who mentioned that they eat better when their husband is out of town....I definitely agree with you! I am excited that my husband will be gone for a week so that I can do a gym/calorie/no junk food/no wine? week! It will happen before Thanksgiving so.....that wil hopefully be good!

    I have a job interview on Friday (a long-term sub position) so I had to make sure I had some clothes to wear.....No worries! I had to get rid of 3 pairs of pants that were too big! The rest of my pants in my closet are easy to put on and take off.....so those will go soon also! I also got rid of all the XL sweaters - way too big! Soon, I will be able to work on the box of clothes that used to fit.....

    I better go make dinner......steak, salad, acorn squash (for me) and corn for the rest of them.....probably some potato thing too...I need to see what is in the freezer!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    alf, good to hear you are still enjoying Cathe's Butts and Guts. It's a goodie. I was curious if you were able to do any of it because of your hip flexor but happy to hear you are able to do some. I was thinking about you yesterday because I was feeling some soreness in my hip flexor and couldn't figure out why! Scary! But then I remembered that I had done 70 minutes of step cardio the day before and haven't done that since August. I forget sometimes how much stress doing step aerobics puts on the hip flexors. Like you, I'm feeling alot of aches and pains lately, but I chalk that up to the physical nature of moving. But I've been keeping Tylenol in business the past couple of weeks, that's for sure. :ohwell:

    6....Welcome!! Thanks for sharing so much about yourself. I, too, am a 'shorty' (5'2") and completely understand how a little weight makes a big difference on somebody shorter in stature. It sounds like you are finding a system that works for you when it comes to working out. I do all of my workouts to videos/DVDs (have done for over 20 years) and find it a very effective and convenient way of working out (even for strength training). I've never liked machines because I suffer from limited range of motion in both of my shoulders. It is tough keeping motivation, especially this time of the year (at least for me), but, hopefully, we can help you. I have my long-term inspiration for staying fit and healthy (I want to be mobile and active when I'm in my 70s, 80s and beyond). And I have my shorter-term motivations (I want to look good in my jeans or shorts or a dress I might be wearing in a month or on an upcoming vacation....or whatever I can come up with to give me short-term goals). And that has helped me stay on track (for the most part).

    cef957, I, too, miss the people we met in Korea. I found the people in Asia to be so gracious and welcoming, and I miss that part of living there. It's hard to get help in stores here if you need it here, but that was never an issue for us in Korea. Happy to hear you are happy to be home, though. I imagine your kids are suffering some culture shock. We've spent most of my husband's career (he's in the Air Force) overseas (most of it in Europe) and I suffer culture shock everytime I come back to the US. I imagine it is the same....if not worse.....for children. We just moved to the DC area last month (that's the Capitol in my photo). I think it's great you want to bring your kids here because there is so much to see and do here. Congrats on the changing sizes!! That's just the best feeling, isn't it? Good luck on the job interview!!

    Not much new here. I'm getting ready to do another long step cardio session this morning. I hope my legs are up to it! We have our final delivery tomorrow (stuff we had stored while we were in Korea), and I'm trying to psyche myself up for another brutally physical day tomorrow. I'm not sure I'm ready. We also bought a bit of new furniture when we got here, and that's being delivered Saturday. So the good news is that we should be completely and totally settled by the end of the weekend. Yay! Then, hopefully, I can get back to focusing more on my eating than I have been lately.

    Enjoy your day everybody!!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    cef, good job on doing regular exercise. It will eventually become a habit...and you will need a daily "fix" (a good habit I might add)!!!

    6, step away from the ciggies...NOW!!!!!! Don't sabotage your good health with smoking. You will feel soooo much better when you are free from stuff like that.

    Stiring, my hip flexors get sore also when I lay off those exercises for a while then try to start up again at the same high level. That's especially true when I climb steep hills...ouch! Glad to see you are in the last stage of settling in. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. As a reward, take tomorrow off from exercise...:laugh:

    Hey, we sold my mom's house! I am confident the transaction will be complete by year's end. Today I will do a lower body workout at the gym. It is going to rain all day and night, so nothing to do outside. I'm still struggling with eating right, although I'm sure i can get back on track pretty easily IF I put my mind to it.

    Have a great day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Just a quick hello!!!!!!!!!! HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh:

    Sing, :drinker: :drinker: for selling your mom's house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Stiring, yes, I love Cathe's DVD. :flowerforyou: I do the mix and match program and select floor work, abs, among others but cannot do all of it. I do stop if I feel any pain or re-adjust my position. So you like doing step aerobics? I dont remember the last time I did it. I used to teach step when I lived in Germany. I was teaching about 5 classes a week.

    6, welcome!!! :drinker: :drinker: I agree with Sing, commit to quit!!! I am a former smoker. Havent had one in about 20 yrs. It is tough to quit but you can do it. I am also suffering with hip flexor problems and biceps tendonitis at the moment so I know how you feel. Take it easy but be consistent and remember that 80% of the equation is healthy eating, clean foods. It will make a huge difference.

    cef, keep up the good work!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Have a great day!! Check in tomorrow!!! :flowerforyou:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Hi Friends, sorry I've been lurking!

    Alf, I did see your Halloween picture! Wow

    Welcome all new friends. I think you will love the support you get from this great group!

    Sing, I'm so glad you sold your Mom's house so quickly! Everytime my Mom's condo is between renters, we try to sell it, but no luck.

    Stiring, glad to hear your last shipment is almost over with. I think you'll feel much more settled after that.

    Nothing much new to report. Had a great Zumba session on Monday, regular teacher is out, and the sub gives harder choreography, I just try to keep on trucking!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm off to the gym, but just a quick Friday check in. Exercise is going well, although my diet needs some improvement. No change in my shape, which is not all bad. I still want to lose some more fat before the holidays.

    We are going to the German club tonight for some music and maybe a beer...

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Happy Friday All!

    Check-in....it was a great week for workouts. I did heavier strength training this week and while I'm not as strong as I was before I left Korea, each workout felt better and better. I also did some good cardio. My eating has been great.....well.....except for the daily dose of Halloween candy. :blushing: But my meals are back under control, I'm cooking healthy foods, etc. Now I just need to get rid of the chocolate. All in all, I'm happy with how I look right now and how I came through this move. My best for sure.......if I can just keep focused now that is. Hoping I don't lose that focus through the holidays.

    alf, I do enjoy step aerobics. I usually do two or three such workouts a week, depending on what rotation I'm doing. I've been doing step aerobics for 20 years, so I guess it is just habit to keep doing them despite the fact that that kind of cardio isn't really 'in' anymore. Hope you enjoy your cruise!!! And have a Happy Birthday!!

    zebras, great to see you. Good job on the Zumba!!!

    singfree, congrats on the sale of you mother's house. That must be quite a relief. Hope you enjoy your beer tonight. I'm thinking I might be drinking wine tonight after spending the day unpacking....again.

    The truck with my stuff just showed up. Yay! Must run. Have a great weekend everybody!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!! Happy Friday!!! :drinker: :drinker: Do I sound happy??? YES!! :laugh: Off work today, have some beauty treatments in preparation for my cruise on Sunday. That hurricane has me a little worried though but I think we will be right behind it...I just hope we get sunny days in The Bahamas and Key West. I have not started packing yet!!! Yikes!!! :noway: I made a list but no packing...will be up late doing that tonight. We leave tomorrow morning to Galveston and then on the cruise on Sunday, will return a week later. This week was great as far as exercise was concerned, my 4 Zumba classes, 3 days of lower body/abs (Cathe's video) and of course my physical therapy exercises for my shoulder. Eating was good, not great, but good. I have been able to control myself some with all the Halloween candy around. :noway: :grumble:

    Stiring, step aerobics is still in, a lot of the gyms here still have the classes. I like it, I just havent done it in a while. I loved teaching it!! Have "fun" unpacking!!!! You deserve that glass of wine, or two...:laugh:

    Sing, you know you will be having that beer tonight, enjoy!! :drinker: What is going on with your eating habits lately? Is it the candy all over? You havent gives us a lot of details. Maybe we can make some suggestions. I'm with you with losing some fat before the Holidays. Are you still measuring? I do have a question for you and Stiring, I think you havent weighed in a long time, how are you "measuring" your progress? Sometimes I feel "fat" and when I get on the scale I am the same weight or even less. :noway: So while the scale is not the best way to measure your progress also the way you feel or look in the mirror can be accurate. I'm just curious what your thoughts are about that... I would really like to break free from the scale for a while if not permanently. What should I focus on instead? I dont trust the measuring tape either because it depends on bloatiness, how much you hold or not hold the stomach in, for women TOM, etc.

    Zebras, I'm glad you are enjoying Zumba!! Keep up the good work!!

    Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Happy Friday all!!!!

    Hasn't been a good week for me - haven't worked out at all :frown: , despite all my good intentions when the hubby left for school on Sunday. Fought a cold and sinus headache along with back pain early in the week; went to the chiropractor on Wed, so the back's a bit better, but couldn't work out on Wed. either. Last night had a hair appt and didn't get home until well after 7:00; exhausted, so once again just plunked myself in the recliner with the heating pad on my back/neck. However..............I did log calories and limit my snacks all week so surprise when I stepped on the scale this morning..........back to 131!:smile: Still higher than I want to see, but I really didn't expect to lose anything this week since I hadn't worked out at all. Hoping to feel good enough to work out tonight...... I'm craving it now!

    Sing..........happy to hear you've sold your mom's house!! Enjoy your weekend....you deserve to relax!

    Stiring.........hope you get EVERYTHING put away in the house today so you can relax and enjoy your weekend!!

    Alf...........I'm so jealous of you and your cruise.........I doubt I'll ever be able to talk my husband into taking one - he can't take the Harley along!!

    Cardi and Stiring.........thanks again for the encouragement - I've been SO FRUSTRATED this fall:grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
    I've resolved to really limit my snacking even if I can't eat healthy all the time. Got rid of all the Halloween candy and stuck some good cereal out in a pretty glass jar on the counter - easy to grab a handful of that instead of a cookie!!

    Gotta head to a meeting - have a great weekend everyone!!
  • pepper06
    Happy Friday-well I have been busy w/extra work hours....know how that is. I did have some Halloween candy and a couple slices of pizza-1 slice plain cheese and 1 1/2 slice broc. chick,olives. Well, I cleaned my eating up this wk &I did extra gym time-got the nerve to step on the scale today and I am DOWN!!!!!::happy:

    This weather is depressing, and being dark early in the morning and dark early in the evening.....could never live in Alaska!:yawn:

    We certainly have the leaves now-WOW!

    Sing-did you have to do any major repairs on your Mother's house, construction etc-boy that was quick? Some houses areound here have been on the market forever. One less thing to take care of.

    MK-when you find yourself going for something bad try to go for protein, water, gum as a substitute-before you know the urge is gone!

    I really want to be good so I can enjoy a couple slices of pie at Thanksgiving w/o guilt.

    Other new happenings this week are 1 of my Aunts had a growth developing on her neck, so this wk they found it to be cancer and operated. She is doing fine-can't talk right now, but shld be getting her voice bk. and suppose to go home by Mon. She had breast cancer a few years bk but recovered. My husband also lost his job-so hard at this age in life-in a way we say it is a blessing as he was not happy since the co had change for the worst.
  • JuliaSoCal

    It has been such a crazy week... I forgot what day of the week it was...

    Got up... ate and forgot to weigh myself...

    bouncing up an down with those 3 lbs here the last few weeks... so I must have wanted to save myself some grief :)

    Hope everyone has a great week!

  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Back at work today, only for 4 hours. It's overtime, so that's good. I'm back on night shift next week...yuck.

    Alf, have a great time on your cruise. My eating has been all over the board lately. I know HOW do do it right, but sometimes I either lack the willpower or I'm just plain lazy!!!! As far as measuring goes, I ONLY look in the mirror and see how my clothes are fitting to determine how successful I am. I really don't care what the scale says. It should not matter to any of us. Who cares what the scale says if I am satisfied when I look at myself in the mirror and my clothes fit well? If I were concerned about it, I would opt for a professional body fat analysis.

    Pepper, we did not do any work on the house, except for cleaning it out. We are selling it "as is". The house is not worth very much and the interested parties knew exactly what they were getting. I contacted my estate attorney yesterday and he said the transaction should be fairly quick and smooth.

    MK, hang in there...I know it's tough to work out and eat well when you are not feeling well. I'm pulling for ya!

    Stiring, I hope all is well with you after your final "unpacking". We did not go to the German place last night, opting for the restaurant on the hill near our home. I still had 2 glasses of German "Spaten" beer though. I hope your wine was good!! You deserved it after all you've been through the last few weeks.

    Have a great weekend!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Getting ready to head out to Galveston!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Talk to you later!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    Hello all. Not much to stay. Slow and steady wins the race, I guess.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    So yesterday I entered my first ever 5K in my 42 years. I mostly walked/jogged a little of it. I got 1st place in my age division!! However, I was the ONLY one in my age division ha ha. It felt great to cross the finish line and maybe some day I can run most of it. Last year at this time there is no way in h-e-double toothpicks I could have ever done that - not even walking - so needless to say I'm pretty proud. Hope you all have a great week!!