40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    As you can tell from my recent return to the boards, I am feeliing quite well right now. Not go out and run well but definitely better than this time last week.:smile:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome to our newbies, Funnygirl, spulido and chrissy. You've come to the right place and hopefully you will find the support you need to achieve all of your goals.

    Yes, generally Friday is Check in Day- Doesn't necessarily mean weigh in but check in to report how you are doing moving toward your goals. Some of us are at goal weight but are still setting health related goals for ourselves. It can be any area you are working on, like drinking more water, getting more sleep, reaching your exercise goals, eating clean etc.

    Sing: Welcome back to to the fellowship of the sun :laugh: My husband worked 2nd shift for years and even did one horrible year of alternating between all 3 shifts. I know what a toll that can have on your body and your family connection.

    String: I'm hoping you get into the house soon with or without all of your stuff.

    MK: Yum Bloody Marys are my favorite especially hot and spicy ones. Plus, right now breakfast foods are some of the few thing I continue to tolerate well along with any spicy food.

    ALF: Hope all is well:heart:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi all.

    mk, congrats on the weight loss!! Don't beat yourself up for being the same weight this year as you were last year. I think that's wonderful (especially since you are a healthy weight). I mean, it could be worse. You could weigh more.....like I do. :frown: Anyhow, your meals this weekend sound wonderful. If I were near Kansas, I'd be there in a heartbeat. I'm dying for a good home-cooked meal right now! I hope you have a wonderful birthday! :flowerforyou:

    spuilido, welcome! Congratulations on your weight loss success. It really looks like you are doing well!!

    funnygirl, I second what duffy said about Friday check-ins. Feel free to share what you feel is important to track right now, be that weight, workouts, eating, etc.

    chrissy, thanks for sharing. From everything I've read, there isn't a problem with eating at night (though some will say it is best to stay away from carbs close to the time you go to bed). The only problem is if you have already eaten enough calories during the day and then still eat at night. So my suggestion is, if it makes you feel better to eat after work, is to make sure you've allowed yourself a couple hundred calories at the end of the day to do just that. You might need to rethink your other meals a bit to make that happen, but I wouldn't be worried about eating after work if that is best for you. Instead, I would focus more on what you are eating the rest of the day AND make sure that what you are eating at night fits into your calorie allowance. Hope that helps. Congrats on the weight loss and keeping it off. That's quite a success story right there, and I hope you are proud of that, especially considering how busy you are (Mom, Nurse, etc). :flowerforyou:

    duffy, so happy to hear you are feeling better. I read your blog, and it sounds like you had quite a busy week last week! I'm impressed. We're moving into our new townhouse tomorrow....without furniture. But I'll take that over living in this tiny little room, without a doubt!

    Not much new here. I made it through the second day of this last week of Insanity. Yay! Just four more days to go. It is cooler today, but that didn't stop me from taking my five mile walk around this Army Post. I love the feel of the autumn air, cool or not! Like I said above, we move into our townhouse in the morning. We don't know if our internet works yet or not. If you don't hear from me for a couple of days, that answer will have been 'no'. :tongue: Here's hoping that's not the case.

    Enjoy your day!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi there! Not much to report here, but just wanted to check in. I took a nice rest day today from exercise (aside from raking some leaves....a painful and useless task....) and took a drive to do a quick check in at my favorite clothing stores. I'm still trying to find more clothes that fit as my current size wardrobe is pretty sparse. Replenishing the wardrobe is one thing you don't think about when losing weight; hauling all the bigger stuff out and finding the money for a whole new wardrobe...ouch! Anyway, it felt good to get away and to find some nice, fresh things to wear.

    I spent the last week eating lots of treats at night and today I'm finally just saying no more to that. I know it'll be tough, but if I can get through maybe the next 2 nights I think the sugar fix should be gone after that.

    Stiring, good luck with your move tomorrow!

    So great to hear from everyone, and see lots of new folks post. Looking forward to getting to know everyone. Will check in again later this week!
  • Texssippian
    hi all! Back from a conference in Minneapolis. Weather was wonderful.

    Kadetr: Have you thought about looking at Goodwill or a consignment store for "new" clothes? We have a second hand clothing store in our town which supports the local women's shelter. Get clothes for a great bargain and help a good cause at the same time.

    Welcome all the new folks!

    Won't get to do Zumba tonight as my husband is working late so I won't get home in time. I may go to the nat and swim some laps instead.

    Take care all1 TxMs
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    kadetr, I've had problems replenishing my wardrobe as well since losing the weight. Part of that was because I was hesistant to 'commit' to my lower weight. But part of it was because it seemed like so much money to spend at once. But I bought the basics (you know...jeans, black slacks, etc) and LOTS of blouses and shirts because I figure most of the shirts will fit when my weight fluctuates a bit, but the pants.....not so much. It has worked well for me over the past 18 months or so, though I still find my limited wardrobe a tad frustrating at times when I need something unique.

    TxMs, welcome back! Hope you got a good swim in last night.

    We're getting our household goods tomorrow! :drinker: This is, without a doubt, the most physically demanding part of the move and I hope my body is up to it. I spent all day yesterday working around our new home trying to measure walls and figure out where to put things when they do come in. I like to get moved in FAST. Hopefully the movers will cooperate. So I will have to finish my last two Insanity workouts next week. I did Insanity both yesterday and today, and I've thought about saying 'That's enough of this rotation!', but I think I'll finish it....maybe. :tongue: I will definitely be starting back with weights on Sunday, though, even if I have to uses boxes as a weight bench. :laugh: I'm more than ready to get back to strength training.

    So for my early Friday check-in (since I will be otherwise engaged tomorrow)....it wasn't a bad week. I got some good workouts in, doing both Insanity and body weight resistance workouts each day. My eating has been as good as I can expect under current circumstances. I'm still eating out for dinner and probably will be through Saturday night. I don't like my cooking but, boy, am I looking forward to a home-cooked meal right now. :wink:

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Sorry I've been MIA the last few days. My brother and I were cleaning out my mother's house. She was a supreme pack rat. Needless to say, the house was FILLED with all kinds of useless JUNK. She has not lived there since 2000, and it was not heated for the last 5 years. What a mess! We filled 2 large dumpsters and will have another one filled by the time the place is finished. It makes me very sad that someone could have lived in such conditions, and especially since it was of her own making.

    Stiring, I'm so glad that tomorrow is moving day! It will be so nice for you when you are settled in for good!! I'll be thinking of you and sending you good vibes to keep you going through this ordeal.

    Well, I'm back to work with a few days of work to catch up on. So I better sign off now!

    Have a great day!
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm a newbie to this site but not a newbie to trying to loose weight. I think I have been doing that all my life. Now with my kids grown and getting a divorce, I'm ready to get rid of the extra weight. This is a great site and I like the idea of the group. Me and some friends at work have joined the site and also work out together. Or work has a few trainers that comes in certain days and we all get together and do a workout with him/her. This is my 3rd week doing that. Two days a week right now and thinking of adding another day. It is lots easier to NOT make excusses about not working out with others knowing you skipped. LOL. I'm glad I found this string and this website. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member

    Sing, thank you for keeping me in check and letting me know about the new thread. I have not been able to read all the posts but I am glad to see so many checking in. :heart: :drinker:

    Stiring, glad to hear you might be settled soon. I am sure you will enjoy this new adventure.:flowerforyou:

    Duffy, look at you!!!! Always with that bright smile!!!!!!!! I really miss doing ChaLean with you!!!! I so need so much to lift!!! Unfortunately I still cant. :cry:

    So glad to hear Tex that you are doing Zumba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker:

    Ok so about me now...first of all, today is my husband's birthday!!!! Yeah for him!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: As my weight is concerned, I have no idea how much I weigh, I havent weighed in weeks!!! My eating habits have been pretty good but I have also splurged on some sweets here and there...especially when they have brought so many goodies at work lately...:noway: Thank God my husband is off sweets so no cake tonight for him!!! :drinker: He has been doing extremely well with his diet and exercise. Speaking of exercise, I am only doing Zumba right now, teaching 4 nights a week still. No weight trng, my shoulder still hurts but it seems to be getting better. I have 4 more wks of PT. My hip flexors are bothering me, I have a med appt tomorrow. Duffy, I have also lost some muscle tone in my rear end...that is not good!!!! :sad: I've also had several med appts, I am anemic right now, taking iron tablets 3x a day. I have to have another lab done this week. :cry: But you know, I cannot complain. Speaking of Zumba, I had a successful fundraiser for Susan G. Komen foundation!!! I had 104 attendees!!!! It was a blast!!!!!!!!!!!! That is what had me sooooo busy among other things...it takes a lot to put this thing together, glad it is over and glad it was a success. Do you have facebook? Friend me at Zumba Annette and you can see lots of pics and even videos of the event. You can see me in Zumba action!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh:

    I've really missed all of you!!!! But I am back!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome to all the new members of our group!!!

    Hugs and kisses,
    Annette (aka alf1163)
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Friday Check In!

    First let me say ...so nice to see you ALF. Sorry to hear your shoulder situation still hasn't improved. Soft tissue injuries are the worst for recovery. I'm missing ChaLean as well. I actually loaned out my copy to a friend since I'm restricted on weight training due to my mediport. I love that thing so I'm actually following that rule closely.

    Sing: Cleaning out your mom's house must be physically and emotionally draining. My brothers and I keep encouraging my mom to downsize now while her health this good but she won't hear any of it. It would be a huge undertaking but if we worked a little now we wouldn't have to deal with a major job in the future. She has the upstairs to her house stuffed. I got married she filled my old room, Dad died she filled his closet, brothers left home she filled their rooms with her teaching supplies when she retired.

    String: I will be thinking of you today in a sea of boxes and loving it.

    My goals for the next week - Well round #4 is next Thursday. I know this one is going to be bad because #3 kicked my ever shrinkiing butt. So my goal is to go in Thursday with the strongest mind, body, spirit possible. That means hydration and clean eating. Plus, my goal is 3 days of yoga practice and daily meditation. I have a really good cancer healing guided mediation CD.

    Have a great weekend. Freeze Warnings this morning in Michigan. BBBRRRRRR!!!!
  • pepper06
    Happy Friday....glad to have new ones join-welcome!
    kadetr-Glad your son can participate in the Halloween activities. At least they mk Halloween oreos snack size, starburst-so there are some substitutes. Curling up on the couch w/the blanket and book sounded wonderful!

    Stiring-I agree it seems the whole wheat flour wld mk the cupcakes heavy-I haven't had time to mk them yet-will let you know when I do. I also think it is far more food than I wld eat-thought it was interesting that it includes a small(less than palm size) dessert every other day.
    The Dr. Oz. food change is on his website....boy is there allot of information on his site on this-he is really BIG on eating right!
    Quite informative-I did not expect so much, so I was pleasantly surprised:happy:

    wlecome back Alf!

    Sing-since heat was nt on in the house for the last 5-was there pipe issues, any freezing or anything? Not knowing what part of the country the house is in...I assume PA??? 10yrs of being vacant-wow-was the house being maintained by family members-yard and such? Giving you & your brother another workout:bigsmile:

    Well, my bad for last week-was eating a few pieces of a Hershey 5lb choc. bar that a cowrkr brought bk frm Hershey-only because I never hd this before-boy was it thick and good. It you made a smore out of it-it would be like biting into a Big Mac-very, very thick! I also did hv 2 smores at the amusement park-I really wanted this treat as I had none all summer! I had it and over it-that is all it tk. I hv nt had any cider donuts, apple cider yet.....I hv been going for the fresh apples.

    I have been very busy wrking extra hours and such-also hv company-which I am nt seeing since I am wrking, so haven't hd time to ck in often.

    Like how this topic fits the season!:drinker:

    Have a great colorful fall weekend
  • Elmendes
    Elmendes Posts: 4 Member
    Hello to all! Time to get out and get moving! We can do it!
  • spulido01
    spulido01 Posts: 42 Member
    First off let me thank everyone for welcoming to this board. You guys have made me feel this is the right spot for me. It's nice. I hope that everyone continues to do well. I will get familiar with each of you as time goes by I'm sure.

    Friday check in. Well this week I have stayed on target. Yippee. I have done exercise everyday, whether it be jogging, walking or belly dancing. I have stayed within my calorie goals and it has paid off with a 2.8 loss.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
  • funnygirl0940
    Happy Friday!

    This is my 9th day between 164 & 164.5. A couple of weeks ago I had a small goal of 160 for this day.

    I'll be 42 this coming year and have slimmed down a number of times over the past 8.5 years. This time it is different because I've opted not to do this the old low fat/processed food way. Last year, after turning 40, I was so tired and run down. I knew my body was changing and what I was doing, although I could still lose weight that way, I didn't always feel good. Honestly, even with all of the changes, I'm fighting my body. Mostly the 3 herniated discs which make me feel so achy. I've got to get this weight off in the most healthy way possible and keep it off for my the sake of my back.

    I realized that there are two ways for me to go about this and I'm really starting to opt for the long way.

    1. strictly 1200 calories and do all the maximum exercises my body can take. Try to keep the fat down to 10-15%. It should come off quickly.

    2. take my time..1400 calories a day and continue to ease it off through the middle of January. It'd be a lot less stressful for me at this point and there should be an average of 1.5 pound loss a week.

    I just don't plan to do this again. I'm tired of it. We don't buy or have any processed food in our house, except the left over mustard that I will end up making from scratch. Does unsalted butter count too? :) Open the pantry and you'll find shelves of dried beans neatly stored in glass jars. Cereal shelves are empty as it was replaced with oat groats. Now paper napkins fill the space. A large 3 gallon container on the floor stores oat groats, wheat berry and home mixed chicken feed. Left over seasoned salt...might as well throw it away at this point. The fridge is packed w/fresh produce. The refrigerator shelves have glasses of ground flax seed, brewer's yeast, and homemade almond milk for coffee. Freezer packed with frozen chicken, Mahi Mahi fillets, organic fresh blueberries, blanched almonds and wheat flour that I ground up 2 days ago. On my kitchen counter sets a dispenser of extra virgin olive oil, coarse sea salt, a colander loaded with roman tomatoes and a banana basket filled to the hilt with ripening bananas, avocado and kiwi, while a broccoli sprout & dill grows in the window sill waiting to be transplanted into the garden. This sounds enchanting to me...I'll never go back. I love my life and love knowing what we are eating is good for me and my precious family.
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Happy Friday all!!:smile::smile:

    Nothing exciting to report - I've avoided most of the usual birthday pitfalls.........no cake or ice cream and shared the bowl of peanut m&m's with everyone so I wouldn't eat them all. I actually put them in the candy jar in another office area so they're out of sight/out of mind. :laugh: We're having my belated birthday lunch today at a local Mexican restaurant and I've promised myself I'm not eating even half of the wood-fired chicken and shrimp personal pizza I intend to order!! :laugh: It's one of my favorites and there's only one place to get it........yummmmm!!! Of course, my dinner tonight will consist of a protein shake and popcorn to keep the day's calories within control!!!:blushing: The hubby's on his way to a guys weekend (motorcycle rally in Oklahoma) so I don't have to think about cooking for anybody until Sunday night:bigsmile:

    Haven't been on the scale since Monday and don't intend to until after the weekend. I've worked out twice this week and the intention is to do so again today on my way home from work.

    Funnygirl...........can I come live at your house???? Your fridge and pantry sound absolutely yummy, but I have to confess I'd have to contaminate it with a package of Oreos.........can't give them up!!!

    Sing......I hope you and your brothers don't go insane cleaning out your mother's house. Hearing about others going thru that kind of ordeal makes me hope my mother continues to clean out her house! She's been pretty good the past few years about weeding out the clutter and junk; even cleaned all of my dad's crap out of the shop and shed - filled up a huge commercial dumpster, but she says it was well worth the cost to have the junk gone! Of course, Dad wasn't happy, but he didn't get a choice in the matter - he's a horrible pack rat and wouldn't have ever gotten rid of anything.

    Duffyz..........I hope the 4th round of chemo treats you nicer than the 3rd round did!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I can't imagine going thru what you're going thru and keeping the same awesome attitude that you have - kudos to you! :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: I'll take your freeze warnings......I can't wait until it freezes here in Kansas so my allergies will settle down; my itchy eyes are driving me nuts:grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    Alf....I'm going into FB to friend you when I get off the site - I want to see what Zumba looks like!! The owner at my local Curves spent the weekend in Chicago at a Curves convention and came back totally psyched about Zumba!! She says she's set to start in December or January as soon as she finds a qualified, experienced instructor. I can't wait!!

    Stiring..............hoping you're supervising unpacking of your household goods right now !!!!!!

    Everyone else............good to see you on the site and welcome to all the newbies!!!!!!!

    Have a great weekend all..........hope the weather where you are cooperates and you can enjoy outside!

  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Friday Check In!!!

    I just got back from the gym where I did a lower body workout and a light-ish session on the rower. Then i went to Wally World and bought a donut...what willpower!!!

    Nothing much to report. The weight & shape are holding stready. I need to continue working on the last of the stubborn fat before the holidays roll around.

    Thanks for asking about my mom's house. Yes, it's been vacant since 2000 and no electricity and heat, etc...for around 5 years. We had the heating system drained and blown out, so that the pipes would not burst. Sadly, my mother would not sell the place while she was alive. I'm sure many of us have elderly parents who do the same thing, that is, hoard stuff they could not possibly use in a million years. It's just a shame that we could not even salvage 10% of her belongings. Just about everything went into the dumpster. My brother and I have one more day planned to finish the process before we can think about selling the house. It's in such bad shape that it is not really worth much, only as a fixer-upper.

    We picked up our Grandson last night and he will be with us until Sunday morning. Last night he wanted to do some laundry. We call him the "Laundry Meister". He loves to sit in front of our front-loading washer a watch it spin. Aaahhh, the somple pleasures in life!

    It's nice to hear from everyone and have a wonderful weekend!
  • JuliaSoCal
    Found you!

    I am happy to report that things are gaoing well. I am at the point of having to make a choice. When I first started losing weight,I said to my self...I'd be THRILLED if I made it to 130. Then as I got closer, thought well... maybe I CAN make it it 125. Well... I am here.... and I still see lumps and bumps so I wonder if 120 is too much... I am only 5 foor tall... weighed 116ish out of high school.

    122 is the "ideal" BMI weight... and I just don't know what to do yet.

    I now this is good problem, but I am getting tired of shopping GoodWill to replace the wardrobe. I am looking forward to having some "stable" outfits...

    HMMMM to ponder...to ponder.

    NEVER thought I'd EVER be this small again!

  • funnygirl0940
    @spulido, congratulations on the loss! YIPEE!!

    @mkwood10, no oreos, but I did forget to mention the Hershey's dark chocolate bar in the freezer for the 1 sq a day recommended ;) Just had mine w/3 almonds after riding 4 miles with hubby ;) If that doesn't satisfy a sweet tooth, maybe the 5 gallon bucket of raw honey will :D And thanks for liking my kitchen...

    @singfree, what a chore...it seems that those who lived through the depression tend to hold on to things they don't need.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello all!! Well, still holding on to maintenance goal, 125, so that is great. I went to the Dr again today for my hip flexor pain and other issues, more Xrays done today and another MRI to schedule...we will see...but I cannot complain, you know? I hvave to get ready, going to Sea World with hubby, daughter and friend to do the Halloween activiites...I will come out of there with a sore throat from all the screaming. :laugh:

    I am assisting another Zumba instructor tomorrow for yet another 2 hr Zumbathon. I hope I can hang...I felt really tired last night teaching my class and that was just one hour. This anemia has got to go....:sad: :noway:

    Will read posts and write more tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great evening!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    My daughter finally found out where they are gonna be stationed... Fort Polk, Louisiana. Now they are just waiting for the official orders so that she can apply for housing.

    As for me I have just been super busy still. Going to Nevada every week to work on houses is getting tiring. Last week we had to get a crack chaser blade and cut the cement floor. At least that is almost done and that is the hardest part of the whole job. But then we are expecting to close on the other rental where the "slob" lives and I can see that taking a few weekends. Thats the way it goes though.

    I will come back later and catch up on all the post, just wanted to say a quick hello....
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Hello! I'm new to this thread. I started MFP in April 2010. I'm 42 (yikes) LOL. How does this work - just report my progress?? I love the support on MFP!!