40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • Texssippian
    Hi all! Welcome to the all the new members! This is a great group!

    I wish I could have a pantry with nothing processed in it... I will try this next week to only eat unprocessed food. Let's see how I do.

    I didn't get to Zumba this week but did make it to water aerobics once. I need to get back to exercising more. I found some "triplay" triathlons in the area for next spring and summer. There are even "My First Tri" events which are shorter than the shortest triathlons: I think it is 500 meters swim, ten miles bike and two miles run. The swim and bike parts don't scare me but I have never been a runner. Oh well, I can walk that part. So, I am about to sign up for a my first tri to be done in April 2011. That should give me plenty of time to get ready.

    How about them Rangers! First pennant in their over 50 year history. Son in San Francisco called last night to listen to the end of the game with us. We are going out this morning to get our ALCS champ tshirts. I was so nervous last night I hand scrubbed the wood floors in the dining room and living room and on the stairs and totally scrubbed two crock pots. I guess that is aerobic activity. Take care all! TxMs
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning! Whoops--I missed Friday check in and lots of posts! Great to see all the activity.

    No new topics to report on this end, maintenance is kind of like that. But, I did decide this morning to just stop weighing myself at all for awhile. When I started MFP I didn't weigh at all until 6 months after joining. Once I started and realized how much I lost and could lose, I got a scale and then proceeded to became obsessed with the numbers. With maintenance there are so many ups and downs by a few lbs here and there, and I'm done with worrying about the ups and downs. The scale is going in the closet. I have enough current size clothing now, so if I see anything getting tight, I'll know what to do. It tended to work for me in the past and I think it should again. The rule will be: Clothing fits, life is good, keep doing what I'm doing. Tight clothing = be good the following week or until clothing feels normal again. Buying clothing in a larger size is not allowed. Then, no crazy obsessing over every little variance. I feel empowered!

    Alf--great to see you back. Enjoy Seaworld! We just went there in February and it was really impressive. I'll check out your Zumba page too...look forward to it.

    Julia--I felt similar--originally I thought I only needed to lose 8 lbs, but then as I kept losing, I made it to 22, lower than I thought was ever possible. (I think Alf may have mentioned a similar experience?) The funny thing was that my body just stopped losing at a certain weight--I think it knew when it was time, even when I didn't. Now, after a year, I guess I know my target weight! Maybe that'll happen to you too. Lumps and bumps. Well, maybe that's just something we deal with at/over 40? I am a size 4 now and still can't believe it--I still see lots of lumps and bumps. I keep trying to work on it w/exercise. It could be a self-image thing too--like we all really have a distorted vision of ourselves anyway (this could be a long topic somewhere else!). Anyway, congrats on continuing to lose!

    Sing--hope you had a nice time with your grandson this weekend!

    Stiring - hope the house setup went well this weekend. thanks for your thoughts on wardrobe. yes, lots of money! I have been tempted to bring my wrong size stuff to consignment stores and sell them but then I keep hearing about friends who need clothing, or clothing drives in the community and then end up donating. It's all good, I suppose.

    Duffy--will be thinking of you this week and pray for lots, and lots of strength!

    Look forward to getting to know all the new folks--keep checking in so we can learn more about you all. take care!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. I tried to get as much done on my own house before I leave for Nevada again tonight but gosh darn it I am just so tired. For someone who doesn't have a job I sure seem to be busy a lot lately. Sunday night - Tuesday night I am gone to Nevada to work on the rentals. Wed I usually sleep in because I dont get home til 2am or later. Thurs and Fri I spend with my girls usually going with them to run their errands or mine. Sat and Sun as long as my son doesn't have any place to go I try to catch up on my house so I can leave again Sunday night. Soon the snow will be here and that will make going to Nevada a tad bit harder so I will have a break for a little while.

    Its cold and raining here in Northern California. This season the rain has come early. We dont usually get our first rain til Halloween night. We've been having rain here or there for weeks now. Hope that doesn't mean we're gonna get a ton of snow.

    kadetr... Congrats on being a size 4.

    daybyday... Welcome. This is a terrific group of people here I think you will enjoy it here. We have our check in day on Friday.

    Alf... I just had to add you on facebook. I looked into zumba here where I live and let me just say... The prices you have are cheap compared to over here. Of course there is one that I haven't gotten a price for bit still.

    Stiring... I hope all of your belongings are nicely put away so you can start to feel at home in your new place. Its gotta be so stressful moving so much.

    Sing... Both my mother and mother in law are pack rats. They think their not just because they dont have garbage laying around like what you see on the show hoarders. But just because you throw away your garbage doesnt mean your not one.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hi all! No time today, very busy at work. Leaving soon for a dentist appt. See you tomorrow!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi all. Just time for a quick check-in. It has been very busy since Friday, but the good news is we got all of our household goods, and they were in very good shape. We lost a couple of things in the move (to be expected) but very minor things. I think the total $$ lost would be under $10 (some plastic lids, etc). That's about the best we've ever had. Amazing.

    We worked hard over the weekend to get everything in place because, of course, my husband left town on Sunday. It's always like this when we move. But we got everything into a position where I have been able to pretty much finish the house up the past two days. We still have curtains to hang and such and are expecting two more shipments (stuff we put in storage while we were in Korea and our last 'essential' shipment that left Korea with my husband), but I feel very settled now.

    This was a tough move for me physically, and I am exhausted. But I decided to workout both yesterday and today. Oddly, working out made me feel better. It took away some of the aches and pains that I had. Cardio will do that for me sometimes. Today I actually lifted weights with my upper body, and that was TOUGH! I'm going to be feeling this one tomorrow, but it's a good pain, right? :wink: And it feels so much better to be eating at home now. Last night was the first meal I've cooked in over a month, and that felt really good to me.

    Alf, so good to see you back. Sorry to hear about your shoulder and hip flexor problems but it sure sounds like you've mastered the art of maintenance. Great job!!

    tron, sure sounds like you've been busy. I can't imagine going to Nevada every weekend to work is any kind of fun.

    duffy, I'll be thinking about you on Thursday. Sounds like you've got a good mental approach to this appointment. I hope it goes better than you are anticipating.

    spulido, sounds like you are doing great!! Good job at the exercise, and it sure sounds like you are keep it diverse. Do you take belly dancing classes, do it on DVD or what? Just curious. That's a great form of exercise, and it sounds like it would be so much fun.

    kadetr, great job on pushing the scale away. Obsessing over numbers is never a good thing. I think your approach--tight clothes--is a great way of monitoring your weight. That's what I've been doing for quite some time, and it is actually working for me now very well.

    funnygirl, your idea of ridding yourself of processed food is excellent!! I can't tell you how much better I feel when I'm not eating processed food. There are times, like recently with this move, when I have to go back to eating more processed food out of necessity (for example, I can't carry my bread machine with me during a move, so I have to buy bread, most of which is processed somehow), and I can really tell a difference in how I feel, how I look, how much energy I have, etc. I have never rid my diet of all processed food, but I really do keep it to a bare minimum. Great job!

    Julia, I pretty much felt the same way losing weight. My initial goal was 120, but when I got there I thought to myself 'I can lose more'. I got down to 98 pounds. :noway: That was TOO much. I don't know what I weigh right now, but I would wager about 110 or so, and my body is sitting very comfortably at this weight. I simply couldn't maintain my weight at 98lbs. It required the strictest eating and a very heavy workout schedule. In other words, it wasn't worth it. So I say, as I always do.....listen to your body. Your body will tell you when it feels the most comfortable. Just because you can lose more doesn't mean you should lose more. Don't pay attention to the lumps and bumps as much as you do your energy levels and such. When I weighed 98lbs and worked out like an absolute fiend, I still had lumps and bumps. That's part of being human, and definitely part of being a middle aged human. Just be proud of what you have accomplished because, as you said, you never imagined yourself this small again. Enjoy that....and ignore the rest.

    singfree, I can't imagine having to clean through a house like that. I dread the day when I have to go through my mother's house, but the good thing is she isn't a pack rat. Hope your trip to the dentist went as well as any trip to the dentist can go!

    Okay, I said this was going to be quick and I've gone on. I'd love to respond more, but I really must run. I'll see you all tomorrow!!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600

    Your new picture looks great. I love how your pics always have you in the same position in front of different landmarks. You look good!

    Glad you are mostly settled in!

    I Zumba'd last night, and since I hadn't excercised in over a week, I thought someone should have 911 on speed dial just in case, but I did fine. I love how it instantly makes my body feel like there are changes taking place. I'm hoping to have time this week to have a daily routine again. The reason why I didn't get any exercising done last week because I turned the big 46! We just had way too much stuff going on. So, I want you all to hear my vow, that by 50, I'll be very fit, and maybe look better than those thin girls from High School. LOL!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hi all!

    This is the first chance I had to check in today...actually the site was down for a while earlier in the day.

    Stiring, your pix looks great! I thought it was some hot college girl...:happy: Glad you are finally settled in. Now relax and enjoy a glass of wine tonight!!!

    My dentist appt was just a check up and cleaning, so nothing to report there. Tomorrow we tackle my mom's house, hopefully for the last time.

    I will check in later if I get some time!

    Have a great evening!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Helloooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Gone again for a few days...I know...shame on me. :noway: Not much to report. Lately I've been weak about all the sweets around me...this is the season when I start losing my will power and succumb to all the goodies...Oh Lord, have mercy!! :laugh: And in 2 wks I am going on a 7 day cruise with hubby to The Bahamas and Key West to celebrate my 47th birthday!!! :drinker: My husband said he is going to continue eating well and not drinking on the cruise, will see...:laugh: I really dont want to splurge but I am not going to say I am not savoring some of the foods they make and not drink at all, especially on my birthday. :noway:

    I continue to teaching Zumba of course. I am having 2 Halloween Parties with both my classes this week. We have been practicing Thriller so I will be posting it in Facebook. Duffy and Tron, I accepted your requests. Marla, send it again, please. It is Zumba Annette. You can see lots of pics with my students and some videos. I just have a grand time with my students.

    Stiring, you look great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love love love the picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of these days I will visit DC. I did a little lower body trng this morning but my hip was hurting a little doing lunges. I feel so weak now that I am not strength trng and I have lost my muscle tone. I feel I am just skinny now...:sad: I still feel good about the way I look and I know I am healthy except for my iron level...:grumble:

    Tron, how funny, my brother is getting stationed in Ft Polk in Dec!!! He is here now. He is hating the fact he couldnt get out of it. I've heard really bad things about that place. I feel for them. The town outside the post is called Leesville and people call it sleezeville...also called mosquito land. The best thing nearby is New Orleans but it is further south. He is medical so hopefully he is getting an assignment in the hosptal and his job wont be too bad. About Zumba, well you live in CA so the cost of living is higher, even here some people charge $7-$10 per class and some people pay that. On base we cannot charge more than $2 and outside I decided to just charge $5. I get a percentage so since my classes are so big I made a decent amount of money per class. I hope you get to try one.

    Zebras, happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and congrats for continuing Zumba.

    The same for you Tex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker:

    Good to hear from everyone else!!! Take care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Thanks all for the compliments on the photo. When I told my husband I wanted him to take a photo of me for this site, I explained that I liked taking my friends around the world with me.....last was Japan, before that was China, before that was Hawaii.....and all of that in the past six months!! :noway: No wonder I'm so tired. :yawn:

    Speaking of tired, we got another shipment in today. This was the stuff that we were living with in Korea after they shipped our household goods....so things like some dishes, sheets, towels, clothes, etc. I was most definitely not in the mood to see another box when the truck arrived, and for about the first three hours I was unpacking the stuff, I just kept muttering to myself 'Make it stop. Please'. But it is all done (last load of clothes in the dryer and dishwasher almost done), so I'm feeling better about it now. One more shipment....the stuff we stored while in Korea. And that's mostly outdoor/garage stuff, so that should be easier....I hope.

    But I got a workout in this morning before the truck arrived. I did Insanity's Max Interval Plyo. I decided to finish my last two Insanity workouts this week on those days when I'm not lifting weights. It felt good. Only one more to go! :drinker: I love Shaun T. and Insanity, but I think it will be a little while before I pick up one of these workouts again. Two full rotations in less than a year has been a little much.

    Happy Birthday, Zebras!!! Good job getting back to Zumba. I feel the same way when I start back up with some forms of exercise. Just yesterday I lifted weights for the first time in five weeks, and I could swear my muscles got bigger over night. :laugh: I know they didn't, but I find that feeling motivating.

    Happy Birthday, Alf!!! Hope you enjoy the cruise. Are you able to do any resistance training at all....even just using your body weight? I find that helps me feel more 'firm' when I can't be lifting weights. But, of course, that may put too much stress on your body. I'm so sorry to hear you are continuing to battle these injuries.

    singfree, I've been enjoying some good wine the past two nights! :love: Tonight I'm so tired, I've opted for ice cream instead. :blushing: Some days are just like that......

    Enjoy your evening all!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    It's a rainy (but warm) morning here in PA. An overnight low of 65 degrees is unheard of this late in October. I'll take it, though!

    I'm working 1/2 day today, 5-9 am, then meeting my brother at our mother's house. Hopefully things will go smoothly and we can finish the house by mid-afternoon.

    Speaking of houses, my BIL is selling his house in Los Angeles. I am very happy about this, because the area is becoming very dangerous. They are building a new house in SW Utah, near St. George. They were able to sell the LA house for more than it cost to build the new one. I'm probably going to fly out to LA in December to help them drive their cars to Utah, then fly home from Las Vegas (only a 2 hr drive from Utah).

    Alf, congrats on your upcoming birthday!!! Yes, you need to celebrate with at least a champagne toast. I hope you heal from your injuries very soon. I know how frustrating that can be.

    Stiring, I see that Alf is excited for a trip to DC. We all need to meet there and have a great reunion!!! Korea was out of the question...this trip is a lot easier for me. I can make it to DC in under 3 hrs. Actually, we can drive to most of the major cities in the norteast in 3 hours or less.

    Have a great day!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Good Wednesday morning everyone! It's been a rough couple of weeks at work (busy busy BUSY!) and the resulting stress and odd hours are not good for the weight loss my friends. :frown: Hopefully things will settle down a bit soon, and my schedule will get more regular, but for now, I'M TIRED!!!!

    Still making it to the gym most days, and still eating clean, except for the occasional piece of Halloween candy because, really, how can one say no to a peanut butter cup? :ohwell:

    Saturday's boot camp had one-legged burpees as part of the final burnout, and ooooooOOOooOooooh those are hard! Still recovering from them. Heh. But I have to say, I have great satisfaction in being able to even complete the class.

    Stiring, your new picture is awesome! You look great! I'm so glad the move is almost done for you and I hope you get to stay in D.C. for a long time! Are you going to the Rally to Restore Sanity? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rally_to_Restore_Sanity_and/or_Fear

    One of my proofreaders is headed down to D.C. to go to it. I'm jealous she gets to visit the city!

    Sing, it sounds like you are as busy as ever! I take your warning about being a pack rat! I've been gradually trying to pare down all the accumulation of years of living in this house. It's not fun, but it is necessary. And a trip to LA and then Utah sounds like fun, even if it is going to be mostly driving.

    Duffy, I'll be thinking about you on Thursday and praying for strength for you.

    Alf, a cruise seems like a great way to celebrate your birthday! Go ahead and enjoy the good food! You deserve it!

    Zebras, you're too funny! Glad you're enjoying Zumba! And I'm sure you will make your goal!!!

    Hello to everyone else!!!! Hope you all have a great day! I'm headed up to the gym now! Those weights are a'callin' me!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning. Quick check in. Enjoying my morning cappachino before I work out in a big way. Today is our 9th Anniversary (hubby and I) so I most certainly will eat like a crazy person later when we go out tonight to celebrate. Need to stockpile those calories during the day to use for later.

    Stiring--ditto-great picture! So glad things are settling down for you in the new home. And, great that you are so disciplined getting back on track with workouts. You mention insanity. I hear about all these exercise programs from reading posts on this site and I have no clue what any of them are. I probably should try something---do you recommend something for a beginner to try at home??

    Happy B--day Alf and Zebras! Your trip sounds Amazing Alf--enjoy!

    Sing--enjoy the nice day today. It's crazy warm here in Vermont too but very wet. Luckily all I see is a yellow glow all around.... It's still beautiful!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • pepper06
    just thought I would pop in real quick-am at work, so can't be on too long. It is a warm wet morning-bad hair day. It is amazing to have it so warm for this time of year along with most of the leaves still on the trees! Wild weather....wonder what kind of winter we will have????

    Well, I squeezed in an extra gym workout this week-felt good to do the weight machines along with the tread mill. Today I have a workout with the trainer.

    Sing-I laughed when mentioned how LA is becoming a bad area-I was there a few years ago and thought it was gross then(so one cld see that it was nt a good place to live for decent people)-I wld not desire to live in that area. I was surprised as I never pictured LA looking like that. Not surprised about the costs-very, very small homes in CA seem to go for a million-the housing prices/cost to live there are extreme.....I hear people can't retire there.

    Anyone watching any of the Halloween specials?

    Stay dry
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi all. I'm happy to see a couple of you mention this unusually warm weather here on the East Coast. Last night when we were in a tornado watch, I was wondering if it really is October or not! I actually had to turn on my AC today because I couldn't get the house below about 80 degrees. Weird. I wish I were enjoying it, but after the hot, muggy summer/early fall in Korea, I'm ready for some cooler and fresher weather. Of course, I'll be the first one to complain when it starts snowing. :tongue:

    cardigirl, I would love to be going into DC for the rally this weekend, but I don't think we're going to have time to do that. But it sounds like my kind of event. Sorry to hear you are going through a bit of stress and such, but give yourself credit for continuing with the workouts. Great job there!

    singfree, like I've said before, I'm all for a MFP union here in DC! I think it would be fun. What area of LA is your BIL in? IIRC, I thought it was up north in the valley somewhere. I'm sorry to hear it is becoming dangerous. The St. George area of Utah is SO beautiful. I'd love to live there. The trip from there to Vegas is a very easy one.

    pepper, I was watching the news the other day, and they were saying that, in this area at least, we could either have higher than average temps this winter or lower than average temps and the same for rainfall. In other words, they don't have a clue what this winter is going to be like. :laugh: I was surprised they actually did a report on something so nebulous, but there you go. As far as LA, I felt very safe there.....sadly, much more safe in LA than I do here. There were parts of LA that I didn't feel safe in, but found them very easy to avoid. Here.....I'm finding them not so easy to avoid. But our neighborhood seems like a safe one, and that is good. But I woke up last night in a panic that somebody was breaking into the house. I never felt that in LA where I routinely slept with the windows and such open year round. Here, I'm scared with everything shut and locked. Go figure.

    kadetr, Happy Anniversary!!! I hope you go out and enjoy a special evening with your husband. Regarding workouts....I have alot of recommendations, but they would depend on what you are interested in doing. Insanity it the toughest cardio program on the market, and I wouldn't recommend it for a beginner (not that I think you are a beginner because you've been working out for quite some time). But if you can give me some idea what you might be interested in (step workouts, kickboxing workouts, circuit workouts, strength training, etc), then I might be able to point you in a couple of directions.

    Feeling a bit tired today, but I suppose that's to be expected. I got my strength training workout in this morning (legs) and did a little boxing as well. I'm going to try to go for a walk this afternoon if it ever stops raining. But, other than that, I'm still trying to get things done around the house. Boy will I be glad when this is over with!!!

    Hope you all enjoy the rest of your day!
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    So I weighed in this morning. I don't weigh weekly because it drives me crazy. I weigh the 15th and last of the month. This past week to 10 days I've been going over on my calories so I thought it would be BAD. Much to my surprise I had lost 3 pounds!! I haven't been this weight in about 10 years!!!! I'm waiting on Turbo Jam to arrive in the mail. This is my plan for the winter as I know I won't want to get out in the snow and cold at 5:30 in the morning.

    Hope you all are well and have a great rest of the week!!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Busy day at work today as we are in month-end closing. I will be here until 9 pm tonight, filling in for a supervisor. Ahhh those 15 hr days...gotta love 'em!

    We are finally close to finishing my mom's house. Yesterday we found more money under the carpets. Thankfully we checked everything before going to the dumpster.

    Stiring, it's supposed to cool down beginning tomorrow. Enjoy! As for my BIL, he is in the San Fernando Valley in the Arleta-Pacoima area, not too far from Northridge. When we used to visit there, I refused to take a walk in the neighborhood. I'm looking forward to helping them move from LA to UT. I will probably go to LA in December and help them for a few days. They have a few vehicles plus a U-Haul rental truck, so they need an extra driver for the 7 hour drive. I will then fly home from Vegas.

    Have a good day, I'll check in later!
  • Texssippian
    Hi all! A good friend's 13 year old son died unexpectedly on Wednesday. He had congenital heart disease and had been through multiple surgeries. He had a heart transplant about 18 months ago and was doing really well, in school and on a baseball team. They think he had a heart attack, which can happen in kids post heart transplant. It is very sad. Sorry to be a downer but this really hit me hard.

    Take care all. Life is too precious not to savor all the blessings and love we have. TxMs
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    TxMs, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's son. How tragic that he successfully survived a heart transplant and then died so suddenly. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your friend. You are right.....life is very precious. :flowerforyou:

    singfree, sorry to hear about the long day. Boy, work has been making you WORK lately, hasn't it? I'm looking forward to a bit cooler weather right now. Actually, it isn't the temp that's bad, it's the humidity that is making me more uncomfortable. I'm not familiar with that area of LA, but it sounds like it has been 'bad' for quite awhile.

    daybyday, congrats on the weight loss!!! I hear good things about TurboJam. I recently bought TurboFire by Chalene Johnson and enjoy it very much. Hope you feel the same way about TurboJam.

    All here is well. I finished my Insanity rotation this morning. :drinker: I've got quite a bit of work to do around the house today, so I think that's going to be it for working out. But that's okay since I'm still feeling a little tired from all of the moving.

    Enjoy your day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello everyone!!! :drinker: I'm glad to read about so many of you!!!! Keep up the good work!!! I am telling you, I have aches and pains all over!!!!!!!! Geez, am I going to feel this way for the rest of my life??? Not fun at all. :grumble: Yesterday I was limping with some foot pain, it has gotten better but not completely gone. It is ridiculous!!! My hip is also bothering me today...but nothing is stopping me!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: :noway: I am celebrating Halloween with my classes this week. I will post pics and videos in my Facebook page for all to enjoy. I would also like to invite you look at this video I filmed with some of my students. It is for a contest that Zumba has. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiAhGpMyXW4

    Sing, I am sure you will be glad when you finish with your mom's house. It's got to be painful at times though...good to hear from you as always. And thank you for keeping this thread alive...:flowerforyou:

    Stiring, it does seem strange that you are back in the US so soon, it feels like yesterday when you told us you were moving to Korea and now you are in DC. :noway: You are the travelling girl, that is for sure!!! :laugh:

    Kadetr, Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker:

    Tex, I am so sorry to hear about your friend's son. That is so sad. I just cannot imagine losing one of my children. My thoughts and prayers for them. :cry:

    Cardi, WTG on your workouts!!!!!!!!!!! They sound awesome!!!! :drinker:

    Pepper, good to hear from you. :flowerforyou:

    Daybyday, congrats on your weightloss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Gotta go, at work...talk to you tomorrow!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Alf: Thanks for posting the video. It looks great. Looksl ike everyone was having a good time. You should defiitely win the contest.

    Speaking of Zumba, you all were talking earlier about the cost of classes. Mine is $10.00 each if I pay for 10 classes at the studio at a time, or $15.00 each if I don't. I would love to do it more than once a week, but as it is, $40.00 a month would pay for both of us to go to a cheap gym around here.