food you ate and regretted after



  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Diet cola: sore throat, upset guts, headache - never again!
  • ChristineRoze
    ChristineRoze Posts: 212 Member
    Mcdonalds, Hj's, red rooster, chocolate, chips, lollies, ice cream, cinema popcorn.. the list goes on hahaha
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    There's a saying that goes for adultery but I'm quite happy to apply it to food:

    If I'm going to sin, I'm going to make sure I enjoy it.

    Any junk food is fine with me, but I don't have the money for it and I home-prepare pretty much all meals.

    My only difficulty is wraps. Sometimes I'll have a chicken, satay sauce, vegetable wrap and feel a bit gross afterwards, ever so slightly nauseated. I am not sure what's doing it. it's a shame because they taste divine.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member

    Haha this, usually.

    I only regret eating things that didn't taste good. Like if I got all excited about eating a piece of cake, and it was dry or otherwise awful, and eat it anyway to be polite. I'd regret that.

    This right here.

    That said, I usually regret eating pasta of any sort, even mac & cheese.
  • djslickrix
    djslickrix Posts: 35
    Today I was supposed to eat at a deficit for my diet, but I woke up with a bad headache and didn't have the energy to make my usual food, so I had a big meal at mcdonalds instead. The good news is my headache is gone, the bad news is I feel like I messed up my diet because I have a cheat day on thursday now. My plan is to only diet for this whole month of may and then I'm going to be eating at maintenance calories, I wanted to do this whole month without any hiccups.
  • PunkyDucky
    PunkyDucky Posts: 283 Member
    Sushi Buffet!! X_x
  • Beet_Girl
    Beet_Girl Posts: 102
    Last night: multiple beers and fries with cheese and bacon. Normally not a problem, but I was already at a BBQ that day and was over on cals before I even started. Don't regret good times with friends, do regret not being moderate about dat *kitten*
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    My daughter and I stopped at our favorite local fast food place after her gym. I had a bean burrito. I felt bad afterwards. I have not ate bad all week. :( eh oh well. At least it was only one :smile:

    Could be worse. My friends went to the local burrito place for the "gordito challenge" before they graduate. I did not partake, but my friend did (and finished) and I sat with her for 2 hours until she felt "safe" to get in my car so I could drive her home.

    She regretted it.

    Oh should explain the gordito challenge: You have all day to eat it (until they close) but you can't puke or leave. You get your picture on the wall. It is a burrito as long as my forearm, including my fist, (14" maybe?)and about 10" around. We estimated it weighed about 4 pounds.

    That's it? What do you get for defeating this monster? And what happens if you eat two?

    2 pics? Its not my scene really. There's another place intown that challenges you to eat 8 double decker bacon cheese burgers and a large fry in under 30 mins. They give it to you for free if you do it AND you get your picture taken.
    All day? I definitely eat more than 4lbs of food at a standard buffet, and that's within an hour. Hm... interesting...

    She ate it in 40 mins, and a friend of ours finished in 15. I dunno she's like 5'4" and maybe 115lb. the thing was as wide as her shoulders. I wish i had a picture.

    All I know is that she was a sad panda afterwards.