food you ate and regretted after



  • leodru
    leodru Posts: 321 Member

    Just the other night ....... fried chicken and waffles (with hot sauce AND maple syrup)

    So good, but so bad :laugh:
    I had this on vacation - no regrets - i loved every bite!
  • canadiangirl014
    canadiangirl014 Posts: 57 Member
    Anything from KFC... Once a year is more than enough for me. Ugh, so greasy and heavy, I always regret it after.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    My daughter and I stopped at our favorite local fast food place after her gym. I had a bean burrito. I felt bad afterwards. I have not ate bad all week. :( eh oh well. At least it was only one :smile:

    Could be worse. My friends went to the local burrito place for the "gordito challenge" before they graduate. I did not partake, but my friend did (and finished) and I sat with her for 2 hours until she felt "safe" to get in my car so I could drive her home.

    She regretted it.

    Oh should explain the gordito challenge: You have all day to eat it (until they close) but you can't puke or leave. You get your picture on the wall. It is a burrito as long as my forearm, including my fist, (14" maybe?)and about 10" around. We estimated it weighed about 4 pounds.
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    I love Arby's roast beef, and I had specifically set aside enough calories for the treat. The next day, all I could smell was the stench of the roast beef oozing through my pores. I regret that.

    Actually, I kind of regret posting about it now as well. :ohwell:
  • btanton27
    btanton27 Posts: 186 Member
    Brussels sprouts. "roast them with olive oil and garlic" they said. "They're delicious" they said. "They don't taste anything like the brussels sprouts your grandma made you eat as a kid" they said.

    LIES. HORRIBLE LIES! They taste just like they look - little green buttholes.

    Bahaha! that just cracked me up :) I hated brussel sprouts growing up. Mom just boiled them and the taste made me gag. I found that sautéing them in some broth with onions and bacon so they get all caramelized is a whole new world of brussel sprouts... very tasty!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    My daughter and I stopped at our favorite local fast food place after her gym. I had a bean burrito. I felt bad afterwards. I have not ate bad all week. :( eh oh well. At least it was only one :smile:

    Could be worse. My friends went to the local burrito place for the "gordito challenge" before they graduate. I did not partake, but my friend did (and finished) and I sat with her for 2 hours until she felt "safe" to get in my car so I could drive her home.

    She regretted it.

    Oh should explain the gordito challenge: You have all day to eat it (until they close) but you can't puke or leave. You get your picture on the wall. It is a burrito as long as my forearm, including my fist, (14" maybe?)and about 10" around. We estimated it weighed about 4 pounds.

    ohmygawwd, where is this?
  • Bpmfortune
    Bpmfortune Posts: 2 Member
    Cheesecake. Always, now, and forever.
  • brittsway
    brittsway Posts: 12
    Brussels sprouts. "roast them with olive oil and garlic" they said. "They're delicious" they said. "They don't taste anything like the brussels sprouts your grandma made you eat as a kid" they said.

    LIES. HORRIBLE LIES! They taste just like they look - little green buttholes.

    I can't even read this post without laughing. Absolutely hilarious! Thanks for the afternoon laugh.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Cheesecake. Always, now, and forever.

    The only regret with a GOOD cheesecake is not eating some when it's offered.

    Now bad cheesecake..... that's always so sad and such a waste of calories.
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    Brussels sprouts. "roast them with olive oil and garlic" they said. "They're delicious" they said. "They don't taste anything like the brussels sprouts your grandma made you eat as a kid" they said.

    LIES. HORRIBLE LIES! They taste just like they look - little green buttholes.

    Bahaha! that just cracked me up :) I hated brussel sprouts growing up. Mom just boiled them and the taste made me gag. I found that sautéing them in some broth with onions and bacon so they get all caramelized is a whole new world of brussel sprouts... very tasty!

    THIS^^^ My brother did it once that way with roasted leg of lamb (stuffed with garlic and thyme, then rolled and tied) as the main dish. Best meal I've ever had.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    That one thing I had that time that gave me food poisoning. Ugh, I regret eating that.

  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Those shirataki noodles. It was like a big plate of worms. :sick:

    I checked their nutritional value online after reading about them here. My gosh, there is no nutritional value as in zip, notta, zilch! Talk about a waste of food dollars. They are your true definition of empty calories - zero macros and zero micros. Even sugar gives you carbs.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    The only things I regretted was some donut cakes from a delicious restaurant, that were actually pretty disappointing for the calories... And Pizza Hut a month ago. Salt bomb and not even that good.
  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    Whenever I eat Peanut Butter... by the spoonful.

    though it tastes so good!

    I keep a jar of that next to my bed during the summer.
    Wake up starving after a couple hours, eat a spoonful, go back to bed.
    Repeat until alarm goes off.
  • Captain_Wobbles
    Captain_Wobbles Posts: 240 Member
    You will never know the regret that comes with 15 White Castle cheeseburgers. It's the kind of regret that stays with you for AT LEAST 2 days after consumption :-x
  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    Fat free cheese and fat free ranch dressing ewwww! Some things were just meant to have fat!

  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    i ate three slices of pizza

    fit my macros, no regrets

    :huh: Did you bring enough for everyone, or? :laugh:
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    I usually don't regret any food choices :bigsmile: I love to cook and try different things, always fitting them into my calorie goal for the day.

    However the fish and chips I had about a week ago at a local diner stayed with me for a couple of days, it wasn't even as good as I thought it would be, then the heavy full feeling really made it NOT worth it at all.
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member

  • lisaxxa
    lisaxxa Posts: 5 Member
    i ate at least 10 pieces maybe 15?20? idk
    because i am drunk and binged to sober up....
    but,,,,,,,,,i feel soooooo guilty immediately after eating them..
    i could feel the fat accumulating...

    ps. im a 110 pounds skinny girl so any extra fat is so visible and noticeable for other people.. i mean.. like my bf. he noticed the extra fat the other day,