Why in the world would a guy wear jeans at the gym???



  • 1911JR
    1911JR Posts: 276
    I use to always wear jeans work boots and a big flannel shirt at the gym and cover up. Its simple, its a mental thing, but jeans also help hold your body heat up. Cooling down at the wrong time kills a workout for me. If it makes him comfortable, he`s doing the right thing. And you already said he looks pretty good, so it working for him!

    Some people understand that you don`t have to go buy fancy body amour gear to work out.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    My observation while revisiting this thread:

    Some people really don't like other people making observations.

    I saw a cloud yesterday that looked like a dinosaur. I thought it was strange.

    Luckily for this thread, I've realized that I need to ask myself, 'Why do I even care what the clouds are doing in the sky?" and that I need to mind my own business. Or that I really need to just focus on my walk and if I happen to notice something, try to force it from my mind lest I be making a *gasp* observation of the world around me.

    You learned the wrong lesson. What you should have realized is that you needed to come on MFP and make some BS thread about a weird cloud.

    It is a silly thread and probably should have been in the chit chat section but as far as BS threads on MFP are concerned, this one didn't rank too high. However, the odd sensitivity to an observation without any negative associations placed on that observation, does rank rather high.

    I think it's the fact that every other second there's a post of "OMG! WHY would you wear MAKEUP to the gym!?" or "OMG! I saw this girl and her hair was all done up, she had on makeup and a cute *gasp* MATCHING WORKOUT OUTIFT! And she was strolling on the treadmill because like god forbid she breaks a sweat. I'm there to WORKOUT! If you're not then GET OUT!"

    It gets rather annoying.

    Sure I notice what people are wearing or doing when they're at the gym or just in general and while I think things might be a bit odd I'm not going to stare, scoff or ask them why they are doing XYZ because it's not my business and my first thought isn't to run to my computer and make a post about it.

    If the OP had come across as you described the other threads then I'd agree but automatically lumping this one into that group and then treating the OP as though she's broken some sacred commandment just seems like overkill. She wasn't responsible for those other negative threads so why treat her like she was.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    My SO will wear jeans and hiking boots to the gym. He'll tell you it's because he wants to. He doesn't do cardio, just weights. He still gets his workout in.
    See, I sweat just as much lifting as with cardio. And I need flexibility I can't get in jeans. I guess if they're loose-fitting enough it might work, though.

    Heck, I won't even wear long workout pants to the gym, though, because I get so hot. And NOTHING around my neck!

    Jeans may not be as uncomfortable for folks who aren't extreme hourglasses.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My SO will wear jeans and hiking boots to the gym. He'll tell you it's because he wants to. He doesn't do cardio, just weights. He still gets his workout in.
    See, I sweat just as much lifting as with cardio. And I need flexibility I can't get in jeans. I guess if they're loose-fitting enough it might work, though.

    Heck, I won't even wear long workout pants to the gym, though, because I get so hot. And NOTHING around my neck!

    They are loose fitting and he doesn't squat. He likes the bench and curl bar, but he does everything else on cable machines. He prefers those while I prefer the weight room.

    Even cable machines require some flexibility.

    I said before, I'm not offended when I see it (I have seen -- usually men -- in jeans at my gym many times). it's just out of place and sticks out. And, well, I have this thing where I can FEEL it on me when I see it on someone else and I have a slight physical reaction.

    Like the woman yesterday with the collared shirt. I could feel that collar on my sweaty neck and it made me shudder for a second. She had workout pants and sneakers on, too. It's not like I stare, but I was lifting on a bench and she was on a machine behind me so when I turned around, I saw her and her attire stood out enough for me to remember.

    I couldn't tell you what anyone who was wearing more common workout clothes was wearing because they didn't stick out.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    My SO will wear jeans and hiking boots to the gym. He'll tell you it's because he wants to. He doesn't do cardio, just weights. He still gets his workout in.
    See, I sweat just as much lifting as with cardio. And I need flexibility I can't get in jeans. I guess if they're loose-fitting enough it might work, though.

    Heck, I won't even wear long workout pants to the gym, though, because I get so hot. And NOTHING around my neck!

    Jeans may not be as uncomfortable for folks who aren't extreme hourglasses.

  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    And this is one of the reasons I like having my own kit.

    No need to 'dress up'!

    My usual attire working as a programmer in the 'front of house' office of a small business:
    Jeans, army boots, t shirt.

    My workout clothes (weights)
    Jeans, army boots, t shirt.

    When working with used car parts:
    Jeans, army boots, t shirt.

    When cycling for 20-40 miles at the weekend - for collecting stuff, shopping, etc.
    Jeans, army boots, t shirt.

    See a pattern forming there?

    For the record, I choose jeans that are comfortable to wear. If my jeans aren't comfortable to wear, I probably wouldn't wear them!

    I have no problem going running in jeans and often have.
    However, I likely will sweat more, so unless they're getting a wash straight after, may not use them.
    Also, off-road running or biking I'll take some track suit trousers.
    Always wear proper running shoes otherwise my lower back suffers.

    I should admit that after proudly getting a paid of £5 30 inch jeans (I was proud of the waist band, not that I was buying the cheapest I could find), I worked out that while they almost seemed to work like 'squat shorts', they weren't quite sturdy enough for the job - another benefit of working out on my own kit is I could swap for another pair of jeans that were a little bigger.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Judging what people wear is very low on my list of what I worry or even think about.

    As long as someone isnt wearing way, way too little (and I mean so little that stuff is falling out)e then I dont think I, or most people, should judge.
    People want to make the gym too much of a fashion statement!
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I often hit the mountain bike trails near my office in "regular" clothes. Mostly because I'm too lazy to change, but I also have some time constraints. I like to ride the 2.5 mile trail at lunch, and just have enough time to drive there, ride, drive back to my office in an hour. I don't actually sweat that much, and I work as a civil engineer for a water utility where we're often required to go out into the field where we can encounter all kinds of situations, so even if I get a little sweaty on the trail, it really doesn't matter since I can get just as sweaty in the field.

    I know I get looked at funny sometimes. I really don't care. My guess is the gym guy is similar. Jeans for women are almost always stretchy any more, so I could easily work out in them. TBH, I would at home if I was short on time. I also barely sweat while doing weights.

    That being said, I love workout clothes, and love matching workout clothes, and own lots of workout clothes. I do not, however, understand Lululemon. :tongue:
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I don't care what people wear, but jeans are banned at my gym because they tear up the leather on all the benches etc. and people stink to high heaven working out in them. Whatevs.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I don't care what people wear, but jeans are banned at my gym because they tear up the leather on all the benches etc. and people stink to high heaven working out in them. Whatevs.

    Because they don't stink in any other clothing when working out? :laugh:
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    There was a local guy who would run 5 K's in jean shorts and a button up shirt and would beat many people running a 7 min mile.
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    People who wear jeans to the gym weird me out as well. It's not like I expect everyone to wear super expensive work out pants...just go get a cheap pair of sweatpants. I question one's ability to make basic life decisions when one wears jeans to the gym.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    People who wear jeans to the gym weird me out as well. It's not like I expect everyone to wear super expensive work out pants...just go get a cheap pair of sweatpants. I question one's ability to make basic life decisions when one wears jeans to the gym.

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Don't lie, you don't even care about why, you just wanna talk to the dude. Don't make excuses just go talk to him and then eventually you will find out. Don't ask him or else you might come off as a Judgey McJudgerson, or NoseyFace, or Nag.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    People who wear jeans to the gym weird me out as well. It's not like I expect everyone to wear super expensive work out pants...just go get a cheap pair of sweatpants. I question one's ability to make basic life decisions when one wears jeans to the gym.
    Like, really. OMG.
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    Ask him.
  • singlefemalelawyer
    singlefemalelawyer Posts: 382 Member
    Maybe he's a.... never nude!

  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    Maybe he forgot his workout clothes at home but is dedicated enough to make do with whatever he had on at the time, just to get in his workout.

    I was thinking the same. I've forgotten my gym shoes at times and worked out in dress shoes and shorts :P
  • DaveMurphy6
    DaveMurphy6 Posts: 129 Member
    One of the rules on the wall at the Y is that you can't wear jeans. But people still do. I feel like maybe they're new and don't really know any different?

    When I first started playing roller derby way back in 2004 (now retired from it), some of the girls would wear jeans to practice and I just didn't get it.

    Nobody follows any of the rules posted at my YMCA
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    On the weekend, my hubby and I climbed a mountain. On the way down, there was a guy coming up with jeans on.. wtf??