

  • Assillem
    Assillem Posts: 5
    When you have a milk allergy it's very easy to avoid chocolate. I can eat many one chocolate bar of a certain brand of dark chocolate. And it's expensive. And I love chocolate. I feel your pain.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Did somebody say....CHOCOLATE?

    In all seriousness though, the Wendy's chocolate frosty I had last night was like 290 calories. It's easier to work treats in than everyone thinks.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I'm a chocoholic, so I can sympathize.

    You want chocolate.
    You've probably planned ahead and allowed for a "treat" or two in your diet plan, right?


    Get out your best placemat.
    Set it on your table.
    Light a candle..
    Put your one piece of chocolate on a lovely china plate.
    Make yourself a cup of hot tea.
    Pour it into your nicest (warmed up) china cup.

    Sit down.

    Slowly sip the tea, nibble the chocolate.
    Savor it.
    Dab your lips with a nice cloth napkin.

    (drinking something hot with a dessert will extend the appreciation and the experience)

    If you're going to do it, make the most of the experience.
    Plan ahead.
    Ditch the guilt.

  • karmac0matic
    karmac0matic Posts: 285
    do you have chocolate around you? if so... and if you reaaally want some... eat a tiny bit and literally just toss the rest in the kitchen trash or melt it in the sink or something. that way you're not tempted to eat more. i love just letting a little piece melt on my mouth (usually with a milk chocolate almond hershey kiss!) but if ihave access to more than one in a small amount of time i tend to have... erm... way too many :P
  • chubbybword123
    chubbybword123 Posts: 54 Member
    Well, most people already showed lots of wisdom here by recommending moderation.

    Treating food as a reward, something forbidden, evil sounds completely unhealthy. You give those types of food a power they're not supposed to have over you. They're supposed to make you feel nourished and why not, happy =)

    I had this guilt over chips, then I started weighing my food and fit chips whenever I felt like it. Since then it's become something I learned to eat in moderation, I feel no more guilt and honestly, these days, it's something I don't eat as often anymore. It was, for me, maybe like I faced my "fear" and now I'm done with it. Chips don't control me anymore - I know, sounds silly and it was.

    And ever since I learned that I can fit any food into my macros here on MFP, I actually eat chocolate way more often than before cos I have no "fear" of it. I enjoy it a lot more having delicious stuff in my diet knowing that I can still lose weight.

    Also, how can you exercise moderation at something if you don't just do it? I never really got this diet mentality of restricting yourself and then reintroducing it later. Wouldn't it be more logical to practice moderation at eating chocolate by actually eating it sometimes?

    Like most people said, it's all about moderation.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Here's the thing - if you want chocolate for any reason other than simply because you want to have a piece of chocolate the problem runs quite a bit deeper than you probably realize.

  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Dude, then just eat chocolate.Unless you have some sort of medical issue where it will kill you. work it into your caloric goals, and eat the damn chocolate. My god it's not rocket science.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Have it(singular)
    Log it
    Work it off!

    Good luck

    Good advice :)

  • Arydria
    Arydria Posts: 179 Member
    I just had a Quest Double Chocolate Chunk protein bar for breakfast. 160 cal, 20g protein, 16g fiber, 1g sugar. totally guilt free, and it will be awhile before I want chocolate or sweets again.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Also, to all the people in here saying, "Just eat chocolate" -- isn't that kind of a defeatist attitude in a forum called General Diet and Weight LOSS Help?


    Here's the thing - if you want chocolate for any reason other than simply because you want to have a piece of chocolate the problem runs quite a bit deeper than you probably realize. Food is for fuel and for the pleasure of the food itself. If you crave chocolate as an antidote to stress, or as a reward or comfort then your relationship with food is off kilter.

    Think of it this way - if you were saying "I WANT HEROIN!!!" would anyone be telling you to just have a little heroin? I doubt it. And yet sweet, salty and fatty foods - typical treats - trigger the exact same pleasure centers in the brain that are triggered by narcotics.

    Does that mean you can never have chocolate again? Probably not. But if eating a piece of chocolate triggers a cascade of poor choices to follow or excessive indulgence then you might be someone, like me, who has to limit or eliminate your exposure to those foods in order to reprogram your brain to seek reward and comfort from things that are not food.



    Double facepalm

    Craving guide, this is priceless information. But it can be yours for $19.95 plus $2.50 S&H.

    AHAHAHAHA...... CRACKED ME UP THIS ONE! genius! bourbon to ease up broccoli cravings! ahahahaaaa.... just classic!

    to the OP.... NO DONT EAT CHOCOLATE YET COZ YOU STILL HAVE some serious lbs. to lose, i dont mean that to offend what i meant is your foundation is still weak to go astray now, but for some people on this thread who's already been strong thru the challenges of hungry fangs, i salute you for being able to find the right balance for your lifestyle.... IIFYM/ FLEXIBLE DIETING ALL THE WAY! ;)
    AAAAAAAAAAAAND now head to desk :noway:
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    I just had a Quest Double Chocolate Chunk protein bar for breakfast. 160 cal, 20g protein, 16g fiber, 1g sugar. totally guilt free, and it will be awhile before I want chocolate or sweets again.
    Uhm hello, you forgot to add a big scoop of delicious peanut butter on top of it! :love:
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    I never used to crave chocolate! Now I crave it every day :cry:

    But I found that the Bolthouse Protein Plus chocolate shake is pretty good and it helps with my craving and my protein input for the day! Plus it is pretty filling :wink:
  • AbsolutelyAnnie
    AbsolutelyAnnie Posts: 2,695 Member
    Dudes, just have a small piece of chocolate. A Dove Promise is 44 calories, what's the big deal?
    You're right, there's nothing inherently wrong with eating a small piece of chocolate, if you just eat the one piece and that's it. However, hear out my logic for why you shouldn't eat it right now.

    Of course cheats are okay. We'd probably go insane without them. But a cheat shouldn't be used as a flimsy justification to give up on the thing you're trying to accomplish (presumably weight loss). The cheat should be a reward, a treat for yourself, something you EARN. If you just give up and have a "cheat" every time your willpower is low, you'll never get to where you want to be. If you can get through tonight with no chocolate, that's a win for you. If tomorrow you eat nice and clean and maybe do a workout, then REWARD yourself with the chocolate.

    Does that make sense?

    No, it doesn't make sense. It's not "cheating" when I eat chocolate. It fits in my calorie goals, it's delicious. It is actually helping me reach my goal to lose weight, just like the salad I ate before the chocolate. See- I eat things I like, stay at my calorie goal, and lose weight! I work out to be strong, I eat to fuel my workout. I am not a dog, I don't need to reward myself with food. That is so weird to me.

    ETA: I agree with others that planning is key! So...plan for some chocolate tomorrow :)

    ^^^^ This. Exactly.
  • bugginmary
    bugginmary Posts: 44 Member
    Everyday after lunch I have a Ghirardelli Twilight (72%) square. That usually keeps my cravings down. If AF is visiting, I have some Dove dark chocolate covered cranberries. I bought a big bag of those at Sam's Club the other day. Just a couple of those satisfies my additional cravings. :)
  • AbsolutelyAnnie
    AbsolutelyAnnie Posts: 2,695 Member
    I'm a chocoholic, so I can sympathize.

    You want chocolate.
    You've probably planned ahead and allowed for a "treat" or two in your diet plan, right?


    Get out your best placemat.
    Set it on your table.
    Light a candle..
    Put your one piece of chocolate on a lovely china plate.
    Make yourself a cup of hot tea.
    Pour it into your nicest (warmed up) china cup.

    Sit down.

    Slowly sip the tea, nibble the chocolate.
    Savor it.
    Dab your lips with a nice cloth napkin.

    (drinking something hot with a dessert will extend the appreciation and the experience)

    If you're going to do it, make the most of the experience.
    Plan ahead.
    Ditch the guilt.


    ^^^ And this.
  • Beautiful_Pain
    Beautiful_Pain Posts: 102 Member
    Im eating some easter m&ms right now haha!
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    Also, to all the people in here saying, "Just eat chocolate" -- isn't that kind of a defeatist attitude in a forum called General Diet and Weight LOSS Help?

    Not really. Not at all, I'd say. There's nothing defeatist about realizing you want something and then eating it. I hate the idea of "cheat" days or meals or treats, because that really sets you up to believe certain foods are evil and dangerous and you have to RESIST!! or you'll get fat again, which is an unhealthy relationship to have with food.

    You want chocolate? Cool. Plan for it, eat it, log it, move on with your life. I eat chocolate all the time. I eat a lot of junk, actually. But I know my TDEE, my calorie goals and my macros, and I haven't had a single no loss week since I started losing. Balance is more important than ANYTHING else in weight loss. It'll never stay off otherwise.
    I'm going to repost this since apparently some people missed when I wrote it the first time:

    "Of course cheats are okay. We'd probably go insane without them. But a cheat shouldn't be used as a flimsy justification to give up on the thing you're trying to accomplish (presumably weight loss). The cheat should be a reward, a treat for yourself, something you EARN. If you just give up and have a "cheat" every time your willpower is low, you'll never get to where you want to be. If you can get through tonight with no chocolate, that's a win for you. If tomorrow you eat nice and clean and maybe do a workout, then REWARD yourself with the chocolate.

    Does that make sense?"

    I agree that cheats are vital. I'm probably going to have a cheat meal fairly soon (read: sometime in the next couple of weeks) because I feel myself craving things a lot lately. But cheating as a reward? I disagree. Food rewards can become a trap. Now, I will admit that when I hit my first goal of 10 pounds lost, I'll be buying myself a sushi tray (about 200 calories), but the reward I'm *really* looking forward to is my new riding helmet. That means my horseback riding lessons are right around the corner! :D

    No, in my opinion it's terrific that she's resisting the chocolate. If it were me, I'd resist the chocolate till it wasn't a craving any longer and, if I had the room in my daily plan, I'd have the piece of chocolate and log it. It kind of what (I think it was you) someone mentioned about craving chocolate a little less next time. What I've also done, for myself, is get protein bars with chocolate in them. I don't have them every day and they allow me to eat chocolate without pumping in completely empty calories, since they are part of my meals. Since one of my biggest weaknesses is chocolate, I think it helps keep my cravings at bay (and I don't binge on chocolate ice cream with caramel sauce).
  • Kalindra
    Kalindra Posts: 2
    One thing I love when I am craving chocolate is I take a banana, a tsp of cocoa powder, about 2 tbsp peanut butter, about 1 cup almond milk and some ice and make a smoothie. The peanut butter is higher in calories, but it is good fats and the smoothie itself is loaded with nutrients, and it covers a chocolate craving pretty well. I hope it helps!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    peace out ya'll, i'm off to go to work so i can post gifs on someone's thread so i can be an *kitten* too!

    You must be new. Give it a few months and you'll be doing it too. ;)

    Why though? Why can't people just help each other instead of putting them down? Never understood it...
    I've totally missed people putting people down and people being *kitten* in this thread. Have some posts been deleted?

    No, they haven't. They're all there. :laugh:
  • IHateThinkingOfAUsername


    That has got to be the best trippy gif EVER! :)