Didn't work out today due to neg. event



  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Your posts are my favorite.

    Seriously - if you aren't here just to see what kind of fun can come up on the message boards you might have some strange mental illness going on based on the information you've posted in this thread and the one from yesterday.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    1. sorry that happened to you, OP. it is unacceptable and you need to contact the temp agency and let them deal with the company and the police.

    2. i agree with others that you need to get yourself a group of friends on here and either make these long things your status or use the blog feature of the site. you are coming off attention-starved and a little crazy.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    1. You brought up what happened without anyone asking. They were just telling you what they did when stressed.

    2. By not telling HR what happened (or a supervisor or the temp agency or someone in charge) you are now leaving him free to do that to another temp. Report it. Tell them what happened and why you aren't going back. People like that will keep doing such acts if they get away with it and it may escalate.

    3. If he knows where you live, get an order of protection. Most people think they don't do anything but you are far worse off without that piece of paper if he continues to harass/stalk you.

    4. I will not give my opinion on your exercise. I read the entire thread yesterday and bit my lip then and will do so now.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    working out might help your stress.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I havent been to the gym in almost two months due to stress and depression. I feel ya.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Today something negative happened to me (not going to go into detail because I'm afraid I'll be called a troll as happened when I posted that I pause the workout DVD) and I didn't work out. I feel guilty but it's normal to skip a day if something bad happened and you're stressed out, right?

    Not a big deal to miss a workout. I would like to know what happened to you though. Were you abducted by aliens? Kidnapped and then rescued by that guy from Taken? Flew to Vegas with some buddies and blacked out?
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i was like this in the past.

    its not a big deal if you come back to it the next day

    it is a big deal if it makes you stop exercising altogther.

    honestly, you're better off pushing through. you know you will feel better when you're done.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    link to the thread where you were mocked for pausing dvd?
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Yesterday you claimed you didn't have time to workout although you obviously had plenty of time to repeatedly post. Today you claim you had a negative event that you're not going into details about then go into detail about it. Your relationship with truth telling is as poor as your time management. At least you make dramatic troll threads ... so far that is the closest I can come to making a positive assessment of you.

    Yes - yesterday I didn't have time to work out GIVEN the fact that I pause videos - because of that time frame - I didn't have as much time to work out. Yes - you're absolutely right. I did have a negative event. I said I wouldn't go into detail simply because I wasn't sure if people would be nice or accuse me - but it seemed at first that people were nice. I feel sorry for you because it seems that you don't have much love in your heart if you go on the internet and tell people that they are lying after what happened to me, happened to me. Again, this thread's focus is not about what happened to me - I'm trying not to think about it - I've actually shifted my location to get away from that person and that memory for a few days. However you brought it up, so...

    No .. you brought it up. Nobody but you would know what the "event" was if you didn't mention it in the first place. Once again the truth eludes you. I have plenty of love in my heart. What I don't have is any tolerance for lying internet drama queens.

    No - you brought it up. I didn't want to focus on this - my main focus is a negative event happened and I said what it was thinking people would be nice - in order that people could understand what type of negative event I was talking about. I'm very sorry to hear that you don't have love in your heart that you would go out of your way to tell someone on the internet who has done nothing to you, that they are a liar after what has happened to you. I wish with all my heart that you will learn to love and have compassion.

    DeltaZero - it did happen and I'm not going to contact the police because this guy knows where I live.

    Spes - it's an ex coworker...I'm actually a temp so it was my first and last day there....

    These fingers look positively magical!!!!!


  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    link to the thread where you were mocked for pausing dvd?

    I don't know that I'd call it mocking as much as I would call it pointing out that she said she had 6 hours to work out but couldn't find the time then started giving a play by play every couple minutes on here. Literally a play by play. If she can post on here, there's even more time in her already 6 hours to work out. I will say I find it interesting she mentioned today that she had 1.5 hours and was going to do her workout...but couldn't find the time yesterday with 6 hours.

    OP - I'm not being mean, I'm just confused.
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    Understand that life happens. You will not be perfect throughout the entirety of your journey. Do your best and be your best YOU and that's all you can do. I missed a workout last week because of drama. Then I missed another workout the next day because of timing. I just made them both up on Saturday. Now... I just happened to be able to do that this week. If I hadn't made 'em up.... who cares?


    Allowing it to become a habit can....
  • CocoaBeautiful
    CocoaBeautiful Posts: 40 Member
    Today something negative happened to me (not going to go into detail because I'm afraid I'll be called a troll as happened when I posted that I pause the workout DVD) and I didn't work out. I feel guilty but it's normal to skip a day if something bad happened and you're stressed out, right?

    I wouldn't say it's "normal" to miss a workout when you're stressed, but it does happen. Try not to let it keep you away too long because then you will get off track and have more to stress out about...know what I mean? I read a few of the responses and it seems like you care a little too much of what people think. At the end of the day you have to do what is right for you! Taking a rest day or pausing a DVD...your choice! :smile:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I recommend that you still do 20-30 minute of moderate exercise. It can do wonders for your mood.

    But to be clear, i also recommended yesterday that you do your DVD workout at a moderate pace and just do what you can through the duration without pausing...and that consistency > intensity. (Perhaps part of what is driving you to consider skipping it today is a good example of how focusing on intensity is often at the cost of losing consistency? Something to consider...)
  • allbarrett
    allbarrett Posts: 159 Member
    If this really happened, you should be contacting your HR department, or the police. Not worried about fitness.

    THIS x 1000

    Don't post on MFP, talk to your HR department immediately and if they don't agree to handle it right away, call the police.

    Why on earth would you not complain about being assaulted? I certainly would (starting with "Get your hands off me you jerk, what do you think you are doing?!" at the top of my lungs...the more people present, the better).

    Not justifying it, but you have been called a troll because you seem to have odd reactions to situations (posting on MFP that you don't have time to work out, posting again because you were assaulted at work and therefore feel too awful to work out...these just aren't the way most people would react to these situations).
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member

    Ang - 2 min while doing various things??? Argh!!!! What does JM RI30 stand for? Good for you for being committed to a morning workout even though you're busy with the meetings - hope the meetings go really well!

    JM RI30 - Jillian Michaels - Ripped in 30

    While in plank position, you do 30 seconds of plank jacks followed by 30 seconds of mountain climbers. (I can do the advance for the plank jacks but stick with the beginner for the mountain climbers) You then repeat both moves for 30 seconds each again. I drop to my knees between each one. When I did it Sunday night, I almost made it a full minutes w/o needing to rest but not quite.
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    Your posts are my favorite.

    Seriously - if you aren't here just to see what kind of fun can come up on the message boards you might have some strange mental illness going on based on the information you've posted in this thread and the one from yesterday.

    I feel like I recognize this person's stories, posting style, and writing style. And with that, I say... I tend to agree with you.

    OP, if you were assaulted, report it. Period. No way around it.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I never give someone the pleasure of ruining my day by making me skip a workout.

    otherwise- absolutely no question- report to police and HR.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Yesterday you claimed you didn't have time to workout although you obviously had plenty of time to repeatedly post. Today you claim you had a negative event that you're not going into details about then go into detail about it. Your relationship with truth telling is as poor as your time management. At least you make dramatic troll threads ... so far that is the closest I can come to making a positive assessment of you.

    Yes - yesterday I didn't have time to work out GIVEN the fact that I pause videos - because of that time frame - I didn't have as much time to work out. Yes - you're absolutely right. I did have a negative event. I said I wouldn't go into detail simply because I wasn't sure if people would be nice or accuse me - but it seemed at first that people were nice. I feel sorry for you because it seems that you don't have much love in your heart if you go on the internet and tell people that they are lying after what happened to me, happened to me. Again, this thread's focus is not about what happened to me - I'm trying not to think about it - I've actually shifted my location to get away from that person and that memory for a few days. However you brought it up, so...

    No .. you brought it up. Nobody but you would know what the "event" was if you didn't mention it in the first place. Once again the truth eludes you. I have plenty of love in my heart. What I don't have is any tolerance for lying internet drama queens.

    No - you brought it up. I didn't want to focus on this - my main focus is a negative event happened and I said what it was thinking people would be nice - in order that people could understand what type of negative event I was talking about. I'm very sorry to hear that you don't have love in your heart that you would go out of your way to tell someone on the internet who has done nothing to you, that they are a liar after what has happened to you. I wish with all my heart that you will learn to love and have compassion.

    DeltaZero - it did happen and I'm not going to contact the police because this guy knows where I live.

    Spes - it's an ex coworker...I'm actually a temp so it was my first and last day there....
    All the more reason to file a report.

    Spes - it's an ex coworker...I'm actually a temp so it was my first and last day there....
    is another good reason to report it. *He* isn't the ex coworker, *OP* is. He is presumably still an employee there and this kind of behavior should be brought to the company's attention. I'm not pro-sue-ALL-TEH-COMPANIES!!1!eleven!!1, but this kind of behavior shouldn't be tolerated. Period.

    I wish there was a way to be notified when certain MFP members make posts...because I never want to miss another of OP's posts ever again. True story.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Yesterday you claimed you didn't have time to workout although you obviously had plenty of time to repeatedly post. Today you claim you had a negative event that you're not going into details about then go into detail about it. Your relationship with truth telling is as poor as your time management. At least you make dramatic troll threads ... so far that is the closest I can come to making a positive assessment of you.

    Yes - yesterday I didn't have time to work out GIVEN the fact that I pause videos - because of that time frame - I didn't have as much time to work out. Yes - you're absolutely right. I did have a negative event. I said I wouldn't go into detail simply because I wasn't sure if people would be nice or accuse me - but it seemed at first that people were nice. I feel sorry for you because it seems that you don't have much love in your heart if you go on the internet and tell people that they are lying after what happened to me, happened to me. Again, this thread's focus is not about what happened to me - I'm trying not to think about it - I've actually shifted my location to get away from that person and that memory for a few days. However you brought it up, so...

    No .. you brought it up. Nobody but you would know what the "event" was if you didn't mention it in the first place. Once again the truth eludes you. I have plenty of love in my heart. What I don't have is any tolerance for lying internet drama queens.

    No - you brought it up. I didn't want to focus on this - my main focus is a negative event happened and I said what it was thinking people would be nice - in order that people could understand what type of negative event I was talking about. I'm very sorry to hear that you don't have love in your heart that you would go out of your way to tell someone on the internet who has done nothing to you, that they are a liar after what has happened to you. I wish with all my heart that you will learn to love and have compassion.

    DeltaZero - it did happen and I'm not going to contact the police because this guy knows where I live.

    Spes - it's an ex coworker...I'm actually a temp so it was my first and last day there....

    How could I possibly bring up a topic about which only YOU have the details? The absurdity of your posts is astounding. Both logic and truthfulness are absent from your diatribes.


    Shhhh.There is no place for your logic here. This is about drama.