Why you should cut out/lower sodium, sugar or carbs



  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I do have a medical condition. Roughly, it's called a tendency to get fat. Cutting sugar and when possible carbs actually helps me not get fat. So I'll keep right on with it.

    But I'll also keep envying those who don't have to cut anything and can still lose or maintain weight. See my green eyes? That is the green eyed envy monster staring you lucky people down.

    The only reason why cutting out sugar and carbs is helping you not get fat is because it's helping you restrict your calorie intake and/or preventing you from bingeing if they are trigger foods (also, restricting your calorie intake).

    Correct. And?

    That's not a medical condition. Also, it doesn't mean that there is anything inherently wrong or unhealthy about carbs and sugar.

    Well if you really want to quibble, we could call it a necessary tactic in my case for medical condition prevention. But I didn't want to just tell the OP she is flat out wrong. I was being polite.

    There isn't any reason you can't have anything. If you choose to do so, fine, but many people feel like society pressures them to eat a certain way when in fact there is no logical reason for it. Still, you can go over your calorie limit even if you cut out certain things. I don't like people demonizing food and intimidating those who are just starting out.

    Hey I'm all for wanting to ease people into this, it's not easy even when we make it as easy as possible. And not everyone does have to take any tough measures with their dietary choices in order to succeed. But as some of us go along we often find certain foods are an issue for us when it comes to compliance. Which is the only problem I have with your OP.

    Well that and and the aforementioned envy of those who don't have to cut out or severely restrict anything.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Mmmm sugar, carbs and salt. Who would want to cut that delicousness out anyways? :love:

    If your counting calories you're restricting and cutting back.

    Every diet (or eating strategy, or whatever else people call it) requires a sacrifice. Different people find different sacrifices easier to handle.

    Hai. I like arguing for the same of doing so.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I suppose the counter would be why, when you acknowledge it's helping her restrict her caloric intake, she should stop her current routine just because she doesn't have a "medical condition"? If it's not broken, why try to fix it?

    Please show me where I told Jestinia she should stop what she is doing?

    To the extent the OP completely ignores how restricting certain foods might help with a cut and spins it as "obsessing and wasting precious time worrying about" such restrictions, I'd say the OP is wrong or at least is overly simplistic. The implication there is that there are no benefits to reducing your consumption of specific nutrients in the absence of a medical condition, but that's inaccurate. Tweaking your macros to, for example, reduce your carbs on a cut is not necessarily obsessing nor is it wasting time; quite often, it's a great way to reduce your appetite and keep you satiating when eating a lower caloric intake that's necessary for a cut.

    I'm not a fan of the all-too-common "I'm cutting out all sugar!" posts, but overly simplistic posts like the OP's aren't any better in my opinion.

    In all honesty, we basically said the same exact thing. If you don't have a problem over eating sugar and carbs, meaning that you can stick to your macros, there is nothing inherently wrong with sugar and carbs. People who do not overeat sugar and carbs to the extent that they are in a calorie surplus and gaining weight, can rest comfortably that they do not need to arbitrarily cut it out of their diet because these foods are "bad." So, in this way, the OP is right.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Mmmm sugar, carbs and salt. Who would want to cut that delicousness out anyways? :love:

    If your counting calories you're restricting and cutting back.

    Every diet (or eating strategy, or whatever else people call it) requires a sacrifice. Different people find different sacrifices easier to handle.

    Hai. I like arguing for the same of doing so.

    Lol, this whole thread is an excuse to argue for the sake of it.
  • iPlatano
    iPlatano Posts: 487 Member
    Mmmm sugar, carbs and salt. Who would want to cut that delicousness out anyways? :love:

    Right? :flowerforyou:
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    I am sorry but I completely disagree with OP.

    Different food sources trigger different responses in the body. There is a wealth of information out there that will explain this much better that I am willing to try.

    To say it doesn't matter whether you eat 500 calories of a Mars bars is the same as eating 500 cal of spinach is only correct in 500 cal are 500 cal, but it neglecting the fact that both food items trigger different responses in our bodies,

  • MapleFlavouredMaiden
    MapleFlavouredMaiden Posts: 595 Member
    I am sorry but I completely disagree with OP.

    Different food sources trigger different responses in the body. There is a wealth of information out there that will explain this much better that I am willing to try.

    To say it doesn't matter whether you eat 500 calories of a Mars bars is the same as eating 500 cal of spinach is only correct in 500 cal are 500 cal, but it neglecting the fact that both food items trigger different responses in our bodies,


    I'm not seeing what your response has to do with what OP said. She wasn't suggesting that spinach = mars bars, she was merely stating that no one mineral/macro should be demonized....
  • somerisagirlsname
    somerisagirlsname Posts: 467 Member
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    It's way easier to stick to the calorie deficit cutting out carbs and sugar. Well not cutting them out, but keeping them in proper proportions. The first 2 weeks I was dreaming of dancing spaghetti when I would sleep. It's like alcohol, the second I indulge, it would be over. Trying to get my sugar and carbs from more natural sources has helped immensely.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member

    So joining you for popcorn and to watch the train wreck.





  • Rushgirl82
    Rushgirl82 Posts: 223 Member

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    The OP is correct there is nothing wrong with sodium and sugar (barring medical conditions)...it is not sodium's or sugar's fault if you love them and they make you do stupid things, like put too much in your mouth...

    Sodium is required for health...

    Sugar is required for health...esp mental health...nom nom chocolate...

    No one food or mineral or macro/micro makes people fat unless you eat too much of it...

    Is it better to eat 500 calories of spinich vs chocolate...heck no...imagine the trouble you will have the next day after eating 500 calories of spinich holy crap *no pun intended*

    Now chocolate on the other hand will prevent all sorts of mayhem...ask my husband...:devil:

    To the OP you are spot on...

    but you will always find people that will disagree and to see "certian" faces here disagreeing with you is noooooooooooooo surprise...just waiting on one more to show up actually then we will have a full house.

    *Poker anyone?*:drinker:

    pst you all know who you are too...:bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    self control > pretending sugars and carbs and sodiums are teh debil
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    self control > pretending sugars and carbs and sodiums are teh debil


    *where the heck is the like button we really need one of those here.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    self control > pretending sugars and carbs and sodiums are teh debil

    I exercise self control every time I don't put something in my mouth that is going to make me crave more of it.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    self control > pretending sugars and carbs and sodiums are teh debil


    *where the heck is the like button we really need one of those here.

    AMEN. :drinker:
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    I'm addicted to sugar...

  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    self control > pretending sugars and carbs and sodiums are teh debil

    I exercise self control every time I don't put something in my mouth that is going to make me crave more of it.

    when i have a brownie....i wanna eat like 4 more.

    i just dont.

    i believe it was voltaire who was quoted saying "1 brownie is better than no brownies. for realsies."
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    self control > pretending sugars and carbs and sodiums are teh debil

    I exercise self control every time I don't put something in my mouth that is going to make me crave more of it.

    So you admit you have poor self control, cool!