Why you should cut out/lower sodium, sugar or carbs



  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    I mean for me, I have no problem turning away from cake or brownies or doughnuts....
    But not all people are like me.
    So for those people, it will be alright to indulge in their "cake".....
    Just fit it in.

    I think that's what it comes down to. If you're the type of person who is miserable without cake, then you need to find a way to fit some cake into your diet. On the other hand, if you really don't care much about cake to begin with, it probably doesn't make a lot of sense to budget a lot of calories for cake. And that doesn't mean that you'll somehow fail and binge on cake down the road - it just means you don't prioritize cake the way others do.

    I think people start to get defensive when they're told they should be eating cake more often or they somehow lack self control because they don't eat cake on a regular basis. Whether you "should" eat something really comes down to whether it fits into your specific goals. Could you eat it? Sure, at least in some quantity. Should you? It really depends.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I mean for me, I have no problem turning away from cake or brownies or doughnuts....
    But not all people are like me.
    So for those people, it will be alright to indulge in their "cake".....
    Just fit it in.

    I think that's what it comes down to. If you're the type of person who is miserable without cake, then you need to find a way to fit some cake into your diet. On the other hand, if you really don't care much about cake to begin with, it probably doesn't make a lot of sense to budget a lot of calories for cake. And that doesn't mean that you'll somehow fail and binge on cake down the road - it just means you don't prioritize cake the way others do.

    I think people start to get defensive when they're told they should be eating cake more often or they somehow lack self control because they don't eat cake on a regular basis. Whether you "should" eat something really comes down to whether it fits into your specific goals. Could you eat it? Sure, at least in some quantity. Should you? It really depends.

    no one says they should...they are told they can....and they respond no I can't I will cave and eat it all....then they are told to practice moderation, they say I can't...just can't do it...in for a penny in for a pound then they are told they lack self control.

    Which is by definition lacking self control...if you can't eat a portion of cake/chocolate whatever without eating too much you lack self control...do you lack it in all aspects of life...nope but you do when it comes to whatever it is that you can't say no to.

    ETA: never mind...
  • R_Woodruff
    R_Woodruff Posts: 74 Member
    No medical condition here, but I do try and limit my sodium intake for the sole reason that I don't like being bloated all the time. I do agree that restricting all delicious carbs and sugars is a sin and people should realize that's not what's making them fat. :drinker:

    Also, I see all the bickering and I'm sitting back and enjoying.....*munches on popcorn*:laugh:
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    The twinkie diet says it was possible, not beneficial. In fact, the guy doing it didn't think it was beneficial at all, plus as I recall his breakfast was something veggie, then he ate snackfood the rest of the day. Nor is it peer reviewed research.

    I do agree, if I eat below maintenance, no matter what I eat, I will lose weight. However, how does it benefit my plan to induce annoying cravings that make me grumpy and unhappy rather than (most of the time, because I do eat some carbs and sugar) resist entirely and have a more pleasant day?

    I never said it was healthy or nutritious....
    Only that it was possible to achieve what you said you wanted to achieve in a post earlier.

    and the point remains he did lose weight.
    His health markers DID improve
    and he lost 27 pounds

    I said how will it help me, not prove it's possible. My health markers have improved steadily since I lost weight starting more than two years ago.

    I'm really not trying to be obnoxious. I don't have to try, it comes naturally.

    All I'm quibbling with OP about is that for some of us it is easier to resist certain things entirely or greatly reduce them in order to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

    As for exerting willpower, if I couldn't do that, I never would have reached my current weight to begin with. But I am a big believer in not doing something the hard way if there is an easy way.

    If someone can show me how eating chocolate cake for breakfast, then craving all day but not giving into those cravings will help me lose a few more vanity pounds faster or easier and/or then maintain at my goal weight, I'm all for it. An excuse to eat chocolate cake every day for breakfast for a month? Okay. But I don't think any peer reviewed study exists showing that inducing a food craving, then resisting it all day, day in, day out, is beneficial to those of us struggling to lose or maintain.

    Edit: It needs to be peer reviewed primarily to show quality of research, and it needs to be more than one person, because otherwise, that just shows results for one person. Not even a female at that.

    Ok mate...

    But what if you just ate smaller pieces of chocolate cake throughout the day??
    Say you allotted 500 calories of cake for the day....
    So you break that slice of cake up into 5 servings to have 100 calories 5 times a day??

    I mean I have only been following some of your posts on this thread....

    But you are saying that you have to keep all these certain foods out of your diet for you to lose/maintain your desired weight....and that is not the case.

    I mean for me, I have no problem turning away from cake or brownies or doughnuts....
    But not all people are like me.
    So for those people, it will be alright to indulge in their "cake".....
    Just fit it in.

    Actually if I were to eat small pieces of cake all day on 1200 calories a day (I'm old and sedentary and short, don't judge!) I would actually harm my health as it would be impossible, even taking a good multivitamin, to meet my nutritional needs.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I mean for me, I have no problem turning away from cake or brownies or doughnuts....
    But not all people are like me.
    So for those people, it will be alright to indulge in their "cake".....
    Just fit it in.

    I think that's what it comes down to. If you're the type of person who is miserable without cake, then you need to find a way to fit some cake into your diet. On the other hand, if you really don't care much about cake to begin with, it probably doesn't make a lot of sense to budget a lot of calories for cake. And that doesn't mean that you'll somehow fail and binge on cake down the road - it just means you don't prioritize cake the way others do.

    I think people start to get defensive when they're told they should be eating cake more often or they somehow lack self control because they don't eat cake on a regular basis. Whether you "should" eat something really comes down to whether it fits into your specific goals. Could you eat it? Sure, at least in some quantity. Should you? It really depends.

    no one says they should...they are told they can....and they respond no I can't I will cave and eat it all....then they are told to practice moderation, they say I can't...just can't do it...in for a penny in for a pound then they are told they lack self control.

    Which is by definition lacking self control...if you can't eat a portion of cake/chocolate whatever without eating too much you lack self control...do you lack it in all aspects of life...nope but you do when it comes to whatever it is that you can't say no to.

    ETA: never mind...

    Ah, but here is the thing. I'd bet my last crumb of the chocolate cake I am indeed going to have this weekend (because I do sometimes intend to indulge, just not daily) that there are people in this thread who can walk away from a cake after just a serving easy as pie. But that can't do intermittent fasting without exerting a massive amount more willpower than I have to in order to do it. Therefore, it isn't really about willpower or self control or whatever you want to call it, it must be either physical or psychological differences.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I do intermittent fasting
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Actually if I were to eat small pieces of cake all day on 1200 calories a day (I'm old and sedentary and short, don't judge!) I would actually harm my health as it would be impossible, even taking a good multivitamin, to meet my nutritional needs.

    Hmmm....not so sure about that....

    But whatever.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Actually if I were to eat small pieces of cake all day on 1200 calories a day (I'm old and sedentary and short, don't judge!) I would actually harm my health as it would be impossible, even taking a good multivitamin, to meet my nutritional needs.

    Hmmm....not so sure about that....

    But whatever.

    Well, if by small you mean 'forkful' maybe not. Either way, I see no reason to torture myself that way. As for intermittent fasting, ever notice how good you feel on day two if you wait a few extra hours to eat? Or is that just me? I actually wait until the evening of the second day sometimes just so I can walk around feeling all happy and stuff. Not sure what's up with that. Very light ketosis, maybe. Much better than cake!
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    If you have a medical condition which requires you to do so. Otherwise, please stop obsessing over and wasting precious time worrying about things that won't harm you. As I always try to reiterate, life is too short.

    ETA: I'm not saying that individuals shouldn't be able to reduce the amount of x they consume, if that's what is keeping them from achieving weight loss. The intention of this post was to point out that demonizing any particular food group is unnecessary. "I went over my sodium intake, that is horrible!" and "Added sugars are horrible" statements are far too frequent, and that way of thinking really isn't healthy or needed.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Actually if I were to eat small pieces of cake all day on 1200 calories a day (I'm old and sedentary and short, don't judge!) I would actually harm my health as it would be impossible, even taking a good multivitamin, to meet my nutritional needs.

    Hmmm....not so sure about that....

    But whatever.

    Well, if by small you mean 'forkful' maybe not. Either way, I see no reason to torture myself that way. As for intermittent fasting, ever notice how good you feel on day two if you wait a few extra hours to eat? Or is that just me? I actually wait until the evening of the second day sometimes just so I can walk around feeling all happy and stuff. Not sure what's up with that. Very light ketosis, maybe. Much better than cake!

    You take that back. Nothing is better than cake. Unless you add ice cream
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Actually if I were to eat small pieces of cake all day on 1200 calories a day (I'm old and sedentary and short, don't judge!) I would actually harm my health as it would be impossible, even taking a good multivitamin, to meet my nutritional needs.

    Hmmm....not so sure about that....

    But whatever.

    Well, if by small you mean 'forkful' maybe not. Either way, I see no reason to torture myself that way. As for intermittent fasting, ever notice how good you feel on day two if you wait a few extra hours to eat? Or is that just me? I actually wait until the evening of the second day sometimes just so I can walk around feeling all happy and stuff. Not sure what's up with that. Very light ketosis, maybe. Much better than cake!

    You take that back. Nothing is better than cake. Unless you add ice cream

    Can we just take a moment to appreciate Brownie Earthquakes?
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    You take that back. Nothing is better than cake. Unless you add ice cream
    False, pie > cake!!!!!
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Actually if I were to eat small pieces of cake all day on 1200 calories a day (I'm old and sedentary and short, don't judge!) I would actually harm my health as it would be impossible, even taking a good multivitamin, to meet my nutritional needs.

    Hmmm....not so sure about that....

    But whatever.

    Well, if by small you mean 'forkful' maybe not. Either way, I see no reason to torture myself that way. As for intermittent fasting, ever notice how good you feel on day two if you wait a few extra hours to eat? Or is that just me? I actually wait until the evening of the second day sometimes just so I can walk around feeling all happy and stuff. Not sure what's up with that. Very light ketosis, maybe. Much better than cake!

    You take that back. Nothing is better than cake. Unless you add ice cream

    And this weekend I shall. It just happens it will probably be all I eat that day. And any leftovers must be given a decent burial by Monday, or there goes my deficit for the week! :laugh:
  • iPlatano
    iPlatano Posts: 487 Member
    Well, tried eating healthy and at a calorie deficit for a month. Didn't lose a pound. I eat low-carb high-fat and eat until I'm full, and whaddya know, I'm down 35 lbs. in 3 months.

    That's because fat and protein are more filling and take more time to break down in the body. They sustain you longer. You may feel full, but you are eating at a deficit.

    My biggest focus in terms of my diet is getting enough protein (about 40%). That's all I really focus on and the rest works itself out. If I have some sugar, it's not going to torpedo my progress. I have to keep it within my macros though, so I need to have the self control to only eat what fits comfortably into the plan.

    And again, calories in vs calories out. :laugh:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Ah, but here is the thing. I'd bet my last crumb of the chocolate cake I am indeed going to have this weekend (because I do sometimes intend to indulge, just not daily) that there are people in this thread who can walk away from a cake after just a serving easy as pie. But that can't do intermittent fasting without exerting a massive amount more willpower than I have to in order to do it. Therefore, it isn't really about willpower or self control or whatever you want to call it, it must be either physical or psychological differences.

    Could I do IF...yah...it would take a while to get used to it and I would have to work up to...I couldn't physically turn to it tomorrow...

    But I think that is normal...to work up into that sort of thing...esp when your body is used to certian calories everyday...in my case 1800 atm.

    Anyone can do whatever they put their mind to imho...that is the sheer definition of will power/self control, choosing to do something..making that choice and just doing it...cause like my profile says "you either want it or you don't"
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I do have a medical condition. Roughly, it's called a tendency to get fat. Cutting sugar and when possible carbs actually helps me not get fat. So I'll keep right on with it.

    But I'll also keep envying those who don't have to cut anything and can still lose or maintain weight. See my green eyes? That is the green eyed envy monster staring you lucky people down.

    ummm its called eat less calories and you can still eat carbs and sugar....not sure why you would be envious of this as anyone can do it...
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Took me about 7 - 10 days to get used to my IF schedule
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Actually if I were to eat small pieces of cake all day on 1200 calories a day (I'm old and sedentary and short, don't judge!) I would actually harm my health as it would be impossible, even taking a good multivitamin, to meet my nutritional needs.

    Hmmm....not so sure about that....

    But whatever.

    Well, if by small you mean 'forkful' maybe not. Either way, I see no reason to torture myself that way. As for intermittent fasting, ever notice how good you feel on day two if you wait a few extra hours to eat? Or is that just me? I actually wait until the evening of the second day sometimes just so I can walk around feeling all happy and stuff. Not sure what's up with that. Very light ketosis, maybe. Much better than cake!

    You take that back. Nothing is better than cake. Unless you add ice cream

    And this weekend I shall. It just happens it will probably be all I eat that day. And any leftovers must be given a decent burial by Monday, or there goes my deficit for the week! :laugh:

    throw out food, really?
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Took me about 7 - 10 days to get used to my IF schedule

    And what is your IF schedule?
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Ah, but here is the thing. I'd bet my last crumb of the chocolate cake I am indeed going to have this weekend (because I do sometimes intend to indulge, just not daily) that there are people in this thread who can walk away from a cake after just a serving easy as pie. But that can't do intermittent fasting without exerting a massive amount more willpower than I have to in order to do it. Therefore, it isn't really about willpower or self control or whatever you want to call it, it must be either physical or psychological differences.

    Could I do IF...yah...it would take a while to get used to it and I would have to work up to...I couldn't physically turn to it tomorrow...

    But I think that is normal...to work up into that sort of thing...esp when your body is used to certian calories everyday...in my case 1800 atm.

    Anyone can do whatever they put their mind to imho...that is the sheer definition of will power/self control, choosing to do something..making that choice and just doing it...cause like my profile says "you either want it or you don't"

    I do see your reasoning. However, I want easy as possible for my personal physiology/psychology unless and until someone can show me why harder would be beneficial. Like parking a distance from the door and walking across a parking lot, which I do all the time for vitamin D and a little exercise. I get that type of hard. I don't get inducing a craving just for the sake of doing it to prove...what? That I can? But why?