Workplace saboteurs...



  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    Can I say something? Am I the only one a tad put off by the "tough love" comments as a response to food addiction? I mean if tough love works on every alcoholic, meth and crack head out there, there would be no need for Betty Ford or rehab right?

    Im just saying, tough love definitely has its place, but if resisting bad food is enough of an issue to make a topic about it, then maybe its a bit deeper than "just say no" - my .02 cents. But in the end, its whatever works.

    I have a very bad soda addiction that I'm fighting every single day, so I understand how "just saying no" can be difficult. Basically, if you put me in New Jack City, make me Chris Rock and turn the crack into soda...thats me.

    Food =/= drugs. Not even close.

    I was a 4-6 can of soda a day drinker. It's laziness, trust me. Grow up.
    I concur.
    Was in the same boat as you drinking pop.
    At work someone brings cheesecake, cookies, candy, etc at least once a week and many times twice a week.
    I used to always partake in them, and secretly hoping there would be some left for later in the day.

    Once I made my mind up that I was serious about losing weight I stopped giving in.

    It is the mental aspect weight loss. People use so many "excuses" such as this, parties, get togethers, holidays, etc as to why they cannot lose weight. Until they toughen up they will be saying the same thing year after year.

    Skinny people at those things often and why do they stay skinny? Exercise. Eating in moderation. Knowing if they eat that piece of cheesecake at work they need to eat less later or work out more.
    Or they just abstain from eating it at all.

    I completely agree with the firs post and disagree with those who have tried to say food =/= drugs. Yes it does.

    “Some animal studies show that sugar is EIGHT TIMES MORE ADDICTIVE THAN COCAINE,” says Dr. Mark Hyman, who’s been researching the effect of the sweet stuff on our systems for 20 years, and has compiled the latest findings into his new book, “The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet.”

    Read more:

    Research shows that sugar is very, very , very addictive. So much of it is in almost everything now. Sugar is added in several forms to most products, even things you wouldnt think would have sugar in them. High fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, etc, some of the several ways sugar is put into our food without us even thinking about it. So to those of you who try to say "grow up" or food is not addictive-- I say bull........

    I too had a 6 or more can of soda a day addiction when I was younger, and I quit and stopeed drinking soda all together, so I am not saying it cannot be overcome. I am saying that food IS an addiction- it retrieves all of the feel good chemicals in our brains that drugs do. Maybe not for everyone, but then not everyone becomes addicted to cocaine, meth or heroine either do they. And thats why thin people can say no to workplace parties, goodies, etc. Maybe they dont have a food addiction or an addictive personality that makes it harder for those of us who do to say no. I agree evernone has to find their own way to be able to say no,, but I do not agree that food is not an addiction. I personally know that it is!! Ok,, i will get off my soap box now.


    I'm sure he's making a killing off of his brand of sugarfearmongering too.

    Whaaaaat? No, people would never fudge numbers for the sake of profit, would they?

    Uh oh. I said fudge. Maybe I should have put a trigger warning in here for all of the people who are addicted to food who must now gorge on fudge. That's an addiction, people. Idly consuming calories that don't help you meet your macro requirements because you're bored and it's just there is not an addiction.

    Having to run out and buy cheesecake from a clandestine shop (with questionable payment methods) because you saw a piece of cheese is an addiction.

    Also, I learned that skinny people don't struggle with food decisions because they're skinny. Circular logic FTW!
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    This happens to me all the time. At my old job there was food occasionally, but at my new place, there is food here literally almost every day! You don't have to eat to socialize. Go, say hi, and no thank you when they ask if you want a float. If you work at a place that has a lot of catering, eat more veggies and fruit, use a smaller plate, drink water before you know the food is going to arrive.

    Don't do what I just did and have two helpings of PF Chang's fried rice and spring rolls. I'm gonna either have to skip dinner or walk 5 miles.
  • SarahJean425
    SarahJean425 Posts: 2 Member
    It happens at my work all the time. It's just so frustrating that we as a society celebrate EVERYTHING with FOOD! And, when we do have meetings, I do think that it would be great if a company had some healthy catering items. I am not the only one in the company who would like some chicken, a salad or something of the sort instead of pizza, bbq, mac and cheese and potato salad at every function!
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    I look at is a little quest. Must pass on lunch, do not say yes to the goodies. :laugh: But if I really want something they have I figure it into my calories and enjoy the heck out of it.

    Really when they bring things or have lunch or refill the candy dish with peanut butter cups I feel pretty freaking awesome when I stay strong and don't give in and I really like that feeling. So the more and more it happens the easier it becomes.

    I also feel pretty awesome about myself when I pass temptation by :)
  • lesliea512
    lesliea512 Posts: 6
    OMG I know how you feel! I won't go to the lunch room for fear of getting sucked in! Do you know yesterday cookies and lunch were brought in! I ATE 4 cookies! I can't do this to myself!
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    Easy solution. Only eat the things you will truly enjoy, in a reasonable serving size. Plan your day accordingly. If you know there will be cake at work, don't have a giant bagel at breakfast or load up on veggies and skip the pasta at dinner. Balance it out or use it as motivation to workout.

    If you genuinely don't want it, say "no, thank you" but don't state all your reasons or make your food choices a topic up for discussion..
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 592 Member
    Exactly. I think of calories as a currency. So I ask myself, do I REALLY want to spend my 500 calories on that doughnut? After that "free" doughnuts don't seem as tempting. :wink:
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Exactly. I think of calories as a currency. So I ask myself, do I REALLY want to spend my 500 calories on that doughnut? After that "free" doughnuts don't seem as tempting. :wink:
    I think to myself, do I want run XXX miles to work that off (i est 100 cals/mile)
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    The only person who can sabotage you is yourself. Unless your co-workers force the food down your throat or put a gun to your head until you eat it, the problem is your lack of willpower.

    I get so sick of these "everyone around me is trying to ruin my diet" posts. Seriously, put on your grown up panties and just say no thank you. It's not that hard.
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    I've always said, "No thanks," to every offer of food at work, ever. If they push, I say I've already eaten, or have a really good lunch packed that I would hate if it went bad. If you say no to everything, then people will eventually stop offering, which may reduce the temptation. It's pretty easy for me to just make it a standard that I don't eat that stuff and I never feel tempted by it. I think about it as I would rather save that splurge calorically on something I really like and look forward to, not something that is just presented to me that I probably wouldn't choose on my own anyways. With that said, every once in a blue moon (maybe twice a year) something shows up at work that I absolutely love and can't resist, then I'll eat it and it's totally worth it!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Can I say something? Am I the only one a tad put off by the "tough love" comments as a response to food addiction? I mean if tough love works on every alcoholic, meth and crack head out there, there would be no need for Betty Ford or rehab right?

    Im just saying, tough love definitely has its place, but if resisting bad food is enough of an issue to make a topic about it, then maybe its a bit deeper than "just say no" - my .02 cents. But in the end, its whatever works.

    I have a very bad soda addiction that I'm fighting every single day, so I understand how "just saying no" can be difficult. Basically, if you put me in New Jack City, make me Chris Rock and turn the crack into soda...thats me.

    Food =/= drugs. Not even close.

    I was a 4-6 can of soda a day drinker. It's laziness, trust me. Grow up.
    I concur.
    Was in the same boat as you drinking pop.
    At work someone brings cheesecake, cookies, candy, etc at least once a week and many times twice a week.
    I used to always partake in them, and secretly hoping there would be some left for later in the day.

    Once I made my mind up that I was serious about losing weight I stopped giving in.

    It is the mental aspect weight loss. People use so many "excuses" such as this, parties, get togethers, holidays, etc as to why they cannot lose weight. Until they toughen up they will be saying the same thing year after year.

    Skinny people at those things often and why do they stay skinny? Exercise. Eating in moderation. Knowing if they eat that piece of cheesecake at work they need to eat less later or work out more.
    Or they just abstain from eating it at all.

    I completely agree with the firs post and disagree with those who have tried to say food =/= drugs. Yes it does.

    “Some animal studies show that sugar is EIGHT TIMES MORE ADDICTIVE THAN COCAINE,” says Dr. Mark Hyman, who’s been researching the effect of the sweet stuff on our systems for 20 years, and has compiled the latest findings into his new book, “The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet.”

    Read more:

    Research shows that sugar is very, very , very addictive. So much of it is in almost everything now. Sugar is added in several forms to most products, even things you wouldnt think would have sugar in them. High fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, etc, some of the several ways sugar is put into our food without us even thinking about it. So to those of you who try to say "grow up" or food is not addictive-- I say bull........

    I too had a 6 or more can of soda a day addiction when I was younger, and I quit and stopeed drinking soda all together, so I am not saying it cannot be overcome. I am saying that food IS an addiction- it retrieves all of the feel good chemicals in our brains that drugs do. Maybe not for everyone, but then not everyone becomes addicted to cocaine, meth or heroine either do they. And thats why thin people can say no to workplace parties, goodies, etc. Maybe they dont have a food addiction or an addictive personality that makes it harder for those of us who do to say no. I agree evernone has to find their own way to be able to say no,, but I do not agree that food is not an addiction. I personally know that it is!! Ok,, i will get off my soap box now.


    I totally have an addictive personality. I was addicted to cigarettes and I go on all kinds of kicks. Right now I'm addicted to running. I have a serious issue with Cool Ranch Doritos.

    The only way I was able to lose weight was to commit to an exercise program with clear goals and then choose foods to fuel the challenge. I'm down to 26.2% body fat and am trimming off the last little bit to prepare for a bulk in November. Anybody meeting me now for the first time would assume that I'm naturally fit and was born with better self-control than they have.

    The only way I am able to deal with the Gummi Bears and Doritos is to allow myself to eat them regularly with clearly defined parameters. Otherwise, I'm just going to find an excuse to binge.

    You know what else is as addictive as sugar? Hugs. All the same brain chemical reactions.
  • Tiernan1212
    Tiernan1212 Posts: 797 Member
    Can I say something? Am I the only one a tad put off by the "tough love" comments as a response to food addiction? I mean if tough love works on every alcoholic, meth and crack head out there, there would be no need for Betty Ford or rehab right?

    Im just saying, tough love definitely has its place, but if resisting bad food is enough of an issue to make a topic about it, then maybe its a bit deeper than "just say no" - my .02 cents. But in the end, its whatever works.

    I have a very bad soda addiction that I'm fighting every single day, so I understand how "just saying no" can be difficult. Basically, if you put me in New Jack City, make me Chris Rock and turn the crack into soda...thats me.

    Food =/= drugs. Not even close.

    I was a 4-6 can of soda a day drinker. It's laziness, trust me. Grow up.
    I concur.
    Was in the same boat as you drinking pop.
    At work someone brings cheesecake, cookies, candy, etc at least once a week and many times twice a week.
    I used to always partake in them, and secretly hoping there would be some left for later in the day.

    Once I made my mind up that I was serious about losing weight I stopped giving in.

    It is the mental aspect weight loss. People use so many "excuses" such as this, parties, get togethers, holidays, etc as to why they cannot lose weight. Until they toughen up they will be saying the same thing year after year.

    Skinny people at those things often and why do they stay skinny? Exercise. Eating in moderation. Knowing if they eat that piece of cheesecake at work they need to eat less later or work out more.
    Or they just abstain from eating it at all.

    I completely agree with the firs post and disagree with those who have tried to say food =/= drugs. Yes it does.

    “Some animal studies show that sugar is EIGHT TIMES MORE ADDICTIVE THAN COCAINE,” says Dr. Mark Hyman, who’s been researching the effect of the sweet stuff on our systems for 20 years, and has compiled the latest findings into his new book, “The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet.”

    Read more:

    Research shows that sugar is very, very , very addictive. So much of it is in almost everything now. Sugar is added in several forms to most products, even things you wouldnt think would have sugar in them. High fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, etc, some of the several ways sugar is put into our food without us even thinking about it. So to those of you who try to say "grow up" or food is not addictive-- I say bull........

    I too had a 6 or more can of soda a day addiction when I was younger, and I quit and stopeed drinking soda all together, so I am not saying it cannot be overcome. I am saying that food IS an addiction- it retrieves all of the feel good chemicals in our brains that drugs do. Maybe not for everyone, but then not everyone becomes addicted to cocaine, meth or heroine either do they. And thats why thin people can say no to workplace parties, goodies, etc. Maybe they dont have a food addiction or an addictive personality that makes it harder for those of us who do to say no. I agree evernone has to find their own way to be able to say no,, but I do not agree that food is not an addiction. I personally know that it is!! Ok,, i will get off my soap box now.


    I'm sure he's making a killing off of his brand of sugarfearmongering too.

    That was my thought too.

    In all seriousness, until you attend a 12 step program for sugar addiction, or begin working with a counselor, it is NOT an addiction.
  • 1Caramellady
    Are you always so helpful or just a jerk by nature? If you don't agree just pass the comment on by but those that disagree just to be disagreeable are more annoying than a cupcake....
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Are you always so helpful or just a jerk by nature? If you don't agree just pass the comment on by but those that disagree just to be disagreeable are more annoying than a cupcake....
    How is that being a jerk?

    You want people to continue to coddle those who give the excuse that the workplace is just irresistable and making them gain weight and fall off their weight loss program?

    Fact remains what others state. If you cannot resist the food that people bring in then, well, you have no one to blame but yourself.

    There are temptations pretty much every where, all the time time. You cannot live in your own bubble at home with nothing around to tempt you. Those who truly want to lose weight have to put their foot down and dont eat that garbage at work if they cannot fit it under their caloric intake for their day.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Are you always so helpful or just a jerk by nature? If you don't agree just pass the comment on by but those that disagree just to be disagreeable are more annoying than a cupcake....

    Cupcakes are not annoying at all. Rather they are totally delicious and desirable. Is this your notion of a compliment?
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    Are you always so helpful or just a jerk by nature? If you don't agree just pass the comment on by but those that disagree just to be disagreeable are more annoying than a cupcake....

    I guess annoyances are subjective.

    For instance--people who insist on threads being echo-chambers are annoying to me, personally. However, I don't find anything annoying about cupcakes, excepting the fact that I don't have any right now.

    Apparently echo-chambers are less annoying to you; whereas, cupcakes are just the worst.
  • Meranda29
    Meranda29 Posts: 27 Member
    I try to combat this in general by bringing a fruit/veggie tray whenever we have these events at work and otherwise. That way I know that I will always have something to eat that won't break my calorie bank.

    We're also pretty big on having donuts in the office at least once a week. Usually by the time I get to peeking in the box - many of them are cut in half already. Makes it much easier and I'm not the only one who wants only half a treat!
  • jrose1982
    jrose1982 Posts: 366 Member
    I found that to be the reason my previous diet failed so miserably. I've failed at many diets, this was the first time I gained back more than 5 lbs.

    What was happening, is that I would get stressed out and too busy to go get something to eat. So I would end up eating whatever food was around the office: candy, cookies, pizza, donuts, bagels, all kinds of crap.

    So this time around, I have a total ban on all office food. If I didn't buy it or prepare it myself, I'm not gonna eat it. I've even rejected foods that are ok for me to eat, just to enforce the rule and make it easier to resist the bad stuff.
  • buffywhitney
    buffywhitney Posts: 172 Member
    I don't really like the term "sabotage" for this type of thing because no one is trying to derail your progress. You are responsible for the choices you make at work.

    I agree. I work with real sabotagers and they can be ruthless.
  • jrose1982
    jrose1982 Posts: 366 Member
    Man...I feel like my workplace must really suck - no one brings anyone food! I kinda want someone to bring me chocolate now :ohwell:

    Oh, I assure you it doesn't work that way. Junk food magically appears in the office when you DON'T want it. When you do, it's nowhere to be found.