Working smarter not harder?



  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    Maybe she really enjoys Zumba and spin classes? Maybe she takes the class because it's fun not to lose weight? Idk. I'm
    A runner. I'm 5'8" 130 pounds, and I'll be the first to admit, I wish my body looked a little different, but I'm not willing to drastically decrease my running or change my diet. I frequently like to complain to people that I wish I had a 6 pack.. Do I know how to get those results? Yes. Am I willing to make the changes? No.

    Lol kinda like the whole "train smarter not harder". I get a lot of enjoyment out of spur of the moment marathons or doing back to back workouts. Do I know it's ineffective? Yes. But I do it because it's fun to
    Push the limits or maybe I'm just a crazy person who can't follow a plan! ;) who knows :P

    She can like those things all she wants but it's not going to get her the body she wants at this point in her life. I'm glad she's active - that's wonderful and better than the alternative. But IMO, complaining about things you are not working on/willing to change is a waste of energy and breath.

    And totally agree with JoRocka, you could get abs easier than most people (according to your weight/height). Give lifting a try! You could reach your aesthetic goal.

    It's more my diet that is problematic. I do lift. My body fat % is not low enough to see 6 pack abs

    Complaining about thing you aren't willing to change might be a waste of energy. Maybe your friend is looking for your approval:) I don't know. Don't let it bother you too much ;)
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Maybe she really enjoys Zumba and spin classes? Maybe she takes the class because it's fun not to lose weight? Idk. I'm
    A runner. I'm 5'8" 130 pounds, and I'll be the first to admit, I wish my body looked a little different, but I'm not willing to drastically decrease my running or change my diet. I frequently like to complain to people that I wish I had a 6 pack.. Do I know how to get those results? Yes. Am I willing to make the changes? No.

    Lol kinda like the whole "train smarter not harder". I get a lot of enjoyment out of spur of the moment marathons or doing back to back workouts. Do I know it's ineffective? Yes. But I do it because it's fun to
    Push the limits or maybe I'm just a crazy person who can't follow a plan! ;) who knows :P

    She can like those things all she wants but it's not going to get her the body she wants at this point in her life. I'm glad she's active - that's wonderful and better than the alternative. But IMO, complaining about things you are not working on/willing to change is a waste of energy and breath.

    And totally agree with JoRocka, you could get abs easier than most people (according to your weight/height). Give lifting a try! You could reach your aesthetic goal.

    It's more my diet that is problematic. I do lift. My body fat % is not low enough to see 6 pack abs

    Complaining about thing you aren't willing to change might be a waste of energy. Maybe your friend is looking for your approval:) I don't know. Don't let it bother you too much ;)

    Lol. It doesn't bother me. I was using it as an example for this thread. She doesn't need my approval.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Maybe she really enjoys Zumba and spin classes? Maybe she takes the class because it's fun not to lose weight? Idk. I'm
    A runner. I'm 5'8" 130 pounds, and I'll be the first to admit, I wish my body looked a little different, but I'm not willing to drastically decrease my running or change my diet. I frequently like to complain to people that I wish I had a 6 pack.. Do I know how to get those results? Yes. Am I willing to make the changes? No.

    Lol kinda like the whole "train smarter not harder". I get a lot of enjoyment out of spur of the moment marathons or doing back to back workouts. Do I know it's ineffective? Yes. But I do it because it's fun to
    Push the limits or maybe I'm just a crazy person who can't follow a plan! ;) who knows :P

    She can like those things all she wants but it's not going to get her the body she wants at this point in her life. I'm glad she's active - that's wonderful and better than the alternative. But IMO, complaining about things you are not working on/willing to change is a waste of energy and breath.

    And totally agree with JoRocka, you could get abs easier than most people (according to your weight/height). Give lifting a try! You could reach your aesthetic goal.

    Hell, at 5'8" and 130, she doesn't even NEED lifting... toss in some planks and bodyweight ab work and she will be fine. Yes, if you lift, you probably don't need to do crunches or ab work... but if she doesn't want to lift, then adding in some crunches and leg lifts will help add pop to her abs.

    My abs came as a result of me boxing and the training with that involves planks, situps, russian twists, leg lifts... all body weight activity (or some with the added weight of a medicine ball). I only recently added lifting into my routine.

    But you are a freak of nature! Just kidding. I'm totally jelly of your abs.

    Yesterday I did cleans then 10 push-ups, 5 pull-ups, and 15 bw squats amrap 10 minutes. And my abs are sore today. Wasn't expecting that!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    "smarter, not harder" = "efficient for your goals"
