Is losing weight supposed to be hard?



  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    And with the attitude you have, the only way for your girlfriend to get the boyfriend she deserves is TO FIND A NEW ONE
    Look back in history and tell me, how many of the greatest leaders ever were complacent, weak willed,etc.?
    I'll wait

    You consider insulting a community of people to be a trait of leadership?
    "Hey, you should lose weight :)"
    "You're fat, stop making excuses and drop the weight"

    Which would you listen to? Don't lie.

    I don't know, depends what the caloric burn of slapping some sense into you would be.
  • bridgettesweightloss
    And with the attitude you have, the only way for your girlfriend to get the boyfriend she deserves is TO FIND A NEW ONE
    Look back in history and tell me, how many of the greatest leaders ever were complacent, weak willed,etc.?
    I'll wait

    You consider insulting a community of people to be a trait of leadership?
    "Hey, you should lose weight :)"
    "You're fat, stop making excuses and drop the weight"

    Which would you listen to? Don't lie.

    um are you kidding me? anyone who is more concerned with my weight than my happiness, well-being or health needs to gtfo of my life. no one needs that sort of negativity, it certainly doesn't help anything. the choice to lose weight needs to come from yourself and only yourself, so having someone rag on me about it would do absolutely nothing but make me depressed or piss me off. neither is helpful in any way.
  • karmac0matic
    karmac0matic Posts: 285
    Guys really stop feeding this troll. All he wants to do is make overweight people feel like *kitten*. Hes a spoiled little brat high on his recently acquired and unfamiliar male hormones. Why for the love of god are you actually taking him seriously? Let him prattle on. he will learn his lesson the hard way. As people like him always have to.

    Because this is more fun than work?

  • glickman1
    glickman1 Posts: 87 Member
    ITT: incompetence, complacency, excuses, and not much progress
    Can't say I'm surprised
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    At 18, you're having to work harder than I did to accomplish weight loss.

    When I was 18, losing weight was a matter of having eggs instead of generous amounts of cereal, using mustard instead of mayo, and taking the long way home. That worked through my 20's, not so much in my 30's. Stuff just starts to slow down in your 30's and requires more work.

    No judgment here though I hope you don't have to find out how much harder it is to lose weight in your 30's.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Guys really stop feeding this troll. All he wants to do is make overweight people feel like *kitten*. Hes a spoiled little brat high on his recently acquired and unfamiliar male hormones. Why for the love of god are you actually taking him seriously? Let him prattle on. he will learn his lesson the hard way. As people like him always have to.

    Because this is more fun than work?

    Haha fair enough then I guess =)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I've always read and heard about people complaining about weight loss being too difficult, or that it's too complicated. I'm on day 48 of my weight loss "journey" if you wish to call it that, and there's been absolutely zero challenges I've faced. I lift weights 3-4 days a week, and eat at a 500 calorie deficit and I've lost 16 pounds.
    So what's the big deal with weight loss? Why is it considered to be so impossible?

    I'm finishing up my second year and have to agree. I think some people find it hard because they haven't really figured it out yet.

    I would agree that it's simple. Easy is another thing. And, if one of my kids got seriously sick, you know that tracking calories would be the last thing on my mind.
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    And with the attitude you have, the only way for your girlfriend to get the boyfriend she deserves is TO FIND A NEW ONE
    Look back in history and tell me, how many of the greatest leaders ever were complacent, weak willed,etc.?
    I'll wait

    you by good young fella are complacent and weak willed...otherwise you wouldn't ahve been 30lbs overweight.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Guys really stop feeding this troll. All he wants to do is make overweight people feel like *kitten*. Hes a spoiled little brat high on his recently acquired and unfamiliar male hormones. Why for the love of god are you actually taking him seriously? Let him prattle on. he will learn his lesson the hard way. As people like him always have to.

    Yeah, watch the name calling. Cause 90% of us responding aren't srs.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Guys really stop feeding this troll. All he wants to do is make overweight people feel like *kitten*. Hes a spoiled little brat high on his recently acquired and unfamiliar male hormones. Why for the love of god are you actually taking him seriously? Let him prattle on. he will learn his lesson the hard way. As people like him always have to.

    Because this is more fun than work?


    OP doesn't have a job so it's more fun than ps4 apparently...
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    is that boring or did you get banned?
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    not all of us have access to a FREE gym!!!
    I bought a bench, 400 lbs of plates, a bar, and a half rack for $120 on Craigslist
    You're obviously not willing to lose weight if you refuse to seek out alternatives

    your parents have worked hard to provide you space for a rack in your house-!


    Yes, this!
    I'm 19, moved out for uni last year and have discovered the horrors of supporting oneself. I'm reaching my goals but I'd never tell anyone it was 'easy' because I have a hell of a lot on my plate. Which I imagine you will realise too at some point in the near future (and this is with no family to support too).
  • ChristinWrites
    ChristinWrites Posts: 119 Member
    An 18 year old kid who has it all figured out - well isn't that cute?
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Guys really stop feeding this troll. All he wants to do is make overweight people feel like *kitten*. Hes a spoiled little brat high on his recently acquired and unfamiliar male hormones. Why for the love of god are you actually taking him seriously? Let him prattle on. he will learn his lesson the hard way. As people like him always have to.

    Oh you have confused this with seriousness. Trust me, I am not taking this seriously...I have a big ****-eating grin on right now.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    ITT: incompetence, complacency, excuses, and not much progress
    Can't say I'm surprised

    Are excuses permitted in the enchanted forest?
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    Keep making excuses, I'll keep making progress.

    Oh but you're so smart. You're 18 and an adult. You should be living on your own, working and already graduated high school going to college. We have to assume you are still in high school because you got held back, playing video games during your free time becuase you're too lazy to work and still mooching off your parents for that same reason. Yeah, I see your progress there buddy. At this rate you'll never be the man your girlfriend deserves. You should cut her loose now and save her the pain. Oh wait I'm assuming I know everything about you and your life.

  • bridgettesweightloss
    Guys really stop feeding this troll. All he wants to do is make overweight people feel like *kitten*. Hes a spoiled little brat high on his recently acquired and unfamiliar male hormones. Why for the love of god are you actually taking him seriously? Let him prattle on. he will learn his lesson the hard way. As people like him always have to.

    lol yeah you're probably right. sweet karma will come around eventually when this kid has an awful time trying to lose weight later once his metabolism isn't burning at overdrive levels :P
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    And with the attitude you have, the only way for your girlfriend to get the boyfriend she deserves is TO FIND A NEW ONE
    Look back in history and tell me, how many of the greatest leaders ever were complacent, weak willed,etc.?
    I'll wait

    You consider insulting a community of people to be a trait of leadership?
    "Hey, you should lose weight :)"
    "You're fat, stop making excuses and drop the weight"

    Which would you listen to? Don't lie.

    From a person who knows nothing about me or my situation? Neither. But I've spent over a decade working in executive training, leadership development, and organizational development with Fortune 500 companies, non-profits, the military, government agencies, and private organizations, so I generally don't encounter people with such a complete lack of social skills and maturity at the pay grades I work with.
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    not all of us have access to a FREE gym!!!
    I bought a bench, 400 lbs of plates, a bar, and a half rack for $120 on Craigslist
    You're obviously not willing to lose weight if you refuse to seek out alternatives

    Oh i'm sorry I have other expenses then being a tool. I have bills for rent for a car and insurance and electric and heat and for food and gas for that car and that list goes on and on and not to mention NO space for a huge workout room! plus there are creepers on craigslist. and with a $120 i can pay one car payment and buy new shoes my husband needs. sorry i would rather put my priorities ahead of me then be a tool.
    plus i do seek alternatives it's called walking outside for free and watching videos and exercising at home for a one time purchase of $5. we never said we don't work out.
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    ITT: incompetence, complacency, excuses, and not much progress
    Can't say I'm surprised

    Oh heyyyy everyone - OP finally looked in a mirror!!
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