Is losing weight supposed to be hard?



  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    Because I'm hungry all the time. Alllllll the time. I'm so hungry right now I could burst into tears. When I get home (from my full time job, that I work in addition to a part-time job), it'll be even harder because I'll have food all over the kitchen and have to use all the discipline and self control in my possession not to eat any of it even though I feel like my body is digesting itself from the inside out.

    And I've lost...3 pounds.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    To the OP, may I suggest you go out and get a job right now while you still know everything.

    Come back and lecture us when you have some life experience...............
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    You're in high school and have zero life responsibilities and associated stressors.

    Grow up and stop trivializing what is difficult for a lot of people.
    You have all the tools available to you that you need to complete your goal. Responsibility and stress aren't reasons to not develop healthy habits
    Don't have time to have a healthy breakfast or lunch?
    Make it the night before and en masse
    Don't have time to exercise?
    Go for walks around the office or workplace if you have the chance

    You asked about challenges. Examples were given. No one said those challenges preclude success.

    The troll is strong with this one.
    Those aren't challenges, those are excuses

    At what point do "excuses" become challenges then. Where is that line?

    I am sorry but when you are trying to maintain a house, working a 10 hour shift and starting a family those "excuses" qualify as challenges. We all have been through highschool, I can assure have not experienced true stress yet. Your body is in peak form at your age, your energy level is at its highest it will ever be, you have the fewest responsibilities you will ever have in the rest of your adult life.

    You perceive things as not being difficult because you have nothing in your life that makes them difficult.

    Is weight loss or fitness complicated? No. But it, like anything, takes time...and time becomes a lot more precious at 30-65 than at 18.

    I'm 40, a wife, a mother of two teens, work full-time.........................

    ...................and I used to make excuses as to why I couldn't lose weight. The truth was that I hadn't figured out how to do it. Once I figured it out, it was actually pretty easy.

    I'm still kicking myself that I spent all those years making excuses instead of putting in the work to research, learn, and figure out the math and science of it.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Yeah sorry it appears I butted in on everyone's game of tease the little kid ... my bad.
  • glickman1
    glickman1 Posts: 87 Member
    And with the attitude you have, the only way for your girlfriend to get the boyfriend she deserves is TO FIND A NEW ONE
    Look back in history and tell me, how many of the greatest leaders ever were complacent, weak willed,etc.?
    I'll wait

    you by good young fella are complacent and weak willed...otherwise you wouldn't ahve been 30lbs overweight.
    Being overweight doesn't necessarily imply complacency or being weak willed
    Nice try though
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    ITT: incompetence, complacency, excuses, and not much progress
    Can't say I'm surprised
    gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    You're in high school and have zero life responsibilities and associated stressors.

    Grow up and stop trivializing what is difficult for a lot of people.
    You have all the tools available to you that you need to complete your goal. Responsibility and stress aren't reasons to not develop healthy habits
    Don't have time to have a healthy breakfast or lunch?
    Make it the night before and en masse
    Don't have time to exercise?
    Go for walks around the office or workplace if you have the chance

    You asked about challenges. Examples were given. No one said those challenges preclude success.

    The troll is strong with this one.
    Those aren't challenges, those are excuses

    At what point do "excuses" become challenges then. Where is that line?

    I am sorry but when you are trying to maintain a house, working a 10 hour shift and starting a family those "excuses" qualify as challenges. We all have been through highschool, I can assure have not experienced true stress yet. Your body is in peak form at your age, your energy level is at its highest it will ever be, you have the fewest responsibilities you will ever have in the rest of your adult life.

    You perceive things as not being difficult because you have nothing in your life that makes them difficult.

    Is weight loss or fitness complicated? No. But it, like anything, takes time...and time becomes a lot more precious at 30-65 than at 18.

    I'm 40, a wife, a mother of two teens, work full-time.........................

    ...................and I used to make excuses as to why I couldn't lose weight. The truth was that I hadn't figured out how to do it. Once I figured it out, it was actually pretty easy.

    I'm still kicking myself that I spent all those years making excuses instead of putting in the work to research, learn, and figure out the math and science of it.

    I'm making the progress I want to be too, doesn't mean it wouldn't have been a heck of a lot easier for me to do so when I was 18. How about you?
  • yoouperh
    yoouperh Posts: 68 Member
    Anyone else wonder why he has to lose weight, if it's SOO easy, how did he gain to begin with? I mean, anyone should know the tools, use the tools and always be successful with the tools(or so he says) guess this chimp wasn't so well trained before!
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I found it really hard to lose weight when I was 18, impossible.

    Funnily enough, now I'm 43, single parent, running a business, no family, I find 10 hours a week to train and fight daily urges to comfort eat.

    Yes, OP is getting his point across really clumsily, and is yet to learn charm and diplomacy, but in a funny way....

    He's kind of right. Just coz he's 18 and a jerk doesn't change that.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    And with the attitude you have, the only way for your girlfriend to get the boyfriend she deserves is TO FIND A NEW ONE
    Look back in history and tell me, how many of the greatest leaders ever were complacent, weak willed,etc.?
    I'll wait

    you by good young fella are complacent and weak willed...otherwise you wouldn't ahve been 30lbs overweight.
    Being overweight doesn't necessarily imply complacency or being weak willed
    Nice try though

    How about "lazy". You know, that term you self-applied for 90% of your life.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    And with the attitude you have, the only way for your girlfriend to get the boyfriend she deserves is TO FIND A NEW ONE
    Look back in history and tell me, how many of the greatest leaders ever were complacent, weak willed,etc.?
    I'll wait

    you by good young fella are complacent and weak willed...otherwise you wouldn't ahve been 30lbs overweight.
    Being overweight doesn't necessarily imply complacency or being weak willed
    Nice try though

    So you came out of the womb overweight?...
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    And with the attitude you have, the only way for your girlfriend to get the boyfriend she deserves is TO FIND A NEW ONE
    Look back in history and tell me, how many of the greatest leaders ever were complacent, weak willed,etc.?
    I'll wait

    you by good young fella are complacent and weak willed...otherwise you wouldn't ahve been 30lbs overweight.
    Being overweight doesn't necessarily imply complacency or being weak willed
    Nice try though

    nope it doesn't imply outright screams it...

    anyone who has been overweight knows why we were...because we got complacent and weak willed and gave in...

    So if yours isn't from the above why are you overweight?

    btw 400lbs in plates isn't enough....
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    Oh my god if my kid turns out this stupid and rude it's military school all the way.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    And with the attitude you have, the only way for your girlfriend to get the boyfriend she deserves is TO FIND A NEW ONE
    Look back in history and tell me, how many of the greatest leaders ever were complacent, weak willed,etc.?
    I'll wait

    you by good young fella are complacent and weak willed...otherwise you wouldn't ahve been 30lbs overweight.
    Being overweight doesn't necessarily imply complacency or being weak willed
    Nice try though

    Not for you. But for us it does?
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    ITT: incompetence, complacency, excuses, and not much progress
    Can't say I'm surprised

    LOL not much progress?
    Lots of people in here have been able to lose crazy amounts of weight, change their body shape dramatically though hard work, and also managed to stick through it for YEARS - a couple of years should look like a lot for someone who's 18.
    And then, you lost 16 lbs in 50 days. Most of it being water weight probably. You're not the only one, lots of people see such progresses in a short amount of time. Yet I've never seen any of them acting like they're Napoleon.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I found it really hard to lose weight when I was 18, impossible.

    Funnily enough, now I'm 43, single parent, running a business, no family, I find 10 hours a week to train and fight daily urges to comfort eat.

    Yes, OP is getting his point across really clumsily, and is yet to learn charm and diplomacy, but in a funny way....

    He's kind of right. Just coz he's 18 and a jerk doesn't change that.

    Just out of curiosity why was it difficult for you to lose weight when you were 18? Was it just a lack of knowledge thing? I assume it wasn't because you were busier then than you are now.
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    I've always read and heard about people complaining about weight loss being too difficult, or that it's too complicated. I'm on day 48 of my weight loss "journey" if you wish to call it that, and there's been absolutely zero challenges I've faced. I lift weights 3-4 days a week, and eat at a 500 calorie deficit and I've lost 16 pounds.
    So what's the big deal with weight loss? Why is it considered to be so impossible?'re 18.

    My first thought too...when my husband was 18 he could eat his weight in Big Macs and not gain a pound. Come back here when you're 35 and tell us about your "zero challenges" lol
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    not all of us have access to a FREE gym!!!
    I bought a bench, 400 lbs of plates, a bar, and a half rack for $120 on Craigslist
    You're obviously not willing to lose weight if you refuse to seek out alternatives

    I wanted to lift for months, then finally found a bench and some plates (no rack) at a yard sale for $20.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
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