Things you miss after losing weight



  • splashtree2
    splashtree2 Posts: 277
    Here's my list:

    - Buying new shoes every 3 months because I used to destroy shoes with my weight
    - Being warm in winter because of the extra insulation
    - The extra padding on my backside when sitting on unpadded chairs and benches

    How about everyone else?

    hihihihi !!! i would say when you sit on a plank you got muscles, but in winter hot chocolate with whip cream is a MUST!!!
  • splashtree2
    splashtree2 Posts: 277
    I miss my boobs!

    I have about 20 more pounds to go, and I'm sitting at a low b-cup. I was never a large chested women, the biggest they were was a low C, but I kinda liked having a low C.

    BIG ****! i don't wanna loose my boobs, mine are terrific!!!
  • splashtree2
    splashtree2 Posts: 277
    I miss being warm! I am always cold now, but I wouldn't want that insulation back for anything!!

    GET DRUNK!!!!
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    I miss eating without the thought of guilt!
  • erialcelyob
    erialcelyob Posts: 341 Member
    cushiony knees
  • rawremzilly
    I've lost 22lb as of today.

    I miss

    -Being able to eat what everyone else is eating because I can't just sit down and have a big meal with them every day. I need to count all the calories to make sure I'm not over doing it
    -Being able to allow myself little treats like biscuits or chocolate after doing something productive (I need to do something big to earn a reward like that now.

    Things i definitely do not miss ;)

    -The crippling lower backache after only walking a few hundred metres. The dog definitely loves me more now :p
  • Luna_Llena
    Luna_Llena Posts: 15
    OMG this thread is hilarious
  • Luna_Llena
    Luna_Llena Posts: 15
    absolutely nothing! :smile:

  • LaChiffrette
    LaChiffrette Posts: 1 Member
    There must be some good things about being fat because I keep sabotaging my weight losses. I lose weight only to regain it and I need to stop this cycle.

    I actually miss going out to a club and not getting any male attention. This is odd because I crave attention when I am ignored. But I suppose it's easier to stay faithful when there's no temptation around. Being fat is "safe".

    OK - I've said it now. Time to get over it now and go back to being thin!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    There must be some good things about being fat because I keep sabotaging my weight losses. I lose weight only to regain it and I need to stop this cycle.

    I actually miss going out to a club and not getting any male attention. This is odd because I crave attention when I am ignored. But I suppose it's easier to stay faithful when there's no temptation around. Being fat is "safe".

    OK - I've said it now. Time to get over it now and go back to being thin!

    Ohhh, honey, if the lack of attention is all that's keeping you faithful, you have some hard self questions to answer...
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I don't miss anything about the old me.

    And I was always cold when I was fat.

    Me neither. Even boobs are the same. And I don't understand being cold at normal weight, I get warm when I move, and I move a lot more now.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    I don't miss it much...but enjoying things like an enormous Starbucks white mocha with whip, or five cookies at a time, without feeling much guilt or concern.

    (FTR I indulge a lot, do the 'fit your macros' thing...but I sometimes miss that completely blissful, oblivious snacking)

    This exactly. Not caring about what I eat because 'I'm already fat anyway'... it was kinda nice. I don't miss all the other stuff that came with being obese though..

    Yeah, this. I used to eat anything I wanted without caring. Now if I eat something bad, I really feel bad physically and emotionally.
  • jdscrubs32
    jdscrubs32 Posts: 515 Member
    I'm with you on the drink front though then again I did not have to drink too much to feel tipsy anyway. However these days it seems to be after one bottle of beer and I'm half tipsy.
  • kenthepainter
    kenthepainter Posts: 195 Member
    Nothing, I still have times of indulgence now, but I get back on track, although i still have the guilt and depression from the overeating which I had all the time before I lost weight!
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    I miss not weighing everything, but mainly because I'm lazy. :laugh:
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I miss my Lane Bryant bras they were so sturdy and worth the 42 bucks.
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    Yup, I miss my boobs too lol. Every ten pounds I lost I also lost a cup size. Started at 167 lbs with a 36D and now I'm 135 lbs with a 34 B lol. My fiance misses them too :P

    I wish!! As the rest of me has reduced my boobs just look even more disproportionately large - I am worried that my neck and shoulders will have been reduced to complete scrag end before my boobs become a reasonable size.
  • abcreed
    abcreed Posts: 15 Member
    The only thing I "miss" (I'm not sure that I actually miss it, really, I think it was just such a normal part of my life for so long that it feels odd to not have it be at the forefront any longer) is the ability to eat whatever I wanted and have no consideration for the quality or portions.

    3 lbs of Chinese food? Sure! A 10 piece nugget combo meal (large, of course) AND a double cheeseburger b/c I couldn't decide which I'd rather have? Totally normal.

    Basically, I ate anything that sounded good at the time.... all day, every day.

    Now I can't pick up anything without checking the label & planning the rest of my day around that one item (if I haven't pre-logged). It's sooooo worth it, and I'll never go back, but sometimes I just want a cheeseburger and fries without feeling like I'm undoing a week's worth of work.
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    I don't miss anything at all. Primarily because even if I ate awful foods and gorged myself, I just felt terrible and guilty afterwards. Now I get full without all of the shame and guilt associated with eating things I know I shouldn't.
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    I miss my boobs... It's like they were there and then bam gone. It's not that I mind them being smaller per say, it is more about the shape or something.

    My dear husband noticed them too yesterday... I'm thinking about getting small implants just to improve the shape and sag.

    Other than that, I don't miss anything about the old me!!