Detox water!!



  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Do you know what fruits have more folate and potassium than lemons?

    Well...I've been looking and so far I haven't found a fruit that DOESN'T have more. Oranges have more, apples have more, grapes have more, kiwi has more, bannanas have more etc etc etc.

    ETA: Okay I found one, lime has 68mg of potassium to lemon's 80mg.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    This is not a scientific forum, it's a fitness forum for people who are going through similar things and can share ideas and opinions and scientific facts - not exclusivel to any of those things. I get it, it's super important to know for sure. It's the attitude of hate and tearing down people that reminds me why I stay silent most of the time. One can have an opinion about something without inferring stupidity of the person who does not have the same opinion.

    You aren't being silenced or excluded you are being told you are wrong because you are wrong. As anyone can clearly see by looking up nutritional information lemons are not a good source of folate or potassium and just because a blogger wrote an article on Livestrong saying they are doesn't make it so.
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    I think you need to put apple slices in it.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    According to one article on Livestrong:

    Lemon's Benefits
    Adding lemon to water is an easy way to get some of this fruit's nutritional benefits. Lemons are low in saturated fat and sodium and are also a good source of folate, potassium and vitamin C. Folate is a water-soluble B vitamin known to prevent neural tube defects during pregnancy; it also may prevent cognitive decline, cancer, certain psychiatric illnesses and cardiovascular conditions. Potassium builds protein and muscle, maintains normal body growth and controls the electrical activity of the heart. And lastly, vitamin C is needed for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body, notes MedlinePlus. As an antioxidant, it contains nutrients that block damage caused by free radicals, which may play a role in cancer, heart disease and arthritis.

    Cleansing Properties
    Lemon water also plays a key role in cleansing your system, according to Dr. David Jockers, owner and operator of the Exodus Health Center in Kennesaw, Georgia. Water infused with lemon contains citric acid, which can clean out calcium stones and prevent calcium deposits from building up in arteries. These deposits can promote cardiovascular disease. Jockers also notes that lemon water can provide the body with hydration, antioxidants and electrolytes.

    A Healthy Alternative
    Lemon water can serve as a tasty alternative to other, less healthy beverages. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that while calories in drinks aren't "hidden," you may not realize just how many calories beverages can contribute to your daily intake. For example, in a 12-ounce serving, apple juice has 192 calories, orange juice has 168 calories, lemonade has 168 calories and a sports drink has 99 calories. In contrast, lemon water has zero -- making it a great choice for when you want a flavorful drink but not all the added calories.

    but there are so many health benefits to lemons.

    Such as?
    Wow, angry bunch.

    You seem to be confusing skepticism and humor with anger. I am not angry, I am just skeptical about the magical properties of lemons.

    Actually, calling someone "just as bad" as the person sharing the "stupid" information, is not skepticism, it's rude and juvenile behaviour. I'm not confused. I like a healthy debate, truly, but debating and trying to make people feel stupid are certainly not the same things. I'm just saying, I've also read several articles and some research which alludes to many health benefits of lemon. I don't think the poster was wrong or stupid.

    Livestrong is a link farm. They put up anything just to get clicks. Not a reliable source for health information.

    Lets take that claim of the citric acid clearing up calcium stones and deposits. It is true, in fact, that citric acid is tested in this way in medicine. Here is one such example:
    Background: Regional citrate anticoagulation (RCA) is increasingly used in patients requiring continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT). This study evaluated a new RCA protocol based on the Prismaflex® dialysis device and an isotonic citrate solution (prismocitrate) for pre-dilution continous veno-venous hemodiafiltration. Methods: The Prismaflex®/Prismocitrate-based protocol involved an AN69ST® membrane (Prisma Flex ST100), a blood flow of 120 mL/min, 1.8 L/h Prismocitrate (10 mmol/L citrate/2 mmol/L citric acid) substitution fluid in pre-dilution mode, and 0.8 L/h dialysate flow (PrismOcal) at the start. In parallel, infusions of potassium, calcium, and magnesium were initiated. Blood pH, bicarbonate, base excess, and ionized calcium levels were measured in 6 hours intervals and magnesium levels every 24 hours. Scheduled hemofilter run time was 72 hours. Results: A consecutive series of 25 continuous renal replacement treatments was analyzed in 15 patients. After at least 6h of RRT, 69.9% of bicarbonate concentrations and 84.6% base excess (BE) calculations were below normal range. During CRRT, mean bicarbonate decreased from 22.9 to 20.2 mmol/L and mean BE from -1.5 to -4.2 mmol/L. In addition, 66.3% of ionized systemic calcium concentrations were out of the normal range, while 54.1% of the magnesium readings were above normal range. Five filters reached the scheduled run time of 72 hours, 19 treatments stopped prematurely because of RRT related reasons (5 filter clottings, 2 severe metabolic disarrangements, 12 major Prismaflex® hardware or software handling problems). One patient was switched to intermittent hemodialysis. Conclusions: The evaluated Prismaflex®/ Prismocitrate-based citrate anticoagulation protocol provides insufficient control of blood acid-base and electrolyte balance.

    Note, however, that this is using relatively high concentrations of citate/citric acid for a continuous 72 hour dialysis. Just because something can be used in one highly regulated setting doesn't mean that that compound can be taken by a completely different route in different amounts for a completely different time scale and that you can expect to see the same benefits.

    Claiming that because citric acid does X during dialysis therefore it must do X if we drink a few drops of lemon juice is completely unethical, and Dr. David Jockers should know better and be struck off the medical register (if in fact he is a practicing physician). That is pure snake oil quackery and woo.
  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    I have been on a 'ginger tea with lemon' kick for the past couple of days and let me tell you it's a great detox. I didn't know they use it as a detox, I was just trying to get rid of this cold without having to resort to antibiotics. Works really well.

    Tazo has an organic chai with a blend of spices, but I don't find it works that well.

    Colds are viral...they do not give antibiotics for a virus. Take some zinc, that will help.

    Seriously...if your Doctor prescribed you antibiotics for a cold...time to get a new doctor.

    you don t know what your talking about!!!!! stating a antibiotics not for cold! did you ask the person why they on them because as I am asthmatic every time I get the cold I end up on antibiotics and steroids so before commenting do research instead of talking out your backside!

    I think you need introduced to a term called "secondary infections".

    Also, proper punctuation.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    One can have an opinion about something without inferring stupidity of the person who does not have the same opinion.

    One can have opinions about things for which there are no facts. For things for which there are facts one can be right and one can be wrong.
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    I don't mind being proven wrong. Thanks for the additional info. :D
    This is not a scientific forum, it's a fitness forum for people who are going through similar things and can share ideas and opinions and scientific facts - not exclusivel to any of those things. I get it, it's super important to know for sure. It's the attitude of hate and tearing down people that reminds me why I stay silent most of the time. One can have an opinion about something without inferring stupidity of the person who does not have the same opinion.

    You aren't being silenced or excluded you are being told you are wrong because you are wrong. As I can clearly show lemons are not a good source of folate or potassium and just because a blogger wrote an article on Livestrong saying they are doesn't make it so.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Purifies the blood

    Dracula confirms
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    Purifies the blood

    Dracula confirms

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Wow, angry bunch. It's not a magical cure, you have to do your hard work with exercise and proper nutrition, but there are so many health benefits to lemons. Adding to the water can't harm.

    It amazes me how MFP forums bring out the absolute negative types. It's a board, with opinions. So yours differs, my goodness, personal attacks are hardly necessary.

    It only cures thirst, fyi.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I don't mind being proven wrong. Thanks for the additional info. :D
    This is not a scientific forum, it's a fitness forum for people who are going through similar things and can share ideas and opinions and scientific facts - not exclusivel to any of those things. I get it, it's super important to know for sure. It's the attitude of hate and tearing down people that reminds me why I stay silent most of the time. One can have an opinion about something without inferring stupidity of the person who does not have the same opinion.

    You aren't being silenced or excluded you are being told you are wrong because you are wrong. As I can clearly show lemons are not a good source of folate or potassium and just because a blogger wrote an article on Livestrong saying they are doesn't make it so.

    I do hope that you haven't read my posts with an angry tone, I am certainly not angry nor do I think you are stupid. I think there is a lot of misinformation out there and I think it should all be questioned that is all. I do hope you took none of my comments personally I do not have any desire to upset or offend.
  • ABeautifulDistraction
    ABeautifulDistraction Posts: 348 Member
    Has anyone been consuming water with lemon, mint and ginger or anything similar? Or anyone tried cinnamon tea?
    is it making any difference?

    I slice lemons limes and cucumbers to put in my water and chill. I'm not using it as any sort of detox, it just keeps my water interesting. My daughter wants to try lemon with blackberry, so that's next.
    I drink a lot of tea as well, I brew various fruit flavored teas and have them over ice.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Now, I've been thinking...

    If resveratrol makes us healthy ubermensches, and lemon slices in water does the same....

    wine is mostly water, if we were to put fruit slices into wine, wouldn't this double rainbow all across the sky the health benefits?

    Ergo, vis a vis, concordantly... drink sangria for great health.
  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member
    This is not a scientific forum, it's a fitness forum for people who are going through similar things and can share ideas and opinions and scientific facts - not exclusivel to any of those things. I get it, it's super important to know for sure. It's the attitude of hate and tearing down people that reminds me why I stay silent most of the time. One can have an opinion about something without inferring stupidity of the person who does not have the same opinion.

    I don't believe I did either of those when I asked for science. You wish to insist on the benefits of lemons and I wish to insist on actual science. From this I could choose to say "It's the attitude of hate and tearing down people that reminds me why I stay silent most of the time" with your insistence that I am wrong. Instead I choose to debate facts over opinions. That has zero to do with hate and tearing down and calling you stupid; it has to do with wanting facts instead of opinions. It's nothing against you that I don't care about your personal opinion in this matter and would much rather hear from a PhD, it's simply my preference.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    Now, I've been thinking...

    If resveratrol makes us healthy ubermensches, and lemon slices in water does the same....

    wine is mostly water, if we were to put fruit slices into wine, wouldn't this double rainbow all across the sky the health benefits?

    Ergo, vis a vis, concordantly... drink sangria for great health.

    I like they way you think :drinker:
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Moreover, I used GRE words, it's science!

  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member
    One can have an opinion about something without inferring stupidity of the person who does not have the same opinion.

    One can have opinions about things for which there are no facts. For things for which there are facts one can be right and one can be wrong.

    Yoda came to mind :flowerforyou:
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I just heard it would help reduce belly fat! It's something I am trying to include in my diet.

    So include it. It's only water with lemon.....what do you have to lose?
  • JamieD328
    JamieD328 Posts: 976 Member
    What was this about again? Oh...yeah... I think I've seen similar articles and recipes to what the original poster is talking about. Tends to claim they help get rid of bloat, hence the confusion about saying it helps shed belly fat. So not something that really helps you lose weight or anything, but in theory help flatten your stomach. And before some smarty pants steps forward to scientifically tear down what I've just said, I'm not claiming it works, just saying its probably what the OP was asking for before the blood purification and antibiotics got involved.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Has anyone been consuming water with lemon, mint and ginger or anything similar? Or anyone tried cinnamon tea?
    is it making any difference?

    Was the person telling you about detox water overweight?-- because I usually find its the fat ones who swear by it. I have yet to have a person who has sucessfully lost weight and kept it off try and convince me to try this gimick.

    If anything these types of drinks will increase your water intake and that has a positive impact on your weightloss goals. Its not the detoxifying ingredients like lemon, mint, ginger or cinnamon. They won't do anything for you though if you arent also at a caloric deficit. Go ahead and add them, they wont harm you but dont expect them to act like magic weightloss beans.

    Oh my God Corlissa, I've been wanting to say that about the heavies for weeks but I didn't want anyone to cry. Thank you for posting that!!!!
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    By the way anyone who says "this and that reduces belly fat" without adding diet and exercise is just looking for q quick fix that never comes. Don't listen to them.

    Also, the only quick fix in existence is usually in a syringe loaded with drugs. Don't do that either!!!
  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    This is not a scientific forum, it's a fitness forum for people who are going through similar things and can share ideas and opinions and scientific facts - not exclusivel to any of those things. I get it, it's super important to know for sure. It's the attitude of hate and tearing down people that reminds me why I stay silent most of the time. One can have an opinion about something without inferring stupidity of the person who does not have the same opinion.
    notes that lemon water can provide the body with hydration, antioxidants and electrolytes.

    The two (science and fitness) are not mutually exclusive. I read the livestrong article you quoted. A saw quite a few "may" which means "we don't know for sure". Taking something that MIGHT be beneficial but isn't conclusively is often a waste of time (especially in the doses that would be in lemon water). Notice that primary research was NOT cited in the article to allow us to read it.

    I will disagree rather strongly with one thing you said. A person doesn't not get to have an opinion on facts. Milk containing calcium is a fact. A person can't come along and claim it doesn't and say "well that's my opinion". Claiming things that are definitely false (and in some cases, biologically impossible) as health benefits to lemon water and then saying "well it's my opinion" doesn't cut it. A grownup admits he/she was wrong or misinformed when presented with factual information.

    Edited to add: Well I saw a post a few minutes later where you said you were wrong and glad for additional information. Yep, you're a grown-up!
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    you don t know what your talking about!!!!! stating a antibiotics not for cold! did you ask the person why they on them because as I am asthmatic every time I get the cold I end up on antibiotics and steroids so before commenting do research instead of talking out your backside!

    My goodness, aren't you a rude one. No zinc for you. :tongue:
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Has anyone been consuming water with lemon, mint and ginger or anything similar? Or anyone tried cinnamon tea?
    is it making any difference?

    Was the person telling you about detox water overweight?-- because I usually find its the fat ones who swear by it. I have yet to have a person who has sucessfully lost weight and kept it off try and convince me to try this gimick.

    If anything these types of drinks will increase your water intake and that has a positive impact on your weightloss goals. Its not the detoxifying ingredients like lemon, mint, ginger or cinnamon. They won't do anything for you though if you arent also at a caloric deficit. Go ahead and add them, they wont harm you but dont expect them to act like magic weightloss beans.

    Oh my God Corlissa, I've been wanting to say that about the heavies for weeks but I didn't want anyone to cry. Thank you for posting that!!!!

    Hahaha, the heavies, like they're a unit in a wargame.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    I add lemon juice to my water because the water in my town sucks (even after Brita) and the lemon makes it taste nice. I don't think it will have some magic effect on my blubber.

    I like your attitude.

    Bad tasting water is THE WORST.
  • MarioLozano16
    MarioLozano16 Posts: 319 Member
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    you don t know what your talking about!!!!! stating a antibiotics not for cold! did you ask the person why they on them because as I am asthmatic every time I get the cold I end up on antibiotics and steroids so before commenting do research instead of talking out your backside!

    My goodness, aren't you a rude one. No zinc for you. :tongue:

  • eat fewer calories than are required for you to maintain your current weight and rock your nutrition...that's all there is too it...there are no magic potions...there are no magic pills...time of day doesn't many times per day you eat doesn't tea and cinnamon in your water doesn't matter.

    All that matters is that you are eating fewer calories than are required for you to maintain your weight...and I personally put a premium on nutrition as well. It really is that simple...there is no need to complicate what is not at all complicated.

  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    I drink one glass of water in the morning with 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar. This is great for blood pressure. The rest of the time I add lemon to my water. I can't say that the lemon itself has has helped me lose weight, but lemon enhances the flavor and I do drink more water as a result. Drinking more water HAS helped me lose weight so whatever makes you drink more water, is a good thing.

    Um, no.
    Also, in for dirty energy and pure blood.

    Some quick google-fu shows two studies finding a correlation between vinegar and blood pressure in rats, but the respectable websites are cautioning that a causation has NOT been established and it has NOT been repeated in humans. Quite a few of the sites insisting on its curative powers are also demanding "raw organic apple cider vinegar" with lots of buzzwords like "miracle food". These are not sites devoted to scientific rigor and critical thinking.