Detox water!!



  • QueenMaryam04
    QueenMaryam04 Posts: 43 Member
    Some Wonderfully Healing Benefits of Lemons
    Posted by SoundHealth, in Nutrition
    Topics: Lemon • Weight Loss • Indigestion • Heartburn • Blood Pressure • Cold Sore • Cough • Psoriasis

    Lemons are arguably one of the most useful of all fruits - these sharp-tasting citrus fruits contain a wealth of health-enhancing properties. They are capable of soothing or stopping an array of ailments, some of which are explained below.
    weight loss

    Lemons contain pectin, a natural fiber and gelling agent, which mops up fat stored by the body, reduces absorption, and helps you feel full.

    Lemon acids and pectin has also been found to slow the absorption of sugar after a meal. So cooking with lemon juice or sprinkling it on food can prevent low blood-sugar dips, which can trigger hunger pangs and overeating.

    The Vitamin C in lemons also helps us to produce carnitine - an amino acid that helps our body burn fat.

    Indigestion and heartburn

    Lemon juice makes fried food more digestible because its acids emulsify fats so that they don't sit in the stomach.

    When lemon is metabolized by the body, it has an alkalizing effect. Lemon juice and pulp from the fruit is broken down in the body to make potassium carbonate, which helps to reduce stomach acid.

    Limonene, the major component of lemon oil which is found in lemon peel, is associated with helping to prevent heartburn. It is thought to coat the gullet lining, protecting it from acid. A U.S. study of 19 adults found that taking 1,000mg of limonene every day or other day relieved heartburn and acid reflux.

    high blood pressure

    Potassium in lemons helps to regulate body fluids, and their magnesium relaxes arteries. They also contain flavonoids - nutrients known to promote healthy vessels.

    One small lemon's Vitamin C can boost levels of nitric oxide, a gas which sends a signal to the body to relax and widen blood vessels.

    Finally, lemon juice resembles some hypertension medications known as ACE-inhibitors - it inhibits the production in the kidneys of the hormone angiotensin, which is known to raise blood pressure by constricting blood vessels.

    Cold Sores

    Lemons contains the compound limonene, which has antiviral and antibacterial properties, making them beneficial for clearing up pimples, mouth ulcers, and sore throats. Limonene is found mainly in the peel, but also in the juice. Lemon oil can also help by excluding air from a cold sore.

    Apply lemon juice to a cold sore several times a day, using a clean cotton pad each time, or add a drop of lemon oil to two teaspoons of almond oil and apply this to the cold sore.


    Lemon essential oil is an expectorant - a type of ingredient often used in cough medicines which encourages the airways to expel mucus.

    A five-year study of 63,257 people in Singapore found that a diet high in fruit fiber discouraged chronic coughs. Researchers suggested that flavonoids - which have antioxidant properties - protect the lungs from inflammation and tissue damage.


    Psoriasis refers to patches of thick, flaking skin, often on the knees, elbows, scalp or elsewhere. Citric acid in lemon juice can ease dryness and flaking - it helps the skin retain water and encourages the exfoliation of dead skin cells.

    In addition, the juice of a lemon contains psoralens, a natural chemical found in many plants which is highly sensitive to the sun's UVA rays and reacts on the skin's cells. Many dermatologists prescribe psoralens orally or to be applied to the skin, combined with UVA therapy for psoriasis.

    Smooth lemon juice over psoriasis patches several times a day, then expose them to sunlight for a few minutes a day, increasing the time over several weeks.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Apply lemon juice to a cold sore several times a day

    Oh now that is just cruel Juice-machine.
  • QueenMaryam04
    QueenMaryam04 Posts: 43 Member
    Tips on Using Lemons

    A room temperature lemon will yield more juice than a cold one.
    The antibacterial quality of lemons makes them beneficial for clearing up pimples, mouth ulcers, and sore throats.
    Lemon juice has antiseptic properties. It can be used as a natural household cleaner, stain remover and odor eliminator.
    Lemon juice mixed with honey or ginger is a well-known and effective treatment for cold and flu relief.
    Adding lemon juice to water makes a delicious and nutritious substitute for artificially flavored beverages, and has cleansing and detoxifying properties as well as freshening the breath.
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    Ouch! That does seem rather painful. :noway:
    Apply lemon juice to a cold sore several times a day

    Oh now that is just cruel Juice-machine.
  • QueenMaryam04
    QueenMaryam04 Posts: 43 Member
    Ginger is useful when it's cold outside or you feel under the weather. Add fresh ginger to soups and stir fries, or make a warming infusion.

    For a warming, detoxifying drink, pour hot water on a thumb-sized piece of peeled, crushed fresh root ginger and drink it as a tea. For coughs, colds and sore throats, add lemon juice and/or honey to the drink.

    Whenever possible, choose fresh ginger over the dried, powdered form since it is not only superior in flavor but contains higher levels of active compounds such as gingerol.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    psoralens, a natural chemical found in many plants which is highly sensitive to the sun's UVA rays and reacts on the skin's cells. Many dermatologists prescribe psoralens orally or to be applied to the skin, combined with UVA therapy for psoriasis.

    Psoralens? Seriously? Psoralens are DNA intercolators, they are used as mutagens in molecular biology and as a therapy they are used much like cancer chemotherapy drugs, ie as effective molecules to actively KILL cells.

    If psoralens are used in therapy it is as a means of targeted killing not as some sort of soothing treatment. You may as well brag about the ethidium bromide or cyanide content of lemons.
  • Quarkles
    Quarkles Posts: 69 Member
    I've never seen someone try so hard to prove the awesomeness of a lemon. Kind of sad.

    Especially when some of the benefits contradict each other. Apparently lemon water promotes production of hydrochloric acid AND reduces stomach acid. Where's that 'magic' gif when I need it?
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    I often use the lemon wedge in my water; miracles abound.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I've never seen someone try so hard to prove the awesomeness of a lemon. Kind of sad.

    When I lived in Mexico, locals told me that chili pepper cures everything, and lime cures the rest. :) I love that quote.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I'm just dying here laughing at watching sacred cows get bled out.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Ginger is useful when it's cold outside or you feel under the weather. Add fresh ginger to soups and stir fries, or make a warming infusion.

    For a warming, detoxifying drink, pour hot water on a thumb-sized piece of peeled, crushed fresh root ginger and drink it as a tea. For coughs, colds and sore throats, add lemon juice and/or honey to the drink.

    Whenever possible, choose fresh ginger over the dried, powdered form since it is not only superior in flavor but contains higher levels of active compounds such as gingerol.

    I looked at your post's like you regurgitate everything Google was ever fed.
  • piinchi
    piinchi Posts: 172 Member
    But what about limes?
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I have found this recipe using lemons that makes people look hot.

    1 slice of Lemon
    Generous measure of Appletons Rum
    Coke to taste

    Add all ingredients to a glass mix and drink as many as possible.

    Ahhh the miracle of lemons :drinker:
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    But what about limes?

    Well lemon and lime are clearly opposite so presumably lime deposited fat on your belly, dehydrates you, gives you psoriasis, makes your blood acidic and increases your blood pressure. Avoid limes at all cost.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I have found this recipe using lemons that makes people look hot.

    1 slice of Lemon
    Generous measure of Appletons Rum
    Coke to taste

    Add all ingredients to a glass mix and drink as many as possible.

    Ahhh the miracle of lemons :drinker:

    You know when I first looked at your profile picture I thought it was of a slim fit woman bent over naked wearing pink garters but then I looked and realized it was your bicep. Apparently at a glance I cannot tell the difference between a woman's lower abdomen/crotch area and an armpit.
  • Luv2h1k3
    Luv2h1k3 Posts: 66 Member
    I just heard it would help reduce belly fat! It's something I am trying to include in my diet.

    It wont reduce belly fat. However, I drink a ton of water and have started putting mint and lime in it just to switch things up, it tastes good and refreshing.

    I started infusing my water with cucumber and mint. Love it! Will have to try lime instead of cucumber next time.
  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    There are magical benefits to lemons! Here is a short list:

    Limencello is an awesome byproducts of lemons. It relaxes the body, lowers inhibitions, and tastes great!

    When mixed with sugar and eggs you can make lemon meringue pie. It's the perfect alternative to pumpkin pie, which has been proven to cause gas, spontaneous combustion, and hangnails.

    Baked in lemon squares lemon has been proven to get small children to shut up and stop whining for 10 whole minutes.

    Lemon cookies have powdered sugar on them, which looks like cocaine, so it's the same!

    Did you know squirting lemon juice on shrimp causing them to double in size? That's where we get jumbo shrimp!

    If you have a lemon blueberry muffin every day the antioxidants will join forces and kill any cancerous cells in your body instantaneously. Unless you used sugar in the recipe instead of a sugar substitute, then the cancer will kill you immediately.

    If you marinate your chicken or pork with lemon slices overnight, it will suck all the saturated fat out!
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    Apply lemon juice to a cold sore several times a day, using a clean cotton pad each time, or add a drop of lemon oil to two teaspoons of almond oil and apply this to the cold sore.

    Oh good god that sounds horrifically painful. Let's pour acid into an open wound!

    Anyway, no on the detox. Yes on the yumminess of lemons.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I really dig that the mods are letting the spam bot bukkake this thread.

    It just proves how stupid the idea of Detox Water is.
  • Russandol
    Russandol Posts: 71 Member
    But what about limes?

    Well lemon and lime are clearly opposite so presumably lime deposited fat on your belly, dehydrates you, gives you psoriasis, makes your blood acidic and increases your blood pressure. Avoid limes at all cost.

    I KNEW there was a reason I preferred to have lemon instead of lime in my G&T's!
  • HermioneDanger118
    HermioneDanger118 Posts: 345 Member
    I like water with lemon, cucumber and mint, but that's just because it's yummy. :)
  • AtticWindow
    AtticWindow Posts: 295 Member
    psoralens, a natural chemical found in many plants which is highly sensitive to the sun's UVA rays and reacts on the skin's cells. Many dermatologists prescribe psoralens orally or to be applied to the skin, combined with UVA therapy for psoriasis.

    Psoralens? Seriously? Psoralens are DNA intercolators, they are used as mutagens in molecular biology and as a therapy they are used much like cancer chemotherapy drugs, ie as effective molecules to actively KILL cells.

    If psoralens are used in therapy it is as a means of targeted killing not as some sort of soothing treatment. You may as well brag about the ethidium bromide or cyanide content of lemons.

  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    There are magical benefits to lemons! Here is a short list:

    Limencello is an awesome byproducts of lemons. It relaxes the body, lowers inhibitions, and tastes great!

    When mixed with sugar and eggs you can make lemon meringue pie. It's the perfect alternative to pumpkin pie, which has been proven to cause gas, spontaneous combustion, and hangnails.

    Baked in lemon squares lemon has been proven to get small children to shut up and stop whining for 10 whole minutes.

    Lemon cookies have powdered sugar on them, which looks like cocaine, so it's the same!

    Did you know squirting lemon juice on shrimp causing them to double in size? That's where we get jumbo shrimp!

    If you have a lemon blueberry muffin every day the antioxidants will join forces and kill any cancerous cells in your body instantaneously. Unless you used sugar in the recipe instead of a sugar substitute, then the cancer will kill you immediately.

    If you marinate your chicken or pork with lemon slices overnight, it will suck all the saturated fat out!

    I love you.