Being hit on/flirted with?



  • TheSunshineQueen
    TheSunshineQueen Posts: 276 Member
    edited May 2015
    It depends on how it's done. Some guys are just really creepy. I hate when they're all in-your-face about it and just generally very persistent and demanding. That, or just...gross (i.e., using innuendo, licking lips, leering, etc).

    For the most part I do think it's very flattering (again, with some exceptions) but I'm a pretty shy person so I rarely know how to react on the rare occassions it does happen!

    For example, last week I was actually cornered in my elevator by this guy who lives in my building. I'd just finished a 2.8 mile walk and it was ridiculously late and all I wanted to do was take a shower and sleep. Anyway, this guy just cornered me and started asking me if he could exercise with me next time and blah blah, then he asked for my number so we could "get to know each other", which is fine except that I was all sweaty and gross and I just wanted him to go away so I could breathe. So I said the first thing that popped in my head, which was "I think I'll pass on that, sorry," and sped out of there the moment the doors opened.

    And now I feel bad because I think my response might have been incredibly rude and I've been worried about bumping into him every time I come back from my walks. :anguished:
  • crawfzilla
    crawfzilla Posts: 153 Member
    I think that's nice of him. Seeing you all "sweaty and gross" and finding it appealing, obviously he saw the hard work you put in and admires it. You should of given him a shot.

    As for flirting I'm not shy, but flirting on the internet I find ridiculous. Unfortunately liking someones photo or sending them a message while hiding behind a profile that is a mere fragment of oneself has become the norm and complimenting someone in person has become creepy. It's a sad world that we live in that the more connected we get through social media the more disconnected we get from reality.
  • TheSunshineQueen
    TheSunshineQueen Posts: 276 Member
    edited May 2015
    crawfzilla wrote: »
    I think that's nice of him. Seeing you all "sweaty and gross" and finding it appealing, obviously he saw the hard work you put in and admires it. You should of given him a shot.

    I wouldn't have minded if he'd stayed in his corner of the elevator, but he came waaay too close, and the last thing anyone wants after they'd been working out and they're hot and sweaty is for someone to be practically on top of them. =/ It was just so awkward.
    Unfortunately liking someones photo or sending them a message while hiding behind a profile that is a mere fragment of oneself has become the norm and complimenting someone in person has become creepy.

    Again, I think it's about how it's done. There's a pretty huge difference between saying someone has nice eyes versus, for example, saying someone has a nice bottom. Or looking someone in the eye while you're talking to them as opposed to staring at their chest, etc.

    I also think there's a component of security to internet flirting that many people find attractive. If some stranger on the internet compliments your photo there's less of an obligation to follow-up, so to speak. You can thank them and carry on. If they get too forward, you can simply stop responding to them, or even block them. It's not as if they actually know you. But when someone flirts with you in the real world it's much harder to dismiss their advances or brush them off. It's much harder to ignore or avoid them if they're being persistent. It's much harder to take it less seriously.

    That said, I do somewhat agree with you with the whole "It's a sad world that we live in that the more connected we get through social media the more disconnected we get from reality." To an extent. It can be disadvantageous if you're living the entirety of your life on the Internet with little to no social interaction, but then, it's not as if people in "the real world" are all that wonderful, either. I have more friends online than I do IRL (some online friends have become IRL friends, actually) primarly because I don't personally meet many people who share my particular interests, hobbies, and beliefs. I guess it depends on the person and what they're getting out of it.

    And whoops, I ended up rambling. Sorry! I didn't mean to write so much
  • blueyellowhorse
    blueyellowhorse Posts: 708 Member
    I never get hit on irl
  • RJ0274
    RJ0274 Posts: 4,173 Member
    I flirt probably more than I should and I take it as a compliment if someone flirts with me. Completely agree with BigEdge's comment above.
  • RJ0274
    RJ0274 Posts: 4,173 Member
    I never get hit on irl
    Consider yourself hit on!! ;):)
  • sadiebrawl
    sadiebrawl Posts: 863 Member
    I find it flattering, if said male (or female) isn't being disrespectful. Makes me feel like I am still attractive to humans.
  • blueyellowhorse
    blueyellowhorse Posts: 708 Member
    RJ0274 wrote: »
    I never get hit on irl
    Consider yourself hit on!! ;):)

    Lol online is not the same. :/
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    One time this rapyish/not so good looking, older than me guy flirted with me on a street in downtown at 1am. I flirted a tiny bit back out of habit (I'm just not a *kitten*), he invited me to stay in his bed in his apartment while he of course would sleep on the couch (I declined), then my friend and I took one of those bike things you can tip (the guy who's doing the pedalling, wtf are these called) to ride back to our hotel. It was at least 1/2 mile to a mile. Low and behold, dude had ran all the way following us, and proceeded to read me his poetry. That is almost the only time I have not enjoyed being hit on.
  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
    @MonkeyMel21 Great story. Sounds like NJ. lol
  • vadersaysno
    vadersaysno Posts: 1,965 Member
    It's flattering to get flirted with...but there's a certain line too.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member

    I can only assume that it had worked on some naive ladies before, I And no, It was downtown Denver, like 9 years ago!
  • Reevoslady
    Reevoslady Posts: 26 Member
    I don't mind, as long as people are polite. It's a natural thing, and even though I'm in a relationship, I understand that interested parties don't automatically know that. But, from a different perspective, it seems a little shallow to me to just come onto someone purely because of the way that they look. I'd want a little more bang for my buck than just a pretty face, but whatever.

    The people who really bother me are the ones who treat me like a piece of meat. I wish I could explode their brains with my death glare ;)
  • vadersaysno
    vadersaysno Posts: 1,965 Member
    Reevoslady wrote: »

    The people who really bother me are the ones who treat me like a piece of meat. I wish I could explode their brains with my death glare ;)

    So you're saying I can't put some dry rub on you?? haha jk

    Nahh, I've gotten in trouble for the flirting thing before...and even being flirted with. I've had self-image issues before and have been easily influenced by women being nice to me.
  • Reevoslady
    Reevoslady Posts: 26 Member
    Reevoslady wrote: »

    So you're saying I can't put some dry rub on you?? haha jk


  • Reevoslady
    Reevoslady Posts: 26 Member
    Reevoslady wrote: »
    I don't mind, as long as people are polite. It's a natural thing, and even though I'm in a relationship, I understand that interested parties don't automatically know that. But, from a different perspective, it seems a little shallow to me to just come onto someone purely because of the way that they look. I'd want a little more bang for my buck than just a pretty face, but whatever.

    The people who really bother me are the ones who treat me like a piece of meat. I wish I could explode their brains with my death glare ;)

    I wish more people would treat me like a piece of meat. :D

    I have a meat tenderiser; if you like, I could chase you with it? :D
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Mostly oblivious to it, sadly, but when I do notice it is flattering.