i refuse to kill myself!



  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member

  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Per title: I refuse to kill myself too.

    Per post: :indifferent:
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member

    Ewww. All sweaty and stuff? Thats yucky.

    yeah don't think to hard- you'll get upset and have to see a therapist. LULZ.

    Too Late!!


    It was on Blue Ray
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I hear some justification here. (hear/here - see what I did?)
  • kittykat1994
    kittykat1994 Posts: 149 Member
    Yup, I won't kill myself either. I don't even really like getting sweaty.

    I like low impact excersize that doesn't require a gym. Swimming, biking, walking at a good clip, yoga.... Some corny aerobics DVDs for rainy days. That's all I do.

    I just.....

    I can't.

    how unsatisfying it must be to go through life afraid of hard work.


    In her defense though, not enjoying/wanting to go to the gym doesn't make you afraid of hard work..

    If it fits in her goals to do other things, then so be it.

    OP doesn't have to kill herself at the gym if she doesn't want to, however she probably works hard outside of the gym. If she doesn't want to get sweaty, then who cares? Low impact exercises are still exercises and its better than sitting around all day.

    Personally I find the gym boring.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    i like really think your motivation is like super great OP!!! i hope you like continue to do wut like werks for you! i love your like jerseyness, sometimes i can like feel my cali-ness come out too! i totally like feel you on that!

    "cali-ness" is that like reallllllly laid back? :wink:

    I'm down with cali-ness.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    Ewww. All sweaty and stuff? Thats yucky.

    yeah don't think to hard- you'll get upset and have to see a therapist. LULZ.

    Too Late!!


    It was on Blue Ray

    HAH HA HA.. little pirates action ;)
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I agree with the OP. I was talking to someone yesterday that he lost 50 lbs in a year by going to the gym twice a day, once in the morning and once on his lunch break, and going HARD. Every. Single. Day.

    I looked at him like he was nuts. Sorry, I'm going to lose weight in a rational way that I can maintain for the rest of my life.

    Also, he has gained almost all of the weight back now that he can't go to the gym twice a day any more.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I killed myself last night. Frigging Daniel Fitness Blender and his nasty Burpees!

    But, IIIIII...Ohhhhh I'm stil aliiiiiive....yeahhhh
  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    I agree with the OP. I was talking to someone yesterday that he lost 50 lbs in a year by going to the gym twice a day, once in the morning and once on his lunch break, and going HARD. Every. Single. Day.

    I looked at him like he was nuts. Sorry, I'm going to lose weight in a rational way that I can maintain for the rest of my life.

    Also, he has gained almost all of the weight back now that he can't go to the gym twice a day any more.

    So his "hard" gym lifestyle is irrational? Good to know.

    ETA: He probably looked at your lifestyle like you are nuts. It is a matter of perception.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    A calorie deficit does not require a gym membership.

    No but if you're not looking to be skinny fat then it does.

    I guess I'm skinny fat then.... /sulk
    Oh, God. All this time I thought I wanted to be bulky... Now it turns out that skinny fat is what I really aspire to. I feel so dumb.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    I guess the "nothing will stop me" was a little inaccurate.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Still trying to figure out who the 'many' are that are in hiding and why they are hiding.
    You'll find out when we come out of hiding. :laugh:

    I confess... I hurt myself (again) last weekend and I've been a bit mopey about it. No judgment on the OP's attitude, but I can't WAIT to get back to "killing myself." I know I'm overdoing it, which frustrates me sometimes because I see what others do and think I should be able to do more, but I'm still trying to find my balance so I can train as hard as I want. In terms of fitness, I think there is no better feeling in the world than lying on the floor, completely spent - heart pounding, lungs bursting, eyes burning - and having your instructor fist-bump you and call you badass. Except getting up and doing it again, because somehow you can.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    Still trying to figure out who the 'many' are that are in hiding and why they are hiding.
    You'll find out when we come out of hiding. :laugh:

    I confess... I hurt myself (again) last weekend and I've been a bit mopey about it. No judgment on the OP's attitude, but I can't WAIT to get back to "killing myself." I know I'm overdoing it, which frustrates me sometimes because I see what others do and think I should be able to do more, but I'm still trying to find my balance so I can train as hard as I want. In terms of fitness, I think there is no better feeling in the world than lying on the floor, completely spent - heart pounding, lungs bursting, eyes burning - and having your instructor fist-bump you and call you badass. Except getting up and doing it again, because somehow you can.

    Best feeling in the world, not sure that the OP knows what its like to feel what you just described.
  • notamoment
    notamoment Posts: 190 Member
    I dont know about you, but my workouts hurt like hell but the results make me wanna push each and everytime until im dripping sweat, swearing, and struggleing to get off the floor guess thats my "do it yourself." Method.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member

    I confess... I hurt myself (again) last weekend and I've been a bit mopey about it. No judgment on the OP's attitude, but I can't WAIT to get back to "killing myself." I know I'm overdoing it, which frustrates me sometimes because I see what others do and think I should be able to do more, but I'm still trying to find my balance so I can train as hard as I want. In terms of fitness, I think there is no better feeling in the world than lying on the floor, completely spent - heart pounding, lungs bursting, eyes burning - and having your instructor fist-bump you and call you badass. Except getting up and doing it again, because somehow you can.

    Best feeling in the world, not sure that the OP knows what its like to feel what you just described.
    Maybe she will once she's further along. What she's doing will get her so far, and then she can decide whether she wants to go further. Success breeds success. :drinker:
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I agree with the OP. I was talking to someone yesterday that he lost 50 lbs in a year by going to the gym twice a day, once in the morning and once on his lunch break, and going HARD. Every. Single. Day.

    I looked at him like he was nuts. Sorry, I'm going to lose weight in a rational way that I can maintain for the rest of my life.

    Also, he has gained almost all of the weight back now that he can't go to the gym twice a day any more.

    I can bet most of my possessions that he didn't gain the weight back because of not going to the gym twice a day. There's this sneaky little thing called "diet" that leads the majority of people to gain weight back.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Yup, I won't kill myself either. I don't even really like getting sweaty.

    I like low impact excersize that doesn't require a gym. Swimming, biking, walking at a good clip, yoga.... Some corny aerobics DVDs for rainy days. That's all I do.

    I just.....

    I can't.

    how unsatisfying it must be to go through life afraid of hard work.


    In her defense though, not enjoying/wanting to go to the gym doesn't make you afraid of hard work..

    If it fits in her goals to do other things, then so be it.

    OP doesn't have to kill herself at the gym if she doesn't want to, however she probably works hard outside of the gym. If she doesn't want to get sweaty, then who cares? Low impact exercises are still exercises and its better than sitting around all day.

    Personally I find the gym boring.

    I've noticed that the people who tell me they "could NEVER do what I do in the gym" are some of the laziest people I know. Like
    call-someone-on-the-phone-who-sits-4-feet-away type of lazy. I picture them getting home from work and laying on the floor like a rug as soon as they walk in.

    I still would like a definition of "killing yourself at the gym" as I am picturing something that involves a rope and jumping off the assisted dip machine. IDK
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Yup, I won't kill myself either. I don't even really like getting sweaty.

    I like low impact excersize that doesn't require a gym. Swimming, biking, walking at a good clip, yoga.... Some corny aerobics DVDs for rainy days. That's all I do.
    I just.....

    I can't.

    how unsatisfying it must be to go through life afraid of hard work.

    Well I'm enjoying it... and I don't go bashing your lifestyle choices. Just saying. Maximizing the results:effort ratio is called efficiency. It's been the motivation behind most major human advances.

    I'm with OP, I work out a bit but keep it casual and don't do anything I don't enjoy. Been working for me.