MFP has changed



  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Dear Jof,

    I wanted to say Thank you and any other person here who has takes the time and has the courage to try to help others here on the forums. It would be VERY true to say I am a lurker, I am pretty shy and it would also be true to say that some of the said bullying type issues that have been raised do make me very nervous to put myself "out there".

    I have followed your advice and direction on other threads and it has helped me immensely.

    I did end up getting a few individuals come in just for no other reason than to be jerks. When I posed a question in Maintaining Weight about whether Weight set points exist, can change in light of having a chronic illness. One particular sarcastic comment about crosses to bear, eating sticks of butter and No I'll NEVER put on weight, cut deeply. They were NOT anyone I have seen before, one was only 18 years old anyway.... and while it was really upsetting.....I had help from another MFP'er calling them out on their comments. The comments disappeared.....I'm a bit confused about that, maybe the Moderators took them down?

    Please, please don't stop posting. People who are new or having struggles sorting the wheat from the chaff will miss out on so much if you get discouraged by these sort of idiotic generalisations.

    You, I Lift Heavy Acrylics. Sugary Lynx DavPul, Evingentrix (sp), Quiet Bloom.... there are SO MANY others.....these are just off the top of my head have helped me so much, all the way over the other side of the World....and even tho' my health is at an all time low at moment it would have been worse if I had of stuck with MY original ideas (ie 1200 cal a must, there is 'good food and bad food', cardio is the only way and once upon a time I believed in the alluring promises of the Pills, Shakes, Cleanses etc). YOU and the others gave me pause for thought....made ME ask questions and THINK. That's special, that means alot.

    So Thank you once again
    Karen XXX

    PS: I am going to put this on the thread too. Hope that's OK.

    THIS is why Jof is on my FL. And this is why I troll the forums. I find the helpful ones and friend them. I also friend the funny ones but that's for a different post :happy:

    In the best of both worlds: Sometimes the really smart, helpful ones are also the funny ones. :drinker: :heart:
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Dear Jof,

    I wanted to say Thank you and any other person here who has takes the time and has the courage to try to help others here on the forums. It would be VERY true to say I am a lurker, I am pretty shy and it would also be true to say that some of the said bullying type issues that have been raised do make me very nervous to put myself "out there".

    I have followed your advice and direction on other threads and it has helped me immensely.

    I did end up getting a few individuals come in just for no other reason than to be jerks. When I posed a question in Maintaining Weight about whether Weight set points exist, can change in light of having a chronic illness. One particular sarcastic comment about crosses to bear, eating sticks of butter and No I'll NEVER put on weight, cut deeply. They were NOT anyone I have seen before, one was only 18 years old anyway.... and while it was really upsetting.....I had help from another MFP'er calling them out on their comments. The comments disappeared.....I'm a bit confused about that, maybe the Moderators took them down?

    Please, please don't stop posting. People who are new or having struggles sorting the wheat from the chaff will miss out on so much if you get discouraged by these sort of idiotic generalisations.

    You, I Lift Heavy Acrylics. Sugary Lynx DavPul, Evingentrix (sp), Quiet Bloom.... there are SO MANY others.....these are just off the top of my head have helped me so much, all the way over the other side of the World....and even tho' my health is at an all time low at moment it would have been worse if I had of stuck with MY original ideas (ie 1200 cal a must, there is 'good food and bad food', cardio is the only way and once upon a time I believed in the alluring promises of the Pills, Shakes, Cleanses etc). YOU and the others gave me pause for thought....made ME ask questions and THINK. That's special, that means alot.

    So Thank you once again
    Karen XXX

    PS: I am going to put this on the thread too. Hope that's OK.

    I'm just gonna quote this.

    For science.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Specific gratitude beats vague and shadowy accusations every. dang. time.

    How impressive.

    Anyway, if anyone is still having trouble operating their body, my offer to advise still stands. Nobody done took me up on it yet, I think some people just want validation maybe and I'm fresh out of cuddles. I use 'em up on my family and friends.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,071 Member
    I'm going to throw this out there and I'm sure I'll get backlash good and bad. I invite you to keep your nasty comments to yourself.

    I love mfp, I really do. I use it to my benefit and I only post stuff on here that I would tell anyone, anywhere any time. It is the internet, you know. There is the one thing that does bother me when I see it posted. It's not the bashing or lack of accountability but the second life that the site seems to have taken on and that is one of a dating site. Jeez people, get a life! Who cares if you think the person above you is hot or if you'd date the person below your or if you think we should or have the right to rate anyone else who uses this site. It bothers be so I'm just going to say this and leave it "IF YOU WANT TO DO THAT CRAP, THERE IS ANOTHER 3 LETTER SITE FOR YOU!! IT'S CALLED POF!! USE IT!!"

    Yes I know the thread has moved on from this post on page 15 :laugh:

    But I see this sort of comment from time to time and I don't get it - those sort of threads are always in chit chat fun and games section, you know, the section not about weight or fitness issues.

    If you don't like that section, don't go in it. If you dont like those sort of threads don't go in them.

    I don't go for them either, but if other people enjoy them that's ok.

    I just don't open them myself - too easy. Not seeing the need to shout at people to Get a Life,just because they like different threads to me.
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    This is supposed to be a place of support, but it is still the internet. There are going to be differences in opinions, and there are people who do not know how to express their opinions in a respectful manner.
  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    oh I'm fat poor me :( OH! I just spent 30 mins looking at a forum when I COULD HAVE BEEN EXERCISING.....drop and give me 20!! hut hut hut hut....

    Not everyone is a cow BUT some people just luurve a stir up keep at it and be healthy.... mwa :tongue: :tongue:
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I'm going to throw this out there and I'm sure I'll get backlash good and bad. I invite you to keep your nasty comments to yourself.

    I love mfp, I really do. I use it to my benefit and I only post stuff on here that I would tell anyone, anywhere any time. It is the internet, you know. There is the one thing that does bother me when I see it posted. It's not the bashing or lack of accountability but the second life that the site seems to have taken on and that is one of a dating site. Jeez people, get a life! Who cares if you think the person above you is hot or if you'd date the person below your or if you think we should or have the right to rate anyone else who uses this site. It bothers be so I'm just going to say this and leave it "IF YOU WANT TO DO THAT CRAP, THERE IS ANOTHER 3 LETTER SITE FOR YOU!! IT'S CALLED POF!! USE IT!!"

    Yes I know the thread has moved on from this post on page 15 :laugh:

    But I see this sort of comment from time to time and I don't get it - those sort of threads are always in chit chat fun and games section, you know, the section not about weight or fitness issues.

    If you don't like that section, don't go in it. If you dont like those sort of threads don't go in them.

    I don't go for them either, but if other people enjoy them that's ok.

    I just don't open them myself - too easy. Not seeing the need to shout at people to Get a Life,just because they like different threads to me.

    Lol yeah the post was that bizarre. Same with people who don't like a thread and come into it to complain about it. Just don't click dammit!!
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    It has seems a lot whinier than it was when I started. I believe it is the younger generation that needs all of this coddling and participating ribbons and what not. Your mommy told you that you were a special and unique snowflake and got A's for effort and it's turned you all into a bunch of pansies who've never been told no and never been told you are when you are told that you are wrong you think it's bullying and unsupportive.

    Grow a pair and stop being such a panty waist.

  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Dear Jof,

    I wanted to say Thank you
    So Thank you once again
    Karen XXX

    PS: I am going to put this on the thread too. Hope that's OK.

    Brings a little tear to my eye. And kind of destroys the entire thread. :wink: Anecdotally, of course.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Dear Jof,

    I wanted to say Thank you and any other person here who has takes the time and has the courage to try to help others here on the forums. It would be VERY true to say I am a lurker, I am pretty shy and it would also be true to say that some of the said bullying type issues that have been raised do make me very nervous to put myself "out there".

    I have followed your advice and direction on other threads and it has helped me immensely.

    I did end up getting a few individuals come in just for no other reason than to be jerks. When I posed a question in Maintaining Weight about whether Weight set points exist, can change in light of having a chronic illness. One particular sarcastic comment about crosses to bear, eating sticks of butter and No I'll NEVER put on weight, cut deeply. They were NOT anyone I have seen before, one was only 18 years old anyway.... and while it was really upsetting.....I had help from another MFP'er calling them out on their comments. The comments disappeared.....I'm a bit confused about that, maybe the Moderators took them down?

    Please, please don't stop posting. People who are new or having struggles sorting the wheat from the chaff will miss out on so much if you get discouraged by these sort of idiotic generalisations.

    You, I Lift Heavy Acrylics. Sugary Lynx DavPul, Evingentrix (sp), Quiet Bloom.... there are SO MANY others.....these are just off the top of my head have helped me so much, all the way over the other side of the World....and even tho' my health is at an all time low at moment it would have been worse if I had of stuck with MY original ideas (ie 1200 cal a must, there is 'good food and bad food', cardio is the only way and once upon a time I believed in the alluring promises of the Pills, Shakes, Cleanses etc). YOU and the others gave me pause for thought....made ME ask questions and THINK. That's special, that means alot.

    So Thank you once again
    Karen XXX

    PS: I am going to put this on the thread too. Hope that's OK.

    I saw that thread. That truly was an example of someone being unnecessarily rude. I didn't respond then because others had already dealt with the issue and I didn't feel I had any solid advice I could add for your particular issue, but I wanted to respond now to say thank you for having the courage to come in here and post this.:flowerforyou:
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    I really like this example too:

    Someone is confused and discouraged and asks if X is supposed to happen. People respond with information and sympathy. It happens all day long, every day here. Doesn't stay in the top three on your sidebar because it isn't continually getting bumped. It's a site design flaw.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I really like this example too:

    Someone is confused and discouraged and asks if X is supposed to happen. People respond with information and sympathy. It happens all day long, every day here. Doesn't stay in the top three on your sidebar because it isn't continually getting bumped. It's a site design flaw.

    OR IS IT?!? :huh:


  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    I really like this example too:

    Someone is confused and discouraged and asks if X is supposed to happen. People respond with information and sympathy. It happens all day long, every day here. Doesn't stay in the top three on your sidebar because it isn't continually getting bumped. It's a site design flaw.

    OR IS IT?!? :huh:



    You know how they say always avoid claiming malice where stupidity may be the culprit. In instances where stupidly is quite obviously the cultprit, you *definitely* should not assume malice. It would be like calling lemmings suicidal. You insult the lemmings and embarrass yourself.