How do I get my muscles toned without getting "big"?



  • You won't look like the Rock just because you did one too many bicep curls, really.
    It will take you several years to just get 1/4 as big as that guy.

    I never said I wanted to look like the Rock. Why can't people my post properly?
    Kind of missed my point there.

    The point people are trying to make is that it's soooooo ridiculously hard to get big. One too many bicep curls, a dumbbell that's 5 lbs heavier than you want it to be, an extra set of an exercise, eating a lot, exercising 5 days a week--- NONE OF THAT will make you big. None of it. None.

    Even if you got to a gym and lifted your heart out and stayed consistent, your body will not look 'muscular/toned, but slim' in just a few months or even a year.

    Sounds odd. You're saying I wouldn't notice any improvement on my body if I exercised consistently and ate right for months+? Then how are you supposed to see results? I don't follow you.
  • Fujiberry
    Fujiberry Posts: 400 Member
    You won't look like the Rock just because you did one too many bicep curls, really.
    It will take you several years to just get 1/4 as big as that guy.

    I never said I wanted to look like the Rock. Why can't people my post properly?
    Kind of missed my point there.

    The point people are trying to make is that it's soooooo ridiculously hard to get big. One too many bicep curls, a dumbbell that's 5 lbs heavier than you want it to be, an extra set of an exercise, eating a lot, exercising 5 days a week--- NONE OF THAT will make you big. None of it. None.

    Even if you got to a gym and lifted your heart out and stayed consistent, your body will not look 'muscular/toned, but slim' in just a few months or even a year.

    Sounds odd. You're saying I wouldn't notice any improvement on my body if I exercised consistently and ate right for months+? Then how are you supposed to see results? I don't follow you.

    I'm not saying that you won't see results.

    "The point people are trying to make is that it's soooooo ridiculously hard to get big."

    **** You will not get big. ****

    Not like the 'big' that you think you'll look like, and you won't look big or even muscular/toned without a variety of weights and equipment.
  • You won't look like the Rock just because you did one too many bicep curls, really.
    It will take you several years to just get 1/4 as big as that guy.

    I never said I wanted to look like the Rock. Why can't people my post properly?
    Kind of missed my point there.

    The point people are trying to make is that it's soooooo ridiculously hard to get big. One too many bicep curls, a dumbbell that's 5 lbs heavier than you want it to be, an extra set of an exercise, eating a lot, exercising 5 days a week--- NONE OF THAT will make you big. None of it. None.

    Even if you got to a gym and lifted your heart out and stayed consistent, your body will not look 'muscular/toned, but slim' in just a few months or even a year.

    Sounds odd. You're saying I wouldn't notice any improvement on my body if I exercised consistently and ate right for months+? Then how are you supposed to see results? I don't follow you.

    I'm not saying that you won't see results.

    "The point people are trying to make is that it's soooooo ridiculously hard to get big."

    **** You will not get big. ****

    Not like the 'big' that you think you'll look like, and you won't look big or even muscular/toned without a variety of weights and equipment.

    I see. Well I don't expect to get big. As long as I'm doing some form of exercise and I'm seeing results regardless if they are gradual, it will suffice. I know it's a gradual process and that's understandable. I just want to start doing it now rather than later.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    Are you for real dude? You want to look like the guy from one direction....
  • Fujiberry
    Fujiberry Posts: 400 Member
    If you don't want to use barbells, you'll need dumbbells of varied weights. From 15 to 25 to 55 to 85.
  • If you don't want to use barbells, you'll need dumbbells of varied weights. From 15 to 25 to 55 to 85.

    It's not that I don't want to use barbells, I just don't understand the benefit differences between barbells and dumbbells. I know that barbells are adjustable in terms of weight, and dumbbells usually come in a certain size, but other than that, don't they serve the same purpose? Or maybe I'm missing something
  • Fujiberry
    Fujiberry Posts: 400 Member
    You can only do compound lifts with barbells. Compound lifts are the exercises that will build you those muscles as a beginner since they work the most muscles out of any other lifts.

    Barbells: Squat, deadlift, bench, row, military press, etc.

    Dumbbells: usually a ton of isolation work like curls, kickbacks, etc.

    You can attempt to do compound lifts with dumbbells, but what dumbbells can do with compounds are minuscule to what barbells can do.

    Check this out:

    Their problem? They were doing a split routine and doing isolated exercises. It took them 2 years to gain 20 lbs, and they still looked as boney as before.
  • Fujiberry
    Fujiberry Posts: 400 Member
    ^^^ Not saying this to dis dumbbells. My routine has a lot of dumbbell work, but mostly because I fenced for years, and I need dumbbells to even out my weaker side.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    How is a bench press with dumbbells any less of a compound lift than bench press with a bar?
  • You can only do compound lifts with barbells. Compound lifts are the exercises that will build you those muscles as a beginner since they work the most muscles out of any other lifts.

    Barbells: Squat, deadlift, bench, row, military press, etc.

    Dumbbells: usually a ton of isolation work like curls, kickbacks, etc.

    You can attempt to do compound lifts with dumbbells, but what dumbbells can do with compounds are minuscule to what barbells can do.

    Check this out:

    Their problem? They were doing a split routine and doing isolated exercises. It took them 2 years to gain 20 lbs, and they still looked as boney as before.

    Damn. So it took them longer to build muscle because they relied on dumbbells? So.. Should I return my dumbbells and just get a pair of barbells instead? Since it seems that barbells are better..
  • Fujiberry
    Fujiberry Posts: 400 Member
    How is a bench press with dumbbells any less of a compound lift than bench press with a bar?
    "You can attempt to do compound lifts with dumbbells, but what dumbbells can do with compounds are minuscule to what barbells can do. "

    Holy hot fuzz.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    How is a bench press with dumbbells any less of a compound lift than bench press with a bar?
    "You can attempt to do compound lifts with dumbbells, but what dumbbells can do with compounds are minuscule to what barbells can do. "

    Holy hot fuzz.
    Ya I read that but if I am pushing the same weight with the same rom how is it minuscule in comparison? It is basically the same thing.
  • Fujiberry
    Fujiberry Posts: 400 Member
    You can only do compound lifts with barbells. Compound lifts are the exercises that will build you those muscles as a beginner since they work the most muscles out of any other lifts.

    Barbells: Squat, deadlift, bench, row, military press, etc.

    Dumbbells: usually a ton of isolation work like curls, kickbacks, etc.

    You can attempt to do compound lifts with dumbbells, but what dumbbells can do with compounds are minuscule to what barbells can do.

    Check this out:

    Their problem? They were doing a split routine and doing isolated exercises. It took them 2 years to gain 20 lbs, and they still looked as boney as before.

    Damn. So it took them longer to build muscle because they relied on dumbbells? So.. Should I return my dumbbells and just get a pair of barbells instead? Since it seems that barbells are better..

    Not necessarily because they relied on dumbbells. Dumbbells are cool, but what they focused on were isolation exercises with those dumbbells, not compound lifts.

    You can do bench press, military press, and rows with dumbbells, but they're not very effective for squats/deadlifts. Your lower body needs to be worked out as well. Otherwise you'll look like an inverted triangle with chicken legs. ;P

    Short answer: Barbells can be used more for the kind of exercises that you need as a beginner. Dumbbells are great, but they can't be used for everything that you need right now.

    I do a lot of dumbbell work myself since I have strength/muscle imbalances, but I wish I could do more barbell work instead.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You can only do compound lifts with barbells. Compound lifts are the exercises that will build you those muscles as a beginner since they work the most muscles out of any other lifts.

    Barbells: Squat, deadlift, bench, row, military press, etc.

    Dumbbells: usually a ton of isolation work like curls, kickbacks, etc.

    You can attempt to do compound lifts with dumbbells, but what dumbbells can do with compounds are minuscule to what barbells can do.

    Check this out:

    Their problem? They were doing a split routine and doing isolated exercises. It took them 2 years to gain 20 lbs, and they still looked as boney as before.

  • Fujiberry
    Fujiberry Posts: 400 Member
    How is a bench press with dumbbells any less of a compound lift than bench press with a bar?
    "You can attempt to do compound lifts with dumbbells, but what dumbbells can do with compounds are minuscule to what barbells can do. "

    Holy hot fuzz.
    Ya I read that but if I am pushing the same weight with the same rom how is it minuscule in comparison? It is basically the same thing.

    Squatting or deadlifting with dumbbells will not give you the same results as a barbell.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    How is a bench press with dumbbells any less of a compound lift than bench press with a bar?
    "You can attempt to do compound lifts with dumbbells, but what dumbbells can do with compounds are minuscule to what barbells can do. "

    Holy hot fuzz.
    Ya I read that but if I am pushing the same weight with the same rom how is it minuscule in comparison? It is basically the same thing.

    Squatting or deadlifting with dumbbells will not give you the same results as a barbell.
    I didn't say squatting or deadlifts, I said bench press (could be overhead press, rows etc) but regardless as I said if it was the same weight and same ROM how can it not have the same result?
  • You can only do compound lifts with barbells. Compound lifts are the exercises that will build you those muscles as a beginner since they work the most muscles out of any other lifts.

    Barbells: Squat, deadlift, bench, row, military press, etc.

    Dumbbells: usually a ton of isolation work like curls, kickbacks, etc.

    You can attempt to do compound lifts with dumbbells, but what dumbbells can do with compounds are minuscule to what barbells can do.

    Check this out:

    Their problem? They were doing a split routine and doing isolated exercises. It took them 2 years to gain 20 lbs, and they still looked as boney as before.

    Damn. So it took them longer to build muscle because they relied on dumbbells? So.. Should I return my dumbbells and just get a pair of barbells instead? Since it seems that barbells are better..

    Not necessarily because they relied on dumbbells. Dumbbells are cool, but what they focused on were isolation exercises with those dumbbells, not compound lifts.

    You can do bench press, military press, and rows with dumbbells, but they're not very effective for squats/deadlifts. Your lower body needs to be worked out as well. Otherwise you'll look like an inverted triangle with chicken legs. ;P

    Short answer: Barbells can be used more for the kind of exercises that you need as a beginner. Dumbbells are great, but they can't be used for everything that you need right now.

    I do a lot of dumbbell work myself since I have strength/muscle imbalances, but I wish I could do more barbell work instead.

    Very interesting. So wait.. Compound exercises are designed to target your entire body, while Isolation exercises targets only a specific area of your body which isn't really as effective. Am I understanding you so far?
  • Fujiberry
    Fujiberry Posts: 400 Member
    How is a bench press with dumbbells any less of a compound lift than bench press with a bar?
    "You can attempt to do compound lifts with dumbbells, but what dumbbells can do with compounds are minuscule to what barbells can do. "

    Holy hot fuzz.
    Ya I read that but if I am pushing the same weight with the same rom how is it minuscule in comparison? It is basically the same thing.

    Squatting or deadlifting with dumbbells will not give you the same results as a barbell.
    I didn't say squatting or deadlifts, I said bench press (could be overhead press, rows etc) but regardless as I said if it was the same weight and same ROM how can it not have the same result?

    "You can attempt to do compound lifts with dumbbells, but what dumbbells can do with compounds are minuscule to what barbells can do. "

    Holy hot fuzz.

    ^^^ What that meant: He cannot do everything that he needs with dumbbells. Never did I say he can't bench press with dumbbells.
  • Fujiberry
    Fujiberry Posts: 400 Member
    You can only do compound lifts with barbells. Compound lifts are the exercises that will build you those muscles as a beginner since they work the most muscles out of any other lifts.

    Barbells: Squat, deadlift, bench, row, military press, etc.

    Dumbbells: usually a ton of isolation work like curls, kickbacks, etc.

    You can attempt to do compound lifts with dumbbells, but what dumbbells can do with compounds are minuscule to what barbells can do.

    Check this out:

    Their problem? They were doing a split routine and doing isolated exercises. It took them 2 years to gain 20 lbs, and they still looked as boney as before.

    Damn. So it took them longer to build muscle because they relied on dumbbells? So.. Should I return my dumbbells and just get a pair of barbells instead? Since it seems that barbells are better..

    Not necessarily because they relied on dumbbells. Dumbbells are cool, but what they focused on were isolation exercises with those dumbbells, not compound lifts.

    You can do bench press, military press, and rows with dumbbells, but they're not very effective for squats/deadlifts. Your lower body needs to be worked out as well. Otherwise you'll look like an inverted triangle with chicken legs. ;P

    Short answer: Barbells can be used more for the kind of exercises that you need as a beginner. Dumbbells are great, but they can't be used for everything that you need right now.

    I do a lot of dumbbell work myself since I have strength/muscle imbalances, but I wish I could do more barbell work instead.

    Very interesting. So wait.. Compound exercises are designed to target your entire body, while Isolation exercises targets only a specific area of your body which isn't really as effective. Am I understanding you so far?
    Compound exercises target more of your body, while isolations do what they do best, isolate certain muscles.
    If you think about it, what do you do when you do a pull up/chin up? You tighten your core, you work your bicep/tricep, and your back to get yourself up. What do you do when you squat with a heavy weight? You tighten you core to keep yourself balanced, then your quads, hams, glutes, and even back all work together to bring yourself back up once you've gone down far enough.

    What do you do when you do a curl? You work your biceps.

    Here's a breakdown:
    And some tips on form:
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member

    "You can attempt to do compound lifts with dumbbells, but what dumbbells can do with compounds are minuscule to what barbells can do. "

    Holy hot fuzz.

    ^^^ What that meant: He cannot do everything that he needs with dumbbells. Never did I say he can't bench press with dumbbells.
    Well you have to admit that the statement is a bit ambiguous then, bench press, overhead press, rows etc are compound lifts as well and can be just as effective with dumbbells as with a barbell. Dude is confused as is and say he can barely squat with 20kg or something light like that how would something like a goblet squat be "less effective"? I am not trying to be a **** or anything but it is better to be as concise as possible.