How do I get my muscles toned without getting "big"?



  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I remember an almost exact post and the person was looking to be spoonfed. Is it possible that there are many people like that, or could it be the same person?
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    OMG, what a FI!
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Oh God.... please, people are being very kind and helpful here and I encourage you to take your time, read, learn and self-educate to save everyone including yourself a whole lotta trouble...

    I'm sorry. I am trying. There is just a lot of information to read and understand.. I did learn the difference between compound and isolated exercises, so I suppose that's a step in the right direction. I also learned that dumbbells suck and that they won't help me reach my goals, lol. Guess I need to sign up for a gym membership now so I can have access to a barbell set..
    ..... Sweet Jesus... Best you hit google dude and no dumbbells do not suck.

    Yeah, Dumbbells DO NOT suck!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I love JoRocka! She really tries to be as patient as possible. She is a saint. But even saints have their limits. I feel ya, sister!


    I really am wondering about OP's age. Seriously- it just seems to fit the situation that they are under age.

    Either way- despite the frustration- I wish him luck in his journey of not getting houuuuuuuuge.. I know how hard it is trying to keep those bulging muscles at bay. :sad:
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I love JoRocka! She really tries to be as patient as possible. She is a saint. But even saints have their limits. I feel ya, sister!


    I really am wondering about OP's age. Seriously- it just seems to fit the situation that they are under age.

    Either way- despite the frustration- I wish him luck in his journey of not getting houuuuuuuuge.. I know how hard it is trying to keep those bulging muscles at bay. :sad:

    Durn muscles.....they follow me everywhere, trying to stick to my arms, my back, my legs, my torso. Can't get rid of them. Whoops, one just attached itself to my shoulder.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    Following with some popcorn.

    I also recommend a trainer. I know that gym memberships and personal trainers can be expensive but they're definitely worth the money until you're a bit more educated and can do things on your own.
  • Ranidan2
    Ranidan2 Posts: 13
    TLDR; Shorter, more intense workouts makes you big. Longer, less intense workouts makes you toned. It's a bit of a simplification, but you seem confused by everyone else. Get lighter weights and do long workouts. Also, you may consider workouts that involve high range of motion with constant but low intensity. Grab some Tai Chi DVDs or something. Martial arts style workouts in general are particularly good at toning. Ever seen a martial artist with too much bulk?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    You cannot be for real. Why would you come on to a fitness site and ask people not to explain things to you about exercise and fitness?

    Simple answer: Doing dumb bell exercises is better than doing curls with your TV remote. You decide how you want to spend your time. Do some push ups, walk up some hills, do some tricep extensions and dips (google it), some sit ups, and bi cep curls. Honestly, when I first started in 2000, I started with dumb bells and "Weight Training for Dummies" (the book). It sounds like it might be a good place for you to start as well.

    Yeah, it would be great to do all this other stuff. But tomorrow, just do something.

    You followed me in here just to complain about me?

    I posted some very helpful advice- even other people have pointed out OP's lack of williningness to look things up as well... but you come in here to complain about me?

    I'm highly flattered!!

    Thank you :drinker:

    yes yes yes- I know it's early to drink- but I'll take it at this hour. ;)

    Dear God. This makes me want to post a thread about mean people who unfairly chastise helpful people.

    Yeah, but........ NVM
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Interesting thread
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    TLDR; Shorter, more intense workouts makes you big. Longer, less intense workouts makes you toned. It's a bit of a simplification, but you seem confused by everyone else. Get lighter weights and do long workouts. Also, you may consider workouts that involve high range of motion with constant but low intensity. Grab some Tai Chi DVDs or something. Martial arts style workouts in general are particularly good at toning. Ever seen a martial artist with too much bulk?

    That's just....

    that's just not how this works.
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    your 20 lbs weights aren't going to get you big. i am a woman and i squat over 200 lbs, i calf press over 300 lbs, etc. and i still have weight to lose. you need more than 20 lb dumbbells to hope for any level of fitness. it's great that you want to start, but nerd fitness is pretty simple to follow. check out bodyweight exercises on youtube, check out calisthenics on youtube. you may have a playground near you with all the equipment you need for the results you want. but seriously, don't worry about getting big. yes, diet matters. protein, veggies, low carb if you want to cut. pretty easily found on the internet. good luck dude.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    Don't eat surplus calories and you won't get big....It's that simple. Getting big is hard work.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    You cannot be for real. Why would you come on to a fitness site and ask people not to explain things to you about exercise and fitness?

    Simple answer: Doing dumb bell exercises is better than doing curls with your TV remote. You decide how you want to spend your time. Do some push ups, walk up some hills, do some tricep extensions and dips (google it), some sit ups, and bi cep curls. Honestly, when I first started in 2000, I started with dumb bells and "Weight Training for Dummies" (the book). It sounds like it might be a good place for you to start as well.

    Yeah, it would be great to do all this other stuff. But tomorrow, just do something.

    You followed me in here just to complain about me?

    I posted some very helpful advice- even other people have pointed out OP's lack of williningness to look things up as well... but you come in here to complain about me?

    I'm highly flattered!!

    Thank you :drinker:

    yes yes yes- I know it's early to drink- but I'll take it at this hour. ;)


    100% positive that she was on your side and was referring to the OP.

    If this is true- I personally apologize for my comments to her
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    You could always practice self-immolation... every time I grill chicken it gets smaller and the muscle shows more... I guess you could call that 'toned'.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    This may be the stealthiest and best executed troll thread I've seen on MFP. All the way from dumbbells, to wanting to look like Harry Stiles, to not knowing what body fat is, to not knowing what anything on the internet in the history of ever is, this thread is just a big pile of lulz.

    Well played, OP. Your trolling skills are remarkable.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    TLDR; Shorter, more intense workouts makes you big. Longer, less intense workouts makes you toned. It's a bit of a simplification, but you seem confused by everyone else. Get lighter weights and do long workouts. Also, you may consider workouts that involve high range of motion with constant but low intensity. Grab some Tai Chi DVDs or something. Martial arts style workouts in general are particularly good at toning. Ever seen a martial artist with too much bulk?

    Maybe he should take up running. Elite marathon runners are pretty lean too.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    You cannot be for real. Why would you come on to a fitness site and ask people not to explain things to you about exercise and fitness?

    Simple answer: Doing dumb bell exercises is better than doing curls with your TV remote. You decide how you want to spend your time. Do some push ups, walk up some hills, do some tricep extensions and dips (google it), some sit ups, and bi cep curls. Honestly, when I first started in 2000, I started with dumb bells and "Weight Training for Dummies" (the book). It sounds like it might be a good place for you to start as well.

    Yeah, it would be great to do all this other stuff. But tomorrow, just do something.

    You followed me in here just to complain about me?

    I posted some very helpful advice- even other people have pointed out OP's lack of williningness to look things up as well... but you come in here to complain about me?

    I'm highly flattered!!

    Thank you :drinker:

    yes yes yes- I know it's early to drink- but I'll take it at this hour. ;)


    100% positive that she was on your side and was referring to the OP.

    If this is true- I personally apologize for my comments to her

    I've read that first sentence 20 times and still can't quite parse it. :ohwell:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    This may be the stealthiest and best executed troll thread I've seen on MFP. All the way from dumbbells, to wanting to look like Harry Stiles, to not knowing what body fat is, to not knowing what anything on the internet in the history of ever is, this thread is just a big pile of lulz.

    Well played, OP. Your trolling skills are remarkable.

    That is the simplest explanation. And any other interpretation leaves me frightened for our species.
  • renzo211
    renzo211 Posts: 25
    I've always heard the comparison regarding marathon runners and high intensity athletes. Saw this picture once showing a skinny marathon runner vs a built/lean/not bulked high intensity athlete.

    He should concentrate more on what he eats rather than what exercise to do. Someone (or a lot of people) already said to take this more into consideration.

    And yes, also agree with the "no matter how much exercise you do, exercise wont get you bigger muscles". Proper dieting! I mean, it's that simple right?... Research on how to diet based on your goals and see how to include which type of work out/cardio to do...