

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member

    This is my first effort at using the smileys that Barb suggested........just what I need, one more way to play at the computer

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Thanks for the warm thoughts. I appreciate them and they do help in oh so many ways.

    Missjo - I can only imagine what making wedding dresses and other formal attire must feel like. It must make you so happy to make such beautiful things.

    Happy Birthday Kackie!

    We are lucky that we all love hamburgers (veggie burgers) because we are having them AGAIN tonight. The hardest thing is now going to be to stay in our budget next week and resist the urge to go out and buy everything that we ran out of. This will all pass. We had no choice on how we got here. Hubby needed his back surgery and DD needed her hip surgery. It's just too bad they happened within 12 months of each other and it will take us 3 years to pay off what the insurance did not cover and what we did not know about until after we refinanced the house. We are lucky we owned a home that is worth more than what we owed on it. Some people are much worse off than we are.

    Have a great evening everyone,


    PS: I made it to the Y and did the elliptical trainer for 30 minutes on a rolling hills program. Sweated right through what I had on in 10 minutes. lol
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Well, yesterday (Thus) I got my flu shot. One of the side effects you sometimes get are flu-like symptoms. Last night as we were eating dinner, I said to dh "did it suddenly get cold in the house". I was freezing. I changed from my short sleeved top to a long sleeved one. Then I started to feel my muscles ache. I laid down and sort-of fell asleep. I'm not freezing any more. But my sinuses are acting up so I took a decongestant. Couldn't understand why it wasn't working as well as it usually did. Then I looked at the box -- it had expired in 08!!!! I remember needing Sudafed last year and what I had in my bag had expired so I bought some new stuff. I got the new stuff out of my bag and that expires in '11, so I took one. Goes to show you how often I use it!

    missjo - I really want to get my sewing machine out of storage. It's only been in there 3 years! We're planning to have a social for the Newcomers here next October, and I want to make a shower curtain. Got some Halloween fabric (80% off!). Now to get it made and Vince will put the rivets in. Anyone who does sewing, will I need to put some sort of stiffener at the top? I remember MIL made one for me years ago, and I don't think she used any stiffener. Yet, a friend of mine has one in her bathroom and she has some sort of stiffener at the top for hers. I don't think her hubby used rivets.

    Jeannie - is there a brand of veggie burgers that is low in sodium? I got some of the Morningstar and Boca, but the sodium is outrageous! I wonder if I'll need to make my own burgers. I also got some from Franklin Farms, but, again, the sodium!

    Jeannie - I just HATE when sweat is pouring down my face. My stomach, arms, back, legs I can handle -- but not my face! Good for you getting to the Y!

    I will go to the deep water class today, but I'll probably scale it down a bit. But that class should be OK since it's no impact.

    who is awake because of the Sudafed.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Happy Birthday, Kackie!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: (Sorry I missed it.)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member

    Happy Birthday, Kackie
    sorry I'm a little late
  • missjo113
    Happy birthday Kackie! (even if it's a day late)

    Michele, you don't really need to put a stiffener at the top of your shower curtain but it does help to re-inforce the material where the rivits / gromits are put in. You can get some that is 'iron on'. It comes in a roll that is about 1 1/2 - 2 inches wide. It works really well. If you don't want the stiffener, and if your shower curtain is long enough, you could just fold the top over a few times so you have about 4 layers of fabric at the top. That would be re-inforcement enough too.

    I think I'm finally starting to feel a little better. At least I didn't cough as much yesterday. I'm going to attempt to just walk on the treadmill today. I usually walk for 2 minutes then run for 5 but that's not going to happen I don't think. Just walking will be good though.

    Kind of cool here this morning. -1 C, I think that's about 30 F and we had a little skiff of snow last night. That's pretty good for Nov 12th. Usually we would have had a boat load of snow by now and some much colder temps!

    Have a really great day everyone!
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Lurker Alert!!!:blushing:

    Good Morning ladies!!!
    I can't believe how quickly time is flying!!!! I just can't seem to get it all done. I have been reading all the posts and logging everything in but have had to quietly cheer you on from the sidelines. That faint noise that you have been hearing is me crying, laughing and cheering you all on. :drinker: :drinker:

    Last night I went to my last belly dancing class. I have enjoyed the last 6 weeks and when the instructor starts the class up again in January I will sign up again.
    Lately I have been craving ANYTHING so I will need to corral my eating a bit. so far I have managed to continue to lose but that is because I make adjustments in what I eat for the next day or two. :brokenheart: I need to figure out why I suddenly have these urges to eat everything. This will be especially important since I am leaving Sunday for Laughlin and will be gone for 5 days.
    Of course I have the best of intentions :laugh: I am bringing my yoga mat, portable DVD player and DVD along and plan on yoga in the morning and maybe a visit to the gym in the evening. :noway: :laugh:
    Eating is another story.... I plan on a fruit platter for breakfast and snacking on veggies at the lounge in the afternoon. This will give me a bit more leeway for dinner choices. Wish me luck. I will not have Internet access so I will have to log everything in a notebook until I return.

    Amanda - What beautiful babies!!!! my heart broke when I read about your daughter crying. You are right, his little fingers not forming do not take away from his beauty and perfection. The good news is, with two babies, there will be less fighting over who gets to hold the baby:blushing: Enjoy your little miracles.

    Terri - Happy Anniversary!!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Missjo - How happy you must be!!! a lovely new DIL. I am so impressed that you make Wedding gowns. you must be very talented.

    Faye - Congrats on your pending Grandson!!

    Barbie - Colonoscopy??? I have been putting that off myself. I caught a lot of flack when I got together with the "Girls" is Summer. I will probably bite the bullet once I get my Thyroid under control.

    Kackie - 58??? Happy Birthday:flowerforyou: You look GREAT and in your latest picture you look fit and happy.

    Mimi - sounds like you had fun in Tahoe. I have never been there but it sounds fun.

    Robin - Congrats on size 4 !!! I can't imagine being that small. You must be having such fun discovering new clothes and styles. As for your picture, you look beautiful. I do not have the courage to post any pictures of me. I was looking at a picture of me from August and I was mortified!!!!! I was HUGE!!!!! Still am but I am working on it. Baby steps.

    I too, like people to notice my weight loss. I have been working very hard and it validates my efforts. There is a distributor that comes in every other week and he has been commenting lately. He is kind of creepy but I just figure he is awkward when expressing himself. Some people don't say anything for the same reason, not sure how to say something without causing offence.

    Yesterday I tried on a mandarin jacket that I had bought many years ago ( it still has the tags on it :sad: ) it is a size 16 and it fits!!! not well, as you can see all my lumps and rolls but I can button it. I figure that by the end of November it will be perfect. I just need to tighten everything up. That will be my new mini goal. As many of you know I have not gotten the exercise portion of the journey to become part of my new lifestyle. I am also eyeing a plum velvet dress and coat that I have not had the heart to get rid of. It is a large, maybe I will have made enough strides that I can wear it for Christmas!!! That would be AWESOME!!!!!

    To everyone... I love you all and feel you are an important part of my life. You are helping me achieve a healthier self and I can't begin to express my gratitude.

    If I don't get a chance to post before I leave I will definately pop in when I return.

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :flowerforyou: Hi All the Pretty Ladies!

    Happy Birthday Kackie:flowerforyou:

    Welcome Behondblessed. I am probably still considered a newbie...but oldie or newbie..ur welcome here. I like your "handle."

    Amanda:OH those are such cute and sweet cupcakes!:happy; I know you are happy that Mama and Babies are oKay!:flowerforyou: I am too!
    I am sorry your daughter had to cry...
    I lost a granddaughter in '02...She lived 2 hours. When babies are born healthy and breathing, that is a GREAT miracle. Little Teddy will grow up and from birth learn compensation for his fingers. I am sure he will never realize that he doesn't have his fingers. What is real, true perfection... I feel it is UNCONDITIONAL love...and Little Teddy has that already.:heart:

    Faye : hope you find ur patterns. Congrats!! on the little boy. I have 3 grandsons and 2 sons. I love my "boys.":love:

    Terri- so glad your have your MOJO back:bigsmile: Keep on "keepin' on!":flowerforyou:

    Robin Congrats! on ur small size and ur beautiful picture:flowerforyou: I wonder what was in ur food sat night? I ate at Logan's Roadhouse yesterday (that is where everyone voted to go, but me) I ate about 3 ozs of steak...I don't know what seasonings they put on it but it made me nauseated and I feel like I have been hit "by a freight train" :noway: :grumble: today:bigsmile: :ohwell:
    I don't think anyone will talk me into going back to Logan's. I was nervous, irritable...etc..if anything is on my food like that I really know it because of my reg diet.

    Michele; My family and I did some Marathon Christmas Shopping yesterday. AT Kohl's. We had 30% off coupons. This Kohl's has 2 levels. Most of the Kohls in the state and states around me are various sizes of one-level stores. This is a really good Khols. My daugter-in-law's mom just found out she has breast cancer and is scheduled for surgery monday before Thanksgiving. In the jewelry clearance there was a quarter ct. diamond and gold necklace shaped like the breast cancer symbol. It had been $400.00 marked down to about 135.00. She recv'd and add'tl % off that + 30% and she bought that necklace as a Christmas present for her Mom for $40.00. She was so excited...it brought tears to my eyes for her.

    Birdie- I hope you are back to your jolly, insprational self:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barbiecat- re: colonoscopy- YOU. CAN. DO. IT!....:wink: Hope your laptop is repaired soon.

    Missjo - I am so impressed with your sewing. No just the fact that you can but that you like it. That is awesome!
    Is that an engagement ring in ur ticker?:smile:

    Jeannie-I am praying things get better for you- You deserve it!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I am encouraging you to keep up the excercising, it will relieve your stress. You have "a lot on your plate." (I'm not talking about food):noway: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Peggy: I hope you have a good time! Do you mind if I ask where Laughlin is?:flowerforyou:

    Mimi-So glad you are back. Each one has their "post personality." I miss them when you are gone...:wink:

    I may have missed one. ...My brain cells are "firing blank" this am. (actually noon)...Whatever was on my food at Logan's yesterday has my side swelled, my sinuses are swelled, and my brain feels like I have a "fog" in my head.
    I am glad to have so much shopping done. I was surprised at the energy and strength I had ...now aches, pains, THAT's another story. Considering I wasn't able to go last year, I am happy with my accomplishment yesterday!:bigsmile:

    It's another beautiful, sunny, mild temperatures(70) here again today. We are going to be huring when this warm time passes.
    The nights are cold but the days are unseasonably, unbelievable!:noway:

    I hope all of the ones on here newbies and oldies, are doing well, if you are ailing, hope you feel better soon. I read all the posts but sometimes, unknowingly may skip someone.:blushing:

    Have a good day all!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    'til next time,

    ps...I am not going to edit, it probably wouldn't do any good.:bigsmile: :blushing: :bigsmile:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    This is my first effort at using the smileys that Barb suggested........just what I need, one more way to play at the computer


    Oh my...what I started...:laugh:

    Here is one for "Sister Veggie Queen." smiley-devil18.gif


    Sorry to hear about Teddy's fingers, but it sounds like the "cupcakes" arrived overall in good health. I hope your daughter can take comfort in that.

    Kackie--Belatedly, Happy B-Day!!smiley-greet006.gif Here is a calorie-free treat for you--LOL smiley-eatdrink027.gif

    KC, I also thought "it's 'kcwriter'--hope I am right. Welcome back.

    I think it was Michelle who reported getting sick after the flu shot. smiley-sick010.gif Hope you are feeling better today.

    You are all on my mind. Have a wonderful day.

    Not much time, so BFN.

  • missjo113

    Is that an engagement ring in ur ticker?:smile:

    Thanks for noticing Lynn! YES it's the ring that my son gave to my new future daughter in law! It's so beautiful I couldn't resist using it on my ticker.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Hello All,

    The temps are dropping here in the great north. Moved plants from the park all afternoon
    today. I am running out of places to put them so will have to stop soon. It will bother me
    to leave so many behind, as I am sure the area will be bulldozed. It is getting very late in
    the year here to move much of anything. With a good layer of mulch I am sure they will
    all do well. Here where it can get seriously cold in the winter we water late plantings in
    so they freeze in the ground and do not get heaved out by the frost before they have new
    roots to hold themselves down.

    I caught the cold that is going around. I was going to say it's a bad cold but decided that's
    redundant as there is no such thing as a good cold! So I have slowed my pace down a bit
    to see if I can shake it fairly quickly. Out, out damned cold!

    Kackie, sorry I missed your birthday, happy returns of the day. I hope you have an
    outstanding year!

    Amanda, the babies are lovely. I hope that Mom is able to see how truly perfect they are.
    You must be so proud of them all. I pray for their continued good health. Children are
    truly the best adventure there is. A miracle happens everyday when a child is with you,
    some new skill is found, some new joy discovered, and we get to appreciate the world
    through unjaded eyes.

    My GD Miss Emma is a pip. Her mom was talking about a little one that was visiting
    with them at a jobsite and commenting on how he ran off on his Mom all the time.
    She was so thankful her children did not do that. Miss E’s response was “ Sometimes I
    would just like to run off like that, but I love you so I stay.” My GS is four and still in the
    world of aflafunts and pupcakes. I am so thankful that they live close by.

    I know I am a terrible lurker, but I do think of you all and am thankful for your influence
    in my life. I am so amazed that a community can be built across oceans, timezones, and a
    multitude of backgrounds, that has such a feeling of home.

    I value each and everyone of you. I am not on her often to comment but I do take time to
    read all of your posts. I can appreciate your triumphs as well as your struggles.
    As Red Green would say, " We are all in this together!"

    Nite All,
    :heart: Alice
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Spent the beautiful sunny day at my Dads helping Mamie (his significant other) mulch everything with sawdust. I am tired and worn out but it was a nice day.

    DH is bringing home our new glasses. We each got two new pairs over the weekend. We also got new phones and I haven't quite got the hang of all the nifty stuff it can do. Technology has come a long way.

    Barbie -my colonoscopy is scheduled for next Thursday. I am not looking forward to the prep but the rest will be pretty easy or so I have been told. i am glad that the ladies on here encouraged me to get it done just like you.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend and I am truly blessed to have each and everyone of you in my life. Thankyou!!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    missjo - thanks, I believe I have some iron on backing that would make the material stiff. I, too, am very very impressed with your sewing. The ring is truly beautiful

    Gonna make this short and sweet. I need to finish up a little bit more of my x-stitch, and then I'm going to lie down. I'm starting to get chilled again. This time I think it's because of the decongestant. My arm does still feel sore from where I got the shot. Fortunately, I did a water class today, just took it a bit milder. Tomorrow...yoga.

    Jessica wants to "do" thanksgiving, which I know translates into I'll be doing a lot of the prep. She just told me that Zac's parents were also coming, so so far she has 11 people coming. I have the suspicion that she's expecting that I'll make dessert.

    Oh, I went to practice bowl today. Bowled 3 games, and to my utter amazement I broke 100 in each game.

    Lynn - wow! The necklace for $40. That's fantastic!

    Well, off to finish the x-stitch, take a shower, and then lay in bed.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Okay….starting from page 8!:laugh: (I'm way behind!!!!):noway:

    Barb: Those bouncing smiley’s are great:happy: Love seeing them on so many posts! And you personalize them!!!:laugh: You are soooooo helpful when it comes to the computer ideas and technical support!:flowerforyou: Thanks for all your insight…..and humor!!!!!:wink:

    Robin: I hope you’re having a better day!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Faye: I hope you remember the company that makes your pattern because, as Kathy says, I’m sure you can find it online! Good luck!:happy:

    Terri: I’m so glad you’re back on the thread and doing well! :flowerforyou: We missed you! And BTW Happy Anniversary! :flowerforyou: Sounds like you managed things quite well! Eight days is a great accomplishment and I’m sure you did it “One Day at a Time”.:wink:

    Barbiecat: Glad your blood tests were good as well as your blood pressure! Good luck on your colonoscopy! Too many stories about people who should have had one and didn’t ……and now it’s too late. Smart move…..and a healthy….. wise choice!:flowerforyou:

    VikkiJ: Congrats on having such good days! It does make you feel good….doesn’t it!!! :flowerforyou:

    Vickim: Oh my goodness! :frown: I understand your concern about you dad , Tim. May the Lord cover him with grace, strength and healing!:heart::heart: Hang in there!:heart:

    Jeannie: It’s so difficult when money is tight! :frown: I feel for you! You just don’t have much choice when someone's health and well being are at stake!:ohwell: I remember once, many years ago, when my husband was between jobs, I had no money or food to feed my 3 little munchkins.:cry: I had to call my parents who brought me groceries and that was like winning the lottery! In time, things got a little better and I’m sure they will for you too. Sending hugs!:heart:

    Jackie: Congrats on the 2 pound loss!!!:flowerforyou: Looks like you’ve had you hands full with the funeral and all.
    “Slowly, slowly catchee monkey”? haha:laugh: I don’t have a clue but just saying it make you smile!:laugh:

    MissJo: I’m glad you’re feeling a little better.:smile: Be careful with doing too much….too soon! You don’t want a relapse!:noway:
    Your son is very romantic and the ring is lovely! :love: Congratulations!
    I, also, loved to sew and used to make all my girls clothes! I cannot, however, boast of ever making a wedding gown! Very impressive! I did make my daughter’s prom gown though. It was made of black brocade satin and it had a scalloped hem and neckline (off the shoulders). It was a little challenging but came out beautiful! But that’s it!! You must be very talented to take on such feats! :flowerforyou: I think it would be a great thing to do when retired….almost as a hobby…but you could make extra income doing it.:happy: I’ve often had the same thought but (NOW) it takes me forever to thread a needle!!! They tell me there’s a hole in the top of the needle but my eyes have a hard time finding it!!!:laugh:

    Mimi: Glad you’re back!:happy: I’m sure Tahoe is beautiful! Hubby and I have this dream of someday traveling to all the beautiful spots in the US….like National Parks etc….and Tahoe would certainly be on that list! But that’s a long way off!
    As far as food…I’m with you. I do much better when I’m measuring and tracking. Even when I have a bad day…I try to figure how many calories over I am.:noway: It keeps me honest….and accountable! :bigsmile: But that being said…if hubby wants to go out and eat….I’M THERE!:tongue: My weight may be important but spending quality time with my hubby is too!:blushing:

    If you’re exercising and you’re hurting then you’re working those muscles! No pain….no gain!:laugh:

    Kackie: I hope you enjoyed your 58yh BD! You look amazing….:flowerforyou: and I’ll say it again…I love the new pic! I’m so glad you had a great time! Welcome back!:happy:

    Amanda: When our children hurt….we hurt..:cry: I understand being upset about the baby’s fingers….but I’m sure the blessings outweigh the challenges! Those babies are such a blessing and so, so beautiful!!! I love the new pic! How precious!:love:
    You have a lot of twins in your family! So did I!:happy: My mom had 3 sets of twins and a set of triplets…. as well as us ordinary single births (4 of them):happy: I am the oldest of 13 children.:love: Myself….or none of my siblings had multiple births but two of my nephews did. I guess it skips a generation….at least for us it did. By todays standards, that may not seem to be a blessing (having such a large family) ….but to me it was…and is! I have the greatest (no pun intended:laugh: ) family! We’re all there for each other…and whenever we get together…it’s an instant party!!:heart::heart: :heart:

    Michele: Do you even KNOW the meaning of spare time! :noway: Yikes! I get tired just reading your post! :yawn:
    I also use the incline on my treadmill but I’ve never gone over 6%. The muscles in my butt (sorry) get so tight! It takes a real hot steamy shower to loosen up! But I do it every day (when I’m not sick). How often do you do that particular exercise?

    Peggy: Are you craving something in particular? Like protein? Sometimes it’s the body’s way of signaling us that we are deficient in something. If it’s everything :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: then perhaps you have to see if there are foods in your diet that are trigger foods. Some people just can’t eat certain food that have carbs in them or sugar etc without setting them off.
    Laughlin is just for 5 days and I’m sure you can make those healthy choices you talked about,:wink: if you make up your mind to. Good luck!:happy:

    Lynn: Sounds like you had an eventful day shopping! Don’t you just love Kohls’? :bigsmile: Sounds like Michele does, too. What an incredible deal on the necklace.:flowerforyou: I think Khols’ (and God) are looking after you and your daughter.
    I hope your aches are short lived….but you have accomplished so much. I don’t even know what I’m doing for Thanksgiving!!! But, as you say, if you can do something this year that you couldn’t do last year…then you are blessed.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Alice: You have such a beautiful way with words….”A miracle happens everyday when a child is with you. Some new skill is found, some new joy discovered, and we get to appreciate the world through unjaded eyes”. Beautiful! I sooo enjoy reading your posts!:flowerforyou:

    Welcome newbies! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: You’ve found something special in this website :happy: and on this thread with these lovely ladies! :love: Just for today…..that’s all it take!:drinker: :drinker:

    Wrapping you all in a cyber space hug!!!!:love:

    God Bless….and Goodnight!:smooched:

  • auntlolly
    auntlolly Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I am new to this site (about 4 days) & was sick for 2 of those. It was a nice jump start to the program for me! I have only a little to lose (about 6 pounds now) but these are the 6 that have been hanging around & taking up my attention since I was 30! I have gained up to 10 more & lost thoose w/little difficulty multiple times. I was interested in the talk about deprivation, because that seems to be the only thing that works for me when it comes to sweets. I LOVE them, but can't seem to eat just one serving, unless the whole thing = 1 serving. : I am glad to meet a group of women my own age, and look forward to the journey, with health & all of you!

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Another flying visit from me as I'm off to help out with my gorgeous grandtwins. We took them home last night. You know, I think I'm more nervous now than I was when I had my own babies!

    Love and gratitude is sent out to all you wonderful ladies who make my life so much richer.

    Amanda x
  • abundanceismine
    Good morning Ladies!!

    It is going to be a beautiful day here in MA! Although it is just under 30 right now, it is going to go up to the low 60's. Probably for the last time until March, so I am going to make sure and take advantage of it!! I think I will take a nice walk at the local park. Pond Meadow Park which wraps around a lovely pond.

    My grandbaby had a tough night, so I was up for about 1 1/2 hrs with him, then his dad had him here on the couch, and now he is finally cuddling with both Mom and Dad in their bed. But I am tired!

    I had a good week even though it was hard for me to get into the groove of staying on plan. There were some things I did every day, like the vitamins and water. I only walked 3 days not the 5 I had planned, but it IS 3 more than last week :happy: and I am down., TOM helped I 'm sure, but I'll take it!

    Starting to think about Thanksgiving. We go to my brothers house, only about 5 miles away, and it looks like this year my kids, et al, will be coming with me. They usually go to their dad's, but not this year. I am so happy that I will get to have them all with me!! (Of course, I always have them Christmas but it IS all about me anyway, right?)

    I'm going to have some coffee and shower and get ready for this wonderful day. Later!!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,'Just a quick post to say HI. I skimmed the posts for now. Happy Birthday Kackie and hello to everyone else. Daddy is doing better. Hopefully all tubes come off today or tomorrow and he can start really moving and eating. He has not really eaten since surgery on Tuesday. Off to hospital will try to post later. Thanks for all thoughts and prayers.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Michelle – I don’t know if there are any veggie burgers that are low sodium. The ones I get at Costco are 27%. The fiber is 16%. I got the garden burgers with all the chopped veggies in them.

    On flu shots-They must be expecting a bad flu season. They came to our office to give us our shots this year. Usually, we have to drive over to North Campus to get the free shots for employees. I was lucky to not have a reaction this year but have had a few in the past. (I work for a University Medical Center)

    Peggy – Nice bike picture. Sorry for just noticing if you’ve had it for your profile picture for a while. Congrats on being able to wear the mandarin jacket.

    Barb – Thanks for setting a new standard in smilies. They brighten up our days.

    To everyone not mentioned individually - I am glad that most everyone is doing so well. There is a lot of happy news going around this thread. Thanks for all the warm thoughts for us and our situation. They are appreciated. I hope that all of you have a wonderful weekend.

    I have to start my weekend hurricane of errands, running kids around and cleaning the house.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Saturday, dear Ladies!

    Thank you all for your good birthday wishes! Every birthday is a good birthday, I believe! We didn't end up going out to dinner as DH had been feeling a bit off after our trip and we decided we had eaten out of whack more than we would like while away, so we will do that another time. It helped me stay on track and feel better anyway.

    This afternoon we have our community Oyster Roast at our common area by the dock. I will help decorate and set up and have made some healthy snacks. We also have bar-b-q chicken and various side dishes. There is usually enough healthy food to be ok and oysters are good...at least I like them! I have some games for the children to play...we don't have lots of children but I like to have something fun for them to do so that they will enjoy the time there. This year I will bring our "Corn Hole" game that is so popular now with the college age group...but everyone can play.

    MissJo: Glad that you are feeling better and the ring is lovely!

    Peggy: Good to hear from you. I would agree that maybe just a bit more protein throughout the day would keep the hunger monster at bay. I have found that I need that, even if I don't crave it. Also, Mimi's roasted veggies are great at helping fill you up and satisfy for a long time. Good luck and isn't it fun when old favorites fit again!!!???

    Lynn: Good for you for getting some early shopping done and even better that you are feeling energetic!

    Michelle: So sorry that the flu shot gave you such a bad time! I had read that they could do that but haven't ever had that happen. Hope you are 100% now!

    Alice: Glad to hear form you and sounds like you are busy with your plant relocation program. I hope that they make it through the winter

    Robin: Good luck with your procedure on Thursday. honestly, the prep is not awful and you won't even know that they are doing the procedure! I am still in awe of your progress here and you inspire me!

    Leslie: Welcome and the best of luck. This is a great place for support and encouragement!

    Abundance: So glad that you are making progress...measure by the good changes you are making and remember as Barbie says: Never, ever, give up!

    Amanda: I ADORE the new photo with your darling babies! You all look wonderful...ENJOY!

    VickieM: So very glad to hear that your Dad is doing better. You have been in everyone's thoughts and prayers

    To everyone else I didn't mention individually, You too are in my thoughts and I treasure each of you. I think it was Alice who mentioned how amazing this group was from across the time zones and I am thankful for each of you too!

    Have a lovely weekend, Kackie:heart::heart: :heart: