

  • abundanceismine
    Thanks Lynn, good idea. We both like mexican food, in fact I made chicken enchilada’ as few weeks ago for us (and the kids). He does like salad if I put it in front of him, but any veggie I make at all he just rolls his nose and says “what’s this on my plate”. Just like a kid. And I am too easily swayed still by any one else’s desire to eat, I love it all so just give in. Not tonight, though!

    I like quick and easy dinners during the week, and historically have eaten out more nights than not. I fill my need to cook on Sundays when I normally make a big batch of chili for the kids and then something for me that I can pick at all week. This week the “Sally” food was a big batch of roasted veggies and a roast chicken. That, with some brown rice, is my lunch for the next couple of days.

    And Lynn, thanks for sharing both your challenges and also you very positive attitude! I am normally dubbed ‘the Positive One’ (because I know Abundance is truly mine in all ways!) but recently I have been allowing myself to get dragged down into the mud with folks at work and things. Sometimes it does just seem easier but it is always a bad choice.

    Hi Kath, nice job losing 30 already.

    Robin, I was wondering if it was me. Of course I don’t know how ‘gabby’ the group was, but it has been very quiet since I joined in. I won’t take it personally though, I’ll just make up for it. =D
  • abundanceismine
    Oh, and also, I can honestly say that I knew "Tamishumate" back when. . . Of course, when I say that I mean 35 years ago (and 3000 miles since we are on opposite coasts now) when I used to babysit her and her sisters, and we were all in dance classes (taught by her great-grandmother) together. I found her and her mother/sisters on FB and then learned of not only her Journey, but also MFP. She was beautiful then and she is beautiful now.

    If you don't know who I mean, search members. She has lost 185.5 lbs and is down to 144.5 and will be on the Today show next Monday.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Welcome, Kath.:flowerforyou:

    It HAS been quiet here! I do think some of us are traveling and others (like Barb--weaklink) are working. I never did do a whole lot of posting but even I have been posting less. I am trying to not sit at the computer for very long at one time so that is limiting my time here.

    I have revised my goals and am going to see if it helps. I am also sticking to vegetables, a little fruit and lean protein for a couple of days. I feel like I have been in a feeding frenzy and I am tired of it! I know better and I know it is all emotional. I will NOT let my emotions rule my eating!
  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Back in the fold again!!!

    :noway: Take noooo notice of my weight ticker ...it's waaaay out of date...LOL. (Must get it back to start again mode)

    Hi everyone.:frown: My eating what I want experiment to see what happens is at an end!!!
    No guesses what happened.:sad:
    So here I am ...logging on and posting. Deja vue or what?!!!

    I have a week to get back to where I was. Holiday shouldn't be too much of a problem as there aren't too many "must haves" on the menu in Egypt. I think I can be quite good for 10 days .
    A quick glimpse at the posts reveals Amanda has lost even more lbs!!!:drinker: WTG Amanda. and ...well done everyone who's a loser in the nicest possible sense

    I hope everyone is enjoying November. We've had wind, rain, hail and snow today!! Easy to hide those extra inches under the woolies. Not a good idea really! A bit more Xmas shopping today .... only a few more things to get. We're having a "Clothes" year this year. Jumpers, cardies, hoodies abound!
    Our newest grandson has got the:bigsmile: "Every parent's nightmare" present......in moderation! The "My First Drum Kit" was screaming "Buy me" but #2 son said "No". So we got a bathtime drum set ....not quite as noisy...oh well!!

    My newest hobby ...playing scrabble on facebook ...isn't losing it's charm. I hope it's keeping my brain a bit more agile. However, .my vocabulary and conversation...especially with mum.... isn't quite up to using some of the more obscure words!

    Mum has been...Up and Down ...we're hoping she'll be "Up" for when she goes into respite next ...MONDAY!!! ...Yeah! (I've used that in scrabble!) She was good this morning and even reminded us to "Get a move on" before the taxi came to pick her up for the day centre.. The taxi driver is a gem and he mentioned that eveyone says "Hello" to mum when he wheels her in. :flowerforyou: Nice to know she's not just sitting there without any interaction with the others in the care home.

    Talking of whom ...mum will be back in moment so it's ramps down and cup of tea at the ready!!

    So ....
    Take care all
    :smile: Jackie
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    X marks the spot. I will be back on MFP towards the end of November. btw. I have been on MFP for a year now. Where did that time go!

    Miss you all!

    :heart: Rebel:heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi ladies

    Another quickie from me I'm afraid as our broadband is still up the creek! I noticed Renny and Jackie had posted .. hurrah, we missed you!

    I'm back and forth to the hospital to visit DD#1 - they have got her hooked up to all kind of monitors and are still trying to keep the babies in the oven for a little longer. I have to say, she's extremely fed up now (who can blame her) and a bit on the grumpy side!

    I hope everyone is doing well - I'll be back soon.


    Amanda x
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :smile: Good Afternoon

    Welcome Kath:smile:

    Rebel Renny- :flowerforyou: Happy Anniversary:flowerforyou: I hope someone can tell me that this time next year. I joined in Sept.

    Jackie:tongue: did you say Egypt for Christmas? Good luck getting back into the groove in November!:flowerforyou:

    Kathy-(pmjsmom):flowerforyou: Good luck in November!!!!

    Robin-It has been quiet. I have posted enough for everyone..:blushing: I have been housbound for 10 days. I am going to go Christmas shopping (if my back holds together) Veterans Day. I am looking forward to that.:bigsmile:

    Michelle - did you see the beautiful picture of the North Carolina mts in the Southern Living (November ) issue. :heart: They look beautiful, just the way I remember them. It's been about 5 years since I have been in NC. I loved the Biltmore House. I actually took planned and took a bus full of customers to the Biltmore about 8 years ago. I've been about 3 times, I think. I was trying to remember (:noway: age had nothing to do with it:bigsmile: ) The interstate from Ashville down to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina is some gorgeous scenery. In the late 90's, we had to be in Raleigh for some training. We took a "back roads" trip and saw some beautiful places. You have a beautiful state. I love the Shanendoah Valley in Virginia. That is beautiful too!:heart:

    I guess you all can tell, I've had a lot of time to reminisce, Today, I went back to physical therapy. My back has really improved! I was able to do all the things they had me to try today. They did show me some stretches to get the inflamation and soreness moving on out. I have made to the other side of this trial. In this moment, I am happy with my accomplishments and ready to look forward to another one...isn't that great!!:love:

    I'll try not to take up extra space and give someone else a :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :noway: :bigsmile:

    Everyone have a great day....
    weatherwise: 73 and sunshining but lookout next week:tongue:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :bigsmile: :blushing: okay one more thing.

    Amanda, I just missed your post. I am really hoping for the Mama and the Cupcakes. Let us know as soon as they bake!:bigsmile:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :bigsmile: :blushing: okay one more thing.

    Amanda, I just missed your post. I am really hoping for the Mama and the Cupcakes. Let us know as soon as they bake!:bigsmile:

    I thought the "cupcakes" had been "baking" all along.:noway: I look forward to hearing when they exit the "oven." :laugh:
    :laugh: :laugh:

    You are right, I have been busy. Picked up a touch of something, so I am home today. Doggies are keeping me warm and well-cared for. Weather is rainy and only supposed to make 47 F for a high today. Broke out the bottoms of my thermals this morning, and they are quite comfortable as I sit here. (Edited to add, that the thermals were "broken out" of storage--NOT that parts of me broke out of THEM:noway: --that would NOT be comfortable:wink::laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )

    BTW, discovered a helpful hint for warmer feet. Since I don't have many pairs of socks with wool in them, and LOADS of others that are cotton or a blend with man-made material, I started doubling up on my socks. Great idea!! Warmer feet, and my slippers stay on better!! With some shoes I can wear the doubles as well, because the socks are fairly thin to begin with.

    Also want to mention a website I just discovered as a result of a post on another thread-- supercooks.com. It is a free website that allows you to put in the ingredients you have available to you and it will come up with recipes for what you have. It pulls from multiple websites so there are lots of choices. All the ones I have found so far have the nutritional info broken down, also. You don't have to register to use the search function, but if you do register (still free) you can save recipes that you find, and use some other website tools.

    Thanksgiving is upon us, and while most people look upon it as the start of the "eating season"--I have decided to look on it as a chance to get an early start on resolutions. :noway: After all, there is no law that says you can't resolve to do anything differently until after the new year!!!:wink: So here is my resolution---

    I resolve that the only thing "stuffed" at this year's Thanksgiving dinner table will be the turkey!!!:wink::noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :drinker: :drinker:


    Thank you for mentioning that Tamishumate is going to be on the tv next Monday. I predict an onslaught of new members--much like what happened when another member, whose login escapes me, was on about three months ago. Tami lives in Washington state, BTW, about 150 miles north of me in the Seattle area.

    In regard to your "veggie-challenged" boyfriend, cheese might be your friend. I used to shred cheese broccoli to get my former hubby to eat more veggies, and a little garlic and some parmesan or asiago cheese on steamed brussel sprouts, is very yummy!! Good luck!!


    Sorry your eating "experiment" was a flop, but now you know what doesn't work,:ohwell: so you can learn from it. Back in the wagon you climb!!:drinker: :drinker:


    Good to see you are still with us.:flowerforyou:

    Well, I need to get something accomplished today, despite being home, so BFN

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :bigsmile: :blushing: okay one more thing.
    This could be weird looking...I don't know what I am doing...but "yeah" you are right the exit is the big event...I like your humor:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    You are right, I have been busy. Picked up a touch of something, so I am home today. Doggies are keeping me warm and well-cared for. Weather is rainy and only supposed to make 47 F for a high today. Broke out the bottoms of my thermals this morning, and they are quite comfortable as I sit here. (Edited to add, that the thermals were "broken out" of storage--NOT that parts of me broke out of THEM:noway: --that would NOT be comfortable:wink::laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )

    BTW, discovered a helpful hint for warmer feet. Since I don't have many pairs of socks with wool in them, and LOADS of others that are cotton or a blend with man-made material, I started doubling up on my socks. Great idea!! Warmer feet, and my slippers stay on better!! With some shoes I can wear the doubles as well, because the socks are fairly thin to begin with.

    Also want to mention a website I just discovered as a result of a post on another thread-- supercooks.com. It is a free website that allows you to put in the ingredients you have available to you and it will come up with recipes for what you have. It pulls from multiple websites so there are lots of choices. All the ones I have found so far have the nutritional info broken down, also. You don't have to register to use the search function, but if you do register (still free) you can save recipes that you find, and use some other website tools.

    Thanksgiving is upon us, and while most people look upon it as the start of the "eating season"--I have decided to look on it as a chance to get an early start on resolutions. :noway: After all, there is no law that says you can't resolve to do anything differently until after the new year!!!:wink: So here is my resolution---

    I resolve that the only thing "stuffed" at this year's Thanksgiving dinner table will be the turkey!!!:wink::noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :drinker: :drinker:


    Thank you for mentioning that Tamishumate is going to be on the tv next Monday. I predict an onslaught of new members--much like what happened when another member, whose login escapes me, was on about three months ago. Tami lives in Washington state, BTW, about 150 miles north of me in the Seattle area.

    In regard to your "veggie-challenged" boyfriend, cheese might be your friend. I used to shred cheese broccoli to get my former hubby to eat more veggies, and a little garlic and some parmesan or asiago cheese on steamed brussel sprouts, is very yummy!! Good luck!!


    Sorry your eating "experiment" was a flop, but now you know what doesn't work,:ohwell: so you can learn from it. Back in the wagon you climb!!:drinker: :drinker:


    Good to see you are still with us.:flowerforyou:

    Well, I need to get something accomplished today, despite being home, so BFN

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    oops...I am having trouble with "quote posting" ....:blushing:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Guess my post was so witty, that Lynn thought we should all read it again. LOL...have the feeling she is creating a message that will soon follow.

    Edit, and she did.

    BTW Lynn, when a post get submitted before you intended, for about 15 -20 minutes afterward, if you look in the bottom right corner, next to "quote" and "reply" there will be an option "Edit" You can click on that and go back into your original post and add or make corrections. Very handy --believe me.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile: :blushing: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: (it's an unusual thing for me to be speechless...I am just glad to make someone else laugh too.) Thanks for the tip.:flowerforyou:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    I just can't seem to help it. I saw something I have to share. Have any of you looked at Barbiecat's photos. She has one where she has on a black and white dress and she looks AWESOME! :flowerforyou: If you need inpiration, if you don't believe it can happen to you ....there is the evidence. There are others too but I just saw this one and it blew me away!:bigsmile:
    This is the Lady that starts this thread each month...someone else originally started it but she picked up the ball and carried on...
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thank you ...thank you....thank...you!!!

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    It has been a long busy day. My dad had surgery today. the lining covering his lungs had hardened and gotten thicker over the years for some reason. The doctor said environmental. Because of this his lungs were unable to expand so when he exerted himself he found it hard to breathe. The surgery was a huge success. Dr. says he has 100% lung capacity now. He is in ICU tonight and will be in regular room tomorrow and stay for few days. He is 78 and in ICU 2 hours after surgery he told nurse he was ready to get up and walk. I hope I am like him when I get his age. So I got no real exercise today but did eat well. apple for breakfast and chicken and veggies for lunch and hubby is taking me to supper before visiting hours in ICU so I will get salad. I have not weighed yet this week cause I did not reach my 3500 exercise calories yet. Hope that will be on Thursday. I read most of posts quickly. lots of new faces. Welcome. will post more later. Take care and good night.
    Vicki M
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Lynn - you said you only ate wild caught fish. That's wonderful, but how were you able to tell in a restaurant whether it was wild caught or not?? OMG, those shingles!!!! I can't get over your medical problems!!! You know, I've noticed that if I have some butternut squash or some other veggie, I can eat so much more, get full faster and feel better in the end. Thanks for the explanation. What a read!!!!

    Well, Mon I did an hour of the extremepump class. Tomorrow I'm thinking that I'll do a cardio workout on my bosu at home. Wednesday I'll go to yoga at 7:15, then we have a Newcomers meeting, in the afternoon I'll do incline intervals on the treadmill. I really want to talk to this gal at the Y near me. I got an email from one other branch saying that that branch was ordering more cardio equipment but the one by me wasn't since the age and condition of their cardio equipment doesn't seem to warrant it. They should just see the age of the spinning bike!!!! I'm wondering if they even have any knowledge of this. You know, I'm going to see if I can get on the Board of Directors. It seems that they make the decisions, not the Board of Managers.

    Sally - will your boyfriend eat soba spaghetti? How about spaghetti squash? I suspect people are just busy getting ready for the holidays. I know that I am, I barely find time to get on the computer! We're planning to go to Europe in Jan to see Bryan who will have a break and can fly to France inexpensively. I'm making this cross-stitch for my girlfriend in Switzerland that we'll see. The problem is that I bought it 5 years ago (I know, sometimes it takes me a long time to get to things). I have all the paperwork etc EXCEPT a picture of the completed article. I was reading that the flowers are outlined in one color, I'm not sure which are the flowers. The stems are another color, but I don't know what are the stems. Anyway, I've been working furiously on this since I will still need to get it framed. Today is REAL nice, so I'll probably do some x-stitch on the deck.

    Someone got hold of Vince's American Express card and compromised it. He called AE and put a stop on his card, he should have another one tomorrow. Seems they tried to buy a virtual gift certificate (that's how we found out, they called to verify that he ordered it), they got a gift certificate at Nordstroms for $75 (just low enough to keep under the belt) and tried to open an acct at Amazon. Since his card was already on file with Amazon, they wouldn't let the account be opened, but they did notify Vince. What a pain!!!!

    Amanda - I keep meaning to say that I'm so proud of you for keeping up with the swimming.

    Welcome Kath! You'll get lots of support and ideas here.

    Barb - thanks for that website. I was just thinking that there must be a website where I can input an ingredient, and here it is!!! I've saved this to my favorites.

    Vicki - so glad your dad is so much better. He sounds like a real trooper. Hope I'm the same way at his age!

    The crime scene investigators talked to us tonight at the citizen's academy. It was quite interesting. That "magic blue light" that you see on CSI -- well, it's not a joke. Next week we "graduate".

    Tomorrow is the bowling league.

    Everyone, have a great evening.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Just to let you know that DD#1 is on her way down to theatre for an emergency c-section to deliver the twins. Will keep you informed. Prayers please!

    Amanda xx
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Good Morning,
    I am happy to be up and alive. I plan to go to kindergarten to a book fair for my grandson. I am looking forward to that. I am supposed to eat lunch with him? No clue what they are serving...I hope the lunches have improved.

    Amanda_ I am thinking of your daughter. I hope everything is okay by now.:flowerforyou:

    VickiM -I hope your Dad did well through the night and that he has a better quality of life. The lungs can make you miserable.

    Michelle-I ask when I am at a restaurant. There are some fish that can't be farm raised. If there is no selection I choose the best choice that I can. If you watch my diary, I eat more selections than I did. I have to watch myself and not overdo it.
    My hair has all come back now and that's a relief. When I see a post on here about hair loss...my antenna goes up..I fully understand that delemma. I take Synthroid. The thyroid can cause hair lose too.
    I hope you enjoy your trip to Europe.

    Unless, I have some time I'm not aware of ..:happy: I will probably just be on here to post food for a couple of days.
    My husband is off tomorrow. We are going to spend the night in Louisville tonight. MY husband, my 2 sisters, my daughters-in-law, my Mom, my sister's husband and myself are going to do some major shopping tomorrow.
    Looking forward to that. We do this every year on Veterans Day. I was not able to go last year. (and a couple of others) I feel I am making giant strides.:bigsmile: I was worried for the past few days that I wasn't going to make it this year either. I'll just have to be careful. :tongue:

    I'll be checking on Amanda's posts and Vicki..

    Have a Happy Day -Everyone...

    "til next time,
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies!

    We got home last night and today is a busy day....We had a great time with our good friends but the effects of Tomas kept us off the beaches most of the time...just very windy and cool. Need less to say, that didn't help my eating (and drinking). But I did manage a long walk every day but one. We shall see.

    I tried to catch up on the posts and will do more reading later.

    Off for my walk/run. I missed you all! Love, Kackie:heart:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,'
    Lynn enjoy your travels. Glad you are feeling better. Amanda my prayers are with you and yours. Let us know how it goes and why emergency C section. Michelle, good luck on exercise equipment. I need to get motivated like you are. If I dont go to gym I have trouble motivating myself to do other things. We got a call from amex about 3 months ago asking if we had bought anything in Florida. Seems like someone had tried to use my card also. When I said no they cancelled my card and sent me a new one. I love Amex for this reason. I would never have known until I got the bill. Somehow the hackers get your number and make a new card and try to use it but with Amex's security measures it is hard for them to do with amex. Hope all goes well with this. another busy day. going to school for raymond and emma to eat lunch and see a little about what they do. then I will have to go to hospital and check on daddy. he should go into regular room today. my brother is here but not sure how long he is staying.
    Have a good day ladies. For those of you interested today is Marine Corp birthday so if any of your hubbys were or are marines tell them happy birthday.
    vicki M