

  • Moncha
    I like the quote. I just joined today. Started off great but ended up 1113 calories over budget! I forgot to remind myself what I want the most. I have 40 pounds to lose. I just read an article today that said you can increase your will power simply by clenching your muscles. I was clenching my fist around my fork! I wonder if anyone has used this method to boost will power. Am I the only person who exceeded their calorie allotment by 1113 calories? On the first day?
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    I don't usually talk politics but this concerns a lot of us and it doesn't matter what your party is. This is US citizens.
    Lame Duck Congress is trying to push through 3 bills that could not be good for us. They are S.510-S.3767-S.3002

    They would effect small farms selling organic produce, the sell of vitamins and supplements without prescriptions etc..
    These are some of the bills that get passed and most people don't realize it is happening because they are piggy-backed in on a larger bill and it passes. I don't even think our Congressmen and Reps realize what is in some of them. They are too in depth.

    a website to check this out for yourselves is:


    Read and see if you read it the way I do.

    Your pal,
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Barb - my sympathies on the passing of your great aunt.

    Amanda - awesome that you are under 150! Congrats! I do hope Natasha is OK

    Welcome Moncha. There must be a story behind your name -- what is it????

    Well, we're going to this buffet (Western Steer) for our citizens academy "graduation". It has really really been interesting.

    Went to the citizen's academy "graduation". I tried to be good, I really did. Had a grilled chicken breast and sweet potato (no topping), a salad (no dressing), only had water to drink, then came home and had some almonds. Just finished logging in my food and I'm over 100 calories. Some days it seems that I'm low, some days I can't understand why I am so high. I don't understand it -- so many restaurants only have iced tea, not hot tea. And this place was no different. I did bring along some of the "true lemon" and put that in my water.

    Had a board meeting at the Y today. I like the new CEO, he's more "into" the members, and that's what I'm into. He's also into fundraising, and that's just not for me one bit. I'll donate, but please don't ask me to fundraise.

    Did an hour of spinning today. There is a spin class right after these board meetings that I usually go to. Tomorrow, I'll go to yoga at 7:15, then do a bit of food shopping, then a friend wants to go to the Christmas show in Charlotte so I'll go with her. Usually, I'll take the water aerobics but I'll do that Friday. Tomorrow night Vince and I will go for the free bowling.

    Why is it so quiet in here?

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening. Gonna go watch Dancing with the Stars (I Ti-Vo'd it)

  • chicletgirl
    :flowerforyou: Hello Everyone!

    Sorry I haven't been able to write, but today I finally had a breather. The agency that provided the medical equipment on loan at no charge came by and delivered her hospital bed, trapeeze, and patient lift. I threw out my son's old bed which was practically on its last leg and now she has everything set up in her room. Looking at her she looks much more comfortable and things went more smoothly today. She is able to assist us in moving her a little better now. Everyday she is getting stronger, we work out together everyday. Her doing the exercises, and me lifting, pulling, turning and flipping her around!:huh:. But she is definitely doing better. We also went for our evaluation for Access, a company that provides wheelchair transportation at no charge. A doctor appointment has been made for December when her insurance kicks in.

    She monopolizes most of my time, so I notice while I make sure she is eating and getting enough protein, I on the other hand am not meeting my calorie goal daily. I am afraid when I go for weigh in next week that I will not have lost much, but retained instead. (You know starvation mode, though I am hardly starving!) And poor Boo is suffering by not getting enough attention from me or her normal amount of walks in. (I actually have the caregiver walking her once a day for me and I do the rest of the walks later. She misses our watching TV late at night, sitting next to each other eating popcorn together. The other night I sat on the couch and she practically pounced on me to sit with me. Poor baby.:cry:

    Hopefully things will get somewhat back to normal here, but I realize it is not going to be anytime soon.

    I hope you all are doing well. I try and read posts when I can but unfortunately it isn't often. I miss you all and all the great conversations and subjects we all talk about. We are definitely a diverse group!:wink:

    I'll try and talk to you all more often. Thank you all for your notes of encouragement with my mother. You are truly great friends!!:drinker:

  • mimi7grands
    Hello everyone....a really, really quick check-in from me. Barb, I'm sorry about your Aunt. She sounds as though she was a wonderful woman. Amanda, congrats on getting under 150. You look smashing in your new pic!! Chiclet, it sounds as though you and your mom are forging a new and better relationship. You're working hard and it's paying off. Kudos to you. Everyone else, I've read all your posts and am thinking about you. I'll look forward to having some sit-down time in a few days to visit more.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    :smile: Have a few spare minutes before taking the dogs out so thought I would take the opportunity to say a quick "hello" :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all newcomers :flowerforyou:

    :laugh: The beginners running club is going well. I wasn't able to go last Friday, but Jane my colleague did and told me all about it, more of the same running/walking . :wink: I have been practicing by running and walking to work, in fact any chance I get I am running a bit (walking a lot!) then running again :laugh: I hope this Friday I am able to keep up with everyone.

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet don't forget to look after yourself as well as your mum. You are doing great with her by the sound of it, but don't forget you need a bit of you time too, even if it is just sitting and watching tv with boo :smile:

    :embarassed: I'm sorry I've not done this as a word doc but a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to someone who has had a birthday recently. Hope you had a great day.

    :flowerforyou: Barb thoughs are with you on the passing of your great aunt.

    :noway: Well it's 6:30 a.m. better get my boots on and walk the pooches - looks a bit frosty out there today, yesterday we had freezing fog - I hate winter!

    Take Care everyone and I'll try to post more often.

    :heart: :heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    Trying to catch up a little whilst I've got a spare few minutes. Hugs and love to everyone.

    Natasha is home from hospital again. She is absolutely exhausted, bless her heart. I'm trying to do as much as I can for her - cooking, cleaning, washing, looking after the babies as much as possible so that she can get some rest. It's a good thing she's got such a supportive and capable husband too. I really feel that she was discharged from hospital initially far too soon. In fact, even the midwife who is visiting her at home, thinks she should have been kept in for longer. Still, she's home now.

    Diet and exercise is a bit haphazard right now. I'm eating as well as I can - not eating any rubbish, just maybe not eating enough.Tomorrow night (Thursday) I'm going to go to my aqua fit class as DD#2 is spending the night with her sister and the wee bairns. I'd love to be able to get in a trip to the gym, but I don't think that's likely just now - at least I'm getting plenty of exercise running up and down stairs. DD#1's house is spread over three floors - I should put on a pedometer and work out how many miles of stairs I climb each day!

    Hopefully you are all doing well. I continue to think of you, even when I don't get the chance to post on here.

    Catch up soon!


    Amanda x
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies.
    Things have been pretty bad lately. I have been suffereing from self pity. yesterday I ate cookies and chips and anything crunchy because I knew that today I don't get anything but water and clear liquids all day. I have been having stupid spats with DH and I am not even really exercising much. I am a mess. I don't think I will get any in today since nutrition is suspect and tomorrow I doubt that I will feel like it after the colonoscopy. Things are looking a little better on the job front, I am being considered for another posistion at Boeing again. that was the only bright spot yesterday.

    I am sorry to rant so. I know that there are so many with much bigger problems than mine. My thoughts are with you all. Have a great day.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi, all. Just popping in to let you all know that I am still around! I've been very busy getting ready to go to the Phoenix area on Saturday and also taking some re-employment workshops at our local Worksource. I'm also trying to get my Christmas gifts finished for the family in AZ so I can just take them with me and not have to ship them later (they are small and won't take up much room in my bag!)
    Anyway--I've been having trouble keeping up so I think I will just concentrate on logging my food and exercise until December and then try to get back on the boards again.
    Lots of good thoughts and prayers for all of you.
  • piquilter
    Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't checked in for awhile but mfp started consuming so much of my life I wasn't getting anything else done.:laugh: I didn't realize you changed each month, but one of my friends just updated me. :flowerforyou: On Saturday I bought a pair of Under Armor warmup pants 2 sizes smaller than I would have 2 months ago, and didn't bother to try them on. I figured they would be good goal as something I could work to fit into. On Monday morning as I was getting ready to go workout I thought, what the heck, let's see how far I have to go; so I tried them on & they FIT! :noway: As part of my 'epiphany' 2 months ago when I began this struggle yet again I knew I had to heal myself on the inside as well & I also struggle with that every day. Yesterday after reading my exercise log one of my MFP friends told me I'm going to look good for the holidays! :) I think I will, but the biggest challenge for me is going to 'see' that I look good. That is the battle I've struggled with for most of my 58 years. My memories of my mother are her verbally chipping away at my self-esteem my entire life pretty much up until the day she died. I was smart, creative, a good student, excellent trumpet player & never got in trouble. My biggest crime in her eyes was that I was not thin & pretty like my younger sister. I was built more like my dad. When I was thin she'd tell me I looked scrawny, I couldn't win. Even as an adult when I've gone through my 'thin' stages I would look in the mirror & not see thin. It was probably amazing I did not become anorexic or bullimic. When I finally had my 'epiphany' 2 months ago I decided that if I continue to do this to myself I allow her to win and define me. I am 'not' a number on the scale or a reflection caught in a mirror or camera. I am defined by all of the positive things that I am, plus more than a little 'bohemian' from my Bohemian heritage. I do not begrudge my sister her relationship with my mother. About 2 weeks before our mother died I finally told my sister what it was like for me. She promptly went to my 2 aunts to 'verify' what I'd told her & tried justify why she might have been 'hard' on me & also told a friend of hers and then came back with: if things were really as bad as you say they were maybe you need therapy. Every once in awhile she comes up with a jab that is like a flashback for me. I honestly don't think I will ever truly forgive my mother but I think I have finally found peace with in the belief that "I" am the only person who can define me. This is probably waaaayyyyy more than any of you wanted to know about me :) but I've also decided that I need people to help me along the way. It's always going to be a struggle for me, but then we all have our own personal struggles.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Just popping in to say hello and mark where I have read through. Work is super busy and I don't have time to say much.

    Hang in there everyone, all troubles will pass if you let them.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Home from a week at the beach and now staying busy packing and running my FiL for dr appointments and tests. We close on our new house Friday and the moving van arrives Monday. I had a wonderful time, but gained a couple of pounds. It'll be awhile before I have time to update regularly so for now here's a beach photo for you:

    On our Dinner Cruise, November 2010:

    I never got a picture of me in that two piece!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Thank you all for your kind words about the loss of my great aunt. I was able to re-arrange my schedule a bit by changing my haircut and the rug cleaner to earlier in the week. The doggie groomer also fit the piglets in for the same day--sure don't want them underfoot to "help" with the rug cleaning.:noway: :laugh: :laugh: My friend who is helping me reclaim my house from the clutter monster is coming after the rug cleaner leaves, so if all goes well, I will still have everything done in time for next week.

    She was more than willing to stand in for me so I could have kept the original schedule, but I got to thinking about what a "pill" Mai Li can be about being picked up to be put in the car and realized my friend would have her hands full if Mai Li was uncooperative about being handled. So to avoid complications, I fixed it so that my friend will just need to come over and take my babies for a walk in the afternoon and give them an early dinner.

    I am still going to the funeral , but I will be driving there and back in one day--about a 400 mile round trip.:yawn: I am leaving before the crack of dawn as it will take close to 4 hours to get there, and the funeral is in the morning. There will be a gathering afterwards, and then the drive back. I expect it will be a LOOONG day. Oh, and did I mention, the weather forecast for the mountain pass I have to cross calls for SNOW??!smiley-cool21.gif

    They keep changing where they think the freezing level will be, so it may not do much at the elevation I have to travel, but I would prefer NOT to deal with it. Thank goodness for AWD (all wheel drive)!!:drinker: :drinker:

    Chiclet, I am glad to hear your mom is coming along.

    Robin, Hope something positive comes from your job possibility.

    Amanda, Glad your daughter is home again.

    Have a good night all.

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hello Ladies:flowerforyou:
    I have a viral/sinus/bronchitis "thingy" that has me down again. I am truly hoping this is not how my winter is going to be. I miss the sunshine. It's cold and raining.

    Pquitlter: Hope your trip goes well. It helps sometimes, just to unload you feelings. The faster you can heal from this the better.
    Will be sending good wishes your way.

    Barb I hope the trip you are on today goes okay and you return home safely. (I didn't write this down and am not pasting so hope I get all this right)

    Amanda, I am glad things are going better for your family.

    Susan: your pictures are lovely...is that your daughter or sister?

    Robin..I hope you are doing okay with your colonscopy today. That the results are normal.

    My memory is not long so I may have left someone out, If I did, I apologize.

    Have a great day:flowerforyou:

    'til next time....
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    PS When I first joined the sight there was a Laura on here, who was going to see her dying mother. I haven't seen any post but might have missed one. Does anyone know if she is okay?
    I think of her and hope she is okay.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just a quick "Hello"! :happy: I'm at work so I'll be brief. I went to the doctors today and my blood pressure is better. :bigsmile: I was 2 pounds down from my last visit...and I thought I was going to be up! That was a nice surprise>:bigsmile: :blushing:
    Suzy I love the picture, Lynn hang in there, Piquilter never apologize for sharing! We've all had our turn to open up. It's good for the soul.:wink: I'm glad you have a healthier and more positive attitude about yourself. We cannot change others but we can change the way we react to others. We all are a "gift" to this world ...whether others believe it ot not:laugh: Barb, sorry about your aunt and have a safe trip.

    Greetings and hugs to all!!!!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi ladies. I survived the prep yesterday. Nasty nasty stuff. it was the worst part of the whole thing. . Good drugs this morning so I don't really remember the actual procedure so it was good. the Doc challenged me to sign up for a half marathon in June 2011. He said that I might as well have a goal to work towards since I have gotten in such good shape. I do get to join the 10 year club (means I don't have to have another colonoscopy until I am 60) that means I have a good clean butt!:noway:

    I hope you are all doing well this week. It amazes me what stress will do to the heart rate. I was sitting in the hospital with a nice 56 beat resting rate and as soon as the doctor walked in the room it shot up to 80 until they gave me the drugs. I found that fascinating.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    chicklet - I totally agree with Viv -- be sure to take care of yourself, too. You know, sitting with Boo isn't such a bad idea, you're doing something for youself AND for Boo.

    piquilter - congrats! Doesn't it just feel so good when you try something on that you think won't fit you and it does?????

    Barb - drive safely. You know, it might not be a bad idea to have a backup plan just in case you need to stay in a motel overnight.

    Robin - yup, "white coat syndrome" will play real havoc with bp numbers every time!

    Did an hour of a band DVD today at home then had a dentist appt. They put a filling in one of my wisdom teeth. Normally, I don't take any novacane. Didn't take any when I got the caps, either. But I was no fool and did take it when I had that root canal done. The dentist did say that I did well. I was surprised when it was over, I honestly expected more

    Tomorrow, I'll do a deep water workout. Which reminds me that I want to put some grapes in my bag. I get so hungry after swimming. It's that or I get something from their vending machine. Not withstanding the fact that it's really not healthy, to be honest, I'm so hungry after swimming that I can't wait until I get changed and can go out in the lobby. Works better to have a piece of fruit with me.

    I think I told you that Jessica wants to "do" Thanksgiving, which translates into "mom will do most of it". I've already made her about 4 different desserts, I'll make a chocolate cheesecake but I can't freeze that so I'll make it later in the week. We're invited to a friend's house Monday and I'm thinking about making a banana cherry pie to take with me. think I'll just make two and take one to Jessica.

    Have a great evening everyone.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: Piquilter
    thanks for sharing what’s on your mind about your mom and your weight loss journey……..I think a lot of us have “stuff” from our moms that we’ve had to let go of in order to move on…I, too, had a less than wonderful relationship with my mom and my sister was the one that had a perfect relationship with her….unfortunately my sister died at age 19 in 1966 and lived on forever as a perfect memory…..my mother was never happy with my weight…she put me on many diets, made remarks about my big rear end and when I was dieting and losing weight she made comments about my unhealthy eating…..the only way I was ever able to completely forgive her was to look for the good things I’d learned from her and speak only about those things…I take care of the family finances, dance for pleasure, have a good sense of humor, and am a great cook because of my mother---I don’t speak of anything else…it has helped a lot.

    :flowerforyou: Suzzque, you look fabulous in your picture…..best wishes on the move
    someone once said that move is a four letter word and I agree---it’s a lot of work

    :flowerforyou: Robin, I hope the news about the job with Boeing is good news….glad your colonoscopy went well and that you don’t have to do it again for a long time

    We just decided that we’re going to the movies for Thanksgiving since we had two huge turkey dinners last week and we’re going out to dinner on Saturday after Thanksgiving…….what are you all doing?
  • mimi7grands
    A quickish hello from me…a little longer than last time. It seems as though many people, myself included, are scurrying around this month – probably next month too - and finding less time for MFP.

    A few days ago, I had my worst eating day since starting MFP last January :angry: . I had been doing worse and worse after going to Tahoe (and leaving my food scale behind!) After several so-so days, I had one truly pitiful day. Scary.

    My theory is that eating a lot of fruit early in the day set me up to crave more carbs than usual. I decided to break that pattern a couple of days ago by starting the day with an egg then upping my protein for the rest of the day. That seems to have done the trick.

    I’m back on track now - eating some fruit for breakfast but also getting in more protein. Bottom line is that I learned something (I can do it!!!) and didn’t do too much damage. I’m still under 200. Phew! That was an important milestone for me and one I don’t want to revisit in reverse! :laugh:

    Once again, MFP (measuring, logging, great support from this forum) has helped me get back on track. Thank you, thank you. :flowerforyou:

    PIquilter, I’m glad you shared about the issues you’re dealing with. You are not alone. Many years ago, I worked with a counselor to deal with the critical voices and fears I carried around in my head. They had way too much power in my life.

    The counselor led me through a sort of guided remembering called regression therapy. Basically, you recall a scenario in as much detail as you can, trying to feel the feelings you originally felt. Then you imagine it again but with you having more power.

    The counseling was intense but incredibly worthwhile. The things that seemed big and scary to me as a kid, became smaller as I re-imagined them as an adult. This may sound very California woo-woo, but I was amazed at how my perception changed!

    Susan, you’re a busy gal! You look wonderful in your picture!!

    Barb, drive carefully! Snow and ice are no fun.

    Lynn, hope you’re feeling better.

    Hello, Birdie. Congrats on the BP. Whoo hoo! I love reading your posts. You have such a positive attitude. I always learn something valuable from reading them.

    Robin, I’m so glad you got through that hurdle – and with a great report! I’m not looking forward to the ordeal but it’s about time. A half-marathon sounds like a worthy goal. My fingers are crossed for the Boeing job.

    Michele, you stay so busy, you blow me away!

    Barbie, I went “halves” with my daughter on a turkey the other day. Couldn’t wait for Thanksgiving. Now I have some turkey and a big pot of soup to eat up. I’m headed down to my folks’ house tomorrow and will take them with me. Should make some nice, cozy meals on the rainy days that are expected.

    We’re going to have a big family shindig at my daughter and son-in-law’s house on Thursday. Some family members will stay over for a couple of days afterward. I count my blessings to have a wonderful, big family. (Counting from my folks on down, we now number 50!)

    Thinking of you all with much affection…