

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hey Ladies
    Good Morning.
    Amanda: I know the " waiting" you are experiencing in your life, is tough. The unknown is never easy to deal with. Keeping busy helps. When the twins get here, that will help keep you going until the new year. There is nothing like new babies.:heart: My son will be 34, December 24th. THAT was an eventful Christmas!:tongue:

    Barbie-hope your blood tests go well too.

    I love reading all your posts. :flowerforyou:

    I had an experience last night. I was in the bath tub and had my phone laying beside it. It must have been on a down hill slant because I received a text and my phone drowned.:noway: :ohwell: There was no saving it. My husband put my sim card in a blackberry he had just retired. So, I'll have to go phone shopping next week.
    I have AT&T and I haven't been happy with them lately. Does anyone else have problems with dropped calls with them?

    I am going to weigh this morning but I don't expect to lose. I have done well on my calories but I haven't moved around a great deal. I did do some small weights with my arms and leg lifts but I didn't even count that on my diary.

    My 3 1/2 year old granddaughter is coming this afternoon. Her mommy is taking photos for a wedding. I am looking forward to that.:heart:

    I wish all of you a good weekend.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hopefully next week it will be back to the gym!:tongue:

    'til next time....
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Mac- I do mean this seriously, but you can laugh at the suggestion. Go to a feed store and buy some Absorbine for horses and try putting that on your IT band and see if it relieves the pain. It really stinks so plan on trying it when you are going to stay home and you can take a shower before seeing anyone. They make it for people too, but it is not as good as the original one. It's worth a shot. Of course, if you know people with horses you can just try theirs first to see if it will work for your pain.

    Amanda- Heart valve surgery isn't what it use to be. It is pretty safe these days. Keep up the good work you have done on your weight and don't let all the stress you have coming at you get you down.

    Dad just called. I have to go get him his oatmeal now, so I will have to cut this off here.

    Have a great Friday ladies and start the weekend with a can do attitude towards life.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning all,
    Amanda you will so enjoy those babies. Good luck on the surgery. My mom and brother both had a valve replacement. What kind are you getting. I dont know much about it but my brother said there is a new one that has come out that will never have to be replaced and does not require kumiden (not sure of spelling but medicine to keep your blood thin)
    Barbie good luck on blood tests. Weather is lovely here. nice and cool. ate my oatmeal pancakes for breakfast. After posting going to start cooking lunch and then do that video I bought the other day. Will check in later. Have a good day.
    Vicki M
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So for the first time since August my ticker finally moved. I was able to post a loss on my official Friday weigh in day. I am officially down 1.2 pounds. I still have 2.8 pounds to go to get back to where I was in August but I know things are firmer than they were then so it is all good. Have a great day ladies!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I have been having a bad week and I'm not sure why. I think maybe it's because I am not sleeping really well and I an also stressing a bit about going to visit my family in 2 weeks. I have GOT to do better and I will--starting now.
    I do need to pick up some new tops and maybe a pair of slacks before I go because nothing is fitting right. I hate shopping.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Slept through the night two nights in a row without the trazodone. Yeah!

    @Jeannie - thanks for the suggestion!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    TGIF! :happy: And I really mean it! I've been fighting some bug :sick: all week and been really dragging myself to work. :frown: Haven't exercised since Sunday? :ohwell: Just need to get some rest this weekend. :yawn: Have a wonderful weekend all!:flowerforyou:
  • marlouise
    Hello everyone, I was a good girl today, up at 3am to do the gym, ate all the menu food except supper. But all is good and under or at calorie intake level.
    Hope to keep up the good work, it felt good after a few minutes out of the gym, lots of toxins to get rid of. Catch you all tomorrow.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Oh, Amanda, I'm so sorry that you need the valve replacement, but it is good that they're going to wait a bit. You know, I constantly ask "how can the kids be getting older when I'm not?????" I would really like for Einstein to come down here and explain this to me....lol

    Warning! Rant to follow!
    When I went for my bone density in Aug, the "nurse" (note the quotes) told me that the MD wanted to talk to me about it. OK. I don't have a problem with that. I asked her for my numbers since the visit wouldn't be for another week. She said "I don't have them in front of me". I just told her "well, I would think that they'd be in the front of my folder". "The MD will discuss them with you". "That's a week away, I'd really like to know my numbers". Finally, she gives them to me. "They are xxx and xxx (I don't remember the exact numbers)." "That's xxx at the hip" "No, that's xxx at the spine". Why give me just part of the answer to my question? Just how dumb does she think I am??? Then, she calls to tell me that the MD wants to do add'l blood tests so I told her I'd be in the next day. The next day she's out but another nurse is filling in. That's when I'm told that (please don't ask me to explain this) it has to be done in 2 to 4 weeks. Well, I go in 2 to 4 weeks. And I wait. And I wait. And I wait. Finally, I speak to the woman at the desk asking her if perhaps they called me when I was in the bathroom. She said she needed to talk to the "nurse". The "nurse" told her that she needs to fill out the paperwork inbetween patients. I couldn't wait, so I left. I called the other day asking why they couldn't do the paperwork and just put it in my folder so all's I'd have to do is just go and have my blood drawn. The "nurse" tells me about how it'll go to insurance. Well, insurance certainly isn't going to honor it if it doesn't have a date...duh.. I just told her that I can't sit and wait for hours, I just don't have that kind of time. I went today for the bloodwork. I had decided that if she didn't have the paperwork ready by a certain time, I wasn't going to bother with this bloodwork. I'm sure it's just added work so that they can get more $$$ from insurance. Anyway, she did do the paperwork, so I got it drawn. The gal at the lab told me that they don't send this out, it's done in their office. So why couldn't she do the paperwork earlier?????

    Went out to lunch with some gals today. See, the guys go to lunch so this is the women's "alternative" lunch. It isn't a technical Newcomer activity since some of the people who go aren't Newcomers. Honestly, it was at 1, I wish it were earlier. I know why they have it so late, it's so that the people who play MahJong can play.

    Took a meal to the lady who had the hysterectomy. Did I tell you that her hubby totalled their car Tues? They only had the one car. So I took they some chicken (she's told me many times how the hubby can only have beef once/month. But I know he has it more often), mixed veges, and an apple bread.

    Did 1 hr of the extremepump class today. They have it on Mon and Fri. Honestly, I don't like the Fri class as much. Oh, the instructor is fine. It's just that there's a class from 8:30 to 9:30 and this is supposed to be from 9:30 to 10:30. It's just that it never starts on time. The instructor does go over, but a lot of people have to leave on time. Going to yoga tomorrow. This one store by me has chicken breasts on sale bogo, I had some and they are so juicy so I'm going to get more after yoga.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • singerlynne
    singerlynne Posts: 9 Member
    Hi - i'm lynne and i am almost 50 so i would like to join you in this post - you seem to have a great thing going. I am going to learn so much. And if i can contribute somehow that would be perfect.... congrats to all for such a positive Nov start... how many days til Christmas... i am going to need you then... how many glasses of red wine????
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Ladies,, after reading several of the posts, I am wondering if some "kind" of moon cycle is effecting all our health, eating, moodsetc..
    There is certainly something in the air!..:ohwell: :tongue:
    I had a minor setback myself today. I am not going in a car tomorrow or anything that would irritate my crazy, wild nerve in my low, low back.:blushing: (bum, bootie) You know...:ohwell:
    I hope the cycle moves on and soon!

    Hi Lynne or Heather?? Good luck. I am realtively new on here myself. I have to tell you the 50+ years of experience these ladies have to share is awesome. I love just getting on here and reading about their lives and wishing and hoping for them in their struggles. I feel like I have known them a long time.

    I feel honored that they respond to me in their posts. Sometimes, there are so many I can't get to them all. I am pushing it to sit here for this amount of time. I am "addicted" to this site. I just think that if I am on here, I am not eating.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Barbiecat is the great lady who helped to start this thread. Birdie is always uplifting and their weight lose and excercise regimen would put a 20-year old to shame. I almost lose weight just reading about it.:bigsmile:
    We have actors and singers and people who live over a portion of the world. It's interesting to hear about their way of life and family and even their weather.:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
    I feel for them in all their troubles. Some have had death, trauma, sickness...:cry::brokenheart:

    It's a great place to be included...

    Thanks to you all!:heart::flowerforyou:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    I have some sort of talent going on that I was not aware I have...have you noticed the double "smiley faces" that I am posting...wow..I don't know how I am doing it...:bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: Heather, welcome to the greatest thread......this is a fabulous group of women who support each other and share great ideas.......I hope you will stick with us.

    :flowerforyou: in spite of my goal to eat at home this month, I managed to eat out twice today at two restaurants named "Dynasty" in two different towns. We had friends from California stop here to visit us on the way to stay to stay with their daughter who lives north of Seattle........we went for a sort of late lunch with them...I had Buddhists Delight and brown rice......they left at 5 and at 6:30 I met a group of friends who had organized a dinner for an out of town visitor....this time I had vegetables and egg with green shaved barley noodles
    I brought half of it home for DH......the calories were probably not so bad but the sodium was outrageous :laugh: Tomorrow night we're going to a gigantic potluck Gratitude Banquet

    :flowerforyou: the woman I sat next to at dinner tonight told me that our conversation at the retreat we went to in September had been inspirational to her and as a result she had made huge changes in her eating and her outlook on food and had lost more than 10 pounds.....I don't remember saying anything "inspirational" but I guess I'm just so used to talking about everything I've learned from you about sane and healthy eating that I don't even notice anymore. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I'm sorry you had such a "runaround" with medical paperwork....that stuff is so frustrating.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy, having trouble sleeping is no fun and stressing over the future is worse.......stay in the moment and be thinking about what you will bring to the family gathering rather than what you will get out of it......your family is blessed to have you and they will be glad you are there.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, even with new grandbabies and heart surgery in your future you still manage to keep dropping those pounds.......:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, I am so sorry about your phone.......I ran mine through the washing machine and ruined it.......we have AT&T and don't have much trouble with it......we've had it for years and each time we go to renew it we do some research and come back to it rather than changing it......sorry to hear about the pain in your back:cry:

    I've been sitting too long, gotta get moving.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    :ohwell: I've not been able to post for nearly a week, although I have been lurking and reading.

    :laugh: I started my beginners running club yesterday lunchtime. It was my day off work, so although I went shopping with mum in the morning, I explained I needed to be quick to get home, changed and back to work on the field for 12:30 p.m. Of course I was late getting back :grumble: and then I had to drop some shopping off at my uncle's. I tried a mixture of running and walking :huh: but everyone was on the field well into their warm up by the time I got there all puffed and out of breath :frown: :frown: I think I am the unfittest person in the group, but I can only get better!!

    :smile: To be honest I am feeling it this morning, the tops of my legs ache. I will stick to walking today, but might try a light jog tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda sorry to hear you need a valve replacing, but you as barbiecat says even with all this going on, you are still managing to lose weight. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Michele, could you have a word with the doctor next time you see him and ask why the nurse couldn't tell you your results there and then, or phone them to you without having to go through all the inconvenience you were put through?

    :flowerforyou: Lynn sorry to hear about your phone taking a bath with you. Sometimes after a few days when everything has dried out, they work again. My DS dropped his in some water tried to dry it out, but it was a few days before it started working again.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome Lynne (singerlynne) you've found a great site. I'm trying not to think of Christmas yet though :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :drinker: Well I must make a start, I've sat here long enough. I need to get some housework done and if possible try and get in at the hairdressers for a trim, my hair doesn't seem to grow long, it just gets thicker and thicker until I look like a mop:wink::wink:

    Have a good weekend and here's to healthy choices!

    Viv x :heart:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    My goals for the week are to log all of my food.

    I invented a new muffin recipe this morning. If you don't have leftover oatmeal, just put 1/2 c. quick cooking oatmeal and 1 c. water in a bowl in the microwave for 1 minute. I put this in the food database as Mary's Oatmeal Muffins - 143 calories each.

    Oatmeal Muffins
    • 1 cup all-purpose flour
    • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
    • ½ cup Splenda
    • 1 teaspoon baking powder
    • 1 teaspoon baking soda
    • 1/2 cup applesauce
    • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
    • 1 cup leftover oatmeal
    • 1 cup raisins
    • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
    • In a large bowl, combine flour, brown sugar, baking powder and baking soda. In another bowl, combine oil, eggs, oatmeal, raisins and vanilla; add to dry ingredients and stir just until moistened (the batter will be thin). Spoon into 12 greased muffin cups. Bake at 350° for 18 minutes or until the muffins test done. Yield: 1 dozen.
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Greetings all and a wonderful Satuday to you. I finished up my "little black book" daily calorie log and so am switching back to MFP daily logging...hopefully that will get me onto this site on a more frequent, if not daily, basis.

    My November goals may be a strange one to you...but I have been struggling so much lately, seemingly taking two steps back for every step forward. I'm tired of it and just want to get my life, my eating, and my relationship to food onto a normal footing. I've been doing really well since last Thursday, and today seems to be on track for another good day. Like Birdie, I am trying to take one day at a time, making the best choices I can for each day.

    God bless all of you, and Happy November!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Tonight is the Oyster New Year feast at Elliot's. Once a year bash with all you can eat oysters being shucked by the local growers and all of Elliots wonderful cooked oyster dishes. 20 local wineries and brewers sampling their beer and wine and a champagne reception beforehand. I am so looking forward to this. I will be over my calories and sodium by the thousands but who cares once a year!!!!
    It is a bit frustrating since I finally got the scale moving again. this could stall it for a while but oh well. I worked out hard this morning and I will drink a ton of water.

    Terri glad your back and I hope you can get thru your struggles. one day at a time is the best approach.
    Mary thanks for the recipe

    Welcome newbies. And to everyone please have an awesome day.
  • abundanceismine
    Hi everyone! Room for 1 more 50+? I just joined today. My name is Sally, aka Abundance is mine, and I am 51 and my goal is to lose 100 lbs.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome Sally!!! and Welcome Lynne, who also has "Heather" in her signature(?)

    We look forward to getting to know you.

    We have women from the UK: (tiarapants AKA Amanda; wizzywig AKA Viv; mdyn........(<can't recall the exact login--I always read it as "my dinasaurs" AKA Jackie.

    There are also some Canadians: Rebelrenny AKA Renny; there is another from Victoria BC, who I think is traveling right now--can't remember the login--so hasn't been on here much lately.

    We have women from all over the USA, and there is a contingent from Washington state also. Rjadams, AKA Robin, is north of Seattle, while pmjsmom AKA Kathy is near Olympia, and Barbiecat AKA Barbie is on the Olympic Peninsula, and I am down south in Vancouver, near Portland, OR--not to be confused with the Vancouver about 300 miles north of me in BC, Canada.

    We have some Californians, mimi7grands AKA "Sister Veggie Queen"--there is a story there. and Macmadame, and chicletgirl; and lots of women from all over. I can't begin to mention everyone. In time, you will get to know us, and we will get to know you--I hope!!:flowerforyou:

    I attacked my refrigerator today to make some space in preparation for Thanksgiving, which I am planning to have here, unless I can't get my house re-arranged in time, in which case I will still make the dinner, but it will be eaten at my mom and dad's apartment instead. That might be quieter, as the "Three Little Piggies" can be left home, so they can't have a "barkfest" during our dinner, or try to "help" in the kitchen.:wink::laugh:

    The year I moved here, I had Thanksgiving, and my late Shih tzu, Dreyfus (pictured in my ticker) made such a fuss when he smelled asparagus (his favorite veggie) that I had to put him inside my SUV until it stopped cooking (the asparagus--not the SUV:wink: ), as he would NOT shut up!! :noway: :laugh: :laugh: Mai Li (my avatar) thought she was in tall clover when Dreyfus was banished to the outside, and she got to stay inside and "supervise" in the kitchen. When I brought him back inside, she sulked for a while. I think she was hoping he wasn't coming back so she could have all the leftovers for herself!!!:laugh:

    BTW to Lynn, who drowned her cell phone. I hope you haven't tossed it out yet. While it is likely, since it was powered up when it hit the water, that it may be fried for good, it is also possible that with the passage of time, it could dry out and power on again. My phone took a swim in the washer, and the repair tech I dealt with from Sprint advised me of some techniques to dry it out. One is remove battery and back from it and put the phone in a plastic bag with some rice (absorbs moisture) and leave for 24 hours, or instead of placing it in the bag with the rice, you can leave the phone inside a self-defrosting refrigerator for 24 hours--the defrost cycle removes moisture from within the fridge, and thus the phone may dry out.

    In my case, I replaced my phone with an identical model, and about a month after the "swimming" incident, for the heck of it, I decided to see if the old phone would power up. It did, and I was able to retrieve all my stored phone numbers. I have been using the old phone as a battery charger for my active phone, since I have 2 batteries that I rotate so I can fully discharge them each time, and I always have a charged spare.

    Robin, My tastebuds are envying yours, as you prepare for that wonderful dinner. Enjoy!!!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

    I still have lots to do today, so BFN

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Quick post. Read all I could but cannot respond now. Had a really busy day. First time I have sat and rested all day. Started off at soccer game for Gracie. Did little shopping for Regan for her trip to DC. Went to watch Regan cheer at her game. Had some lunch. Stopped at Sam's. Came home made cupcakes and cake for Rhea's birthday tomorrow while watching LSU. They Won . Yeah. Then went to Wal mart and had supper. Picked up Kenneth from Shawn's (our first son) they went to game together. Came home. cooked ground meat to put chili together in crock pot for party tomorrow. Sat down to read email and log my food for today. No formal exercise but lots of running around. Hope to get on tomorrow.
    Vicki m