
  • bump
  • jbisme
    jbisme Posts: 16
    The goals I've set for myself for the month of November
    #1 To log everything I eat
    #2 Workout on a regular basis
    #3 Strive to stick to a healthy diet
    #4 Work extra hard to lose 5-10 pounds this month
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Barbie, thanks for starting the November thread! You’re the best!!!:flowerforyou:

    Barb it was great hearing from you.:happy: ...and everyone else!:happy: I can’t possibly comment on all the posts :ohwell: but I have read them all and keep you all in my thoughts and prayers!:smooched:

    November already!:noway: I did well in October, so I am just going to try to keep the same pace for November.:blushing:

    Yesterday, Halloween, I ate some foods I don’t usually eat, but I didn’t overeat.:smile: To me, there’s a difference.
    I had 2 pieces of pizza,:tongue: as my dinner and over the course of the day I ate 2 pieces of candy (Almond joys!!):tongue: But it was calculated and not out of control. :wink: (I also exercised for an hour in the afternoon) The “Trick or Treat” candy is out of the house.:bigsmile: I do not trust myself enough to have such goodies around for those moments I’m NOT so in control. :ohwell: When in doubt (about having foods in the house)...leave it out! :bigsmile: That’s what I say, and it works for me.:happy:

    Also, I think there’s a difference between loving to eat and overeating. To me, overeating is when the food is out of control. In other words....you know you should stop....and you can’t. I choose to have a great big salad, because I enjoy having the great big salad. But if I have to have a great big bowl of candy...and I know I shouldn’t...and I don't want to....and I continue to pursue it....then I feel I’m out of control. :noway: Like many of you, I do have a treat when I have the urge, but I keep it very calculated and I don’t allow myself to binge on it.
    :embarassed: Once (before MFP) I had a cake in the house and I was slivering it to death! I knew if I didn’t do something, that I would eat the entire thing before the days end! :grumble: So....I threw it in my garbage can and sprinkled Comet/Ajax (detergent) all over it. (Just in case I might change my mind). That’s how out of control my eating was! :cry:
    Now, I keep in mind that I AM NOT that person anymore...and I DO NOT think like that anymore.:bigsmile:
    There’s a dignity that comes with being in control, and I don’t mean a pompous attitude.:smile: Before I just felt like an out of control eating machine..:sad: :angry: ..so oh well...just stuff my face and feel horrible about it tomorrow. (And probably do the same thing again). :cry: It’s a vicious cycle and one does not feel like they have much dignity....so why act dignified???? So sad. :cry:
    So today I tell myself I am a beautiful child of God that has dignity:happy: and with God’s help I can get control.... and have order in my life and eating. :flowerforyou: It’s a matter of treating myself the way I perceive myself!:love:

    Anyways, you all can do it One Day at a Time. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: As I have said so many times, I just concentrate on today and make healthy choices...or at least controlled choices...today....and the next day I do the same. I exercise and drink lots of water. That’s it.:wink:

    Today is a solemn day for me. :frown: 25 years ago, today, my first husband died suddenly. :brokenheart: He was a wonderful man and I loved him so much.:heart: My 3 daughters are now grown up and the experience showed them that, with faith, you CAN go on.:flowerforyou: I am now happily married to my second husband for almost 18 years.:heart: God is good! When someone you love dies...you can move on and have a great life.....but you never forget! :cry: May all our loved ones rest in peace.......and may we remember to be grateful for the ones we have in our lives today!:love::love:

    BirdieM:heart::drinker: :heart:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Just marking my place for now.

    Wasn't sure I'd be logging on at all today because the weather seems to be interfering with our internet connection--again!

    Got a connection finally but have things to catch up on now.

    Take care, everyone, and I hope to be back later.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy November 1st...I do love a fresh month with all of those opportunities to do well...a clean slate, as Barbie says!

    I am just marking my spot and saying hello to all...I read posts but must finish packing to leave in the AM. I will be thinking of all of you while away and look forward to getting back in touch in a week. I have packed some healthy things in my suitcase and have my "plan" to do well with these party friends. wish me luck! and I hope the Hurricane down there doesn't mess with our trip!::explode:
    Take care, dear ladies! Kackie:heart::heart: :heart:
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    My goal for October was to lose 8 pounds. Well I did 50% - I lost 4 pounds. But that is better than nothing. So my November goal is to lose 8 pounds. If at first you dont' succeed, try, try again.

    To keep me accountable on Nov. 1st I weighed 148 pounds. On Oct. 1st I weighed 152 pounds. So hopefully by Nov.30 I will weigh 140.

    I have been doing curves and I lost more inches than pounds. So that is a good thing I guess. I was inactive for September so maybe that is why I only lost 4 pounds in Oct.

    I am rambling......

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Today (Sun) I did one hour of this DVD that I just got "Pilates for the Inflexible". That's me. Inflexible plus. We didn't practice bowl today since we were getting ready for Halloween. I bought this ghost that flies across on this roap, Vince made an arch and attached the ghost to it. Tomorrow I'm going to do a Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones DVD because there is this Halloween store near here and everything is going on sale 50% off tomorrow. They open at 9, and I intend to be there.

    We're having a meeting of the gals on the gala (for the Newcomers) committee at my house tomorrow, so I don't think I'll be able to practice bowl. Vince and I might go Wednesday night.

    I was PRETTY sort-of good while giving out the Halloween candy tonight. I did have 6 3 Musketeers fun size bars and one Milky Way fun size bar. I really tried to give away as much of the candy as I could. Vince was concerned we wouldn't have enough, but I really don't want to have extras. As it is, we have one bag of 3 Musketeers and some others in a bowl. Actually, I'm probably going to leave a lot of the candy-eating to Vince. Maybe I'll put the bowl in his office. One thing I did while giving out the candy was I made myself a bowl of air-popped popcorn and had that. Then I allowed myself a few candy bars.

    oh Mimi, you are so lucky. I love Fuji apples! Congrats on being a great aunt! I really like your grey hair, it looks so distinguished.

    Welcome IrenaPA. Where in PA are you? We moved from the Poconos to Kennett Square and then down here to NC three years ago.

    Here it is, Monday. Even after all that candy, according to the Wii I only gained .2. That's good.

    Our Newcomers group has a "gala" every year. Basically, this is a dinner (buffet) at a country club. I'm on the committee about it and we met at my house today. Well, I first got up early, did 45 min of Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones DVD then went to this Halloween store since everything was going on sale 50% off. I'm thinking that next Oct. I'll have a social for the Newcomers here so I'm getting stocked up. 50% off isn't all that bad. Hit a few other stores, then helped Vince bring in the decorations. While we were having our meeting, he finished bringing in the decorations. This year I bought this ghost that "flies" on a cord so he made this arch and the ghost flew across it. I really didn't want the ladies to see that because I think it's pretty cool and since we're going to have a social here next year.......

    Where has the month gone to? I couldn't believe it when I had to click on the link for the next month!

    I'm thinking that I'll do a spinning downloadable workout tomorrow and then go to the store to buy some tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and basil. Tomorrow night the Newcomers are having this "mexican train dominoes". At first, I thought it had something to do with Mexican since there's Mexican in the name and they were serving chili. This time we're supposed to bring an appetizer (which is what the tomatoes, cheese and basil are for) and $3 for the "kitty". I don't know..... I was told it really doesn't have anything to do with Mexican so I'll give it a try. The worst that can happen is that I don't like it and I never return.

    I put the big bowl of candy leftovers from yesterday in Vince's office so it's out of my sight!

    oh, Birdie, my heart goes out to you.

    I just don't know what's going on, I don't seem to have much time for the computer.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Well, I have two beds ready to plant. Soil turned and tested for PH and tree/brush roots removed that found their way in even though the beds have a raised bottom with a plastic barrier! :noway: :grumble: Four to go... :ohwell: Then comes the fun part - planting!:bigsmile:

    I think I will plant the two I have ready tomorrow in hopes it will give me incentive to get the other four ready. I asked DH to make me a couple removable plastic covered frames in hopes that I can cover the not so tough veggies when we get our occasional winter freezes. Some years they are more than occasional. I have visions of winter lettuce, arugula, kale, onions and maybe even peppers. I'll need the frames for them for sure.

    I got in my 45 minutes doing intervals on the elliptical, 30 doing hills on the treadmill and a 30 rep circuit of the leg machines in the gym. I'm tired. DH is going to watch football and as soon as I'm done here I'm taking my book to bed and probably won't make it through two pages.

    My goals for Oct I did so-so on. I drank my 8 glasses of water, made the gym 5 days a week and lost 3 pounds. I think frankly I got a little scared of my success so far and didn't give it my all this month. I'm in the process of getting my head straight as to the why of my weight problem and I'm making progress. I don't want my darn security blanket anymore - for one thing it's too darn heavy to carry around. :bigsmile: Dang, it took forever to get this short and to the point. Summarize Faye, summarize.

    November goals - gym 5 days a week, 8 glasses of water, log all my food, keep my head in the game. That last one will be the hardest...

    Goodnight pals I'm too tired to make personal comments but I hope you all had a successful and satisfying day. I did.

    Faye :yawn:
  • Wow- 5 days a week in gym! I admire you! :flowerforyou: I can barely make it 2 times. Shame on me! :sad:
    Just lazy :happy:
    Ladies, do you work? Just asking to get to know more about you all.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Wow- 5 days a week in gym! I admire you! :flowerforyou: I can barely make it 2 times. Shame on me! :sad:
    Just lazy :happy:
    Ladies, do you work? Just asking to get to know more about you all.

    Some of us do, while others are retired. I work in the financial services industry, recently started a new position.

    BTW, to those who asked how things were going for me, I am feeling more comfortable about things after completing more of the classroom training that is part of my orientation period. My biggest challenge will be remembering all the details about the different products that I will be working with.

    It is late and I haven't had dinner yet, so welcome newbies and good evening to all.

  • Hi all
    Just marking a spot on the new thread. I'll have to catchup a little later...

    Congrats to all who met their goals and to those who didn't... don't be disheartened... every little bit helps, even maintaining is good practice for when you reach your goal!
  • Suzanita
    Suzanita Posts: 51 Member
    Marking my spot for November....not much time to read through posts but thank you Barbie for the reminder of gratitude and writing it down each day is a good idea!

    I've been on track again for a few days and hoping to continue after quite a slump....I walked for 30 mins today and what a gorgeous day here and what a wonderful way to clear my head and pray I will continue this! I made a roasted chicken for dinner which I plan on taking to work tomorrow and am mentally preparing myself for what I am determined to pass on food wise at work.

    I'm impressed with everyones goals and accomplishments....great support and I'll check in tomorrow.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Wow, in the 24 hours since this thread started, there have been 33 posts and 265 views.......I've been reading the posts a few at a time all day along with making applesauce, doing yoga, riding the exercise bike, walking with Leslie Sansone, getting my hair cut, going to the library, watching the Giants win the World Series :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: and now watching "Dancing with the Stars"

    :flowerforyou: I liked my October goals so much that I'm going to use them again.....today was my first day doing one of my indoor exercise videotapes in the space in the guest room set aside for exercise....it's going to work great...it will be harder to eat at home in November since I already know of five planned meals away from home including two potlucks with turkey as the main dish
    I've enjoyed working outdoors every day and I'm convinced that the weather will break enough even through the cold wet winter to allow me to keep this up
    being complaint free has been a very satisfying way to live

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: there has been a lot of discussion about depriving yourself and I agree with many including Mimi who have said that the longer they eat healthy food, the less they crave the less healthy stuff....I am determined to nourish my body so candy, cookies, etc. don't work for me......my treats now are things like peanut butter or sweet potatoes or the mixed nuts i ate at the line dance Halloween party.

    :flowerforyou: I know this will be a fabulous month filled with gratitude for all of us.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Hello everyone. This will be my last post for a week, but I'll be back (Lord willing and the creek don't rise). Just wanted to spend a few more minutes with my MFP pals.

    Birdie, your new pic is stunning. You are beautiful - inside as well as outside. I was very moved by your post and will pass it along. Thanks for sharing your insights.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :happy: Good morning all!!! Today in the States we get to vote! :flowerforyou: I hope everyone exercises this right, whether we agree politically or not....as it is such an incredible right! :flowerforyou: As my dear father used to say “If you don’t vote…you don’t have the right to complain”! :laugh:

    I did not exercise on the treadmill this morning because I want to go to mass and then vote. :ohwell: will try to exercise tonight while I watch the election results.:wink:

    BTW my new picture was taken on Halloween night with my granddaughter.:love: She’s just such a cutie. (Dressed as a pirate). I also have 3 grandsons that are just as precious!:smooched:

    To answer the question about working…I work full time as an Office Manager in a small local Accounting office. :happy: This means….come Tax Season…I’ll be working 6 days a week! :noway: That’s when you may find me MIA more than other times in the year!:ohwell:

    Well, got to go to church and then will check in later.
    Have a great day lovely ladies!!!!:love:

    BirdieM:heart::drinker: :heart:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    So good to wake up and read so many posts Birdie you look so young and cute in your picture. Mimi we will miss you this week. Have fun. Barbie you are still my inspiration. You have it together. thanks for being you. Barb we miss hearing from you so much. Faye good going on the exercise. Welcome to all of the newcomers and I miss the oldcomers who are mia. I plan to go bring rhea to school and then go to gym for a good workout. Hope you all havea good day.
    Vicki M
  • I am new to this site how do you get the green writing underneath what you write. I have sorted out how to do the ticker but not that - probably not looking in the right place. Thanks
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Ms. sparkle,
    at the top of message boards page one of the headlines is signature. go to this and you can add the words to your ticker.
    I forgot in my post this morning to share my find. I discovered Quaker Oatmeal Pancakes. They are really good. I love pancakes and have given them up except for special occasions because I gave up all stuff made with white flour. They are really good. We had them for supper last night. Even Kenneth liked them even though he smothered his in syrup. I bought sugar free syrup for mine. Just wanted to share.
    Vicki M
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Good morning ladies. I think I am feeling better. I haven't eaten yet so its a little to soon to tell. I would love to be able to workout today.

    Regarding the work question - I have an MBA and I was a Finance Director for years. Then I changed careers and became a Financial Analyst for Boeing. I was laid off May 2009 (one week after retruning from my honeymoon) and have been unemployed since. I keep searching but there are hundreds of unemployed analysts and the competition is stiff. I will figure something out I have faith that it will all work out.

    Mimi - I hope you have fun.
    Birdie - I love the picture and I mailed my ballot yesterday.
    Vicki - pancakes sound good. share the recipe
    Barbie - wasn't it great that a washingtonian was the starting pitcher in the first and the last game of the series? DH worked with Tim's dad. we had to watch him pitch.
    Barb - glad the new job is working out.
    Faye - I wish I had your fortitude when it comes to gardening. I have bulbs to plant and I just keep staring at the bag.
    Michele - good job on the candy. I didn't give any out, didn't buy any so I had no temptation. i wasn't feeling overly halloweeny this year.
    smwert - 4 pounds is great. Inches are even better. remeber people can see inches they can't see pounds.
    Kackie - enjoy your trip
    Kathy - the weather was the worst yesterday. I hope today is better.

    Welcome to all the newbies and all of you wonderful ladies I again say thank you for being a part of my life!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Wow- 5 days a week in gym! I admire you! :flowerforyou: I can barely make it 2 times. Shame on me! :sad:
    Just lazy :happy:
    Ladies, do you work? Just asking to get to know more about you all.

    I call myself "semi-retired". I work part-time at a seasonal job because I like to have my own spending money.
    You see, 2+ years ago when my son (now 23) and I moved to the Olympia area he told me I didn't have to work if I didn't want to--his words were, "You've worked hard all this time--take it easy if you want."
    That means I have more time for exercise and fixing healthy meals for my family (I now share a house with my son, my daughter, her boyfriend and their 4 month old son). I also make wire jewelry and hope to start selling it soon.
    So, right now i am not working, though I am looking for a part-time permanent job--a crafts store would be great! (Or Starbucks--that would be awesome, too!) But I know that I have my job starting again at the end of January so if I don't find something else that's okay.

    It has been rainy here but it looks like it is clearing up. I hope so because I think the walk to the neighborhood's ballot box (about 1.5 miles away) would be perfect for a mid-afternoon pick-me-up. I really miss going to a physical building to vote but I guess I'll do it this way as this is the only option here for this election.

    I did okay on my October goals until this past weekend--what a disaster! I am back on track, though, and working on damage control! I am keeping the same goals for November.

    This month will be a challenge. I will be visiting family for Thanksgiving week and will not have much control over my foods. I also will not have access to a scale. I am taking my netbook with me, though, so, even though I may not have time to post, I hope to log my food and exercise. I will practice portion control and do my best to stay on track.

    Almost forgot--I may get to see my youngest DD--she moved to Texas this past summer--on Thanksgiving, too! She lives about 2 hours away from the others (by train) and is planning on visiting at least for a day or two!

    I hope everyone is doing well. Have a great day!
This discussion has been closed.