Like Minded Lushes - November



  • lefrance12
    Happy Friday fellow lushes,

    Trivia question:
    who use to sing that song that goes "Well I'm gonna get drunk and I sure do dread it cuz I know just what I'm gonna do,I'm gonna spend my money callin everybody honey and wind up singing the blues"

    just sayin!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :cry:

    I was singing like this last night... Will probably sing the same song tonight after I do my counter workout!!:bigsmile: By the way, good one Tex!!!:tongue:
  • dawnalis
    I'd say happy Saturday to everyone, but I feel like *kitten* so I'm not too! Totally didn't stick to my goal of not drinking last night and went alittle crazy haha, To start, at dinner I had 3 bad boy corona's which actually equals out to 6 beer in total, then cuz I had a damn good buzz on, instead of going home with my bf like I should of, I decided to go out with everyone to celebrate my friends b'day even further and proceeded to have another 3 beer plus a shot of Patrone,! I feel like crap, haha! On a higher note I lost another 2 lbs but I'll probably gain that back by tonight cuz I'm not the greatest eater when I'm hungover, for some reason salad and veggies just don't appeal to me when I feel like this!!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    I've not had a great week food or exercise wise. I've only been to the gym twice and I've eaten tons of chocolate etc. Feeling really fat and sluggish, will be amazed if I haven't gained this week and I really don't want to get on the scales tomorrow but it might be the wake up call I need. I'm finding it harder to eat healthily now the colder weather is here, in summer it is easy to eat salads but now I can't face cold food, I guess it might help if I took the veggies out the fridge ahead of time though so they're not so chilled. I was just wondering how you all manage and if you have any tips for me?
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Dawnails - I'm so sorry to have to tell you that like the rest of us, you aren't perfect! Dang, that's so annoying. Two steps forward, one step back. Three steps forward, two steps back. Move forward, move back, adjust. It's all part of getting to where you want to go. And you are indeed getting there and brave enough to just tell the truth about it. Good on you!

    PS: Happy news, Kitty is home, hobbling about and we may be able to save the leg. May take a second mortgage on the house, but we're hanging in there!
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Thank you again, Pam.

    I managed to have 4 beers Thurs, cause the neighbor came over. Not too bad, but was not going to have any. Friday, well Katie bar the door, well into a 12 pk. But adjusted calories for it. Today, much the same and probably soon. Got all the housechores done.

    I finally heard from my son after a couple of weeks trying to get ahold of busy.....I remember how it used to be. Made my day anyway!

    Have a good one lushes!! I'm adreadin' it........
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    hot buttered rum and lots of chardonnay. It was a lovely Saturday. It is snowing today so I think more hot butter rum is on the menu and then I promise I will be good until Friday (thats when we are having our thanksgiving dinner with family)
  • dawnalis
    Well woke up this morning to a heck of alot of snow out there, Think I should put on my winters and go shovel, that'll be a good workout to burn off all the liquid calories I consumed Friday night, considering that the most I did yesterday was get up off the couch to go to the! But 2 more sleeps and I'll be right back at the liquid calories cuz Mexico here I come!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Glad to see everyone's having a good weekend!! Went on a "date" with DH last night and we had a couple red bull-vodkas before and split a bottle of wine at dinner. :drinker:

    Yvonne, I make a ton of veggie-heavy soups in the winter so I'm getting my veggies that way. I'll also do a quick toss in evoo and add some kosher salt and fresh pepper and grill them.

    Karin, I'm glad kitty is home! :heart:

    Today has soccer and cleaning on the menu. I should probably pack for our RV road trip to Nebraska too. We hit the liquor store last night and got some treats to take with us. I plan on NOT tracking calories while I'm out there... I doubt I'll exercise much either. Oh well. :laugh:
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Hi Lushes. Nearly the end of another weekend here in the UK. Sounds like most of you are having fun, even those with snow!!!

    Karin - hope Kitty continues to make good progress.

    Robin - the hot butter rum sounds delicious - think I need the recipe in case we get snow here again this winter!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I make a brandy butter to go with our Christmas Pudding - this is made with a lot of dried fruit, breadcrumbs, dark beer, brandy & flour and then steamed for several hours, depending on size, so that it is very dark and very moist. The brandy butter is unsalted butter, icing sugar and brandy - I think my son would eat it by the spoonful without the pudding, given the chance!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Had a great day yesterday with my daughter and two youngest granddaughters. We went to their church which was running an arts and crafts day. Amongst the crafts were batik, jewellery, silk painting, sugar paste craft, patchwork, acrylics, pastel, water colour and oils and beadwork. There was also a table for the children to ry out various things. My daughter and I both tried the sugarcraft so I now have two decorations for the Christmas cake I am making. She then made some wine glass jewels by threading a colourful bead onto some silver wire and making hooks. The idea is that the jewels are placed around the stem of a wine glass so you know which one belongs to you!! I had the chance to do some silk painting and made two cards from the results - one is a butterfly and the other of a poppy. As I have never done anything like this before I was thrilled with the results. We are hoping that there will be another day like this at some future date; if there is we shall take our lunch with us and spend the day there!! Later in the day we took the two little ones to a local garden centre to see all the colourful Christmas decorations.

    Tonight, thanks to online shopping, I have managed to get two thirds of my present buying done with everything to be delivered here later in the week, so no need to struggle around crowded shops!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Have a great week everyone. :wink:

  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Pam I'm with you on the online shopping, got a big chunk of mine done too :happy:

    Ok my aim for this week is no chocolate (as well as no alcohol) and to try and get back on track with my veggie intake. I had some rice left over so I've added some stir fry veg and prawns to take to work for my lunch tomorrow. I've never made my own soup but I really should start, does anyone know any good recipes or internet sites for them? I'm still mourning summer and the availability of locally grown strawberries, raspberries etc. Guess I'm going to have to convert to seasonal veggies instead
  • iguanaliz
    iguanaliz Posts: 95 Member
    So I've been doing well with the no drinking on work nights pledge, but not so well on the no more than once a week one! Way too much Friday night, then for some reason decided a few drinks would go well with fixing dinner...followed by a bottle of wine. I'm feeling really sluggish today and probably undid all my good during the week. But oh well! We start anew today! I'll probably have too much wine on Thanksgiving, but I've decided to cut out the vodka until New Year's Eve -- it's just too darn tasty! And too darned many calories when consumed in large quantities!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Hello lushes, haven't been here in a few days. Robin, glad your colonoscopy went well. I may join you in that half marathon challenge. or not. :happy: I may try the couch to ... forget the rest. I have not been on the treadmill or walking (except for the mall) in forever.

    We are still drinking everyday. :angry: I worry about DH, he would not even get up yesterday. I told him that was the VERY last day of laying in bed all day because of self inflicted illness.

    I have been logging my calories everyday but not hitting the "complete" button. Seems when you do that the site posts a notice to all your "friends" and gives them access to your food journal. Not sure I want everybody and their brother to know I had six drinks last night. :wink: Anybody know how to turn that off?

    44 cases divided by 10 days divided by 5 men = 21.24 beers per day!! Did ya'll shoot anything? Hopefully not each other. :bigsmile:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Yvonne, I moderate a dinner blog:
    that has a ton of recipes on there. I think there's a few soup recipes on there, as well as some different chili recipes as well. Feel free to peruse. I can't guarantee that everything you'll find there is low-cal, low-fat, but there's quite a few that are. Also, has a billion recipes, and I go there often to find some great recipes.

    I'm with you guys in regards to the online shopping. I plan on doing as much as I can on Cyber Monday. Busy shopping centers give me the hives and make me feel like I'm going to have a heart attack. I went to Costco yesterday and about died.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    debbie to turn off the notification go to your home page and go to settings. click auto news feed and you can set what you want people to be notified of. If you haven't made your diary public then people can't see it. you can check by going to the food tab and then to settings and look down and check on the food dairy part. I hope that helps.
  • sunlover67
    sunlover67 Posts: 158 Member
    Good Monday morning to all....I managed to behave Sat night at the party. I think I may have gone over my limit by one (or 2??), but I felt fine yesterday and didn't find myself head first in a bag of salt n vinegar chips with just my head sticking out. :laugh: So I got a lot done and we're all packed for our trip to Florida Friday. There will be drinks galore down there so I'm just going to try to make sure I get up every morning and get my walk/run in on the beach (Yay!) and try to eat good for the most part. It seems I can control the eating more than the drinking on vaca???

    Oh make me laugh!!:bigsmile:

    Have a great week lushes!:drinker: (I think that icon is this thread's mascot isn't it???)
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Good Monday morning! So proud I didn't hurt myself yesterday but with 4 Natural Lights, Far cry from Saturday. BUT, I did make chicken breast with brussel sprouts Saturday. Sunday was fend for yourself type of day. Here's a nice veggie soup recipe. Nice to have even for a snack.

    I like to have chicken broth, onions and garlic simmered until onion and garlic is soft. Just for a quick tide me over. Add vegetables for more staying power.

    Everybody have a good week. I will try to keep cutting down or out my alcohol beverages during the week!

    Pam, the craft day sounds marvelous! I love to stress relieving to me.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    You lushes have been very busy posting....

    Friday, 5 beers
    Saturday, 5 beers

    Also, managed 1 1/2 bottles of wine this week and 2 sangria 'ritas...that's about 20 for the week...YIKES...They add up quickly

    My goal for this week is to be between 10 and 15...wish this lush some luck...working on moderation
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Lots of good luck thoughts coming from me to you, Kim. :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Not too bad yesterday. More hot buttered rum. half a bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses of wine.:drinker: So today we start the good girl act and see how far I can get.:blushing:

    I am sending good wishes of will power to those in need. :ohwell:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Not too bad yesterday. More hot buttered rum. half a bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses of wine.:drinker: So today we start the good girl act and see how far I can get.:blushing:

    I am sending good wishes of will power to those in need. :ohwell:

    Thanks, Pam...lots of stress in the house right now, I know why some animals eat their young...

    Robin, we only have to last till Wednesday...