Like Minded Lushes - November



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, I had a lush weekend and was at goal-weight for the first time on a Monday!
    Friday night I had 2 fru-fru martinis, a bud light and half a bottle of Cabernet.
    Saturday I had 6 bud lites and a pear tree martini.
    Sunday I had a small glass of wine.
    Happy hour tonight, maybe tomorrow night too. then over the mountains to the in-laws for the long Thanksgiving weekend. I imagine there will be drinking but I am going to try and keep it reasonable, considering all the eating that is expected.
    Although, Friday is vineyards tour so that should be a lot of drinking...
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hello lushes, haven't been here in a few days. Robin, glad your colonoscopy went well. I may join you in that half marathon challenge. or not. :happy: I may try the couch to ... forget the rest. I have not been on the treadmill or walking (except for the mall) in forever.

    Maybe if they did a couch to fridge or couch to wine rack they'd have more takers :wink: for one

    Crazy cat and Amy, thanks for the tips on the soup recipes, I am proud to say I am sitting here eating home made soup. Found a really simple recipe earlier for carrot soup and I've added some potato, cumin and coriander etc to liven it up a bit and it's pretty good even if I do say so myself :happy:

    oh and I've made it through day 1 with no chocolate. If I was any better today I'd be in danger of growing a halo.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Sunlover, what part of Florida are you going to visit? We are right outside Ft Lauderdale and it has been warm for this time of year so far. Not sure if the ocean is warm enough to go in though.

    Robin thanks for the tips on the settings, I will check it out.
  • sunlover67
    sunlover67 Posts: 158 Member
    We are going to Daytona, we have a week's accomodations there, but will go over to Ocala one day to see my inlaws. I see the forecast is pretty good except chilly Saturday. We live in Maine so anything's better than this! I so envy you living in Florida. We love it down there. We have another trip planned over New Years to Kissimmee, and one in January to Tampa. Maybe we'll make it to Ft. Lauderdale one of these times and we can hook up for a DRINK! haha! :laugh: It is our goal someday to be down there winters and up here summers. I think they call that a snowbird??? That is what my inlaws do. I can't wait til Friday!!:drinker:
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Hello lushes, haven't been here in a few days. Robin, glad your colonoscopy went well. I may join you in that half marathon challenge. or not. :happy: I may try the couch to ... forget the rest. I have not been on the treadmill or walking (except for the mall) in forever.

    Maybe if they did a couch to fridge or couch to wine rack they'd have more takers :wink: for one

    Crazy cat and Amy, thanks for the tips on the soup recipes, I am proud to say I am sitting here eating home made soup. Found a really simple recipe earlier for carrot soup and I've added some potato, cumin and coriander etc to liven it up a bit and it's pretty good even if I do say so myself :happy:

    oh and I've made it through day 1 with no chocolate. If I was any better today I'd be in danger of growing a halo.

    Well done, Yvonne, keep it up.:wink::wink: :wink:

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    This is a super long story; but, I am going to give the shortened version. My daughter thought on Sunday it would be a good day to DRIVE to Texas and bring her boyfriend back to MN. So, she loaded up the truck with the dogs and took off. :noway: Lots of clues we found as the day went on and we started tracking her down, calling friends, driving to find her, etc. So, I think she realized what she was doing and was afraid to come home. After talking with bro, he managed to get her to call us. She calls us balling:sad: She's in friggin' Kansas City, MO. Ron tells her to get off at the next exit, go to a gas station and give the phone to a clerk. He tells the clerk to call the police because she's a runaway. So, we had to book a flight to KC yesterday morning for $400. That's not bad enough, they impounded the truck for $150 and took the dogs somewhere which is also cost about $150 to get them out. THIS IS ALL WHILE I AM AT WORK. I couldn't even think while I was there. I had to leave for a family emergency.

    Monday, daughter is home safe
    4 margaritas
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Monday, daughter is home safe
    4 margaritas
    Wow Kim. I am glad she is home safe and you certainly deserved the margaritas.

    yvonne way to go on the chocolate.

    I had calories to burn and the Mike's spiced apple was calling to me from the outside fridge so i had one. Not too bad.
  • Oh I LOVE this lush section! I tried to give up drinking between now and Xmas but I made 14 days then cracked. Its a hard time of year for me as I get Seasonal Affected Disorder and get very low what with the lack of light. I have decided the only way to beat this is to go to the gym every week evening to stop me having a few drinks in front of the TV. It's bloody hard to make myself go but I know if I didn't, I'd spend the long winter nights with a dark rum or two! Have to say tho, when I gave up drinking for 2 weeks, I didn't notice a massive difference on the scales. Disappointing!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Holy crap, Kim!! What a nightmare!!

    I drank yesterday. Red bull and watermelon vodka...which tastes like Bubbilicious Watermelon gum. Yum! I only had one, though.

    We're leaving tomorrow for the bajillion hour drive to Omaha, from Denver. 7 adults, 4 kids, 1 dog, 1 35 foot RV. OMFSM, I'll need a vodka drip!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    We're leaving tomorrow for the bajillion hour drive to Omaha, from Denver. 7 adults, 4 kids, 1 dog, 1 35 foot RV. OMFSM, I'll need a vodka drip!!

    I prescribe Grey Goose. Its what gets me thru family things.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Back from vaca. Resort served the BEST froo-froo drinks ever! I don't normally like that sort of thing but after several coldish keg Coronas it was high calorie fruity drinks all the way! I'm sure I consumes about 8 million calories in drinks alone. Luckily the buffet food didnt have much flavor so I didn't go all out on the food. I have decided not to weigh myself for a couple of weeks although I am pretty sure I gained a solid 3-5 pounds. We were pretty active swimming in the ocean and walking everywhere so maybe I didn't do so bad. By the end of the trip I think my sweat smelled like pina colada :blushing:

    Good to be home and back on the plan! Oh. Except for the wine I will consume at Thansgiving. And the beers I will have while cooking Wednesday night. :tongue:

    I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Oh Kim. What the hell were we thinking of when we decided to have them. In my next life I'm just renting them for the cute years. This too shall pass, this too shall pass, this too shall pass. Thank God she's home and safe.

    I was a nightmare as a teen and ran away from Montreal to New York City in the middle of the night. How unbelievably stupid in a list of unbelievably stupid behaviours! It was hormones, imbalanced brain chemistry and no impulse control. I have to say in my personal situation Zoloft changed my life. For those critical years it put a floor under me and stopped my erratic behaviour and self medicating. That's not a solution for everyone, but I really benefitted.

    So (I posted this on the 5 pounds a month thread) on TV today Regis and Kelly quoted a newspaper article that said the average person consumes 3500 calories for Thanksgiving dinner. I've come up with a game plan of extra workouts to offset the extra calories, and am foregoing bread because I don't really care about it - I'd rather have the stuffing. And even if I have to drag someone with me, I am going for a walk after the meal.

    Supposedly the worst part is the cheese and crackers before hand and I can easily skip those and I'm spared the turkey and gravy because I'm a veg-head.

    Anyone else have any strategies?
  • HerbieSue
    Holidays are hard for me as I have lost a daughter and my mother to cancer, but instead of being depressed, I celebrate their memories as well as my wonderful husband and two beautiful daughters! I have learned to be thankful for what I have because you never know what tomorrow will bring (or take a way) . I drink champagne from a pretty flute because it makes me feel special and to me everyday should be celebrated! (not that I drink EVERY day!) For the holidays I am having my champagne with diet cranberry juice and drop a couple of frozen cranberries in to keep it cold!

    We are flying to Austin tomorrow to meet our daughters and I'm sure I will be shunned as I don't want to go through the x-ray machine, but will choose the pat down. I just worry about the effects of the machines as I remember when hormone replacement was the best thing ever, andl I know three people, including my sister in law, that have had mastectomies after being on them. With cancer in my family, do you guys blame me????
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    It was hormones, imbalanced brain chemistry and no impulse control.

    Yep, that's my daughter...we are working with a psychiatrist...zoloft helps but she has difficulty concentrating in school on that, are trying celexa at this point...ummm, definitely weaning up after this episode...jeez louise

    I also agree with borrowing them from others

    Sillygoose, sounds like your vacay was a BLAST:drinker: :drinker: ha, ha sweating pina coladas:laugh:
    Amy, I agree with Robin, grey goose drip...I can start the IV

    HerbieSue, I toast to you with the champagne as well...I don't blame you at all for shunning the hubs loves it though because he has a titanium hip and gets him through faster
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    It was hormones, imbalanced brain chemistry and no impulse control.

    Yep, that's my daughter...we are working with a psychiatrist...zoloft helps but she has difficulty concentrating in school on that, are trying celexa at this point...ummm, definitely weaning up after this episode...jeez louise

    I also agree with borrowing them from others

    Sillygoose, sounds like your vacay was a BLAST:drinker: :drinker: ha, ha sweating pina coladas:laugh:
    Amy, I agree with Robin, grey goose drip...I can start the IV

    HerbieSue, I toast to you with the champagne as well...I don't blame you at all for shunning the hubs loves it though because he has a titanium hip and gets him through faster

    Just want to let all you fabulous mamas know that I was one of those awful teenage girls. I never ran away but I did plenty to cause my parents all kinds of stress. I was in group therapy and on zoloft by the time I was 15. I barely graduated high school because partying was SO much more fun than school work. There is a long list of stupid things I did up until I was about 23. I thought that I had permanently damaged my relationship with my parents. Today we are so very tight. I go to their house just for the sake of hanging out with them. I know they thought I might have been doomed forever but their love and support turned me into what I am today. I am eternally grateful for all they have given me and their never-ending patience. Now I have my own daughter and I know that someday she will put me through much worse than the crap I put my parents through. Karma is a ***** I'm sure.

    Just know that someday your girls will appreciate everything you have done. If they don't, then kick them out on their behinds! :wink:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    Just want to let all you fabulous mamas know that I was one of those awful teenage girls. I never ran away but I did plenty to cause my parents all kinds of stress. I was in group therapy and on zoloft by the time I was 15. I barely graduated high school because partying was SO much more fun than school work. There is a long list of stupid things I did up until I was about 23. I thought that I had permanently damaged my relationship with my parents. Today we are so very tight. I go to their house just for the sake of hanging out with them. I know they thought I might have been doomed forever but their love and support turned me into what I am today. I am eternally grateful for all they have given me and their never-ending patience. Now I have my own daughter and I know that someday she will put me through much worse than the crap I put my parents through. Karma is a ***** I'm sure.

    Just know that someday your girls will appreciate everything you have done. If they don't, then kick them out on their behinds! :wink:

    hmmm, noted...we know that she didn't do it to hurt's just that she missed him so badly...the ache of young love
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Oh Kim; thank heavens she is home safely. One of my daughters really put us through the ringer when she was younger but we now have a fabulous relationship (and have had since she hit her 20s). I have said in the past that, if that was the price I had to pay to have the relationship we have now, I would pay it three times over. SInce moving a year ago I live just 10 minutes drive away and I see her at least twice a week. She was the one I spent the craft day with on Saturday and afterwards she sent me a lovely message, thanking me for being with her and making it such a fun day - that meant so much to me. By the way, I also have a great relationship with both of my other children; although I don't see them as often as they live further away, we regularly speak and exchange messages and see one another as often as we can.

    Do whatever you have to to get through this, including the margaritas, and know that there are a lot of people out here in MFP land wishing you well. :smile:

  • iawierz
    wow Kim thank god she is ok. I know that I was not the easiest teen either. The cause was young love.:love: I only hope that I can figure out how to get my two daughters to understand better. IS THAT EVEN possible. Lord help us all. Hope everything has settled down for you.
    I am dredding the holiday pounds.. I have been doing good with the loss and diet part of it until I lush it up.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: It is starting to be crappy weather here so that means more inside time and not wanting to leave the house to go to the gym.:yawn: Need to find motivation to get to the gym AND motivation not to drink too much.
    Thanks for all your posts!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I don't get time to get on here much but when I do I love this thread. Sometimes you think that your the only one fighting the battle and sometimes loosing. It helps to know that your not alone wether it is the drink or the relationship with family... or food. hope you all have a wonderful week with or without drinks...or chocolate(insane!):huh:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Y'all are giving me nightmares about my little girl! (She'll be 2 on December 2nd.) Especially if she turns out like I did during my early teen years. :laugh:

    I don't think I eat a ton during Thanksgiving dinner because I just have a sample of everything. I do, however, eat a ton of appetizers before, so I'll have to watch that. Maybe for every serving of goodie I drink a glass of water or something. If the weather isn't too horrible, I'm sure we'll take the kids to the park or for a walk to help them burn some energy.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Thanksgiving, well, even 3500 extra calories is just one pound! My in-laws make chex mix by the vat and I love it! Last year I found out that it is flavored with bacon grease AND butter. I guess I better ask for recipe and enter it, then get my measuring spoons.
    And, I was another one of the bad teens! My friend and I thought we could drive to MExico (from north of Denver, CO) for the weekend after consulting a map in the library! we told our parent we were going camping. I was 16 and I got a speeding ticket before we got out of Colorado. then we realized we were never going to make it, so we stopped in Albuquerque thinking we could get a hotel room with pool but you had to be 21 to rent a hotel room in Albuquerque! We turned around and drove home. Had to come clean though, because of the speeding ticket. that was pretty tame compared to some of the crazy stuff I did. It takes some time, but most of us turn out alright! and if you're going eat your young you should do it when their bones are soft;)