Like Minded Lushes - November



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    oh, I would like a hot buttered rum recipe if anyone has a good one!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Kim, I'm so glad your daughter is safe. I was so worried when my daughter went missing from school a couple of weeks ago, that was nothing like the scale of what you have just experienced so I can only imagine how stressful it must have been.

    Well it was my daughters first day back at school today after being suspended for 2 days for covering a toilet wall in graffiti. I asked her how her day was and she said fine, 5 minutes later the phone rings and it's her head of year to tell me that she missed her 2nd lesson as she stayed with a friend who was upset, and she has to stay after school on Thursday for detention. Hmmm not a 'fine' day in my book! At least it's not as bad as some of the things she's been getting up to, got a printout of all the warnings she's had and in the last 4 weeks she has been constantly rude and disrespectful to the teachers. Oh boy bring on the end of my alcohol free time!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    I was a rotten kid and my daughter was as well, boy did my mom love that. I think I straightened up about 22 but it took my daughter a little longer. :bigsmile: She's now getting her doctorate and has one son of her own and is adopting another. She does have a rotten step daughter though which gives me much joy. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Amy, you probably have about 10 good years left with your daughter and then all bets are off for the next 10. Kim, thank goodness she is safe. At least she had the sense (?) to take the dogs along for safety or company, whatever.

    Sunlover, do your parents live in The Villages by any chance? That is our retirement dream area.

    We are staying home alone for Thanksgiving (YAY, first time in about 5 years) and I am skipping the stuffing since I don't like it and the sweet potatos because DH doesn't really like them. Who ever dreamed up mashed potatos, sweet potatos, stuffing and dinner rolls for Thanksgiving?? My mother used to make a squash casserole that called for TWO sticks of butter. Oh my! Anyway, we have a few stores open here on Thanksgiving Day so I may get some pre dinner exercise by doing a little shopping.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hot Buttered Rum

    I used to make my own with butter, spices and sugars but I just buy one now at Albertsons made by Reser's Fine Foods. I use it with hot water and rum in a mug. I float an thin pat of butter on top because I like the mouth feel of the floaty butter. It all comes out to about 200 calories a mug but when I am cold and cranky I don't really care:tongue:

    I plan on working out a lot before I eat thanksgiving but I am not really going to sweat it.
  • sunlover67
    sunlover67 Posts: 158 Member
    I think I am in the same boat as most of you....went thru hell raising my daughters at times, thinking WHEN does this get fun??? But the answer to that is NOW. They are 22 and 24 and I am close to both of them. One lives near me, one does not. And for all they put me through as teens, they better give me grandbabies someday!:laugh:

    Debbie, my inlaws have an RV and stay in a park in Ocala winters and they have a summer home on the lake up here in Maine. (rough life!:bigsmile: ) Ocala is beautiful, we love to visit them when we're down there but my heart belongs to the beach. :heart: We always stay in a hotel right on it so I can walk/run on it every morning. We are actually looking to trade our timeshare that's in Cancun for one of the Florida coast when we are down there next week.

    Sillygoose....I think by the end of next week, our sweat is going to smell the same. :drinker:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    thanks! I hope they have that Albertsen's in Colorado, but I don't know. They are not allowed to sell alcohol in grocery stores so they might not have the best selection of mixes!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    thanks! I hope they have that Albertsen's in Colorado, but I don't know. They are not allowed to sell alcohol in grocery stores so they might not have the best selection of mixes!
    we only sell beer and wine in grocery stores. Our liquor stores are state run and few and far between. it is supposedly sold at almost any major chain so I hope you can find it.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Gave in to the vodka call last night. No will power.

    Today is my one year anniversary of quitting smoking. smiley-dance005.gif Officially one whole year smoke free!!!!

    I will probably celebrate that fact with some sort of alcohol today. what can I say? I am a lush.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I will be looking for it! 0 drinks last night but looks like that trend will not continue!
    Happy Thankgiving lushies! enjoy your celebrations in whatever form they take!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving Eve everyone!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    This is going to be the first Thanksgiving in a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME that I am not going to have any alcohol and only drink water. My mom is coming over and while I love her lots it's easier to take with 1 or 2 (or a bottle) glasses (or a bottle) of wine in me. I won't do it! I have lost another 1.6lbs this week and while the loss is slowing down it's still going down and I don't want that downward trend to stop until I reach 140 ... 15 lbs to go!.

    I wish ALL of you well, it's hard to not drink during the holidays but the payoff is tremendous ... besides not driving drunk (buzzed, impaired) you are losing weight and just think, not drinking for a while means your TOLERANCE goes DOWN and you become a cheap date again ;)

    Love you all my like minded lushes!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Robin, Happy Anniversary!! :drinker: :drinker: I am amazed you could quit smoking and stil drink. You rock!

    Happy Thanksgiving Eve to all my fellow lushes and safe travels to all.
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    I drink every Friday and Saturday night. I drink enough that I am good and buzzed but I balance it out so that the way I feel the next day does not affect the minimum 4 miles I must run. Usually that is 5-8 shots of vodka. 69cal per shot is max 552 calories for me and this is VERY easy to work into my calorie goals.
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Gave in to the vodka call last night. No will power.

    Today is my one year anniversary of quitting smoking. smiley-dance005.gif Officially one whole year smoke free!!!!

    I will probably celebrate that fact with some sort of alcohol today. what can I say? I am a lush.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all my MFP American friends; haven't been able to find any pumpkin pie on this side of the pond so I will pick up some carrot cake tomorrow to celebrate with you (but I'll skip the alcohol until the weekend). :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Oh yes, half way through the week so that much closer to my weekly treat on the weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Many congratulations, Robin; I quit 8 and a half months ago. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Boy, I'm having a hard time reading all of these. I can't understand that much drinking. One or two beers or glasses of wine a week is no problem. But a case of beer a week?! Anything more than 5 drinks in one sitting is considered binge drinking and soooo bad for your body. Why spend all this time trying to let healthy if you're just going to destroy it with alcohol. Anyone remember the actor who played J.R. in Dallas (think that was the name)? He was a hard drinker for quite a while. Then he quit for good. 15 years later his liver gives out and he has to get a liver transplant.

    I've yet to see alcohol be a good thing to anyone.
  • vlonghi
    vlonghi Posts: 9 Member
    Hello and welcome to the thread that acknowledges alcohol. We like it. Most of us drink it. We struggle with the effect it has on our weight loss. We support each othere when we strive to control it. We support each other when we fail to control it.

    November has many people with personal challenges to abstain. More power to you. It is a challenging time with the holidays quickly approaching and the stress levels rising.

    My goal is to not drink Mon = Thurs. One glass of wine on Saturday and maybe one beer or cocktail on Saturday and I will take Sunday as it comes.

    This is my biggest issue! I'm glad to find a forum about it. monday through thursay i'm ok but the weekend comes and I end up going out with all my friends and of course, you go to a club or a house party and everyone's drinking. for the past two weeks i've completely tried to not have alcohol at all but.. If i end up going out with friends i always end up drinking. I think i need more will power :S lol
  • sunlover67
    sunlover67 Posts: 158 Member
    Ummm....hpsnickers, I am going to try to be diplimatic about this but the name of this thread is loud and clear. If you are not a "like minded lush" why did you click on it?? And if you have a hard time reading it, DON'T! I don't mean to be rude, but all of us on here are on the same page with what works for us and what doesn't, how much we can still drink and stay healthy, etc. I'm sorry but this thread is a JUDGE FREE ZONE! Perhaps you would be better suited in a different thread. :bigsmile:
  • sunlover67
    sunlover67 Posts: 158 Member
    Sorry I got a little wound up and side tracked with that last post, I meant to say HAPPY TURKEY DAY to all my fellow lushes!:drinker:
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Ummm....hpsnickers, I am going to try to be diplimatic about this but the name of this thread is loud and clear. If you are not a "like minded lush" why did you click on it?? And if you have a hard time reading it, DON'T! I don't mean to be rude, but all of us on here are on the same page with what works for us and what doesn't, how much we can still drink and stay healthy, etc. I'm sorry but this thread is a JUDGE FREE ZONE! Perhaps you would be better suited in a different thread. :bigsmile:

    Well said , sunlover, :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Ummm....hpsnickers, I am going to try to be diplimatic about this but the name of this thread is loud and clear. If you are not a "like minded lush" why did you click on it?? And if you have a hard time reading it, DON'T! I don't mean to be rude, but all of us on here are on the same page with what works for us and what doesn't, how much we can still drink and stay healthy, etc. I'm sorry but this thread is a JUDGE FREE ZONE! Perhaps you would be better suited in a different thread. :bigsmile:

    Well said , sunlover, :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:



    I thought I made it perfectly clear in the first post each month that we don't judge. I am just going to say that hpsnickers = troll.